Chapter 7

Partners in Crime

~Two months later~

"We really haven't collected that much information about this guy" Near sighed going through his papers "The best thing we got is his name: Kazami Keizo and that his rate for each case is £1,000, and that he loves to spend time in the internet café, and we still have no idea where he gets his information from, does he have someone working for him, or does he hack himself"

"Maybe he uses the server at the Internet Café, even though it's public wouldn't that make it easier for him to access information" Mika suggested. 

Alex and Suke burst out laughing. Alex clutched her stomach as she talked "No way. If he was using that server everyone would know, it would be super corrupted and no one would use it, there's no possible way, and if there was Near would have found it already" Alex stated as she continued to laugh.

Near stayed quiet looking through the papers, Mika lowered her head slightly. It was just a suggestion, she thought. She knew it probably wasn't right as she wasn't the most techno minded, but at least she suggested something. Mika kept her head lowered as Alex and Suke were whispering to each other causing each other to laugh more.

"Guys! Alex, Near, Suke, Mika. Light wants you downstairs now please" L's voice bellowed up to them. Alex sighed. "Guys! Now please!" L shouted again.

"I guess we'll have to leave the investigation here for tonight" Near said, packing up their stuff, making sure L and Light wouldn't find it. 

"We need another meeting to decide what we're actually doing next about all of this" Alex spoke, sighing as she did "So much extra work to create time for another ing meeting"

"Hey! Alex, no swearing while you're brother's here" Suke joked, referencing to the fact that Near was the youngest. Alex glared at him, causing him to playfully hit her, and her hit back, while Near and Mika continued to clear their stuff up.

"Guys! Downstairs NOW!"

They all trudged downstairs to be met with the sight of Light and several of the children from Wammy's residence. Alex gave her mother a questioning look. Suke nudged her to get her to stop glaring and she nudged him back, they were both trying not to burst out laughing at how irritated Light's face looked.

"You guys look like you need some fresh air, especially you Alex, so why don't the four of you take out these little ones trick or treating" Light announced.

Alexa's head snapped up once those dreaded words left her mother's mouth, they were forcing her to go outside where there were other humans. 

"No, you cannot do this to me" Alexa whined staring down at her mother. 

"Yes, I can and just did, so you better go and have fun trick or treating with the others" Light demanded, Alex took a quick survey for her surrounding before attempting to make a quick dash towards an exit but unfortunately her soon-to-be-ex-partner in crime stood in front of her and with all the strength he had threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 

"C'mon Alex it will be fun" Suke said as he walked towards the front of the house completely ignoring his girlfriend who trailed behind them followed by a bunch of children dressed in different home-made Halloween costumes. 

Mika watched as her boyfriend carried her sister off, she could feel the jealousy build up as the pair messed around with one another, then the most horrid thought crept into Mika's head. 'What if Ryunosuke prefers being with Alex over her and wants to be in a relationship with Alex but since she was dating Rico, he decided to stick to her side, so he could spend every second with her instead'. 

Mika properly looked over at her twin sister and boyfriend, they were both happy in each other's company and would definitely make a cute couple if they decided that they wanted to be in relationship and there was nothing that Mika would be able to do after all Alex was much stronger than Mika and would easily take Mika down if she tried to get in the way, but then again would Alex hurt Mika after all they were sisters. Mika closed her eyes and looked away from the pair. She didn't like this feeling.

'No Alex would never do that, Suke loves me' Mika through in an attempt to convince herself but she did not believe her own words. 

Most of the children ran off as soon as they reached one of the streets which were littered with Halloween decorations, Alex watched in amazement as children separated from normal children with lower intelligence mixed easily as they all ran to doors collecting candy from complete strangers. 

"Why do parents trust that the strangers who have given their child candy have not poisoned it, if you hated children this would be the perfect way to kill them and not get caught because no one would remember what house their children collected the candy from?" Alex suddenly questioned. 

"I worry about you sometimes Alex" a familiar male voice said from behind them, Ryunosuke turned around to find Rico, Chase, Jewels, Azzai, Akira and Jacon. Rico stood at the front of the group whilst Chase stood to his right with an arm wrapped around Jewels' waist, Jacon had jumped on Azzai's back who was struggling to keep his up and Akira stood beside Rico on the left still smiling with a stupidest grin on his face. 

"I'd stopped worrying about my thoughts after all my uncle is BB" Alex said but whispered the last part just so Suke could here. 

"Any enough about my insanity what's you guys doing out especially Jewels and Chase, isn't it date night for you too" Alex said looking over at the couple. 

"We had to change our plans at the last minute" Chase spoke as his hand trailed slower down Jewels' waist. 

"You cancelled date night, but you never cancel even if the world was ending, wait nope you just did it quick didn't you" Alex said as she stared at Jewels' limp, the embarrassed blush which appeared on Jewels' face and the proudest grin which appeared on Chase's proved her idea.

"Ryunosuke, Alexa the children are feeling tired, so we are doing to have to take them back" Mika said, gesturing to Near standing beside her.

"Full names?" Alex muttered looking down at Suke as she was still on his shoulder with a confused expression. 

"Okay sis, anyway we better go see you soon" Alex said leaning down to kiss Rico's cheek before Suke followed after Mika and the other children. 

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