Into Hunhan's Bubble Tea Cup:Fic Rec
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Sorry for the lack of updates guys. Life has been cruel the past few months that my emotions are dragging me down. The recent devastating news  added up to this misery but served as wake up call for everyone. I can't properly elaborate anything because no amount of words could describe how losing someone hurts,the amount of what if's or a trace of guilt for the closed ones. One should not underestimate how dangerous the mind can be,it's a very dark and lonely place when you are surrounded by dark thoughts slowly eating your mindset. When those thoughts plague the mind,it seems like cutting your breath would free one's self from those dangerous thoughts.


I would not let this unfortunate loss be fruitless but serve as a wakeup call to everyone. Do not just dismiss a person's mental health as something curable within a day. It's an everyday struggle to overcome those thoughts,a joint effort from yourself and concerned people, until the mind ends it from whispering tempting thoughts. A reminder to always think before sending your thoughts out to the receiving one. Afterall,we are only given one body and mind to last for our lifetime. 


Lasty,one should not laugh nor criticize how fans are mourning over their idol. It's not just about 'som

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1220 520 ♡ will post some fics later


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Chapter 101: Haven't expected my fic to be recommended here tho 😭😭
Chapter 97: stay strong dear.
Chapter 92: And Nothing Serious by clubchicken, it is really good.
Chapter 92: Can I suggest a fic here? A man causes Stampede by Keitmeg
This fic rec makes me very happy ;;
Chapter 77: Let's unite hunhan shippers! We shouldn't let the ship sink. They will stay forever in our hearts. As long as we are here, hunhan will stay alive.
Chapter 77: Let’s stay strong together! We have already come this far I am sure we can continue! <3 Our love to hunhan is way deeper than this, such a news is expected so it cannot break us.