1. F I R S T

Lost & Found

I feel an unusual pull towards the shelter when I get there during my monthly visit for check-ups. It is as if something is beckoning me over, the tug in my stomach real and heavy. I know that it is just me because my supervisor looks perfectly fine. We walk to the front desk, where Jongdae sits, beaming at me when we enter as if it's not only eight in the morning.

“Good morning!” he greets chirpily.

My supervisor groans. “Jongdae,” she says in a jokingly serious tone. “How are you so happy at eight in the morning?”

“I’m not,” he grumbles, glancing at me. He has a pout on his lips when he complains to me, “Do you get told off for being happy too?”

I can only shrug. Because she doesn’t tell me off for being “happy”, but she sometimes seem annoyed when I am extra bubbly. She grumbles about Jongdae being a mean guy and it is just so obvious that she has a crush on the man. Then, she asks if there were any new updates regarding the animals. At once, Jongdae sobers up and comes round the front desk, his playful and chirpy side gone. We follow him as he leads the way to the back where all the animals are.

“We've got seven new ones this week, so they need to be checked. The regulars are mostly fine—” He pauses and glances back at me with a wide smile, “Rose was adopted yesterday, by the way.”


My eyes widen a little and my eyebrows shoot up. Rose was one of my favourites whenever I come here for their regular weekly checkup. She is a grey pitbull and she is the sweetest thing ever. She is adorable and I really would have adopted her if I hadn't lived in a small apartment with hardly any time for myself. As a vet student, I definitely spend a lot of time with animals because I am always around clinics. But if I ever had a pet, I really am not certain whether I would be able to provide the love and care that it needs.

Jongdae bobs his head happily and turns back to the front again. “Rose, Cheese, and Honey were adopted just yesterday. There were more adoptions during the week too.”

“This week’s adoption rate must be good,” my supervisor comments. I agree.

Jongdae nods just as he pushes the door open to where the new animals are. “Adoption rate this month is definitely one of the best so far. Anyway, here are the eight new ones. Five dogs and three cats.”

I scan the cages. A particular cage catches my eye. Usually, cats and dogs are caged apart from each other. The regular cats and dogs are even kept in different rooms. Not only are they are of different genus species, but everyone also knows that they are troublemakers when put together. The new animals at this shelter though, are put in the same room for now, just so it is easier for me and my supervisor to check up on them when we come. (Though my supervisor doesn’t do much but supervise.) What is so unusual about that one cage is that it holds a dog and a cat. Together.

“Why are they put together?” my supervisor asks with a slight frown, pointing to the only cage that holds two occupants.

“Oh,” Jongdae grins when he sees which cage she is pointing to. “They were found on the streets together just two days ago. They were quite aggressive when we tried to save them. And when we separated them here, the cat cried and the dog howled and barked like no tomorrow which made the other animals do the same. The others got tired eventually, the two wouldn't stop crying even at night when we checked the CCTVs. So the first thing we did yesterday morning was to try to put them together and since then, they hadn’t made sound.”

“Huh,” she hums in interest as she walks closer to the cage.

I trail behind her. The other surrounding dogs are on alert as we approach, some barking, some staring at us with their ears perked. The dog that doesn’t do anything, the only dog that stares at us with its head cocked to the side like it is evaluating us, is the dog in the shared cage. My supervisor stops there, just staring down into the cage. However, being the curious person I am, I halt in front of the cage and squat down, peering into the confines.

The cat is a beautiful pure breed of British Shorthair, its fur a nice and fluffy dark grey coat. It is curled in a ball between the front paws of the Corgi, its head on the dog’s hand. Sensing a presence, it opens its eyes, looking at me with orbs that are so blue they look like the sky has been trapped in them. The Corgi is staring back at me with hazel brown eyes, its gaze too strong and unwavering for me to feel comfortable.

I clear my throat and take a seat carefully in front of the cage. I turn to my supervisor, who is already back at where the start of the cages are, talking to Jongdae, the both of them so obviously flirting with each other. Jongdae has his hands in his pockets, looking too casual, as he tells her something funny. She giggles at what he says, her hand covering . I turn back to the two animals are still watching me calmly. In comparison to their neighbours, they seem too peaceful. Maybe being together is good for them.

“I swear, they’re always flirting every time they meet,” I grumble to the mismatched pair, though I’m really just talking to myself. I reach out to unlock the cage. “If you’re unfortunate enough to see me again next week,” I mumble as I slowly open the door. The cat lifts its head now, curious. “You’ll see what I mean,” I tell them.

I hold my hand out into the cage, letting the cat and dog sniff my hand to recognise my scent. Animals are usually wary during their first encounter with a newcomer and they would normally sniff your scent to familiarise themselves with you. But what I don’t expect is when the cat lifts its grey paw and rests it on my palm, almost like a handshake or some sort of a playful gesture. I smile. I guess even though Rose is in her forever home now, I’ll eventually find a new favourite. Or rather, new favourites.

“Nice to meet you too,” I chuckle quietly as I the back of the cat’s hand with my thumb. Just as I say that, the dog nudges the neck of its companion with its nose as if trying to bring it closer, away from me. “I won’t hurt you,” I promise, putting down the cat’s paw on the ground gently. I reach out to the dog’s head. Though it is cautious, it still lets my palm sit on the top of his head. “I’m just going to do a quick check-up, okay? Don’t be afraid,” I coo, massaging the back of the dog’s ear.

The cat stretches its limbs and gets up. I watch as it walks out of the cage lithely, its movements graceful and regal. It doesn't hesitate when it walks a circle around me, rubbing its body against me. Jongdae and my assistant come over then, probably noticing that I have let out one of the animals. Walking one round around me, the cat climbs up onto my lap and sits primly on my folded legs, facing me with its tail lazily swaying behind him. It is unnerving to have a cat look at me like this, like it is evaluating me, observing me.

“That's interesting,” Jongdae comments with a rather surprised tone in his voice. I turn to him. “They're not very sociable. The dog wouldn't let us touch the cat — he's really protective over him that way. And during play time, they only stay together. The cat likes it when we him but the dog wouldn't let us too close long enough.”

I look back down at the cat which is grooming itself, its right paw. I tear my gaze to the dog behind the cat in the cage and notice it watching us warily, but not moving from its spot.

“Him, did you say?” my supervisor enquires, having heard the gender pronoun Jongdae had used.

“Yeah,” he nods. “They're both males.”

“You're sure about that?” she mumbles.

I am already touching the cat’s underbelly, making it flinch in surprise. I its fur until I feel the area. “Yeah, this one’s a male,” I confirm for my supervisor who helps me fill in the information on her board. I hear a growl from the cage, making the three of us look at the Corgi. Its eyes are on me, its teeth bared. “Don't worry, I’ll be gentle with your friend,” I joke. “You can come out and supervise me if you want to.”

I had meant it in a joking manner. And though I am training to be a vet, I believe that animals do not really understand our language. They can sense emotions which might make people think they understand whenever they pour their hearts out to their pets. And since commands and tricks are simply reinforcement learning, I really do not believe that animals can understand us.

Yet the dog, as if taking me up on that offer, stands and shakes out its fur. It walks out of the cage and comes to a stop next to me. I notice its area hanging as it walks as well, letting me know that it is indeed a male. He doesn't hesitate when he proceeds to make himself comfortable in that spot, lying with his belly flat on the ground, head up to watch me.

“That's so cute,” my supervisor chuckles.

“You should see Bayleaf,” Jongdae tells her. “You'll love her, she's so much cuter.”

While he describes to her about Bayleaf, one of the new dogs, I reach out to pat the dog’s head. “It's okay. I like Corgis. I think you're the cutest here. But don't tell the others or they'll get jealous.”

And from there, we start the check-up. Jongdae returns to the front desk, leaving us to work efficiently. My supervisor squats next to me on the other side, clipboard resting on her thighs, her pen poised to write whatever I find. Sometimes when I forget something, she would remind me to check it, just as a supervisor would. The Corgi continues to watch me lay his companion across my lap as I check his underside. About three minutes of me just checking the basics and telling my supervisor my findings, the cat is comfortable enough to start rubbing his back on my lap this way and that, while the dog simply rests his head on his paw. I chuckle when the cat starts playing with my finger that I am holding up in front of him.

“Come on, baby,” I coo, chuckling as I watch him try to catch my finger with his paws. “Work with me here.” He doesn't listen though, his eyes darting around as he tries to catch my moving finger. I sigh and laugh. “I guess we could say he still has perfect eyesight then.” I tickle the tips of my fingers on his belly. “We’re done with you now, wanna get down?”

All he does is wiggle in my lap, trying to catch hold of my hand on his belly with his own paws. He doesn't seem to want to get down. I smile in affection. I really like him already. I look up at the dog, staring at us with sleepy eyes. But he perks up when he notices my attention on him.

“Your turn now, Big Boy,” I tell him.

I do not expect him to understand yet he does. He gets up and makes his way to my lap, easily squeezing with the cat. He plops half his body on the feline. My supervisor snorts at that.

“They’re so weird.”

I don’t say anything as I smile at the two animals in my lap, already snuggling and making way for each other. I the Corgi from the head down to its back. He looks up at me with his tongue sticking out. They’re really very cute. I glance up and look at the cage, hoping to see names for them since the shelter always gives their new animals names every time they enter.

Cat: Vivi
Dog: Mongryong

Huh. Very unusual names even for Jongdae to choose (he once named a rabbit Hippy, and another Hoppy). Mongryong is patient and nice while I give him a check-up. He stays in his spot and adjusts his position every now and then when I need him to. He seems to be about five to six years in age. Though Corgis are normally very active and cheeky dogs anyway, I am surprised that he isn’t like that during the check-up. When I am done, however, that’s a different story.

“Okay, in you go now,” I tell the pair, patting their heads.

Instead of going in like I expect them to since they had been very good listeners since the start, the both of them stay outside, the cat rubbing his head on my stomach while the dog runs around me excitedly. I have to admit that the dog is acting very different from when I first interacted with him. He is livelier and more interactive. He is cute, but I really have to work.

“I’ll play with you guys later, okay?” I promise, their fur coats. The cat bobs his head against my hand while the dog whines. “Do me a favour please,” I beg them instead. “I promise to play with you later.”

With a lot of coaxing, my supervisor and I manage to get the two of them back in their cages. They sit side by side, staring out of the cage at me with pleading eyes while my supervisor walks to the next cage. I stick a finger between the wires of the cage. The cat immediately starts rubbing his head on my finger while the dog’s tail thumps against the ground in excitement. I smile. They're so cute. If they keep this up, I might just impulsively adopt them. And that will not be good.

My supervisor calls me back to work, reminding me that we still have six more new animals to do check-ups on and also many other regulars. Regretfully, I leave Vivi and Mongryong, going onto my next patient. When I glance back at them during the check-up, the cat is grooming the dog while he sits there like a king, still watching me. That is the last time I get to keep an eye on them before I have to move too far.

The check-up for the newcomers and regulars take almost the entire day. And throughout it all, there is a certain tug in my stomach, like it is pulling me towards somewhere. Apart from that, Vivi and Mongryong don't leave my mind and I find myself looking forward to meeting them again after I am finished. By the time we’re done, it is already time for us to go wrap up. I am tired as well, but the promise I made to the mismatched pair nags at me. Though it is a promise made to animals, I don't want to break it because if anything, animals treasure promises more than humans do.

So I ask for permission from my supervisor to stay. She doesn’t want to stay any longer though, so she warns me to go a little early for lab class tomorrow to discuss the results we got today. I promise her that I will be there early. When she leaves the compound and when I have taken off my coat to keep it in my car, I walk back towards the shelter. Jongdae looks up to greet me, thinking I am a new visitor, only to frown, wondering if I left anything behind.

“No, I didn't,” I assure him. “I’m just wondering if it is okay for me to play with the animals?”

“Oh, of course!” he exclaims with an amiable smile. “You know your way around here so I don't have to bring you, yeah?”

I roll my eyes jokingly. “Yes, you lazy bum.”

He only grins wider. I am usually quiet when I am here with my supervisor but when I visit the shelter without her as a normal person and not a training vet, he gets to talk to me and see for himself just what kind of person I am. He treats me like his younger sister and has brought me out for meals several times, sometimes with the owner of this shelter too.

I shake my head at him and make my way to the back, where Vivi and Mongryong are now the only ones in the newcomer room. I frown as I walk towards them, my shoes making light tapping noises on the concrete.

When I reach them, Vivi is already sitting in front of the cage, waiting for me with his tail swaying lazily behind him. Mongryong was lazing around behind him but when he sees me, he excitedly gets up. I undo the cage and at once, the both of them exit the cage.

Vivi circles around my legs, rubbing his body against my calves. Mongryong stands in front of me and starts barking, his tail wagging happily. I chuckle softly, squatting down to pat him. He quiets down. Vivi stretches and slips between my arm and my thigh, crawling onto my lap. I look down at him, only to have him rubbing his face to my cheek affectionately. I giggle.

“You're making this so hard for me!” I tell them. “You make me want to adopt you guys.”

Mongryong barks then, as if saying something right back.

“I really want to,” I swear to him. He waits for my answer. For a moment, I think I might be a little crazy from the long day and the fur balls in my lungs. “I just don't have enough time to spend with a pet at home,” I sigh.

“But they have each other anyway.”

I swivel my head around in surprise. I hadn't heard anyone coming in. Junmyeon is walking in with his hand in his pocket. He is founder of this organisation that saves street animals. And he is also a good family friend, which explains how I actually got to intern here as their weekly vet.

“They won't be lonely while you're at work since they're always together anyway. They play really well together,” Junmyeon continues, trying to encourage me to adopt the cat and dog.

“You know I have never owned a pet, Junmyeon,” I tell him as I subconsciously Mongryong’s body.

“You're a vet, you're more than equipped to own a pet. Besides, you love animals.”

“I’m a training vet,” I correct him.

He waves a hand. “Same thing. You can train better taking care of pets yourself.”

I roll my eyes. “I work with enough animals. I don't get why you're trying to make me adopt them.”

“It's my job to make people want to adopt and love these animals,” he shrugs, squatting down next to me. He reaches his hand out to pat Mongryong but the dog moves away before his hand could even touch his fur. The Corgi sits next to me on the other side. Junmyeon chuckles and shakes his head. “You're the only person he would get so close to. The cat’s really sociable but the dog… a pain in the .”

“Don't say that. I think he's cute,” I pout at Mongryong as I massage the back of his ear.

“See, this is why I think you should totally adopt them.”

“Just because the dog is cute and the cat is sociable?”

“Because there is a connection between the three of you,” Junmyeon says instead. I frown at him. “When it comes to adoption, I truly believe that you don't choose the animal. Instead, the animal chooses you. In this case, I’m 80%, if not 100, sure that you'll enjoy their company.”

I keep my eyes on the dog while my hand is now on the cat, my fingers lightly tugging at his soft fur. I wonder if Junmyeon is right. Could they really be my companions? Will I be able to provide them their forever homes? I sigh and look around the room with empty cages.

“Why are they the only ones here?” I ask, trying to change topics.

Junmyeon knows what I am doing but he also knows that I shouldn't be pushed. So he answers me, “They're the only pair that consists of a cat and a dog. We can't put them in the cat room and neither can we put them in the dog room. So we just left them here.”

I feel so bad for them. They do not belong to any of their own community just because they're not the norm. They don't hate each other like how dogs and cats normally do. And because of that, they're alone here.

“Don't you feel sad for them?” Junmyeon mumbles. I glance at him. He smiles at me. “You know, you can adopt them and if you don't think you can handle them, you can always bring them back here.”

“Like a trial run?” I joke.

“Yeah, something like that,” he chuckles.

I turn back to the cat that is standing on his hind legs, his front paws playing with the end of my ponytail. Then I turn to the dog, which is looking at me, unmoving as if waiting for my verdict. I sigh and pat his head.

“I don’t want to be compulsive,” I shake my head, looking up at Junmyeon apologetically.

Vivi starts rubbing himself all over legs like he is trying to make me adopt him. The owner of the shelter purses his lips, like he already knows that would be my answer. Mongryong nudges my hand with his head, wanting me to pat him some more. My heart clenches as I let out another sigh though this one sounds defeated.

“Maybe if I keep thinking about them, say, for the next week, I’ll come back and bring them home,” I murmur as a promise, more to myself than to Junmyeon.

“A week?” Junmyeon frowns. “They’re going to have to stay here in a cramped cage for a week until you return for them? And what if you—”

“Fine!” I glare at him, knowing he’s saying all that to guilt trip me. “The next few days.”

He grins, eyes glinting with a knowing look. “See you again in a few days,” he chirps, patting my shoulder before leaving.


I wonder how Junmyeon knew.

Because for the next few days, all I could think about in my free time were the refreshing sapphire eyes of Vivi and the cute pointed ears of Mongryong. It doesn’t help that I like watching videos of animals on FaceBook, always reminding me of the cat and dog I left behind at the shelter. I would think about how Mongryong would watch me and listen to my words like he understood my human language. And I would think about how Vivi would always rub himself on me so affectionately.

By Friday, I am already eyeing my apartment, trying to make space for a dog bed or a cat playhouse. Every time I zone out of my work, I find myself envisioning myself to fit a cat and a dog into my life; moving furniture in my head to make space for two animals, training them to go potty in the toilet, clearing out half an hour in my schedule to make time to walk a dog.

And on Saturday morning, I wake up early even without an alarm and make my way excitedly to the shelter where I volunteer at as a training vet. This time, instead of Jongdae greeting me, it is Junmyeon who does. Actually, he greets me standing behind the front desk, arranging some documents on the table. It seems to me like he has only just opened up the place.

“Back to see Vivi and Mongryong?” Junmyeon asks with a knowing smile on his lips.

“Back to adopt them, actually,” I mutter. But before he gets too excited, I quickly add, “But yes, let me see them first. If they don’t remember me then it’s really no use…”

The mismatched pair did not forget me.

Actually, Mongryong has been barking incessantly the moment I enter the room, scratching at the door of his cage. Vivi, on the other hand, paces back and forth in front of the gate, rubbing the side of his body against the cool metal, crying with mewls. Junmyeon laughs and shakes his head in amazement.

“I’ve never seen them this excited, not even during meal times,” he comments with a slight chuckle.

The moment he lets them out, Mongryong bounds towards me, jumping up and down excitedly in a circle around me while Vivi stretches his paws on my legs as if trying to climb me, or something. I don’t even have to think about it twice.

“I’ll bring them home,” I murmur with a soft smile on my face.

Even though my voice is quiet, Junmyeon can hear me clearly in this empty room amidst the barking and the mewling. And as if they understand me, Vivi starts to knead at my thigh as if to thank me. Mongryong on the other hand is lively as he barks and runs around me happily, his tail wagging rapidly.

“It's so weird, it's as if they can understand us,” I mumble in amusement, not thinking too much about it.

“Yeah,” Junmyeon answers distractedly. “Come on, I’ll bring you to the front desk to fill in the Adoption form.”

I the cat’s back. “Do I leave them here?”

“You can bring them if you want,” Junmyeon shrugs as he stands to lead the way back to where Jongdae probably is.

Without another thought, I bend down to carry the crying Vivi tightly and stand. “Come, Mongryong,” I call out to the dog as I follow Junmyeon to the front desk.

The Corgi is quick to walk next to me. We make our way to the front desk where Junmyeon goes behind it and gets out an Adoption form for me. I set Vivi down on the counter to start filling in the form. He lies on his belly and rests his head on my shoulder. Mongryong is patiently waiting for me, sitting next to my feet. I already feel like a pet owner even before adopting them. I fill in the form in a bit, at the same time talking to Junmyeon. When I am done, I pass him the form and look at him expectantly.

“There are a few basic things I should brief you on, but you should know since you're a vet,” Junmyeon says. He catches the tired look on my face. “A vet student,” he amends. I hum, shrugging my shoulders. If I don’t, I’ll definitely find out along the way. “Do you need a cage to put them in?”

I am confused when I frown at him. “What for? They're sleeping with me.”

He shrugs. “Some people prefer having them in cages at night.” I give him a revolted look to which he makes a face at and nods. “Yeah, I don't really like that either.” He walks to the back as he says, “But you definitely need collars. And also food.”

So I end up buying a bunch of things from him. A big bag of dog food, another big bag of cat food, and a box of equipments like food bowls, water bowls, etc. Junmyeon helps carry them in a cardboard box to my car while I carry Vivi and walk Mongryong with the leash.

“Thanks for adopting them,” Junmyeon smiles when I am all ready to leave.

I shake my head, glancing into the front seat of the car where Vivi is already curled up with Mongryong. “I just hope they don't give me too many problems,” I joke.

“They won't,” Jongdae reassures me. “They weren't here for long but during the week they were here, they were very quiet and mild as long as they were together. So you should be fine.”

I bob my head. “Thanks.”

“See you on Tuesday?” Junmyeon greets, knowing that it is time for me to go.

I nod, taking a step forward to hug him, and then I am off. The cat and dog are very well behaved the entire ride back to my place. I am really impressed, especially since I know dogs are normally curious by nature which makes them constantly want to look out the window. But Mongryong just stays in his seat, resting his head on his companion. At every stop light, I would turn to look at them and the dog would glance back at me. I would pat his head and his mouth would part in content, his tongue sticking out.

We eventually get home with me bringing the animals up to my apartment first. They are curious when they step foot into the new environment but I warn them not to make a mess while I go back down to retrieve everything else. I don't think I can carry everything in one trip and just when I thought I might have to do two trips, a car parks in the lot next to mine, which tells me that my neighbour is home. I am taking as many things as I can when the owner of the parked car comes out and locks his vehicle.


I look up. Minseok is watching me struggle with my possessions. “Hey,” I smile.

“Do you need help?”

Before I could even open my mouth to accept or decline his offer, he steps forward and helps take the entire cardboard box from my boot. I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks.

Minseok has been my neighbour since I entered the building. He is an older guy who looks out for me. He has been staying here longer than I have and for the entire time that I have known him, he is always a gentleman to me.

Two months into the start of staying here though, I met Minseok for the first time outside, and at a pub. He was with his friends and I was with mine. But somehow, at the end of the night, we were both drunk, without our friends, and together. We got back to our building complex, rushed to his apartment, and let the magic happen. Up to this day, two years since then, we know that nothing will ever stem from the both of us being together. But it doesn't stop us from spending time together and sharing a little intimacy. Sometimes, two single people just need to share some love, right?

“Thanks,” I murmur as we walk to the elevator with everything I bought, meaning I won't have to make two trips.

He hums and looks down at what he is carrying. “Dog food?” He raises an eyebrow at me, his brown eyes evaluating and piercing. My heart rate ramps up. “Since when do you have a dog?”

“Since today.”


“Yes,” I chuckle. We enter the elevator and he presses our level. “I adopted a dog. And a cat.”

“Won't they fight?”

“No, they're really close,” I tell him. I glance at the display that shows that we are reaching our floor. I extend an invitation out to him. “Do you wanna meet them?”

“I would like that,” he faces me with a warm and handsome smile.

To hide my blush, I quickly leave the confined space the moment the doors slide open. I can hear Minseok following behind me as I lead the way to my place. I key in the passcode and open the door. Luckily, Mongryong and Vivi are sensible enough not to wreck their new home. I see Vivi curled up on the armrest of my sofa, lazily watching Mongryong sniff this and that. I hold the door open for Minseok and the moment the male steps into the threshold, the dog stops and perks up, whipping his head around. Vivi lifts his head with his eyes on us too.

“Oh, a Corgi!” Minseok exclaims. “He's so cute!”

I smile as I put down whatever I am carrying, letting the door slam shut. Minseok sets the box down next the kitchen island before walking forward to play with the animals. However, the moment he is three steps away from Mongryong, the dog starts barking viciously at him.

“Oh, okay,” Minseok steps back, making a face.

I rush to stand next to him as I frown at Mongryong, who is quiet now as he stares at me. I wonder what has gotten into him… But then again, he hadn’t been really nice to me at first, either.

“I’m sorry,” I apologise to my neighbour. “He's not very friendly.”

“I can tell.”

“The cat is very sociable though,” I tell him, in hopes of making up for Mongryong’s hostility.

Minseok turns around and walks towards the cat, only for it to stand. Vivi walks along the armrest and climbs up to the back of the couch, stalking regally across the length of the sofa to get away from Minseok.

“Ah, I'm sorry,” I apologise again. “He wasn't like that before… Maybe it's the change in environment…”

“Maybe,” Minseok mumbles, turning back to face me. He sees the apologetic look on my face and gives me a small smile. “It's okay. If anything, we can always just do it in my place anyway. Unless you’re into your animals spectating or some kink like that.”

There isn't a look of frivolousness on his face but his eyes are sparkling handsomely. The corners of his lips curl up almost naughtily, making my heart beat fast. I can feel my face heating up.

“Minseok,” I whine softly.

He chuckles and reaches out to ruffle my hair. “Come over anytime. Oppa will always be free for you.”

“Thanks,” I say softly, shyly.

He smiles at my bashfulness. He starts walking to the door but as he passes by me, he stops and kisses me on the lips. Then he leaves, shutting the door quietly behind him instead of letting it slam noisily. The moment he is gone, I let out a deep breath and make my way to the couch to sit down. I press my palm to my chest, feeling my heart pounding.

I really need to get over my neighbour or move out of this building complex.




Author's note: 

I've changed a little bit of the story so far and I've cut off the chapter so it isn't too long. For those wondering, I'm currently editing L&F because I didn't like how it turned out the last time. This first chapter is more or less the same as the start of the previous version but I would expect the story to change a little bit more from here on. 


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Chapter 4: *sighs* this... i..I... hnnnggg to be in-between sebaek... how? Love this!! Hopefully there is more soon?
Chapter 4: I would love to wake up in an exo cuddle puddle.
Chapter 3: I mean, Sebaek can emotionally comfort, and cuddle me anytime.
Chapter 2: *dreamy sigh* encouraging mysterious notes from someone handsome and kind sounds fun...
Chapter 1: I don't remember reading this, but I'm hooked. Again, I guess...🤣
I constantly come back to this any time when I want soft fluff Baek 😭 I mean, he’a literally a fluff ball here but still me the daddy as we need
Chapter 4: Oh my god oh my god oh my god !?!? I didn’t expect this to be this kind of cute !!?

The first two chapters were purely cute and adorable - especially when they gave her cold shoulder in that fur balls form 😭 I literally squealed then and there for the whole chap. When they are in the human form they are so affectionate and intimate! (And yes lol it’s giving a little of ddlg vibe 🤣)
icheepoo #8
Chapter 4: Please continue this story... please please pretty please!
Chapter 4: I miss SeBaek as well. 😭
Chapter 1: Hi! Just coming back for a re-read. Going over it again, Does Junmyeon know that there is something special with Doggie Baek and Kitty Sehun, like knows what they are? Hmmm he just seemed keen on them and finding a special kind of adopter.
Any ways, Hi!