Chapter 4

Partners in Crime

Mika was up at the crack of dawn, both hers and Ryunosuke's outfits were thrown over two chairs. The plan was to follow Alexa for as long as they could and find out who she was keeping a secret from the rest of the family.

"Ugh, I'm so tired" Suke whispered, pulling off his top to replace it with the one on the chair.

"Aren't you always?" Mika joked as she began to change too.

"Well, if you're like Alex and I you spend most of your time staying up planning pranks and setting them into motion. It's extremely tiring y'know" Suke answered

Mika didn't respond. She sat on her bed after she'd finished changing. Suke was about to question why she was so quiet when they heard a subtle creak of footsteps go past the door and down the stairs. That was their cue.

They waited until they heard the front door open and close and carefully made their way down the stairs and out the door.
They made it just in time to see Alex take a right turn out of the driveway. As they started to walk down the drive their curiosity of what Alex was really doing perked "I really wonder what Alex isn't telling us, like maybe it's something to do with the investigation. But how could she keep that from all of us when it's so important" Suke spoke quietly "It kind of hurts she's keeping something from us, like she tells me everything. Or at least I thought she did".

Again, Mika didn't say anything back to Ryunosuke. He wanted to question her badly but as they were now a lot closer to Alex he decided it would be best if they didn't speak otherwise they may get caught. Somehow Ryunosuke felt isolated in the dark night. Alex wasn't telling him something, it made him feel disconnected from her. And Mika wasn't even looking at him. It felt strangely like he wasn't even there in that moment.

With his thoughts in the sky, Suke didn't even notice Mika had pulled him to a stop where Alex had slowed her walking. He was about to turn to Mika when they both saw Alex disappear to the left mysteriously. Both Mika and Suke shot a look at one another before jogging over to the alleyway their sister/friend had jumped into, it was empty.

No Alexa insight, Suke started touching the walls in case there was a secret tunnel that the pair was unaware of. Mika was kicking herself over the fact that they allowed so much distance to come between them and Alexa. The pair walked towards the other exit of the alleyway when out of the corner of their eyes - something moved.

Mika spun around but nothing was there, Suke suddenly let out a shriek, when Mika turned around fear had consumed her at the thought of something happening to Ryunosuke. There stood Alexa, her arm was wrapped around Suke's neck, just by looking into her eyes Mika could tell - she was pissed.

"Why are you following me Mika, Suke"

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