Chapter 7

The Real Beauty
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It was a early Saturday morning and Sori had been up for hours already. She was in her wolf form and she was sitting in front of the house, waiting for the rest of the guys to gather together to finally start the group hunt. BTS never really turned it into a tradition, but from time to time in spring and autumn they all went hunting together to reconnect with each other and with their wolves. Sori had learnt that hunting was often used as way to create or strengthen the relationships inside the packs, so many packs went hunting together quite often instead of just a bunch of time like them, especially in older packs.


The reason why it didn’t work for them was probably that living together for years, they didn’t really have many tensions inside the pack, and the ones that existed couldn't just be solved with a hunting, like the tension between her and Jungkook, for example. Lately their relationship hadn’t been as close as it used to be and Sori knew the others had perceived it too. Although Sori had spent a lot of time rethinking their relationship, the only cause she could come up with for the distance between the two of them was was the fact that Minyoung had become a part of their pack. Everything had changed after she had joined BTS. Not that the tension was created explicitly by Minyoung, nor was she trying to push herself in between them, but her constant presence didn’t help Sori's cause at all. It was a constant reminder of what Sori should looked like to attract Jungkook, and a reminder to Jungkook of how far Sori was from his ideal type.


Usually the tensions between them were solved during their late night talks, which often ended up being make out sessions, but lately Jungkook had stopped going to her room. It had been almost four weeks since they last spoke for real. It wasn't like they were avoiding each other, in Sori's opinion, still she was perfectly able to tell that something had definitely changed in their relationship. In fact this time they didn’t step over the problem and pretend nothing had happened, but they didn’t address it either. Their difficult relationship had turned to no relationship in general. At this point they weren't talking to each other at all, and albeit Sori knew some of the other members of BTS had tried to talk to Jungkook to learn what had happened between them, the situation hadn't changed in the slightest so far.


Furthermore, for some weird reason, in the last weeks Sori always felt more and more self-conscious when Jungkook was around, especially when she was wearing her pyjama or she had to eat in front of him. However, whenever she was feeling nauseous just a small sniff of his scent was enough to make her nausea disappear, which was the reason why she could they weren't avoiding each other. Or better, she could say she wasn't avoiding Jungkook. Sori knew she was constantly staring at him and she was always aware of his position inside the house, yet she couldn't help herself. She had to pay attention to Jungkook even though she didn't want to. This also made her painfully aware of the fact that Jungkook was often near Minyoung and that he never spared her more than a glance. Jealousy wanted to swallow her entirely at times, but in her head Sori knew she had nothing to be jealous of. You don’t get to decide when or with whom you’ll fall in love, and Jungkook clearly wasn't in love with her. She just found herself wishing he wasn't the only one who kept falling deeper and deeper.


Either way, now things were, or at least felt, different between them. The only attention Jungkook had paid her lately was when Jin had asked her about her meeting with Junmyeon. She saw something she could decipher flicker in his eyes, but soon after he turned back to listen to Jimin. A couple of days had already passed from that moment, yet it kept flashing in her head every once in a while, still trying to decipher what she had flashed in his eyes. Her flow of thoughts was interrupted by Jimin and Taehyung who came barreling in the garden, finally ready for the hunt. Now they only had to wait for the other six. How nice. Why are they taking so long, by the way?


Sori had woken up feeling like eating raw meat and going hunting, but since she couldn’t go out in the woods alone, she had asked Namjoon and Narae to accompany her. She could third wheel just fine after all this time. Although it was quite early in the morning, the two had had the idea of bring along the whole pack because it had been a while since they had last hunted together. Minyoung hadn't seemed too thrilled, but it was understandable since she didn't like getting up early in the morning and this was only the second group hunt for her. Moreover, Namjoon had been informed a couple of days previously that in some lands near theirs there had been some attacks by rogues, so he probably wanted to be careful and bring everyone with him, and this was also the perfect occasion to strengthen the bond between the members of his pack. However, despite her best intentions, Sori was getting really impatient. She wanted her meat now. She had gotten up at dawn with a specific purpose, so why was she still in that stupid garden instead of in the woods hunting for her breakfast? In all honesty, she wouldn’t even know why she was craving for it that much, but she needs it right now.


To pass the time, she was now pacing in front of the house while Jimin and Taehyung were playing lightly by themselves (without breaking anything for once) and shooting her curious glances. She knew it was because she was usually disgusted by the idea of raw meat, and even in the previous pack hunts she only ate a little, yet now she looked absolutely impatient to go. Actually, it still disgusted Sori, but she was truly craving raw meat and she needed to eat it. Now. She glared at the door, as if that would make her pack-mates hurry up. The irritation was quickly taking her good mood away. Okay, my period must be coming. Calm down, Sori, you’re not going to die if you wait a little longer. Let’s avoid fighting again. Just way a little longer.


The door opened again and Sori deluded herself into thinking they were finally ready to go, but only Narae, Minyoung and Hoseok came out of the house much to her disappointment.


“Don’t look at me like that, Ri. Joonie is trying to wake Yoongi up and Jin is trying his luck with Jungkook, but you know how they are in the morning...”, Narae said, as an exasperated sigh left her lips. She then proceeded to change into her stunning white wolf. Sori liked her own wolf, it was soft and fluffy, but Narae’s one was the one she liked the most in the pack. It was all white and shiny, it seemed to spark brightly when it snowed. Sometimes Sori even asked her friend to change form, so that she could pet her wolf. Thankfully Narae never too offence in her requests, laughing at her silliness instead.


Looking around, Sori took note of the colours of the fur of the rest of the guys. Jimin was a rather big wolf, especially considering his stature and physique as a human, and his fur was short and light brown. He wasn’t really fluffy, but his natural cute-self made it hard for him to look dangerous. Sori never thought Jimin could actually look scary, no matter how much he tried to scare her. He could be annoying, irritating and he at time he accidentally hurt her with his superficial jokes, but he never scared her.


Taehyung’s wolf, instead, was quite like him: lanky and thin. His fur was reddish and longer than Jimin’s, which made him look super fluffy. Tae's attention span wasn't that long, though, so he often got distracted, which caused him to stumble and fall a lot. He also like to roll around and play like a dog, so and he often needed someone to comb his hair after he changed back, because a lot of grass and leaves got stuck in his head and Namjoon hated it when he clogged the shower's drain.


Minyoung was beautiful even in her wolf form, no doubt about it. Although her wolf's mane wasn’t as unique as some of the members of the pack, it still managed to catch everyone's attention with her black and grey fur. Between the females, she was the tallest wolf, the skinniest and the most elegant. No one else in the pack could move with such elegance. Her fur was shiny, fluffy and long. When she was running in her wolf form, her fur danced in the wind making her look like a painting. Sori was mesmerized by the beauty of Minyoung’s wolf ever since the very first time she saw it. His paws were long and thin, yet they were strong and powerful, in fact she was one of the fastest runners along with Hoseok and Jungkook.


Hoseok’s wolf’s fur was a curious mix of dark grey-brown wolf. He didn’t immediately catch Sori’s eyes when she entered the pack, but now it was one of her favourite wolves. It was amazing to see how he looked in the sun or while he was running. Although his fur wasn’t as fluffy and Tae’s, it was still fluffier than Jimin’s, and since he didn’t have muscles as big as the latter's, he looked really tall and skinny. In spite of that, he was around Taehyung’s height as a wolf, and he was one of the most powerful members of the pack. Hoseok was very good at planning attacks, which was very useful during hunts, and he was also good at tracking scents scenting and running. He definitely was someone you would underestimate at first sight, which would end up turning against you if the chance arose. Sori got bitten quite harshly by him for this exact reason the first time she went hunting with the pack. She didn't know much about wolf hierarchy back then and Hoseok didn't like to be disrespected.


Seokjin’s wolf was the tallest in the pack, and his wolf was very much like him: well-built and strong, nice and patient. That was another characteristic people often overlooked, but it could be lethal if needed. Jin can wait without getting impatient. Hearing no sound and seeing no movements, eventually the prey takes confidence and starts to moving, and that's when Jin attacks and kills it. It’s something he also does in his human form: he never attacks straight forwardly, he beats around the bush pretending he knows nothing, he listens to whatever you have to say, and then when you think you’ve fooled him he puts you to shame. Sometimes Jin really has no idea of what was going on, but the pack members are so used to his behaviour that they gave up on lying and tell him everything, only to try and take it back once they realize the beta didn’t actually know a thing about the matter. Jin’s wolf was quite big and had a good amount of muscles to show off, but he didn't like hunting.


There was a loud yelp that startled Sori a little and after a moment the last four members of the pack came out of the house (finally). Jungkook’s black fur was shining in the morning early lights. The other two wolves were clearly smaller than him, while Namjoon was going to be at his same height as soon as he would turn into his wolf form. Jungkook was the most powerful wolf of the pack, even stronger than Namjoon when he actually engaged himself in a fight. He was the fastest runner and the best fighter, second only to Sori in following and recognising scents, with an amazing eye-sight and a very good hearing. The thing in which he lacked consistently in was planning, organization, and most of all patience, which was also the reason why he knew he would never be a good alpha if he were to leave this pack to create his own one. Being that impulsive could have terrible consequences if were to have a pack to lead. Not that he wanted a pack to lead and all the responsibilities that came with it. Quite the opposite instead.


Yoongi’s wolf was quite small, just like Jimin's, and his light grey fur was often ruffled because Yoongi loved to go lie in the sun and take a nap. It was a quite calm wolf as long as everyone respected him, however, when he felt like he wasn’t given the right treatment or an acceptable amount of respect, Yoongi showed the other side of himself. He could be quite cruel if needed to without even feeling the slightest bit of regret about it. Sori never experienced personally his rage, yet she saw it with her own eyes a couple of times in which Jungkook and Taehyung took their shenanigans too far, and that was enough for her to know she didn't want to experience his wrath.


Since Jin mostly liked to watch and later cook the preys they caught, Sori was surprised to see him in his wolf form too. She often thought that he was one of the big reasons why their pack almost never when hunting together: Namjoon didn't like to leave one of s behind nor force them into an activity they didn't like. The only three real hunters of the pack were Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook, who sometimes went hunting just to prove their strength.


Weirdly, Namjoon was still standing on his two feet. There were a lot of strange things going on that morning. He scanned the wolves of his pack, and once he noticed hey were all there and were ready to go, he nodded once with his head.


“We can’t stay out too long because I’m waiting for an informer to arrive. Since the information he’ll bring is very important and it regards the recent attacks in a couple of towns not too far from here, I want you all to be there and to listen to what he’ll say. I'm afraid we probably have to expect an attack on our lands sooner or later too, and I want us to be ready when the time will come”, he said with a serious expression. The alpha didn't waste any more time and turned in his wolf form, officially making the hunting session start. It wasn't exactly how Sori had imagined her morning hunt to go, but whatever, she would think about his words later on.


As they were running to get a feeling of being in their wolf forms, Sori took her time reflecting on the dynamics of their pack and their general behaviour. Whenever another pack met BTS pack in wolf form, the new comers always thought Jungkook was the alpha of the pack. Probably that assumption came from his height as well as his confidence, because although Namjoon was at the same height as Jungkook, his wolf was quite plain under many aspects: it was tall but scrawny, his muscles weren't as defined as the younger's, his fur was short and he often stayed in the side lines instead of the front. His fur was white and grey, which only made him plainer. Despite this, Namjoon was a well respected alpha, known for his amazing skills in planning and organizing his pack. He could orchestrate perfectly the hunt as well as whatever else he wanted. He could also be very powerful in his run and strength, but that was a side of him he didn't show too often. He liked to use his brain better that his strength, so he often left the spot reserved to the alpha to the youngers, so that they could have fun. Sori had heard that before leaving to form his original pack, his father had assigned him one of the highest titles in their pack, as he had full control their warriors. Unfortunately, Namjoon didn't enjoy that kind of life and in the end he had decided to leave his pack and create a new one with his friends.


Silently the pack started moving towards the same direction. It was at times like this that Sori understood perfectly the fact that she was not really part of the pack. Even Minyoung knew where to go, in spite of the fact she had only joined the pack a little over three months ago. Sori knew for a fact that getting to be really part of BTS pack would’ve been extremely hard ever since she met them. The friendship they all shared was something close to a mystery for her, who had mostly grown up alone. They had conversations without speaking or even just by looking at each other. They moved as one body. They’d been together for centuries, thus the almost four years spent with them often reminded her that that span of time meant nothing if compared to over 250 years spent together. As much as she reminded herself one day she would be like them, for now she felt emptiness and a latent anxiety at the idea of not belonging... well, anywhere. She didn't belong to anyone or any place, honestly.


Although she was feeling a bit disheartened at the moment Sori didn’t stop yearning for raw meat, so she just followed them the best she could in the woods. By the time she reached them, they were inside the wood already. They were disposed by the usual order during hunts: Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Narae, Jin and Yoongi. Jin and Yoongi’s friendship was something Sori saw as utterly precious and weird to see. It was probably due to the fact that Yoongi always seemed to have a way to boss others around, he looked like he was never afraid of anything and at times even Namjoon didn’t dare to go too strongly against him or his opinions, unlike Jin. Jin was the only one who got to boss Yoongi around, and that said a lot. Yoongi and Jin at times seemed to be completely opposite personality wise, yet the two fitted weirdly well together.


When she reached them, Sori noticed they were all staring at her. It took a couple of seconds to understand that it was because she had to be by the head of the pack for the hunt. Her ability in finding and following scents was second to no one in the pack. Also, she was a good fighter when it came to catching preys, although she usually left the dirty job to Jungkook or Taehyung, or anyone who was near her actually. She wasn't the best fighter and hunter, but Sori was still very useful in pack-hunts, so she made her way to the head of the pack. She heard Jungkook scoff as she passed him with her head lowered, but she was almost sure he was just joking, because Narae’s growled laugh could be heard together with Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s. One again, Sori was glad she was in her wolf form at the moment, because that granted her the fact that no one would’ve known she was blushing and her own tardiness.



Sori was scrutinizing her body again. She’d seen how Jungkook was staring at Minyoung when she changed to her human form after th

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I deleted the author note, it wasn't important to the story, I was just letting you all know why I hadn't posted anything new in a while :)


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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 35: I really really hope that Sori won’t return to BTS. Not with the current mindset that Jungkook has and even Namjoon too. I was really pissed that Namjoon tried to like give Minyoung a chance and had like a benefit of doubt that she could change. Not in a million years that that could happen. Even Jungkook himself that had stayed in the pack for years still kept the same learning from his previous pack, why would Minyoung changed hers in a matter of months. Although fortunately Minyoung kept true to her personality and getting kicked out in the end. At this point, I can see that Namjoon is not fond of confrontation and he is bad at it too. Not that everyone is fond of confrontation, but Namjoon tried to avoid it so much that the action hurts his pack. He almost did it again when he tried to talk to Minyoung in early of this chapter though.
I think this is a new information, or maybe I forgot about it entirely; Minyoung knew about Sori’s pregnancy way before Sori herself knows?! Was this mentioned before? That girl is just pure evil. But with her gone, BTS and EXO has to be ready if she get together with the enemy and attack both packs. If before, Minyoung hates Sori because she is a turned-were, now, she just basically hates Sori.
Thank you for this update..!
Chapter 35: About time already. But from her reaction being kicked, I could sense she’s about to plot something evil in her head.
Chapter 34: It's good that Jungkook tried to bring himself to finally get the helps he really needed. It's the first step.
AiiSoo #4
Chapter 34: It was nice to know what happened to the BTS pack after Sori left. And to know Jim’s thought and his point of view in some of the matters when Sori was with them. But knowing about it made me angrier to the pack. And maybe Sori too. At least now she won’t be so oblivious anymore or making her assumptions that the pack didn’t see what actually happened between the members. In Jin’s case, he decided to turn blind eye in a lot of cases. But his honesty was definitely appreciated. Quite refreshing to read too.
Jungkook has taken the first step in getting better although he was still in denial himself. The woman is a psychiatrist and trained. So it would dumb do him to believe that she won’t detect his lies if he decided to do so.
I hope all goes well for both Sori and Jungkook.
Thank you for this update..!
Chapter 34: I was so happy to read this update!
hope Sori and Jungkook will have their happy ending ♡
also every chapter you write is amazing, you put thought in every detail and it's really amazing in my opinion.
take care and hope to read more updates soon :)
Chapter 34: I love it!! I like that Jin and Sori got to talk as well. I can understand it’s going to take time to build back the friendships they’ve lost with her, but I’m so excited for her and Jungkook to meet again, he’s really trying and I like that you’ve focus on how his part is going on. Thank you for the UPDATE!! So excited so so excited every time I see an update from you!
july-pupetta #7
Chapter 33: Hi, how are you? Thank you so much for the chapter! I am always happy reading this story!!! I'm glad sori is bringing out her personality and saying how she really feels, it's okay for others to understand how her feelings. I'm also very glad that Namjoon is trying to find a way to improve the situation in the group and encourage a healthier and more cohesive environment. I am happy they are noticing how Minyoug has worsened relations within the group with her prejudices and treatment of Sori. It is good the others are trying to reconnect with Sori and are taking their time to understand her and give her space.
Thank you so much for the update and I am looking forward to your next chapter! <3
Chapter 33: She's starting to stand for herself and I liked it. Thank God Namjoon has decided to do something about Minyoung. It just had to be done.
Chapter 33: I was waiting for this update :)
I really loved how Sori stood up for herself with Jin and Yoongi.
hope you're feeling better ^__^
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 33: I like that Sori was determined on what she wanted. It’s up to her ex-packmates to adhere to what she wanted or just forget about bonding again, even as friends. I guess she was so sick and tired of all the previous dramas and just wanted to settle down with her baby.
Well, good for her.
Thank you for this update..! I hope you are feeling better than before though