Chapter 3

Partners in Crime

Alexa dumped the last of the bugs she had taken from her father's surveillance unit, Mika stared at the equipment that her sister and boyfriend had collected.

"We are only following him for the day, not stalking his every move for the rest of the month" Mika said, Ryunosuke and Alexa shot a glance at one another before turning back to what they were originally doing.

"The detective is currently at an internet cafe" Near said as he walked into the room. Alexa gave her brother a nod before shoving all of the equipment into her bag then threw it over her shoulder.

"Let’s go!" Ryunosuke shouted before grabbing his girlfriend arm and dragging her from the room. Near and Alexa shared a confused look over Suke's sudden excitement due to how terrified he had been planning on breaking into the mafia front building and retrieving the data.

“This must be a walking in the park compared to the other” Alexa said shrugging before walking out of the room, they quickly shouted a goodbye to their parents, Mika climbed into the driver’s seat of the car.

“Shot gun” Alexa said then jumped into the passenger’s seat, once the other two were buckled in, they took off in the direction of the cafe.

The detective had been sitting at the same booth for over an hour, Near was messing around with some of the toys he had brought along with him, Mika was messing around on her phone with Ryunosuke peering over her shoulder, Alexa had her head on the table, to say the least. They were all bored.

A few minutes passed until Alexa's phone went off BTS Baepsae filled the coffee shop, a couple of customers who were closest to the group shot them a look before turning back to whatever they were doing before. Alexa raised her head from the table and pulled her phone from her pocket before any of the others had a chance to read the name, the phone was pressed against Alexa's ear.

"The number you have reached is not available at this current time due to current boredom which has settled in with the owner please try again later" Alexa said.

"Yes, I am very funny"

"Is there a reason you called?"

"Yus, we are still meeting tomorrow, do you really think that lowly of me to back out... wait don't answer that”

"I'll see you tomorrow, adios loser" Alexa finished off the call re-pocketing her phone then face planting the table once more completely ignoring her siblings and friend looks.

Light was currently lying on his bed one of his hands on his bump, his mind was currently being plagued with different scenarios. Light would not admit it to anyone but he was slightly concerned about how his children will be like with the baby. When L and Light told them about the baby they all seemed ecstatic in one way or another but recently the triplets had been pulling away from them. Light was worried that the large was going to cause a problem with the triplets bonding with their younger brother or sister.

“Light, you are overthinking something” L said. Light turned his head to face his husband who was sitting beside him.

“It’s nothing really” Light replied.

“Well whatever it is, it looked like it bothered you, you know you can talk to me” L told his pregnant husband.

“Trust me it’s nothing” Light answered.

“Just know I am here for you” L replied before leaning down and pressing a kiss against his husband forehead.

The triplets and Ryunosuke walked through the front door after a long boring day of surveying the detective, they now understood why L got other to do the surveillance work for him.

“Welcome home” Light said walking towards his children then pulled each one into a hug.

“Mum, I’m going out tomorrow to meet a friend” Alexa told Light before trudging towards her bedroom. Ryunosuke and Mika shared a look with one another, silently agreeing to follow Alexa tomorrow and learn who she is meeting and why Alexa has been keeping it a secret especially after everything they had been through.

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