Offers and Announcements Part II

Good Girls and Bad Boys

A/N: First off, I want to apologize for the very long delay. I feel like I say this every chapter, but I know it was even longer this time. I was traveling and well, just got busy. Forgive me.  

Swedish words/phrases (according to Google anyway... Forgive any mistakes, and if any of you are Swedish, notify me if you see them!):
God kväll: Good evening
Tack för att du kom: Thank you for coming
Nej: No
Var går Cinderella?: Where is Cinderella going?

Disclaimer: I do not own the BOF characters, and forgive me for any inaccuracies regarding the Swedish culture. I, of course, have to take some artistic license at times, but I do try to make details as accurate as I can, given the information that I can find.

**There is a subject of a sensitive nature in this chapter, but I am not descriptive about it nor do I directly use the word; I just indirectly say it, so it should be OK for teen readers. Just putting the warning out there. Toward the end of the chapter**

Chapter Ten: Offers and Announcements Part II

A few minutes earlier...

Ji Hoo had Jan Di in his arms, one hand resting at her waist and the other clasping her hand as he led her around the dance floor in a simple box step. A moment later, the song ended, and the orchestra began performing the first few notes of Johann Strauss's Vienna Waltz. It was quite famous, particularly in this region, and naturally, Ji Hoo recognized the piece immediately. Shutting his eyes for a second, Ji Hoo enjoyed the harmonious sounds of the ensemble. He noticed that the conductor had added a few sections—a brass, woodwind, and percussion—to accompany the strings for the waltz, and all musicians were performing the piece to perfection. Ji Hoo felt a bit covetous of such a talented group; in fact, he wouldn't mind stealing them for the Suam Foundation.

But even greater than his love for music was his love for the woman he was currently dancing with—a forbidden love that he needed to eventually let go of. Ji Hoo had told himself so many times that he and Jan Di could be 'just friends' and remain close, that never again would there arise a New Caledonia situation, but lately, he was beginning to question that. Their playful roughhousing in the bed this morning and Jan Di's reaction to his dance with Elise Andersson had done things to him, and he wondered if it was only a matter of time before he slipped up and did something stupid—something he could never take back.

When he opened his eyes, Ji Hoo noticed that Jan Di was staring up at him. "Sunbae?" Realizing he'd lost himself in the moment and in his unsolvable dilemma, he smiled softly down at her.

"Is everything all right?" she asked.

Giving her a slightly wider smile, Ji Hoo nodded and squeezed her hand that had fallen slightly to the side. "Yes, Jan Di-ah."

He didn't quite know how to explain why he'd zoned out like that, and he didn't want to speak the exact truth, at least not at this time. Fortunately, he didn't have to, for Jan Di's attention was soon captured by a sight across the room.

Turning his head toward where her eyes had gone, Ji Hoo noticed that all the couples on the dance floor had lined up; the women had their arms linked with the men, who were leading their partners out to the center of the floor. In the middle of the floor, they all gathered in a large circle.

"Wh-what are they doing, Sunbae?" Jan Di asked in a slightly nervous tone as she watched the group.

Obviously, Jan Di was concerned, thinking she'd have to join the group in the center. Clearing his throat, Ji Hoo explained that they were going to dance a waltz.

"A waltz?"

Ji Hoo nodded, "Yes, the Vienna Waltz, it's called," and then he blurted out, "Mianhae, Jan Di-ah." He paused when she stared up at him with those big doe eyes. Truthfully, he'd been wanting to apologize since this morning, but not wanting to call her attention to it here and now and embarrass her further, he said, "I should have warned you that this kind of dancing might happen tonight. You don't have to do it, though; we can just go back to our seats." She didn't say anything or make any move toward leaving the dance floor, so he continued, "But if you want, I can show you how. It's easy."

Jan Di took a long hard look at him, seemingly pondering what to do. Finally, she gave him a small smile. "OK, Sunbae. Please show me how."

Ji Hoo nodded and placed a hand upon her back. Instead of taking her out to join the group, he led her off to the side. Once they were safely in a far corner, away from the crowd, he turned to face her. "OK, Jan Di-ah, it's not so different from the first time we danced, if you remember…"

"Of course, I remember, Sunbae!" Jan Di smiled, thinking back on that night, but then she cringed. "Oh, but I was not so good at that!"

That was a complete understatement, of course. Although she was in heaven being in the arms of her crush that night, she recalled not dancing at all well. In fact, she'd spent the entire time standing on Ji Hoo's feet. Recalling it now, she felt sorry for him, having to dance with such a miserable oaf such as herself. But he'd allowed her to dance on his feet the whole song, without saying a word. Only Ji Hoo Sunbae would let me get away with such a thing...

Ji Hoo simply smiled and took her hand in his. Sliding his other hand up her back, he rested it at her shoulder blade, ignoring the small shiver he thought he felt run through her body. She tensed slightly.

"Just relax. Do you trust me?"

"Yes," she responded, and he extended her arm outward into proper position. She rested her hand on his arm. "OK, I'm going to move my right foot first, and you move your left foot back."


He moved, and she followed, repeating the simple step a few times. She was doing the steps right, but her movements weren't fluid, and Ji Hoo noticed that it was because she was completely focused on her footwork. In fact, she had been staring down at their feet the entire time.

"Jan Di-ah, look at me," he prompted. Immediately, her head snapped upward; their eyes met, and he tossed her an affectionate smile. "Don't worry about your feet," he said. He encouraged her to just follow his lead, and Ji Hoo led his partner around the corner of the dance floor while counting off, "1-2-3, 2-2-3, 3-2-3, 4-2-3..."

Several minutes later, Jan Di let out a frustrated groan, "Ahh, I'm not getting this, Sunbae!"

"You're doing fine. It just takes some practice."

"Mianhae! Mianhae!" Jan Di exclaimed when she stepped on his toes.

"It's OK, Jan Di-ah. Just keep going," he said. She did it a couple times more, but he could barely feel it through the thick shoes he was wearing, anyway.

Ji Hoo hadn't expected to give an impromptu dance lesson tonight, but it was OK by him, especially since it seemed to ease the undeniable tension between them after the incident this morning.

He couldn't help thinking about this morning and about the incident at the table, too. When he came over moments ago, Jan Di had seemed upset or irritated with him. He didn't dare presume she was jealous of him dancing with the Swedish woman, but that seemed to be the most obvious explanation. And even though it wasn't something he planned to call her out about, it had certainly made him curious. Was there something going on with her and Jun Pyo?

"Jan Di-ah…," he began, but she cut him off.

"I think I got it!"

"That's great," he smiled.

Jan Di felt a little foolish practicing in the corner of a fancy ballroom while all the couples surrounding them were gliding across the dance floor in perfect rhythm, but she had to admit that it was kind of fun.

"Yes, I think you have it now." He smiled at her and took her through a few more natural turns.

"I'm getting dizzy, Sunbae," Jan Di laughed as he twirled her around once more, and Ji Hoo chuckled. "OK, then let's try a side step, Jan Di-ah." He showed her how to do that, and they tried a few together.

After giving Yi Jeong her promise that she would not run away from him tonight, no matter what, Ga Eul took his outstretched arm and allowed him to lead her back to the ballroom. But she couldn't get his words out of her head… That was so strange. No, it was more than that; it was downright nerve-wracking. Why would he ask her something like that all of a sudden? And what was with the 'no matter what' part? Is he expecting something bad to happen tonight?

What had she gotten herself into? She wondered.

As they walked together, Yi Jeong cast her a sidelong glance, which she caught the end of. The look on his face was uncertain and even a bit nervous. It wasn't the face he usually wore, nor the one of the cool, smooth-talking Casanova. And even though he had since cast that mask aside, he didn't often show her his vulnerable side, either, that of the sensitive little boy she knew was still inside of him. Ga Eul knew that Yi Jeong trusted her, but he still had his pride, and she suspected that whatever was going on in his head was something that he didn't want her to know about, at least not yet. She could only hope that it was nothing big and if it was, that he would confide in her soon. Ga Eul looked at Yi Jeong again, and their eyes met. She put on her best, only-slightly-fake smile. She couldn't deny that she was worried about not knowing what was going on, but she trusted Yi Jeong, so she wouldn't obsess over it.

They returned to their table and Ga Eul focused her attention on the dance floor. She caught sight of Ji Hoo and Jan Di dancing a waltz, quite impressively. And for a few seconds, it took her mind off the strange conversation moments ago…

"How do you know how to do this, Sunbae?" Jan Di asked as they danced. Ji Hoo gave a shrug of his shoulder. "Well, I've studied and been exposed to music and the arts for years, so..."

"I guess there isn't much you can't do," she said. It came out as a mix between a compliment and an incredulous statement, and Jan Di inwardly berated herself for making such a forward statement. She didn't quite understand it, but lately, she'd been either acting like a spaz or just plain inappropriate around Ji Hoo Sunbae, and she felt her guilt over this morning returning...

But fortunately Ji Hoo didn't read anything unusual into her statement; instead, he simply chuckled. "I assure you, Jan Di, that there are plenty of things I can't do." And then he changed the subject. "I'm going to dip you now. Is that OK?"

Jan Di's eyes briefly flickered with worry, but then she nodded. "OK. Just don't let me fall, Sunbae."

"Never," he smiled at her, and supporting her back, he bent her halfway to the ground. He stared into her dark eyes for a few seconds before bringing her back up.

. . .

At the end of the song, the music stopped briefly, and all the couples returned to their tables, including Jan Di and Ji Hoo. The latter pair took a seat at their purchased table with their friends; Ga Eul and Jan Di were seated beside each other and across from Yi Jeong and Ji Hoo. Woo Bin was presently nowhere to be seen.

Hoping to take her mind off what Yi Jeong said, Ga Eul smiled at Jan Di and Ji Hoo and complimented their dancing. They smiled and thanked her, and then everyone's attention was called to the front, where Mr. Andersson had taken the stage.

"God kväll, tack för att du kom." He greeted the crowd, and two translators began translating for him, one in English and the other in Dutch. "Good evening, and thank you for coming…" His speech was broken when he was overcome by a hacking cough. Turning his head away from the mic he held, Mr. Andersson coughed into his hand and then turned back.

Yi Jeong's eyes wandered over to Elise at the table across from them. Seated tall and stiff as a board, the blonde woman's eyes were glued to her father.

"Forgive me," Mr. Andersson said before starting again. "I want to thank everyone for coming tonight and for all the patrons who have given their support," and he started to read off the list of financial contributors for the museum. Afterward, he continued with, "There will be an important announcement at the end of the evening, at precisely midnight. Please stay until then if you are able. For now, enjoy the drinks and appetizers, and dinner will be served shortly."

He gave a final thank you, and the ensemble began playing again, a soft melody to go along with dinner. Mr. Andersson left the stage and returned to his table. He took a seat beside his daughter. Yi Jeong watched Elise place her hand upon her father's hand resting on the table, but immediately, he pulled it away.

Meanwhile, Ga Eul rested her hands in her lap. Although she tried not to, she'd been watching Yi Jeong, who wasn't talking or paying much attention to anyone at the table. In fact, his eyes had been all over the room, and she noticed them often settling on Elise Andersson at the next table. Ga Eul found herself observing Elise, too. The tall, beautiful blonde was seated beside her father, a middle-aged woman, and three older men—all finely dressed with similar whitish blonde hair.

With a sigh, Ga Eul tore her eyes from Elise's table and focused on the people at her own. Eventually, Yi Jeong did the same, and the group began making idle chit-chat. Just then, a server stopped by holding a silver platter of appetizers. Ga Eul couldn't quite identify them, but it looked like fish on a cracker with some kind of white creamy substance.

"Gravlax salmon appetizer," the waiter explained in English.

"Salmon?" Ga Eul repeated. Of course, it's salmon.

The waiter nodded. "Swedish-cured salmon. Very good," he added.

Ga Eul took one. "Thank you." She bowed her head and took a bite. 

Jan Di, Ji Hoo, and Yi Jeong also took one in turn. Jan Di stuffed hers in and crunched on it, while Ji Hoo and Yi Jeong chewed theirs in a more delicate, refined manner.

"It's good," Jan Di commented. It actually reminded her of eating at the sushi restaurant with Jun Pyo on their first date. The fish tonight was every bit as good, very fresh, and probably right out of the huge body of water just outside the window.

It was moments like this when Jan Di missed Jun Pyo the most, when she had a random thought or memory of him…

Speaking of her long-distance boyfriend, she'd at least gotten to talk to him today. He'd called while she was in Ga Eul's room, in between the shopping outing and leaving for the benefit. Jan Di was glad to hear from her boyfriend, despite the guilt she was feeling over the little mishap this morning. It was nice to hear from him, and the conversation started out pleasant enough, but as soon as she told him she was in Sweden and explained why, he started scolding her for her flying to Sweden on a whim. It wasn't like he'd never done anything spontaneous... Well, he'd called her and Ji Hoo crazy and said they were butting in. Maybe they were, but how could she not worry about her best friend? There was no time to fill him in on everything this morning because he had to go, but she wondered how much he knew about all the drama with Ga Eul's stalker.

After taking a bite of a second appetizer, Yi Jeong's nose crinkled up in discernment. "I think there's vodka in this," the potter commented.

"It's subtle, but I think you're right," Ji Hoo remarked.

"Wow, really? How can you tell?" Jan Di asked of the men across from her.

Yi Jeong chuckled and responded, "Well, when you've been exposed to food and...drink as much as I have, you begin to pick it up."

"Oh. Well, I hope there's not a lot in it...," the Wonder Girl muttered.

"Don't worry, Jan Di-ah. Not enough to get you drunk. That is, not unless you eat a hundred of them," Ji Hoo teased, and Jan Di smirked at him.

Still nibbling on her first appetizer, Ga Eul set her gaze on the Swedish heiress, who had suddenly shot upright from her seat. Ga Eul watched Elise stride across the floor in a hurry. Without thinking, the teacher stood, too, and both men rose in polite response.

"Ga Eul-ah, is everything alright?" Jan Di asked worriedly. "Do you not feel well? Did you not like the fish?"

"No, I'm fine. It was very good. I'll...I'll be right back," and she her heel to leave. Yi Jeong watched her walk away.

. . .

Ga Eul picked up her pace when Elise started practically running after leaving the ballroom, and she followed her to the ladies' room. At the door, Ga Eul hesitated a moment before pushing the door open. Inside, she glanced around the elegant bathroom, complete with a red, plush couch and large floral arrangements. Not quite sure what she was doing there, she simply waited for the Swedish woman to come out.

From one of the stalls, Ga Eul heard the unmistakable sound of vomiting, then a flushing sound, and Elise came out of the stall, looking peaked. Ga Eul went to a sink and washed her hands so as not to look suspicious. When the Swedish woman noticed her, she looked over.

The Swedish woman and the Korean woman stood almost lifelessly still before a long, illuminated mirror that spanned the back wall, and for a full five seconds, neither woman said or did anything. It was the blonde beauty who finally moved; she turned her head and casually walked over to the sink and the faucet. Warm water burst forth from the waterfall faucet onto her hands. She soaped her hands and rubbed them together extra thoroughly under the water.

It was Ga Eul who broke the silence. "Are you alright, Miss Elise?" she asked, her forehead wrinkled up in concern. For, despite her uncertainty over the true nature of this woman, Ga Eul's kind heart couldn't help but go out to anyone who was suffering.

"Yes. Thank you for your concern," was Elise's rather cold response.

And Ga Eul watched as Elise ran water over her hands a second time and then splashed some on her face. Slowly, Ga Eul approached her as if she was a snake that might bite. Taking a paper towel out of the basket on the sink, she handed it to Elise.

Elise blinked her long eyelashes a few times, surprised by the Korean girl's kindness toward someone she barely knew. "...Thank you," she said, taking the towel.

"Um, Miss Elise, did you…eat something bad?" Ga Eul hesitantly asked. She didn't know if she was being too forward, but it was either that or stand there in silence.

To the Korean girl's surprise, Elise smirked. "No, that's not it." The Swedish beauty proceeded to dry her hands and then grab another towel. She dabbed the fresh towel at her face, tossed it away, and pulled a compact out of her purse. And she began redoing her makeup as if nothing had happened.

"Oh," was all Ga Eul said as she squeezed her hands together in front of her. The Swedish woman cast a glance at Ga Eul. "Did you need something?"

Ga Eul opened to speak, but no words came out. Not knowing what else to say, she finally uttered, "No, I just...wanted to check on you...I hope you feel better."

Elise simply stared at Ga Eul for what seemed like a long time; it was as if she was studying her. And with the barest of nods, Elise held her head high and strode out of the bathroom.

Immediately after, Ga Eul exited the ladies' room and watched Elise walk steadily ahead. She noticed Yi Jeong leaving the ballroom at that very moment. He caught sight of Elise on the way out and went to her; they exchanged a few words she couldn't hear, and he nodded and followed her down the hall in the other direction.

Ga Eul knew she shouldn't do this… She shouldn't be so insecure, but she had a terrible feeling right now. Like acid eroding her insides, she couldn't deny the burn she felt. What was it? Jealousy? Mistrust? She hated herself for it, too, but the fact of the matter was that it was there. So, being careful to keep out of sight, she followed them...

Elise and Yi Jeong turned a corner, walked a few paces, and finally stopped and faced one another, while Ga Eul hid behind the corner.

"Are you alright?" Yi Jeong asked Elise.

"Am I alright?" The blonde beauty scoffed, "Why do you ask that?"

"Well, for one, you don't look so good."

"Oh, thanks," she muttered sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that you don't look well." He observed the dark circles under her eyes and the pallid tone to her skin. She was definitely paler than usual.

Elise sighed and raised her blue eyes to the ceiling. "No, I'm not well. I'm not well at all, Yi Jeong."

"You're ill? Was it something you ate?"

"No, and why does everyone keep asking me that?!" she practically shouted.

Yi Jeong squinted at her in confusion.

"Sorry. No, I'm not ill."

"Then, what is it?"

"Never mind."

"Tell me what's wrong," he gently demanded.

She did shout this time. "What's wrong? What's wrong?! Everything's wrong!" She gestured wildly with her arms and then crossed them snugly over her ample chest. And tears began welling up at the corners of Elise's blue eyes.

"Alright, shh, it's alright…," Yi Jeong spoke, glancing around to see if anyone had heard her outburst. With a sigh, he placed a hand upon her slender arm. "Why don't you tell me about it. Is it because he's here?"

Elise sighed heavily. "Well, that's part of it…"

"What's the rest of it?"

"You don't want to know; believe me," she muttered, dropping her head.

"Yes, I do."

Elise's chest began to heave as the tears slipped free, "You want to know?"


"You really want to know?" Elise clenched her fists at her sides.

"Yes!" he demanded, having lost all patience for this conversation.

"Fine…I'm pregnant, Yi Jeong!"

. . .

Upon hearing those words, Ga Eul felt her stomach plummet, and she clasped her hand over to subdue the reflex to gasp. No… No way… It can't be…, she thought, shaking her head rapidly. Refusing to jump to any conclusions, Ga Eul kept listening from around the corner. Carefully peeking out, she clutched at the wall so hard that her fingers turned white.

"You're…you're—" Yi Jeong stammered in disbelief.

"Yes, I am," Elise spoke in as strong a voice as she could muster.

"Unbelievable!" he shouted, his tone incredulous and slightly angry.

"And is it…?"

Ashamedly, she lowered her head and nodded. Yi Jeong gripped his hair and turned his back on her.

What? Ga Eul stumbled backward and rested her back against the wall. No, it can't be… Her chest began to heave, and for a second she couldn't feel her legs. She couldn't stand here and listen to anymore, so despite the numb feeling she was currently experiencing, she took a few shaky steps away from the wall. Finally finding her strength, she bolted down the hall in the direction from which she'd come.

It can't be true! It just can't be! She repeated over and over in her head. But, if it wasn't...Yi Jeong's baby-it hurt to even think it-then why did he react that way? Come to think of it, he had seemed overly preoccupied with her all night...

"Sorted. Stepped on. Cut. And burned at 1,300 degrees," she repeated the words Yi Jeong had said to her so long ago. That was what it took to become strong, and she thought she'd experienced that. She'd thought she was stronger now. She'd thought she had been burned before… But the truth was, she'd never experienced anything even close to the devastating kind of pain she was feeling now. Not when Soo Pyo had dumped her, not even when Yi Jeong rejected her the first time… Never before had she known a pain like this, in fact. It felt like a knife was lodged deep within her heart.

How could he ask her to trust him? How could he say all those things? How could he betray her like this? She was so sure he was a changed man!

While trying to make sense of Elise's actions, Yi Jeong flashed back to his conversation with her the previous night. She'd been all worked up and had made the insane request of him to at least pretend to accept her father's position at the museum when he resigned. He'd ask her for a damn good reason to even consider that, and she had given him a pretty damn good one…

Elise had told Yi Jeong about some mysterious thefts at the museum that had occurred on Erik Karlsson's watch years ago. She said she couldn't prove it, but she knew that he was behind it. When asked why her father would even consider such a person as his successor after such rumors, she'd said that she didn't know why but that she had a terrible feeling about it. Something was clearly wrong, and her father was acting very strange, suddenly welcoming back a man he had fired with open arms. And then she'd told him that about a month ago, she did something really stupid…

She'd told him that she had gone to confront Erik Karlsson about the museum after he returned. He had been smooth and casual, denying everything from the past that he was accused of. She didn't believe him, of course, but he continued to try and convince her of his sincerity, and he worked his charms on her. Somehow, a kiss happened...and they ended up sleeping together…

It didn't make sense to Yi Jeong after all she'd told him, so he pressed her further…

Last Night…

"Elise, how could you let that happen?" he demanded.

"Oh, I suppose you've never slept with someone in a moment of weakness and regretted it afterward, Mr. Korean Casanova? I used to love him, alright? And when he feelings came rushing back… That's all there is to it. Don't judge me!" And she shoved him hard in the chest.

Yi Jeong scoffed. "Well, please tell me you at least used protection with your swindler ex-boyfriend," he muttered.

Elise looked away.

"You didn't?" Yi Jeong released a sharp sigh, "How could you be so careless?"

"Careless?!" she scoffed, "You're right… I was careless…I shouldn't have gone to his place in the first place… I just thought I could convince him to leave the museum be…"

"By sleeping with him?"



"It wasn't my fault, Yi Jeong…," she exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes.

"Well, you're not blameless. It takes two, Elise," Yi Jeong callously said, folding his arms and watching her with disapproval.

"Don't look at me like that!" She couldn't stand any more of his preaching and attitude toward her, so she blurted it out, "I TOLD HIM TO STOP, BUT HE WOULDN'T, OK?!"

"What?" Yi Jeong's face fell. "He...forced you?!"

"Yes! There, I said it… I tried to struggle, but he's...a lot stronger than me..." She hugged herself tightly and averted her eyes.

"Elise…," Yi Jeong took a step forward, reaching out to touch her arm, but she pulled away. "Don't touch me!" she snapped.

"I'm sorry…"

Elise nodded painfully. "No, I'm sorry…"

Yi Jeong's expression softened, but then a surge of anger rose up in his chest. "I'm going to kill that guy!" he growled.

"Yi Jeong, what are you talking about? You can't do anything. Just leave it alone. You'll only make things worse. Trust me!"

Yi Jeong exhaled sharply. "I can't just do nothing."

"I already told you what you could do if you really want to help me…," she mumbled.

"There has to be something else. Have you gone to the police?"

"I can't."

"Why not?!"

"I just can't."

"Well, I have a friend who…"

"Just let it go, Yi Jeong. Let's just get through the Benefit, OK?"

Yi Jeong sighed. "Fine," he said, not liking it one bit. "...I have to go but don't worry. Everything will be fine." And with that promise, he left.

The Present…

Now, Elise's tears were spilling forth freely, without any end in sight. Her knees unexpectedly buckled, and she began to slip toward the floor, but Yi Jeong caught her. Pulling her up wasn't easy. She was light, but she'd become a ragdoll in his arms. He managed to keep her upright, and he held her against him. Surprisingly, she didn't pull away this time but simply cried in his arms.

"I'm sorry to burden you with this Yi Jeong… I'm so sorry, but I just…didn't know who to turn to!" she blubbered into the fine fabric of his suit. Yi Jeong sighed and embraced her for several seconds longer. Then he brought her back to arms' length, and taking one hand off her shoulder, he pulled out the finely embroidered, personalized, purple and white handkerchief that was folded neatly in his pocket. He handed it to her; she wiped her eyes with it several times, but she couldn't seem to stop crying, and she ended up in his arms again, sinking into his chest. Gently, Yi Jeong wrapped one arm around her back and her golden hair with the other.

This wasn't his strong suit, comforting people, but he felt so bad for her. He'd never seen her this way before, but he couldn't blame her for being emotional after all she'd been through and being pregnant as she was…

"What…am I…going to do? It's all over! Everything is ruined! Not to mention my father is going to kill me!" Her words came out in short, desperate gasps.

"Shhh, it'll be OK…," he soothed, still wondering how he'd gotten himself into this situation.

Pulling back, "How?!" she demanded to know. "How will it be OK? I'm worthless now..."

"You're not worthless!"

"Who will ever want me after this?"

"Plenty of people," he replied.

Elise scoffed, "Not like it'll matter. When my father finds out, he'll force me to marry him! I can't marry him, Yi Jeong! I'll be miserable!" She choked out a few more sobs and began shakily, "I know that...because of the nature of the pregnancy, I could...get it taken care of...but...I can't do that. I won't do that."

Yi Jeong nodded.

"...But I just...don't know how I'm going to do it on my own!" She was in tears again, so he pulled her in once more. The potter rubbed the Swedish girl's while embracing her. Then, he brought her back to arms' length again. Placing his hands square upon her shoulders, and looking far into her eyes, he said, "You won't have to. I' you."

"What did you just say?" she asked, stupefied.

Yi Jeong sighed and tucked his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "I said that I'd help you."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. We're friends, right?"

She nodded ultra-slowly, and suddenly, she threw her arms around his neck. Crying tears of thanks this time, she hugged him hard around the neck. "I've never had such a friend...that something like...this… Thank you, Yi Jeong... Thank you so much!"

Yi Jeong was shocked by Elise's overzealous reaction, but he supposed it was just her emotions running wild.

He wasn't quite sure what he was getting himself into, though, and he needed to talk to Ga Eul about it. She would be understanding and have something encouraging to say, but for now, he needed to get through this night, take care of Mr. Karlsson, and above all, keep Ga Eul safe.

"Elise, will you be alright now? I need to speak with someone."

She nodded, and he gave her shoulder a squeeze before making his way back into the ballroom.

Ga Eul continued to run quickly through the corridor… Her legs felt as though they'd gone numb, and she didn't know how she was even standing, let alone running at full speed. It must be the strange surge of adrenaline she had going. Right now, she felt nothing but raw pain and the desire to wake up from this nightmare, so she just kept going with no particular direction in mind, losing an expensive heel along the way. But it didn't matter. Nothing really mattered to her right now...

Sprinting down the hall with one shoe on and tears in her eyes, Ga Eul just kept telling herself that this wasn't real. It couldn't be true! Practically blinded by her tears, she kept running... She didn't know where she was going, but she just needed to escape!


And then she remembered that Yi Jeong had asked her not to run away. He'd made her promise, in fact. Was he planning on confessing his relationship with Elise tonight? Promise or no promise, why should she stick around to hear that?

But no, surely she'd misunderstood. There had to be some explanation for this; there just had to be! And even if there wasn't, she had promised him, and she was a person who kept her promises.

Suddenly, Ga Eul thought of Jan Di's account of Macau. Even though Jun Pyo had called her a stain and broken her heart, she'd had the courage to face him and hear it for herself. So, she would face Yi Jeong, too. She didn't know what possible explanation he could offer her, but she wouldn't be a coward. She would hear it straight from his lips. She owed it to him to at least hear him out, no matter how painful it might be.

So, she turned around to go back. Deciding she needed a moment to compose herself-and perhaps a splash of water-she headed toward the ladies' room, still wearing only one shoe. She wasn't sure where she'd lost the other, so she decided to backtrack when she finally realized it…

Just then, a voice behind her made her stop dead in her tracks. "Var går Cinderella?" came the voice in what she could only assume was Swedish.

The male voice was almost sickeningly sweet as syrup, yet chilling to the bone. Ga Eul spun around to confront the one who had caught her, the one who now held her heel in the palm of his hand. "Where is Cinderella going?" he repeated in English. She recognized the tall man with the wavy brownish-blonde hair as the one Yi Jeong had been glaring at, the one he hadn't wanted Elise to dance with.

"Excuse me?" she asked in English, giving him a half-hearted bow. It was partially out of politeness and partially to hide her tear-stained face.

The Swedish man steadily approached her. When he was right in front of her, he held the shoe out. "Looking for this?" he asked in English. She nodded and reached for it, but before she could take it, he got down on one knee. Ga Eul's eyes widened, as he took her ankle in hand. The sudden movement almost made her lose her balance, and she was forced to place a hand on his shoulder for support as he slipped her foot into the shoe.

Afterward, the man stood. "Is that better, Cinderella?" He smiled down at her with a pearly, perfect set of teeth.

She gave him a polite thank you. After all, he'd done a nice thing.

Then the man leaned forward, looking into her face, studying her. Ga Eul took a few steps back, for he was far too close for her liking.

"What's wrong, Cinderella? Why have you been crying? Has your carriage turned into a pumpkin and you have no way of getting home?"

He was speaking English, but she was still learning and wasn't quite sure about all that he'd said. She thought he'd asked her something about being well or better, and she was sure that he kept calling her Cinderella. How strange. As for him, he had the looks of a Prince Charming, yet somehow she suspected he was anything but that in reality.

She sniffled and wiped away a stray tear, and the man took an embroidered handkerchief with a blood red emblem out of his pocket and extended it to her. Suddenly, Ga Eul recalled the time Yi Jeong had given her his handkerchief, at Jan Di's retirement ceremony. That only made her want to cry harder, so she refused the handkerchief, bowed, and turned away. She certainly did not want to burst into tears in front of a total stranger… But before she could leave, he grasped onto her shoulders. Her first instinct was to struggle, but instead, she froze. "You're not leaving, are you?" he whispered in her ear. She pulled away from him this time. He didn't attempt to hold on, and she turned around to face him.

"Leaving?" she confirmed his question.

He nodded, and she shook her head 'no.'

"Good, because we were asked to remain here until midnight. You should stay to hear the announcement unless of course, your coach will turn into a pumpkin by then."

She looked at him, confused, and the man chuckled and waved her off with a hand. "Never mind. I'll see you later. Perhaps you'll save a dance for me?" He gave her a smirk-smile and began walking away. Seconds later, he turned to look back at her over his shoulder and said, "I hope the princess has time for one dance before she leaves the ball." And with that, he made his way to the ballroom.

Yi Jeong had parted ways with Elise and returned to his table, but when he saw that Ga Eul wasn't there, he grew worried and frantically scanned the room with his eyes for her. He finally saw her entering the ballroom, and he watched as she approached their table. Without a word, she took her seat across from him. She seemed completely distracted right now, and she wouldn't even look at him, so he said her name, but she didn't respond.

"Ga Eul-yang," he repeated.

Finally, she met his eyes, but just barely. "Yes?" she asked in a robotic tone.

"Is everything alright?"

No, everything wasn't alright, but she'd vowed not to cry, and she would wait and speak to him in private to clear up this matter. But now wasn't the right time or place, so she would be strong until the event was over.

"Ga Eul-yang?"

"Y-yes?" Despite her best effort, her voice trembled.

"Would you like to dance, Cinderella?" She heard the man's voice from the hall, and Ga Eul looked up to see him standing there, offering his hand to her and smiling. She glanced at Yi Jeong, who was scowling at him. If looks could kill, the Swedish man would be on the floor right now. "No, she wouldn't," Yi Jeong answered for her and placed his hand protectively-or possessively; she wasn't sure which-over hers.

The man cocked his head to the side in an amused fashion.

"You speak it, but do you not understand English? I said nej!" Yi Jeong raised his voice.

The corner of the man's lip curled maliciously upward. "I understand perfectly, and I wasn't asking you," Mr. Karlsson snarled, and he looked to Ga Eul. Ga Eul's eyes shot away from him and to Yi Jeong. He squeezed her hand and looked into her eyes as if to tell her to stay put. "Ga Eul-yang, I need to speak with you," he whispered.

Ga Eul thinned her lips. Clearly, he didn't want her to dance with this man, and she didn't know if it was jealousy or what, but she didn't really care why...

"Please…," Yi Jeong ventured further, practically begging her with his eyes not to go.

Ga Eul let out a heavy sigh. Shaking her head, she wrenched her hand away from him. "I'm sorry, Sunbae," she spoke with a cold formality, but it'll have to wait." And then she stood and looked at the Swedish man. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Yes, I'll dance with you, sir."

Hurt by her acceptance, Yi Jeong's brow furrowed, "Ga Eul-yang?"

But she ignored him, and Mr. Karlsson smirked in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Jan Di and Ji Hoo had been closely watching the interaction. What happened? Are they fighting? Jan Di wondered. She knew something was up, and she looked to Ji Hoo to give her some kind of indication as to what was going on with his eyes, but he seemed to be just as confused as she was. The Wonder Girl wouldn't take this lying down, though, and she planned to get some answers very soon.

Without saying a word or even looking at Yi Jeong, Ga Eul accepted the hand of the handsome Swedish man, and she allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. Midway there, she began to regret her decision. She didn't know or trust this man, and perhaps she was being immature, but she had been too upset to care. Maybe she was even punishing Yi Jeong a little… Maybe she wanted to make him a little bit jealous for once… Or, maybe she was just afraid to hear what he might have to say… She still refused to be a coward, but she wasn't quite ready yet, so, she would buy herself a little time to mentally prepare…

***To Be Continued***

Teaser: Yi Jeong is furious when Erik dances a sensual dance with Ga Eul. Erik tries to manipulate Ga Eul, and F2 and Jan Di try to help out their friends. JanHoo gets trapped in a closet and overhear something they weren't supposed to, and chaos ensues when Mr. Andersson makes his announcement at midnight.

*My teasers are a little off because I always go longer or short than planned, usually longer.  This is a little shorter than normal.  That stuff will still happen but maybe into the next chapter or a bit of the following one, depending on how long it gets.  Thanks!  

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lanachelaisabelle #1
Chapter 12: Continue the story Pleaseeeee
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 12: Hmmm...When the cat's away the mice will play. JanDi being the cat, and YiJeong & GaEul the mice. lol Anyway, ooff what a harrowing evening! Like YiJeong said, he just wanted to give GaEul a nice evening and all hell broke loose. So, how are they going to deal with Karlsson and now that Elise is pregnant with his kid and I've forgotten, why can't Elise just inherit the museum? Why does she need a husband? Some dumb aristocratic rule? JanDi has some thoughts to sort through. Not too busy to chase GaEul but too busy to visit your BF? Oh and JanDi. when your lives are being threatened is not the time to sqwack at who goes in which car. Proprieties be damned in that situation as you happily went with Jihoo anyway and even slept the whole way with your head on his lap. lol
seamusmommy #3
Chapter 11: GaEul, just hear the guy out, ok. Try not to jump to a billion conclusions and don't trust that Karlson guy. YiJeong...come on Casanova, get with it! You've got some explaining to do or you'll end up with not a girlfriend but a wife whom you don't love. Jihoo...slick go warn YiJung and GaEul! JanDi...really have you always been this much trouble? lol
diyanahfd #4
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Thankyou for the update author-nim! Been reading this story on both of your fanfics site. To be real honest, this is my most favourite and awaited story. Sad to hear that this story might left with only 4/5 chapters as you said in fanfic site, but i’ll be continously supporting your fanfics! Keep it up!
Chapter 11: Great chapter and love it
I feel bad for the soeul couple right now because Yi Jeong grandfather come to Sweden and I'm sure that Mr. Andersson and Yi Jeong grandfather want Yi Jeong and Elise to get marry so they can have a growing museum in Sweden and South Korea
Erik want to get rid of Yi Jeong because he want the museum and I think that Mr. Andersson does not trust Erik at all
Ga Eul was hurt to hear that Yi Jeong will stay in Sweden and she think that Yi Jeong will be with Elise and her baby because Ga Eul think that the baby is Yi Jeong
Yi Jeong better explain to Ga Eul and tell her that the baby not his because he will lose Ga Eul when she push him to be with Elise
Jan Di always over protected of Ga Eul but I love how Ji Hoo stop her from finding Ga Eul and he right that Ga Eul and Yi Jeong need to talk it out
Erik and Elise talked and Erik know that Elise will not break Yi Jeong and Ga Eul up because she know that Yi Jeong will hate her.
Jan Di and Ji Hoo over hear Erik and they in closet together and I think something will happen between them
Yi Jeong grandfather really old school and I think he may be worst than Madam Kang but Yi Jeong will not let him control him
Can't wait to see what happen next and hope there be some romantic soeul moment before Ga Eul go back to South Korea
diyanahfd #6
Chapter 10: Omg please continue this story i’m extremely curious to know what’s going to happen next. Please dont break my heart seeing the SoEul couple breaking apart with huge conflicts & more with the Anderssons. I’m waiting for your update, author! Really nice story and im loving it.
liSSie #7
Chapter 10: So this is what happens in between Chapter 9 and the Teaser you posted with it. You noted it in your teaser above. I was quite confused at what was happening at the beginning but eventually caught on. It was good that GaEul went back to their table to have an explanatiin of sorts but to accept the dance with the Karlsson guy complicated things a bit..
seamusmommy #8
Aigoo, how is YiJeong going to take care of Elise and GaEul. And I want to strangle GaEul. She should have just run away if. She wasn't going to listen
Chapter 9: Please update soom
ammuammuz #10
Chapter 9: Pleaseeeee update