Unrequited Love (Final)

Unrequited Love


Lu Han laid on his bed, rubbing his face. That kid was driving him crazy. The worse part is he didn't mean to lash out on him like that. The kid did nothing wrong…. But the reason he did was he was caught off guard… he got scared…. Lu Han got scared because….maybe he actually did have feelings for Kai. His phone went off with a twitter update. It was Kai.. a photo… he clicked it… it opened to a sunset from a bridge. It read: ~ What a beautiful End. After this I won't be a bother no more. Goodbye.  ~
Lu Han freaked out, he looked at the location of the picture and just bolted out the house and took off running. He was not about to let this kid do something stupid because of his selfish self…
He finally got the bridge, he saw Kai standing over the edge. He was about to shout out to him but he stopped running.. Kai was smiling, he sat down revealing a girl standing next to him, she sat next to him also smiling and shook his hand…

Kai smiled at the pretty girl.
"It's really nice to meet you" she said
"yeah like wise" he smiled and blushed slightly. They chatted and watched the sunset together. She could give a him a new start. Goodbye to unwanted feelings! Yay to his new start! He then got happy thinking of how this might make Lu Han like him as a dongsaeng again.
" You know I'd really like to take you out for lunch or something" Kai had the courage to ask.
"I'd like that a lot" the girl smiled.

Lu Han chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, then turned back to walk home. "Well I guess the kid isn't that stupid." Lu Han sighed and laughed out loud. The girl will be much better for him, Lu Han thought… she'll take care of him, love him… unlike how he wasn't able to.

{ hey guys this is my first one shot, I must say one-shots are fun to write. I know it was a weird story haha but if you want to give me any tips or suggestions even give me topics on what to write about. That'd be great! Thank you for reading! <3}

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Japanda #1
Chapter 2: NOoooooooo LUKai now!!!!!
ShaZam #2
They did not end up :(
But at least Kai was not alone in the end.
Aww, my lukai TT

I'm happy that Kai didn't go for suicide though- life is much too important!

Please write more lukai in the future!
iamsperfeccion #4
ahaaaaa!! found you here. i've just read this story on codeexo.com LOL<br />
i like it but i really hoped kai will be with lu han...<br />
make a sequel please? hehee great job :D
ah yeah sorry wasn't to good of an ending but I'm kind of proud of this story lol first time I write like this and must say I liked it xD
Awwh... too bad they didnt end up together :(<br />
But still,like the plot :)<br />
N cute how Lu Han reacted xp