Essay (JeongMi)

Twice's Compilation Story
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"Today I want you to write an essay. Any topic that you want. Please make sure to hand your essay to me tomorrow. If you don't have any ideas you can ask me." Ms. Baek stated.

"Okay teacher" Whole class said in unison.




The next day*

"Mina-ya! Wait for me!" Jeongyeon shouted while chasing after Mina.

"Slow down your voice." Mina whispered.

Jeongyeon take a deep breath. "Oof I'm so tired and yea please don't whisper just talk like usual because you voice already same low like whispering."

Mina pinch Jeongyeon's arm.

"Ahh! Mian!"

"Good." Mina grin.

"Don't smile like that, you look so cute."

"Eyy no" Mina blush.

"Why sho cute Minari~"Jeongyeon pinch Mina's cheek.

"NO" Mina push Jeongyeon's hand.

"Okay cutiepie." Jeongyeon grin. "So, what did you wrote for your essay?"

Mina look at Jeongyeon. "SECRET!" She laugh.

"Ya, Myoui Mina don't joke around tell me!"

"No, I won't" Mina ignore Jeongyeon and she immediately walk to their classroom.

"Aish this kid." Jeongyeon sigh.

"I won't let her know about my essay." Mina said to herself.


Few days later*

"Jeongyeon-ssi, Mina is absent can you help me give her essay?" Ms. Baek asked.

"Yea, no problem." Jeongyeon nodded, she look at Mina's name written on the paper. "Should I read it? Why should I? Should I?" She thought. "Let's just keep it for now."



"Let's take a look at this essay." Jeongyeon said as she laid on her bed. "Her handwriting are so neat. I hope my handwriting like hers. Ngeh whatever." Jeongyeon start

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Ssup, I'm planning to make a series(lol wtf) and put it here. Spoiler; the otp will be SaiDa, MiChaeng and 2Yeon. It's kinda adaptation from a drama but yea hopefully it will be good gais :-) pai pai


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MIMOnster #1
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Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 1: Aiwiee~ ang cute!
Chapter 69: <3
Chewy_Peach #8
Chapter 69: Good luck author!
Wivern #9
Chapter 69: Hope your results exceed your expectation.
Excited about your upcoming series. :D
jeong1412 #10
Chapter 69: Goodluck on your result!