
Do Bong Soon and Ahn Minhyuk meet due to a series of events. They begin to fall in love, they date and they soon get married. The have a beautiful wedding with all their family and friends. Do Bong Soon is pregnant and has twin girls who were born with the superhuman strength. The kids slowly grow up and life seems to be normal until one specific person tells something to Minhyuk that makes him change his idea about himself and makes him question his decisions.


Fate brought Do Bong Soon and Ahn Minhyuk together through a serious of events . Due to her superhuman strength , Do Bong Soon ends up working for Ahn Minhyuk as his bodyguard at his gaming company, Ainsoft, where she wishes to create her video game with herself as the main character. She wants to become an elegant woman for the man of her dreams , In Gukdo, a policeman. a series of kidnapping occurs at Dobong-dong where Do Bong Soon resides. She decides to get involved as soon as her friend is kidnapped. With the help of Gukdo and Minhyuk, they find the culprit. Minhyuk and Bong Soon find themselves and their relationship growing into something more. They get married and have Twin girls which were blessed with the superhuman strength.


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