Chapter 11

The Real Beauty
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Stuck in a headlock again, Sori established she was bad at fighting in human form. Like really bad.


If Sori had to be completely honest, training was nothing like she’d expected in the morning, but it was exciting nonetheless. Actually, it was even more exciting this way.


She caught the displeased look Jimin was sending to Taeil, so she decided to surrender and start again. The said guy loosened his grip on her neck and took step back.


“Okay, so, remember what I told you before: if I come towards you or throw a punch at you, you have to take a step back. You shouldn’t lower yourself, because that leaves half of my body out of your sight.”, Taeil gently explained her again, softly punching the air in front of him to show her what he meant. But it's faster if I duck! Sori thought again, although she knew she was wrong, in fact she’d already been caught in a headlock two times, and the both of them were due to the fact she’d lowered herself. This wasn’t how she had planned her attacks to end. But then again… her plans always , so it was no surprise.


She looked around her and pretty much everyone was learning new techniques. BTS never really trained in human form, so some of them were having problems in coordinating their movements the right way.


As she had imagined, they had been divided into small groups, and each member of Block B had to choose a partner for the first part of the training, mostly basing themselves on their body types and skills, and they would get to change partners in the next training session.


The long anticipated moment of the pick went by really fast, in fact it took Block B less the five minutes to sort everything out. Sori couldn’t help imagine BTS doing the same if put in the same situation. Her conclusion was that she probably lacked trust in them, since she could only picture them bickering for hours about who got to train with whom and who had the better skills among them. Or maybe they were all really childish.


To Sori’s surprise, she was the second member to be picked, and not by a girl. She couldn’t help but mentally grin at the sight of her partner: he was quite short and looked like a little puppy, but his arms were ripped and his body covered by tattoos. She was split between feeling proud of herself for getting such an adversary and being scared for her life. By the looks of the guy, he wasn’t lacking in strength and he looked confident enough to underline his personal experience in this field.


“I hope you don’t mind I chose you, but you totally caught my attention”, he’d told Sori, blushing. His hand was scratching his neck, which was a clear hint of the fact that the glares coming from her packmates weren’t that easy to ignore. Poor him, not only he’s stuck with my useless , but he also had to stay alert unless he wants to be stabbed by one of the guys. I guess I'm still lucky, tho. At least I'm not he last one to be picked.


“No, really, I’m happy you chose me, I thought I was going to be left as the last pick”, Sori reassured him smiling. She was inwardly praying he would not regret his choice right away, or at least that she wouldn't notice if he did.


To distract herself from her anxious thoughts, she turned around to see how thing were evolving. The sight in front of her eyes was all but surprising. Jiho had only brought 8 of his pack members, so BTS members knew that two of them would eventually have to fight against each other during the training. Originally, Sori had expected Namjoon and Narae to end up together, but by actually thinking about it, it was obvious they couldn’t really go against each other just for the sake of the training, and risking to hurt each other. Sori couldn’t believe she hadn’t foreseen this scenario when it was definitely obvious they were never going to put any effort in landing a punch if they were up against each other. The two of them even had problems with having serious discussions and bickering, how would they even be able to throw punches at each other? Still, it was a pity. That would’ve been an interesting new side of their relationship to see.


Standing beside her and Taeil there were Hoseok and a lanky guy, which Sori was almost sure went by the name Yukwon. They were talking animatedly and chuckling and Sori found herself smiling at the sight. Hoseok never had problems with making new friends, but at times he had to hold back because werewolves were not to reveal their real identities and age (not to mention their wolves) to humans, which would’ve only created problems in making steady friendships with humans, not to mention the amount of lies that he would have to say to keep his pack hidden and safe. On the other hand he had many werewolves friends, but since they lived quite far from their town, he mostly spent his time working or with his pack members, and by the look of it, her friend missed having a conversation with someone from outside the pack. Sori knew perfectly well how Hoseok felt.


In the end, Narae had been picked by Jiho. It was funny to see them together. Narae was far from being a tall girl, and Jiho seemed to be even taller than Namjoon, which only made her look shorter. It obviously didn’t please Narae, and the glares she was sending in Jiho’s direction only made things more comical. All in all there wasn’t much to laugh, though, in fact Narae could be quite strong and mean, so Jiho shouldn’t under evaluate her… not to mention the displeased expression Namjoon had been sporting from the exact moment he saw his mate was chosen by a male, and an alpha at that. Knowing him, Sori would’ve bet a hand on the fact that Namjoon had it all planned in his head: Jiho would’ve trained with him and SunHae (which was introduce to Sori as Yukwon’s girlfriend or mate or whatever) would’ve trained with Narae. Oh, well. At least Narae was going to have a good excuse to justify herself in case she , but Namjoon wasn't going to do the same if SunHae handed him his .


Talking about how Namjoon had the whole training planned in his head, Sori was pretty sure he’d taken for guaranteed that she’d be the one to be paired up with another BTS member, for his annoyance was clear as the light of day when Sori was picked by Taeil. Or maybe it was because she was chosen right after his mate…or because she was chosen before him. Either way, Namjoon was unhappy with how things had developed and Suho was both right and wrong in his predictions: the first time she was shoved to the ground, Namjoon growled loudly in Taeil’s direction and Jiho rushed over where they were fighting. He then proceeded to – embarrassingly - bring Taeil away to have a talk with him. Her alpha had stayed in his line nonetheless, no matter how many times she’d been hit or fell to the ground, he growled and cursed but he didn’t interrupt her training. Sori somehow felt grateful to him, for she took it as a sign he trusted her, and Namjoon’s trust wasn’t something she’d overlook easily.


Instead, SunHae picked Taehyung without a wink of hesitation. The former and Yukwon shared a teasing smirk, which only made Sori think she was grateful to be paired up with a gentle looking boy. She was around Minyoung’s height, maybe a tad taller (which made her taller than both Narae and Sori). Taehyung, on the other hand, didn’t seem to have caught on with his partner and was looking at her with his boxy smile. No good would come out of that pairing, in Sori’s opinion.


Jin and Jaehyo were rolling on the ground laughing, so Sori could only presume they were hitting it off. Seokjin was always kind of weird-ish, and Jaehyo didn’t look much saner. Actually, at first glance, Sori was mesmerized by his handsomeness, but then he spoke and… well, he kind of ruined it for her. Jiho himself didn’t seem too convinced by this paring of handsome and weird old guys, but then again, better let the weird ones stay together, right?


Yoongi and Minhyuk were the weirdest pairing. Minhyuk looked quite shy and silent, and his body type was completely different from Yoongi’s. Yoongi on the other hand wasn’t too keen on spending time and touching people he wasn’t close with, and he hated moving a lot, so if he already felt forced to participate to the training session in the first place, now he was completely unhappy and ready to snap at whoever decided speaking with him was a good idea. Sori could see it in the way the two were fighting that their mood wasn’t as light as the others. Moreover, Yoongi always had a possessive personality and was very territorial over “his” things, and “his” people, so knowing his pack members were having fun with others made him feel uncomfortable and jealous, which lead him to unleashing his pent up frustration on his poor parter.


As for Namjoon, he wasn’t satisfied nor unsatisfied with his partner. Sori guessed he’d expected to be trained by the other pack’s leader, but his partner was a very much like him physically. To Sori he looked a bit like an awkward kid since he kept making weird gestures with his hands and stuttering, but all in all he didn’t look mean or too menacing. He seemed to have all the qualities to train Namjoon nonetheless, in fact Jiho nodded in approval when his younger member headed towards the other alpha, and a couple of minutes later, Sori’s alpha was spread out in the ground at Jihoon’s feet.


The last one to be picked had actually been Jimin. His partner’s body was really similar to his, just like in Namjoon and Jihoon’s case, and just like the former, he didn’t seem too convinced by the situation. He was glaring at Kyung (if that was his name, because Sori wasn’t exactly sure about it) as if standing in front of him was an offence. The two were a quite dysfunctional couple, in fact they kept on with the mockeries and the insults, and the actual fighting for the training was down to zero… unless you counted shouting useless . Actually, insults could still be handy in a fight, right? So maybe they weren't really wasting time.


Minyoung and Jungkook, being the two members of BTS who hadn’t been chosen by any of the Block B guys, were paired up together. Minyoung, having spent a lot of time in another pack before joining theirs wasn't as clueless as the other two girls of the pack, and since she had trained in human form in her original pack she could teach Jungkook what she knew. Sori didn’t really keep track of what they were doing, for she didn’t want to look like she was spying on them. She only glanced now and then, but mostly they were laughing and kidding. She’d noticed that the two of them were quite touchy, but Sori wasn’t sure if it was the actual truth or if it was just the result of her jealousy, because try as she might, she couldn’t help but feel jealous of their relationship at times.


“Are you ready?”, Taeil asked, walking around her. Sori only nodded and closed her eyes, trying to concentrate again. Up to now she hadn’t made too many mistakes, and considering she had never trained before, the results she’d obtained weren’t that bad. She’d only surrendered twice… and got punched a bunch of times.


As soon as she opened her eyes, a punch made contact with her nose and she hit the ground right away. . It hurts. The pain was so strong she felt like throwing up, but Sori reacted quickly and started taking deep breaths with , forcing her body to calm down.


Slowly she sat up and opened her eyes. She wasn’t sure if her eyes were working properly, in fact whatever she was staring at at the moment was covered with black and blue spots. She waited a bit longer, still taking deep breaths, and the spots lowly started fading away, which only allowed her to see her white shirt dotted with red drops of blood. Her favourite shirt. BASTARD. She wanted to stand up and punch Taeil back both for having ruined her favourite shirt and for not having made sure she was looking at him, but her legs didn’t quite seem to work right. Didn’t he see I had my eyes closed?


“Oh my God, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Why are you still bleeding?”. Taeil was kneeling in front of her with his arms stretched out to reach her face. His face was pale and his hands were lightly shaking, which could also be because of the growls coming from all over the garden. He look quite pitiful to Sori’s eyes. Geez, I can’t even get mad at him without feeling guilty. He ruined my face, and I have to feel guilty.


“Meh, it’s because I take more to heal, don’t worry. Let’s hope it’ll be okay by tomorrow or by Monday at least”, she told him, trying to dismiss the situation quickly. Their little shenanigan was catching way too much attention, and it was embarrassing for Sori to let everyone see her with a crooked and bloodied nose. Also, it was quickly becoming clear she had made a pathetic mistake, so why let everyone know about it? She knew it and she recognized her mistake, time to move on.


“But why did you keep your eyes closed? Hadn't you just said you were ready?”. His expression was still mortified and the tremor hadn’t calmed down at all, but Sori couldn’t blame him. Her packmates were walking towards them, and some of them didn’t really look too happy.


“I was trying to regain my concentration, I didn’t expect you to attack me this fast”, she told him, feeling every bit as pathetic as her action pictured her. The guys had formed a small circle around them and they were all staring at her. Sori felt her cheeks reddening right away. Being the centre of everyone’s attention wasn’t for her.


“Oh, , are you okay? Do you want me to punch him for you?”, Narae asked, crouching down beside her. Sori smiled at that and leaned against her shoulder. It wasn't like Narae knew that much more about physical training that she did, but it was her intentions that mattered. And Sori was sure if only she had said the word Narae would have done her best to take revenge in her stead.


“No, it’s okay, it’s my fault anyway”, she told her chuckling… or trying to. Her nose hurt like hell, the others were still staring at her, and she was pretty sure she didn’t look too pretty with half of her face covered with blood and a nose swelling at about twice its usual size.


“I’m so sorry, really, I should’ve made sure you were paying attention to me before attacking a

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I deleted the author note, it wasn't important to the story, I was just letting you all know why I hadn't posted anything new in a while :)


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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 35: I really really hope that Sori won’t return to BTS. Not with the current mindset that Jungkook has and even Namjoon too. I was really pissed that Namjoon tried to like give Minyoung a chance and had like a benefit of doubt that she could change. Not in a million years that that could happen. Even Jungkook himself that had stayed in the pack for years still kept the same learning from his previous pack, why would Minyoung changed hers in a matter of months. Although fortunately Minyoung kept true to her personality and getting kicked out in the end. At this point, I can see that Namjoon is not fond of confrontation and he is bad at it too. Not that everyone is fond of confrontation, but Namjoon tried to avoid it so much that the action hurts his pack. He almost did it again when he tried to talk to Minyoung in early of this chapter though.
I think this is a new information, or maybe I forgot about it entirely; Minyoung knew about Sori’s pregnancy way before Sori herself knows?! Was this mentioned before? That girl is just pure evil. But with her gone, BTS and EXO has to be ready if she get together with the enemy and attack both packs. If before, Minyoung hates Sori because she is a turned-were, now, she just basically hates Sori.
Thank you for this update..!
Chapter 35: About time already. But from her reaction being kicked, I could sense she’s about to plot something evil in her head.
Chapter 34: It's good that Jungkook tried to bring himself to finally get the helps he really needed. It's the first step.
AiiSoo #4
Chapter 34: It was nice to know what happened to the BTS pack after Sori left. And to know Jim’s thought and his point of view in some of the matters when Sori was with them. But knowing about it made me angrier to the pack. And maybe Sori too. At least now she won’t be so oblivious anymore or making her assumptions that the pack didn’t see what actually happened between the members. In Jin’s case, he decided to turn blind eye in a lot of cases. But his honesty was definitely appreciated. Quite refreshing to read too.
Jungkook has taken the first step in getting better although he was still in denial himself. The woman is a psychiatrist and trained. So it would dumb do him to believe that she won’t detect his lies if he decided to do so.
I hope all goes well for both Sori and Jungkook.
Thank you for this update..!
Chapter 34: I was so happy to read this update!
hope Sori and Jungkook will have their happy ending ♡
also every chapter you write is amazing, you put thought in every detail and it's really amazing in my opinion.
take care and hope to read more updates soon :)
Chapter 34: I love it!! I like that Jin and Sori got to talk as well. I can understand it’s going to take time to build back the friendships they’ve lost with her, but I’m so excited for her and Jungkook to meet again, he’s really trying and I like that you’ve focus on how his part is going on. Thank you for the UPDATE!! So excited so so excited every time I see an update from you!
july-pupetta #7
Chapter 33: Hi, how are you? Thank you so much for the chapter! I am always happy reading this story!!! I'm glad sori is bringing out her personality and saying how she really feels, it's okay for others to understand how her feelings. I'm also very glad that Namjoon is trying to find a way to improve the situation in the group and encourage a healthier and more cohesive environment. I am happy they are noticing how Minyoug has worsened relations within the group with her prejudices and treatment of Sori. It is good the others are trying to reconnect with Sori and are taking their time to understand her and give her space.
Thank you so much for the update and I am looking forward to your next chapter! <3
Chapter 33: She's starting to stand for herself and I liked it. Thank God Namjoon has decided to do something about Minyoung. It just had to be done.
Chapter 33: I was waiting for this update :)
I really loved how Sori stood up for herself with Jin and Yoongi.
hope you're feeling better ^__^
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 33: I like that Sori was determined on what she wanted. It’s up to her ex-packmates to adhere to what she wanted or just forget about bonding again, even as friends. I guess she was so sick and tired of all the previous dramas and just wanted to settle down with her baby.
Well, good for her.
Thank you for this update..! I hope you are feeling better than before though