My cry

A multifandom's cry

I was walking with my best friend Dea when she suddenly stopped and checked her phone.

"Bruh, wtf. We're gonna be late, check that out later. I'm sure its another anti-fan who blocked your ranter acc." I continued my walking as she took out her phone 

"You're awesome! How did you even know that?! HAHA!" She laughed because her ranter account has been blocked again....aGAIN

"WhAT the , who wouldn't have guessed that?! That's the 14th times that your ranter acc have been blocked! Aishhh!!! You're driving me, myself and I crazy!!!!!!" 

"Dood, calm ur hoE down." She replied "It's really hard to be a multifandom ya' know? especially when it's your most fave group and your second most fave group. Do even the ranters and IMMATURE fans notice and know our pain? I really hope some of imma fans know our pain especially when it comes to fanwars, we multifans can fight against anti-kpop but kpop against kpop, it really hurts our pride." 

"The fact that they our always comparing the talents and prizes that each group won, is really so immature! If that group won that award then be happy! If your idol didn't win then there are the next shows to win and be one with your fandom and make your idol win! Don't bring other idols down! If they won the award then they won it maybe because they deserved it some people just can't accept and appreciate the talent that everyone has, every idol is talented in their own ways so don't compare them! 


"If it's about scandal then don't use it aginst them! Everyone makes mistakes if they did it once again then u should start asking yourself why you stan them in the first place! Everyone deserves a second chance." 

"Dood you're making a scene there ya' know." Dea looked at me as of she never knew me for 6 years 

"Bruh, just shattap. I have a point though tch."


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Literally meh


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I understand and can sympathize with you about being a multi-fandom. =^.^=