Looking for LITERATE rp partner



Image result for yuhi segawa

Okay, so as you can tell by the title, I need me an rp partner.

This rp partner would have to be literate. (I personally write in 3rd pov)

I am currently using KKT (KakaoTalk) for rp purposes

My muses are always going to be submissive.

I mostly play twinky little males but i am also willing to play a cute girl

Boys I rp: Yuhi Segawa mostly, Luhan, Yutaro Goto, Park Hyungseok

(I am willing to take suggestions. Who knows. I might like them)

Girls I rp: Kyungri, Ham Eunjung, Park Jiyeon, Jeon Hyosung, Jennie Kim


To be clear, i am looking for someone to play a dominant male.

When it comes to kinks, i will not do or piss play, feet worshipping or anything with any other bodily fluids besides of course

I do rp MPreg but if you would like to take that part out, just let me know

I love love LOVE angst with a passion

Your muse could be a complete psychotic mother er that kills for a living.

I really have no limits when it comes to angst.

That means things such as selfharm, , gun violence, knife violence or anything you can think of is okay with me.

Of course, just let me know if it's a problem for you and we will take it out

-but in order to keep it interesting, i prefer some sort of angst.

I am 19 years old and i expect you to be a legal age


When you come to me, we can plot if you'd like, or you can just come to me with a starter and i will assume you read this and that you are okay with all the the things i have said in this.

That being said my KKT and others are below

KakaoTalk: yoohooitsyuhi

Instagram: yuyuhi_ & _yoohooitsyuta & lonelyluluhan

Twitter: dalyuhi

Kik: yoohooitsyuhi


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