
EXO SERIES: Someone Like Zhang Yixing
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Yixing's leg was shaking when he sat on the couch in his office while Min Hee sat on the office chair. It seemed like she was in control and appeared like the owner of the building, reminding him of how the two very first met in this room. Min Hee had her arms and legs crossed, examining Yixing opposite of her. 

Even now, Yixing tried looking away. Anywhere but into her eyes. Please don't break the unbearable silence because I won't manage to say anything at all. The last time he was so nervous was on her birthday. He must have annoyed his manager quite a lot, but now it was solely Min Hee and Yixing in a secluded place. There is no going back. Or postponing the conversation.

"I bet you were confused with the situation and needed some time or space for yourself. But I feel like we should better talk this out." Min Hee broke the silence which Yixing had wanted to maintain. "You might become more confused after this as an early warning." 

Yixing found it difficult to understand how calm Min Hee managed to stay after the incident. Wasn't she nervous? Was it only him whose heart leapt when they locked lips? "It was an accident, I'm sorry, it won't happen again." 

Min Hee sighed but refrained from rolling her eyes, having already expected him answering that. "There you go with the apology and the accident stuff. How disappointing, I was honestly looking forward to the next time." Yixing's head shot up almost immediately as if checking whether he misheard her. In fact, Min Hee thought everything out very well for months, contradictory to her spontaneous tendencies. I am open to acceptations and rejections. Let him have his time because well, he looks quite surprised and perhaps a little traumatised, too. Min Hee would never force him or convince Yixing to return her feelings, but she would rather like to have a clear answer than wait and get nothing back at all. We all know it is highly probable and there is a realistic chance Yixing feels the same yet he is extremely scared to say it out loud and accept the fact.

Yixing coughed slightly and lowered his head. "We both got carried away." 

"I got carried away?" Min Hee raised her brows at him in confusion and recalled the incident. I initiated the kiss, I knew exactly what I was doing. "You got carried away?" 

"I did maybe." Yixing slapped himself mentally. Did I do or say something stupid? Or wrong? I am so awkward, I ruined it.

"Yixing-ah." Min Hee called his name softly and tried not to let the nervosity show on her face. Yes, even Min Hee gets nervous sometimes. "I sincerely like you. I don't consider you only a friend, colleague or drinking buddy, but a man."

It was said at last. Was it the worst thing that could have happened between Yixing and Min Hee? After all, they worked together and have been friends ever since the studio was established. Sure, maybe Yixing seemed to have had lots of time to think about the possibility of a confession. Though he initially hoped this day would never arrive.

"You obviously need a while to process what I said and it's okay. However, let's not be distant just because you think it was an accident. Don't feel guilty or awkward and avoid me altogether, let's not do that. It's childish, at least I never thought of earlier as a mistake. I do hope my confession won't change the way you treat me. You know my personality; I don't do 'careful' or 'uncomfortable'. Answer me once you are ready, but don't let me wait too long." Min Hee got up from her seat and headed towards the door with a faint smile before she left. "You have a meeting with the music video director and the other staff members later, don't be late. As a reminder." 

Once Yixing heard and saw the door close, he exhaled and didn't realise he had been holding his breath. Placing his palm on his chest to feel his heartbeat quickening, Yixing was reminded of all the events which took place today. It was too much for him to process and understand. The kiss, the confession. Everything happened too fast. He stood up and grabbed his jacket to head to the meeting. 

Yixing sat next to his manager in the meeting room but couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day. Min Hee sat almost opposite of him and every time he looked at her, he heard her words over and over repeatedly. I sincerely like you. I sincerely like you. I sincerely like you. "Stop." He touched his head in frustration and the other employees grew silent. 

"Is there a problem, Boss?" His manager asked Yixing quietly but he shook his head despite his embarrassment and got a hold of himself afterwards. They discussed the details of his music video filming for 'I Need U' which was planned to take place in Paris, France, where he was scheduled to fly to very soon. The recording of the song was finished long ago, his album was waiting to be released on his birthday, he studied all the choreographies and the filming was the last step on the list. In fact, it was a very special music video since Yixing dedicated everything to his precious grandparents. 

"In order to portray your grandparents' younger selves, we should contemplate having a female lead beside you. You as your grandfather and the female lead as your grandmother." The director suggested and talked to Yixing about the concept. Usually, Yixing would not let any girls appear in his love song music videos as he didn't want to risk anything for the safety of the female leads. However, for this project, even Yixing agreed to have a female lead show up. He refused to let random actresses do the job though, especially at a short notice. They are flying towards the end of the week. A female lead was not originally planned yet Yixing considered the idea before. He had asked his stylists who rejected the offer despite promising them not to show their faces. "If you can't find anyone appropriate for the music video, we'll have to look for a professional female lead or we'll leave the idea out completely."

Yixing pondered over asking Min Hee for the favour. He was unsure whether he could speak to her normally and if it was right to make Min Hee the female lead when they still had unresolved issues. The important aspect for Yixing was to have someone more or less close to him or at least familiar to appear in the music video. It doesn't matter anyway who the female lead will be because we won't show her face. But for this special music video, I'd prefer someone close to me. "I'll take care of it, Mr Director. I will let you know about my suggestions soon." 

Dismission. They parted ways and Yixing soon found himself standing in front of Min Hee's office. She'll surely expect me to give her an answer if I enter this room now. He put his hand on the doorknob and the other hand prepared to knock, but he took a step back to retreat. It's a bad idea, I should go. She'll turn me down. Yixing turned around and jumped against the door in shock because Min Hee stood behind him all along. 

She smiled. "Need something?" Min Hee reached out, making Yixing step away from the door quickly. "Relax, I just wanted to enter my office." Min Hee went in first and motioned for Yixing to have a seat on the couch. "You were thinking of knocking and decided not to. Does your behaviour have anything to do with not being sure of how to treat me?" Though Min Hee asked him not to behave awkwardly, Yixing was very careful and didn't want to say anything wrong or offensive. 

Was he that easy to read? "Actually, I planned to ask you for a favour." Yixing gulped, trying to meet her eyes. Making eye contact would make him remember everything, thus make him flustered and nervous all over again, but Min Hee was most suitable for the role.

"And what prevented you from asking me? What kind of favour is it?" Min Hee wanted to know and sipped the drink which she bought from the coffee vending machine after the meeting. 

"I'd like you to make an appearance in my music video. I have asked some of the staff members, but nobody was willing to be the female lead. And you came into my mind when I almost gave up on the idea." Yixing explained afraid of her reaction. 

"That's your favour?" Min Hee didn't seem to be upset much to her friend's relief, but she didn't look excited about his suggestion either. "I don't think that'll work out. You know how I usually prefer to work behind the scenes rather than in those scenes. It won't end well for me if anyone ever finds out about my identity." She was reluctant about the idea, hence Yixing did his best to convince her otherwise. He promised her neither to reveal her identity nor to show her face, or at least not her whole face. "Unless my whole face is shown, I'll look like any other ordinary girl. Let's say I'm doing it for your grandparents and I understand how important it is for you, so I'll trust you."

Yixing's head shot up immediately with sparkling eyes. "For real? You're agreeing to do this?" Min Hee nodded with a soft smile and confirmed her decision. "I owe you, I will treat you to a meal next time, I'll do everything." 

"I'm offering my appearance in that video for free, you don't need to do anything for me. I will happily accept the honour as the female lead in Lay Zhang's music video." Min Hee said jokingly and enjoyed seeing Yixing probably way more excited than she was. "Anything else? The afternoon has been a rollercoaster. For both of us." 

Almost forgetting about today's incident, Yixing turned serious and reduced his excitement. "No, that will be everything. Anyways, thank you, I should slowly return. Gege must be looking for me." He almost ran out of the office and closed the door, disappearing from Min Hee's sight. Poor him, I shouldn't be teasing him too much. Contrary to Yixing, Min Hee was quite relaxed. How did I end up here? Tch, Yang Min Hee in Zhang Yixing's music video as younger versions of his grandparents. What a way to flatter me, what a romantic. And although Min Hee was hesitant about the offer, she was looking forward to the filming and to meeting his grandparents as well. 

Back in the hotel, Yixing let himself fall on his bed. His manager followed him to film some material for his Weibo account. "You tired?" Mr Manager has watched him all day and wondered why Yixing went from seeming restless to having a sudden a mood alteration. 

"Yes, just tired." Yixing mumbled, swearing to himself not to tell anyone about the intimate moment earlier even if it would keep him up all night. Not that he hasn't slept much before that. "Yi Min will come with us to France. Isn't that great?" 

"She agreed?" His manager was surprised upon his confirmation and widened his eyes. He remembered Yixing asking his stylists and other female staff members and was turned down by each of them. Nobody at the studio loved being exposed to the public, they were all very cautious in order to protect Yixing. "That's why you are happy all of a sudden?" 

"Of course, I'll be happy about it. No worries about having to cast any special actresses or convince my stylists." Yixing responded, hiding his face which he felt heating up slowly. It was especially important for him to introduce Min Hee to his grandparents, one of the most important people in his life since they raised him as a child. 

"Okay, then I will let you get some sleep. Good night, boss." His manager replied before heading to his bedroom. Yixing sighed, recalling the sudden confession once more. Was it a bad idea to ask her? Was he taking advantage of her feelings? It was too late to change his mind anyway, causing Yixing to toss and turn in his bed, thinking of Yang Min Hee and barely getting any sleep.

Paris, July 2017. Yixing saw his family shortly last month when he was in Changsha for a recording, but today he reunited with his grandparents after a long time and would spend the next days enjoying the short holiday together. Not until they explored the city and found the best spots for the music video, did they begin with the filming. The production team prepared the set for the shooting while Min Hee had the opportunity to meet Yixing's grandparents for the very first time, bowing a ninety-degree greeting to them. She even brought them a small gift. They had some time to talk and get to know eac

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markmeevil #1
Chapter 20: Aw, it’s finally the end. This was the last story I was keeping this account open for to finish before I deactivated. Thank you for sharing your writing and giving us xingmis a sweet story to read :)
markmeevil #2
Chapter 19: I swear I just looked at this story a few days ago to see if it had been updated and I’d missed it, and miraculously there’s an update today! Sad it’s coming to an end soon, but glad we got so much sweetness and fluff of them enjoying their relationship this chapter. Thanks for the update!
markmeevil #3
Chapter 18: Ah! Finally! It’s so funny because that’s what I’m really hoping Yixing will do at some point. Do what makes HIM happy. The man really does put literally everyone else first along with his dream, but his actual life? That comes dead last.
markmeevil #4
Chapter 17: Sloooooooooooow burn. I really hope this has a happy ending. If it just ends with Yixing letting her go I will be so bummed after reading for this long
markmeevil #5
Chapter 16: I just finished reading this before bed, but now am about to fall asleep. I’ll comment more tomorrow when my brain is on lol— thank you for updating though!
markmeevil #6
Chapter 15: Yay! You’re back! First of all, congratulations on graduating!!! As for this chapter— !!!!!!!!! FINALLY! But also, thank God Min Hee is so straightforward and will not let him hide. I feel like you may have written him and him being in his own head way too much for his own good, too accurately, lol Glad for the update and looking forward to more! Congrats again!
markmeevil #7
Chapter 14: Cute! I was wondering which song it was... I really do enjoy this story and appreciate that you always come back to give us more. Reading the blossoming feelings makes me smile. And I love the contrast between Min Hee’s certainty about her feelings and actions versus Yixing confusion and worry about his actions and interpretations of her’s. Honestly it’s all so sweet I just love it!
markmeevil #8
Chapter 13: I’m still reading! And I do still enjoy!
markmeevil #9
Chapter 12: Funny, I was just thinking about this story yesterday. I’ll need to go back and re-read the story now because the relationship change with Ha Na changes the context of things!
markmeevil #10
Chapter 11: *Deep sigh* I really enjoy this story so much. You put a lot into letting us see how they think and feel, along with actions, but leave just enough out that we’re left wondering how and where things will go. Thanks for another great chapter— I especially liked reading a bit more of Yixing’s mental processing. I am kind of surprised his manager didn’t freak out when noticing Yixing texting her, but I’m totally here for that too! Looking forward to more :)