There's No Denying

Fateful Destiny

Kim So Hyun was seen early today filming with her co-stars for Running Man. Many netizens has disclosed at their strong dislike towards the actress filming the popular variety show. Stating that she has no shame to come out and film a show that's meant to help promote her new drama coming out soon. A poll has been on our website since last night and we can share the results! With a strong 95%, it seems like the netizens still can agree that they want actress to drop out of the drama as do some serious self reflecting. Thank you for watching Late Night Entertainment. This has been - 

So Hyun grabbed the remote and turned off the television. Taking a deep breath, she leaned against the headboard of the bed and clenched onto the blanket. Filming for Running Man had ended nearly two hours ago. With another filming for tomorrow, she doesn't know how she exactly feels. It's not like she didn't expect it, she saw it coming. Her public image right now isn't the same - she has become the newest person for the whole country to hate. 

"Are you okay?" So Hee walked out of the bathroom with a towel in her hand as she dry her wet hair. "You seem shaken."

"I'm fine," So Hyun answered softly. For the night, they're hotel roommates. It's awkward and uncomfortable to share a room with someone that you're just getting to know. "You should shower. Supposedly, we're filming early tomorrow for Running Man."

So Hyun nodded her head as she got out of the bed. "Have a good sleep." She walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. Putting down the lid, she sat on the toilet and sighed out loud. She told herself not to do this, not to dwell on what people think. Not to let this sort of thing to affect her. Mentally be strong first. But what's the point? It's easy to say that she wants to be mentally strong first to handle those sort of attacks but it's a lot harder to do so. 

Feeling a bit suffocated in the hotel's bathroom, she got up and left the hotel room. Walking down the hallway, she dragged her hand along the wall to distract herself. Filming for Running Man has been truly free and fun. She hasn't had that much fun in.....she can't even remember. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was acting her age. From a young age, she was in front of cameras and always watching her behavior. Forcing herself to make sure that she was taught well and behaved perfectly, she never got to experienced what a normal child would. It has always just been work, work and work for her. In some ways, she regrets it but if she didn't work - what would her single mother and younger brother do? Would their family be as well off as they are now if she didn't become an actress? And if she didn't become an actress, would she ever face a situation like this? To be hated by the public for just breathing? Probably not. Playing games, laughing over jokes, running around playing nametag - it was all so thrilling for her. The excitement and refreshing feeling that ran through her body - it was something that she never thought she needed. 

So, why is it that now that she is faced with a dilemma like this by the public - she can't have fun? Why can't she film Running Man? Why can't she smile and laugh as much as she wants? Why can't she just be ignored instead? Why are so many people focusing their attention on her and only her? Worse, why do people tend to believe lies more than the truth? 

"So Hyun-ah," the sound of Yoo Jae Suk calling her name completely had her shocked. It was already past midnight, why would he be awake at this time for? "Are you okay?" He walked over and rubbed his sleepy eyes as he quietly placed on his glasses. He was just heading out to get a bucket of ice for his room when he noticed someone walking back and forth in the hallway. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened, sunbae." So Hyun said softly. 

Jae Suk looked at her carefully and sighed. "Come here and sit." Walking over to the flight of stairs nearby the elevator, he placed down the bucket he had in his hand and patted the spot next to him for her to sit. As soon as she did, he smiled. "You know my nickname, right?"

"Yes," So Hyun nodded. "Grasshopper."

"I'm going to tell you a secret," Jae Suk clenched onto his hands. "For me, that nickname is mixed with good and bad memories. Twenty-five years ago, that nickname was considerably horrible for me. I couldn't even say the name myself because I hated it so much. During my lowest moments, the nickname kept coming up instead of my own name. When I was unknown and merely ignored for almost a good percentage of my career, I wanted to give up. Why should I stay and work a position that made me feel unappreciative? I kept asking myself that." Jae Suk shook his head as those memories came rushing back. "People laughed, sneered, and even pointed fingers at me when I would walk outside. I just wanted to hide." 

So Hyun has heard that Yoo Jae Suk has spent a few years of his career as an unknown man in front of cameras. She just never knew it was to that kind of extent. "Why didn't you?"

"Well, one day I did put on clothes and a resignation letter in my hand. That's when I saw myself in front of the mirror." Jae Suk said. "I saw the same young average man looking back at me. And that's when I remembered why I decided to be a comedian in the first place. I wanted to make people laugh, I wanted the people I love to laugh when they're with me. I can't do that if I just quit because I was unknown and simply sneered at. That's not the Yoo Jae Suk I know and it's definitely the type of son that my parents earnestly raised." Jae Suk looked at So Hyun. "I ripped up that resignation letter and decided that I should just deal with it. Why should I quit what I love doing for a group of people who has no relation to my life whatsoever? Comedy was my dream. If people laughed and pointed fingers at me just because of the way I looked, so be it. They don't know me, they only seen me through their screens. Instead of dwelling over comments or what people think of me when I appear on TV, I decided to keep working hard at what I do and maybe someday, they'll learn to love me." 

So Hyun can't believe that people would hate someone as godly as Yoo Jae Suk. He's the nation's #1 MC, he's on that sort of untouchable level that even being in the same room as him is an incredible honor itself. "And now the whole nation loves you...."

"No," Jae Suk disagreed. "I don't think the whole nation loves me. It seems like it because a huge percentage does but there will always be one or two people who dislike me." He shrugged his shoulders. "But what can I do? Nothing else but keep working hard and earnestly do my best to make myself and the people around me proud."

"Does it get easier as times passes?"

He smiled. "It does, So Hyun. Right now, it seems hard because this kind of hate is completely new to you. And it's the kind of unjustified hate that makes it even more unfair. I know that people believe lies more than truth. But what people love more is new scandals and gossip. Eventually, yours will seem like nothing to them in a couple of weeks. What you can do is keep working hard and show people that you're not affected as they want you to be." 

"What do I do about the person that caused this sort of harm in the first place?" As far as she knows, CEO Kim seems almost untouchable. Now that she has lost almost all her sponsorship and contracts, she can't even go and meet up with new companies. She's been officially blocked by him. He has used his authority power to win over the public and the companies.

Jae Suk patted her shoulders. "You watch as karma gets him back. It may not happen now, it may not happen in a few weeks but when it does happen, you'll find yourself a lot happier and carefree than you are now."

So Hyun couldn't help but cry at the kind words and story that Jae Suk shared with her. In the last two days, she has learned that sometimes strangers are a lot more kinder than those who she has known much longer. Feeling grateful for him, she stood up and bowed towards him. "Thank you, Sunbaenim."

Jae Suk shook his head and stood up. "There's no need to thank me." He wipes the tears that were streaming down her face. "Go to sleep and film for Running Man tomorrow with that bright smile of yours. Promise me that, okay?"

. . . 

Seung Ho's eyes widened at the sound of knocking erupted through his ears. Forcing himself out of bed, he quickly walked over to hotel door. And instantly, he was bombarded with cameras and the PD in front of him. Ah, he forgot that he is actually still filming for Running Man. "Hello," he formally greeted. "What time is it?"

"7AM." The PD answered. Handing over the mission card, he smiled. "Please meet us downstairs." 

Rubbing his eyes so he can clearly see the mission card, he arched an eyebrow at what he read.

You are the Spy. Get changed and head downstairs to meet your partner. 

"Partner? There's going to be two spies?" He can't believe that everything that he loves about Running Man is actually happening to him right now. "I'll be down there in five minutes." As soon as the camera crews left, he walked into the bathroom and sighed. Feeling completely excited to be a spy for today's filming, he can't help but have a bright smile on his face. Just as he was about to wash his face, his hand brushes past his chest. 

That's when he remembered what happened last night. The feeling he felt through his chest - the unknown feeling that he got when So Hyun gave him a backhug. The way his heart was beating in a fast motion and how his hands became instantly sweaty afterwards, it was all too confusing for him. He has never felt like that in his life. What kind of feeling is that that caused him to be so shocked like that? Seung Ho stared blankly at himself in front of the bathroom mirror. His mind was all over the place, thousand of thoughts circulating around repeatedly. Turning on the sink, he leaned down and splashed his face with cold water. After a few seconds, he glanced up and narrowed his eyes at himself. Slowly, his right hand reaches over to his fast beating heart on his chest. Why is it starting to beat like this after he thought of So Hyun? Blinking rapidly to see if this sort of feeling is a dream - he groaned when he still stood in the bathroom alone. It's not a dream, he thought to himself. If it's not a dream then whatever this beating heart is, it's real. His eyes widened at the realization at what sort of feeling it is. He has heard a lot of his childhood friends describe this feeling when they meet up for drinks occasionally. As his friends got older, they would meet women who make them feel as if they're on top of the world. Fast paced heartbeats, sweaty hands and palms, slow slurred words when they're in front of the person

"No way...." Seung Ho muttered under his breath as he shake his head viciously. Denying whatever he is feeling, he quickly washed his hands and face properly before taking the toothbrush and rapidly start brushing his teeth to clear his thoughts. 

. . . 

The PD watched as Seung Ho arrived to the hotel lobby, greeting everybody that he's walking by. As soon as he sat down, the PD smiled. "Your partner should be here." Looking over to one of the crew members, he motioned for Seung Ho to be mic'd up and ready. 

"Thank you," Seung Ho said as soon as the mic was done. "I can't believe I'll be doing a spy mission."

"Did you want to do one?"

"Of course," Seung Ho smiled. "It just looked so fun through the screen and I personally haven't played a role that involved being a spy. So it'll definitely be a new experience for me. Running Man is truly giving me a lot of firsts since yesterday." For the first time of his life, he had so much fun playing games with everybody Se - all the stress and worries that he did have were all forgotten for the time being. He felt at that time. 

"Your partner is here."

Seung Ho glanced up and cleared his throat as soon as he saw So Hyun walking over. "It's So Hyun?"

So Hyun halted her steps as soon as she saw him. Since last night's little backhug incident, the both haven't spoken. Maybe because it's just awkward or uncomfortable to acknowledge that they actually did a backhug while they're obviously not on that sort of level in closeness. "Oppa...."

The PD placed two mission cards onto the table in front of them. "Today, the members will partner up themselves once everybody's awake. It'll be a couple race. During the race, they will try to earn a total of five stamps. The first couple to earn five stamps and make it to the final destination, they'll win. Your mission as spies is to sabotage all the couples secretly during each mission. If you manage to sabotage five different couples without being noticed, you'll win the race."

"Even if we don't arrive to the final destination first?" Seung Ho asked carefully. 

"Yes. As long as you've tricked or sabotage five couples secretly, it doesn't matter who arrives to the final destination first. The both of you will end up being winners at the end of the race. If you do happen to get caught or not trick five couples in time, you will lose." 

So Hyun nods her head. "What kind of missions will we need to sabotage?"

"Well, since it's a couple race - it'll be involving couple like things that people do on a regular basis." The PD answered. He watched as Seung Ho and So Hyun awkwardly looked at each other. "Have the both of you gotten close yet?"

"Getting there," Seung Ho replied. "Filming for our drama still hasn't hit a month yet. The whole cast is still at the beginning stages of getting to know each other."

"Really?" PD is starting to feel worried that their spy mission may not last long after all. Maybe he should've suggested Kim Myung Soo and Yoon So Hee instead since the two seems much more closer than the main leads. "I hope you two try your hardest."

"We will." So Hyun said. She shyly held out her hand in front of Seung Ho. "Let's try our best."

Seung Ho chuckled as he shook hands as if it's a deal being made. "Fighting."

. . . 

"Good morning," So Hyun greeted as she met up with the others in the lobby. After the brief meeting between Seung Ho and PD, she went back up to the hotel room to rest for another hour. It's a good thing that So Hee was asleep while she was gone or it'll be bad. "Did you sleep well?"

Ji Suk Jin chuckled and nodded his head. "I did, thank you for asking." 

"We're filming in five seconds!" PD's voice called out. 

To watch how a variety show works before his eyes, it's incredible how much of a new world it feels. For dramas/movies, there would be lighting boards, positions checked, cameras at certain angles - but for varieties, it's just as it is, follow wherever the stars go and say. Seung Ho couldn't help but feel at awe to watch everything unfold. 

"Couple Race?" Lee Kwang Soo repeated after listening to what the PD said. "The teams?"

"Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin..." The two older men immediately started complaining. Ignoring their complaints, he continued on reading the people that will team up. "Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji Hyo, Lee Kwang Soo and Jeon So Min, Yang Se Chan and HaHa, L and Yoon So Hee.."

"OH!" Jong Kook smiled. "That means Seung Ho and So Hyun will team up?"

"Why are you smiling over it?" Jae Suk curiously asked. 

"You guys weren't there last night but would you believe me if I said Heroine saved Hero from being out with a simple backhug?" Jong Kook laughed. 

The members turned and stared at the drama leads. "Really?!"

She thought the backhug could've been avoided but she guess not. "It was for the team."

"Felt like a drama, Hyung." Jong Kook chuckled. "I was so shock at the timing of it too." 

Ji Hyo playfully slaps Jong Kook's arm after seeing the uncomfortable glances between Seung Ho and So Hyun. "Stop acting like you're so romantic." 

. . . 

Seung Ho got into the driver's seat and quickly put on his seatbelt. Each team has their own car and will be in charge of getting to the destinations on their own. He put the location into the GPS as So Hyun opens the passenger side door. As soon as she settled into her seat, he glanced at her. "This mission is going to be hard."

She nodded her head in agreement. "Since we don't know what's the first game will be like, it's hard to decide which couple to sabotage first." So Hyun stared at all the cameras that's on the dashboard. "Shouldn't we aim for the strongest couple first?"

"Jong Kook Hyung and Ji Hyo Noona are too....scary." Seung Ho said as he drove out of the parking lot and onto the busy road. "Why couple those two together...that's like immediate mission impossible for us." 

She laughed. "They notice things too fast..."

"I already have a headache honestly," Seung Ho said. "It feels too much to take on so early in the morning." 

"Did you have your coffee yet?"

"No," Seung Ho usually has a coffee in the morning to get his braid and body going. Maybe it's an addiction if even So Hyun notices how he has to have coffee in the morning. "I didn't have time to make it or even find it in the hotel."

So Hyun opened up the backpack that she brought along with her. "I thought you would say so," handing over a can of instant coffee. Opening it for him since he's busy driving, she placed it in the cup holder. "It's instant so it might not be as good."

Surprised by her kind gesture, Seung Ho couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, So Hyun." To be honest, he doesn't know how to exactly act around her at the moment. Not only is he completely at loss in whatever how his heart reacted during the backhug but he technically is worried for what it may be. If it is truly what he thinks he is, how is he supposed to be like around her? How is he going to act out the remaining 15 episodes of the drama? This sort of feeling if it is true, it has never happened to him before. Despite his long careee as an actor, it's a whole different meaning if feelings are involved. Shaking his head as soon as the words feeling came across his mind, it can't be. Deciding to stay quiet for the remaining part of the drive, he cleared his throat and focused his attention to the road. 

. . . 

Isn't this too much of a heavy start so early in to the game, Seung Ho thought to himself as soon as the first game was explained. The both of them exchanged worried glances on what to actually do. The first game is to piggyback ride your partner across the mat that's placed on the surface of the swimming pool. Making sure not to fall into the water as the couples make their way across the pool - they'll have answer a question in order to win first.

Considerably speaking, the both of them don't have to try so hard to win but it'll be too suspicious if they don't at least do their best. Their first immediate worry is which couple should they try to sabotage first secretly for the cameras. Even if it's just one push into the pool, that'll be good enough to pass. 

The game has just started by the sound of a whistle and the first couple to play is HaHa and Yang Se Chan. The members started laughing when the men start to struggle with balancing themselves on the mat while being carried. Not even ten seconds went by when both men met their fate in the water. And as soon as another whistle blew, Kwang Soo and So Min took their turn. 

"Kwang Soo Oppa isn't weak," So Hyun whispered softly as they stood and watch the couple play the game. "Maybe he should be the first one we trick....."

Seung Ho softly nodded his head. Last night during the nametag mission, one of the last one standing from L's team was Lee Kwang Soo. As fragile and weak he looks, he is definitely no joke. "What do you think we should do?" 

"Push him?" She replied as soon as Kwang Soo and So Min fell into the pool. "We should stand closer to the pool when the couples get ready. It'll give us a better chance to - "

"So Hyun and Seung Ho, you should be next." Jae Suk suggested. 

Not expecting to be their turn so soon, they smiled and walked over to the edge of the pool. Seung Ho bent down so So Hyun could get on his back. As they wait for the whistle to blow, she wrapped her around his neck and leaned down. "We should lose this, right?"

His eyes briefly widened at how close So Hyun is actually to him. Snapping himself back to reality, he cleared his throat. "Yeah." Making sure that his hands were mannerly not touching So Hyun's hands as he carried her. "Let's not seem too strong on the first game." The whistle blew and as soon as he tried to balance himself onto the water mat, it was surprisingly too hard. Within two seconds, they both fell into the water. Swimming back up to the surface, Seung Ho coughed and looked at So Hyun. "Maybe we're too weak."

So Hyun burst out laughing. "Oppa....I'm not that heavy!"

"I never said you were!" He quickly defended himself. He got out of the swimming pool and helped So Hyun up. "If its like this, how are we - "

"What are you two whispering about?" Jong Kook questioned as he walked over to the edge since it's his and Ji Hyo's turn. "You two have been whispering to each other since the game started. Is there something we're missing?"

He knew that Kim Jong Kook would be the first one to notice. "Nothing, Hyung. We were just arguing."

Ji Hyo smiled. "Arguing? The both of you? Do any of you even have the strength to argue?" Considering how they're both such nice people, it would be odd to witness such a sight like that. 

Seung Ho and So Hyun lightly laugh as if it's a joke. Just as they were about to walk back towards the others, they froze and watched in amazement at how fast, balanced and crazy good the Commander and Ace were. In just 36 seconds, they reached to the other end of the pool. "Name Top 5 things that boyfriends would want to do for their girlfriends?"

Ji Hyo knit her eyebrows together. "Buy them food, buy jewelry, buy flowers - " 

"Time's up!" 

Jong Kook scoffed in disbelief. "Ya, why should we always buy the girlfriends things?!"

"You should've stopped me if you know the answers!" The both of them continued arguing as they walked back to the others. 

Seung Ho and So Hyun stood by the edge secretly as they watched Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin getting ready. Feeling as if they should at least try and do something before a couple actually wins the game - So Hyun adverted her attention over to Jae Suk's feet. Let's just do it, she thought to herself. Bending down as if she was picking something up, she managed to slightly push him using her elbow. Pretending to be shock when he ended up falling into the swimming pool. "Oppa! I'm so sorry! Are you okay??" 

Seung Ho's eyes widened at how daring So Hyun is from that slight push. Not that he wanted to smile but honestly, it worked which means they're doing good so far. "Hyung...." holding out his hand to help him back up. "Are you okay?"

Jae Suk laughed in a joking matter as he looked at So Hyun. "Kim So Hyun, that was on purpose, wasn't it?"

"No! I didn't mean to!" So Hyun covered to display as if she's shocked to be blamed for it. "Why would I?"

Narrowing his eyes at her, he grabbed a towel to dry his hair and clean his glasses. "Something is fishy."

The PD laughed. "Go back in line, Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin."

"What?!" The older men screamed. "We didn't get to play yet!"

"You fell in the water so you lost your turn." The PD instructed. 

"Omo, I'm so sorry." So Hyun said as she grabbed onto their arms. "I didn't mean to!"

Suk Jin laughed. "It's okay." 

Seung Ho had to turn his face away from the cameras and the other members. How is he supposed to keep a straight face on when situations like this are absolutely hilarious. "You're amazing, So Hyun."

She laughed and clenched onto his arm. "Should we try and aim for another couple this time?"

He looked into her eyes, noticing the very eagar eyes of hers beaming with glow. Seung Ho couldn't help but smile as soon as he glanced down to see a bright smile plastered all over her face. Filming for Running Man has truly been relaxing for the both of them but more so for her - with everything going on, to see her smiling and having fun like this, it makes him feel a lot better than a couple days ago. "Should we?" And just like that, they both start comfortably carrying out their little spy mission. 

. . . 

Placing a covered plate onto the middle of the table as the couples made their way inside, the PD clapped his hands to get their attention. "This is the final game. Whoever finishes will have an advantage as they can drive off to the final destination first."

Seung Ho exchanged glances with So Hyun as they sat down. They've already successfully sabotage five couples over the other games. As of now, it doesn't matter who arrives to the final destination first. They'll end up being the winners anyways. Now with this final game, they can just relax and play along with the others so they don't seem that suspicious.

Kwang Soo got up from his seat and took the lid off to reveal the finale game. As soon as he saw the pocky cookies, a smirk spread across his face. "Are we going to be playing the pocky game next?"

So Hyun's eyes widened at the sight of the cookies. Oh no, she immediately thought to herself. And it's as if they both sensed what they're actually going to be playing together, she and Seung Ho both awkwardly looked at each other, quickly avoiding each other's gazes.

"In Consistent Love, have any of you film a kiss scene yet?" Jae Suk asked curiously.

L shook his head. "No," he chuckled. "But So Hee and I have kissed each other before for another drama we worked on together."

"OMG!" The Running Man members exclaimed in excited tone.

Seung Ho cleared his throat and sighed. Why is he always in this sort of situations? Feeling a bit nervous for some reason, he started clenching his hands together to calm himself down. They're still so early in the drama filming and their characters aren't exactly on best terms - any sort of intimacy hasn't happened yet for him and So Hyun. With the exception of the backhug from last night, nothing between them ever indicated that they're close enough to be playing this sort of game together.  

"Then we should let the young ones play first!" Jae Suk suggested. Clapping his hands to motivate one of the couples to stand up, he beamed with happiness to see L and So Hee stand up willingly. "How short does it have to be?"

"5CM." The PD said. "If it's more than 5cm, you'll have to play again until you get it."

Ji Hyo laughed. "Gosh, 5cm is already small enough."

L confidently took a pocky and smiled. "Do you want the chocolate end or the plain?" 

So Hee shyly laughed. "I want the chocolate."

He stepped in closer towards So Hee with one end already in his mouth. Since they're already so comfortable around each other, he has no problem with placing his hands on her waist. 

Jae Suk stood up with a ruler in his hand, ready to measure the piece that falls. "3....2...1!"

Seung Ho gasped at how fast L and So Hee were actually being with the cookie quickly disappearing and their lips being a lot closer to each other. "Ahhhh!" His eyes widened as he stood up with the others. 

The remaining piece of cookie dropped onto the tray and Jae Suk measured it. "Ahhh! That's too bad! It's 5.5cm!"

"Isn't that a pass?!" So Hee cutely asked to possibly make him drop the issue and let them win. 

The PD shook his head. "It has to be 5cm."

L groaned as he walked back to his seat. "PD-nim, you can't be like this! It was only off by .5!" 

"Rules are rules." 

Ji Hyo tapped So Hyun. "You two should go next." 

"Huh?" She wanted to say no but she couldn't find the words to come out. Instead, she stood up and stared at Seung Ho. "Let's just do this, oppa." It's better to get it over with than quietly dwell on the awkwardness. Besides, what else is new? Every single time they're in the same room, there's always some sort of uncomfortable moment. 

So Hee and L looked at each other, a bit worried if the two would be able to play this kind of game. "Maybe another couple should instead. They seem nervous. Seung Ho and So Hyun aren't the type to be playing - " L stopped talking when Seung Ho got up from his seat. 

Seung Ho scratched the back of his neck as he took a couple of breath. Picking up a cookie, he cleared his throat and stood in front of So Hyun. Just as he was about to start the game calmly, he notice how close they're actually right now. And strangely, it's back - the uncontrollably fast motion heartbeats that's going against his chest. Crap, he thought. Why is the heart being like this again? 

So Hyun tilt her head up as Seung Ho stood in front of her. Taking the cookie that he had in his hand, she placed one end between her lips. She has done countless kiss scenes in this acting career. All she has to do is to think of it as just another with the exception that their lips won't touch. The main focus of this is to let it the cookie be more than 5cm since it really doesn't matter if they lose or win in this game. 

"Excuse me," Seung Ho gently said as he placed his hands onto her shoulders. Taking the other end of the cookie between his lips, he glanced over to Jae Suk, who will be the one to start the game for them. As soon as he gave the ok, Seung Ho slowly start biting down the cookie. Before he realized, So Hyun's face is already much closer than he expected. One of them has to stop biting on the cookie. Using his eyes, he communicated with So Hyun - indicating she should be the one to stop and determine for the piece to fall. 

Not catching what he means, So Hyun leaned forward on her tip toes as she clenched onto Seung Ho's shoulders. And just like that, a piece falls onto a tray and their lips, inches away from each other. Completely startled at how close they were, she quickly backed away.

"Omg," So Min blushed. "They almost kissed for real!"

Jae Suk couldn't believe that they almost watched an actual kiss happen before their eyes. Taking the ruler, he start measuring the piece that fell. "5.1!" 

"Aw, that's too bad!" Kwang Soo said. "They could've won."

Seung Ho cleared his throat as he made sure So Hyun was fine. "Good job."

She nodded her head. "You too."

Ji Hyo kept her eyes on the drama couple as they sat next to each other. Silently smiling to herself, she returned her attention over to the next couple that's playing. 

. . . 

Seung Ho opened the van door and stared at So Hyun. "Get in, I'll take you home." Filming for Running Man had just finished and more than likely, everybody is already heading home despite it only being 8PM. They have an early call for tomorrow's drama filming so going home early to sleep is inevitable. 

"No, it's okay." So Hyun said. From the corner of her eye, she could see that his manager has a certain expression on his face. "I can call for a taxi."

"So Hyun, get in." Seung Ho isn't about to let her take a taxi home this late at night. "Listen to your sunbae." If he has to use that card, he'll do it. 

Nodding her head, she quietly got into the van and sighed. "Thank you." 

"Hyung, take her home first and then you can just drop me off next."

"If you say so," Min Soo muttered as he started the ignition. "Guess who will be getting an earful from CEO Lee tomorrow."

Ignoring his little comment, Seung Ho leaned forward to grab his drama script and a bottled water. As he turns to hand her the bottle to drink, he stopped at the sight of her already asleep. "Aigoo," Seung Ho didn't expect to be sleeping this quickly. "She must've been tired."

Min Soo glanced from the rearview mirror. "I give her props though," he makes a turn into the highway as he spoke. "The fact that she's still standing and working hard despite what's going on, that's admirable."

"What else is happening?" Seung Ho had watched the segment on Late Night Entertainment already last night in his hotel room. The part where the poll states on how she should drop out and reflect on herself was the most ridiculous thing he has watched in his life. He loves how a group of netizens dedicate their lives to make another suffer. As if they shouldn't worry about themselves.

"Seems like her anti-fans are growing and they're making a ruckus for the production crew. Making calls to demand for her to be fired." 

"Those people have nothing better to do." Seung Ho shook his head. 

"Get this," Min Soo handed over today's newspaper. "One particular person is egging those anti-fans on."

Taking the newspaper, why isn't he even surprised that the person ended up being the one and only CEO Kim? The smirk on his face in the picture is disgusting. How can old man like this make up more lies and want to ruin someone's career like this? "People like him don't deserve to work in this type of business."

"Sadly, half of the people in this entertainment industry are like that." Min Soo has been a manager for several people so far. He has met with countless ignorant and arrogant types of celebrities. Something like what So Hyun is going through can be considered as trivial in his eyes but still, it's not right for anyone to be treated the way she has been. "I've worked for him before, you know."

Seung Ho glanced up from the newspaper and arched an eyebrow. "When did you ever start working for CEO Kim?"

"The very beginning of my career, I was an intern for Starlight Entertainment before it became a multi-billionaire company." Min Soo said it so nonchalantly as if something like that isn't a big deal. "I knew he wasn't a good person to work for so as soon as my internship was over, I switched to CEO Lee's. Although he's as greedy as CEO Kim is but our CEO isn't that bad of person."

In some moral ways, Min Soo is right. Despite CEO Lee being consistently annoying by pushing work on him and even taking advantage of his one year break to be filled with commercials and photoshoots - he isn't that bad of a person. When it's his birthday, CEO Lee would be the first to send a message. When he's either injured or sick, CEO Lee would always be the first to be at the hospital. "Not a bad person but he is annoying." Seung Ho said as he flipped through the drama script. As he tries to concentrate on the words, his eyes keeps adverting over to So Hyun as she sleeps. The way her body was jerking around due to the car hitting road bumps was alarming. "Hyung! Drive more carefully." Not wanting her to be hurt during her sleep, he quietly lowered her seat so she could comfortably lay down. Taking off his jacket, he covered her body with it. 

"I've been your manager close to ten years now," Min Soo spoke as he exit out of the highway. "It's my first time to see you go out your way to help your co-stars."

Shocked by his statement, Seung Ho looked at his longtime manager in dismay. "Hyung, I'm always nice to my co-stars. I may be awkward and become close with them slower than others but I do my best to - "

"Oh, did I say co-stars? I meant female co-star." Min Soo exchanged glances with Seung Ho from the rearview mirror. "As in your leading ladies co-stars." In his years as manager, he has seen celebrities pretend to be nice in front of others. Yoo Seung Ho isn't like them, for the first time, he met and work for a celebrity that is 100% the same as they are in front of cameras. And maybe it's because of his young age but Seung Ho does find it hard to interact with others. So, to sit and drive a female co-star home by Seung Ho's order - it's just a bit surprising in all kind of levels. 

"So Hyun's different," Seung Ho said softly but paused since he doesn't quite understand what he even means by the word different. "She's going through a tough time."

"Have you gave it to her yet?" 

"Give her what?" 

Min Soo glared at him. "Don't you remember? The day you called me while you were getting coffee? I had to run to the store to get those bags of candies that you love so much."

"What?" Seung Ho coughed as he covered his mouth, worried that it may be too loud for her. "Those bags are for me." 

Parking the car on the sideline, he turned his head around and scoffed. "Seung Ho, I'm not stupid. You never buy that much candy in the first place."

Narrowing his eyes at Min Soo, he closed his drama script. "Be quiet." Turning his attention to So Hyun, he gently tap her on the shoulders. "So Hyun-ah, we're here."

Opening her eyes, she slowly got up and looked around the van. "Omg, did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry."

"No, it's okay." Seung Ho assured her. "We're in front of your house. You should head upstairs to sleep. Tomorrow there's an early scene to be filmed."

"Thank you for taking me home," So Hyun said as she opened the van door. "Manager Min Soo, thank you. Sorry for causing you trouble."

Min Soo lightly chuckled. "You're not the one causing me trouble, So Hyun-ssi." 

Stepping out of the van, she formally bowed to give her thanks again. Waving her hands, she took a step back so the van could leave. As soon as the van was out of sight, she sighed out loud. "How could you fall asleep like that in someone else's van, Kim So Hyun? What's wrong with you?" Shaking her head at herself, So Hyun opened the front door and start heading up the stairs when she sensed somebody was nearby. Before she had time to see if it was someone familiar, she was suddenly bombarded with continuous bright lights flashing on her face. Covering her eyes, she screamed from the shock. 

"KIM SO HYUN! Was that Yoo Seung Ho's van that you just exited out of?! What is your relationship with him?!" The reporter kept snapping his photos nonstop, breaking all kinds of personal boundaries between them. Even using his hand to pull So Hyun's hand away from her face, he doesn't care since he has to get the perfect picture. "DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS ON CEO KIM'S RECENT CLAIMS?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about! Please leave! This is private property!" So Hyun tried her best to rush upstairs to her apartment when the reporter grabbed the back of her collar, forcibly pulling her down. "You can't do this!!"

"DID YOU REALLY STEAL THE MONEY?!" The reporter continued on questioning So Hyun. "THE PICTURES ARE VALID ENOUGH! Why did you steal the money?!" 

"What are you talking about?!" So Hyun finally screamed. She has had it with these people. To follow her out of the drama set is one thing but to wait in her own home?! This is beyond ridiculous. "I'm going to call the cops if you don't leave!!"


Her eyes widened at how twisted he made her words into. "You need to - " she stopped talking when she noticed her mom and brother running down the stairs. No, she thought to herself. She can't let her family members be involved in this. "GO BACK INSIDE!!!" 

The reporter looked up and smirked as soon as he saw her family members. Turning the camera to face them, he snapped continuously for photos. "Is this your whole family threatening me?!"

So Hyun knit her eyebrows together. "NO ONE IS THREATENING YOU!!"

Her mother immediately stepped in front of her. "YA! DO YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT A REAL THREAT LOOKS LIKE?! GET OUT OF HERE!!!"

Trying her best to block her mom and brother's face, So Hyun pushed them away from the reporter. "Stop it already, mom. Come on!!" Thankfully, the reporter stopped which gave her a chance to run upstairs as fast as she could. As soon as the apartment door was closed behind her, she slid down onto the floor and exhaled deeply. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! YOUR FACES WILL BE ON THE NEWS NOW! They can spread gossip about me all they want but I can't let them affect you!!!!"


A little taken back by her mom screaming, she took out her phone - trying to turn it on. "It's out of batteries."

"Noona..." her brother called out softly. "Chul Soo has really taken it to the next level."

"What are you talking about?" So Hyun stood up after she noticed her brother standing in front of te television. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw Chul Soo's face on the screen. "Turn the volume up...."

"I didn't want to help her but I was given no choice. She knew I needed money so there really wasn't any option. The day we snuck into CEO Kim's office, that's when I knew her true character. She's sneaky and very manipulative." Chul Soo sighed deeply. "She kept complaining about how she's working too much for very little pay she was getting. I didn't know what she was talking about. Her salary's is always 10X more than mine. I didn't know how she knew his vault's password but she got in and stole a huge sum of money. The guilt was killing me so when the recent trouble came up about her behavior and her quitting the company, I knew I had to confess the crime. Thankfully, CEO Kim has decided to not press charges. He has done so much for me, I guess I just wanted to clear the misunderstanding on how he's lying about So Hyun. He's definitely not lying. She's a horrible person. Not only is she lying to everybody right now but she's also a criminal. I have pictures to prove it." Slowly the interview was cut off and endless photos of what seems like CCTV screenshots were shown. The images are dark but in the dim lights, you can see a body figure that's almost exactly like So Hyun's sneaking around the CEO's office. To make matters worse, the face was pretty much covered up but the one thing that sticks out makes it even more leaning towards So Hyun being the culprit - her favorite black hat that she always wears when she's out. Even with the face not being shown, anyone that knows So Hyun would know that it's her hat that's being worn in the pictures. 

"That's my hat...." So Hyun muttered. She can't believe this. "That's my hat! It was missing!!" She clearly remembered searching for it on the day of the script reading and Chul Soo walking into her apartment. He was clearly there when she asked about the hat. Her eyes widened in disbelief, was this all planned out in the beginning? Was this a scheme between CEO Kim and Chul Soo all along?! 

"It's all over the news, So Hyun." Her mom said. "Forget about the stupid press conference that CEO Kim did talking about your attitude. He's making you out to be a criminal now."

"I didn't do it, mom." So Hyun immediately defended herself. "I would never steal from people!!"

Her mother pulled her into a tight embrace. "You don't think I know my own daughter?!" Patting her head as she cried, she can't believe that those nasty people would spread this kind of rumor about her daughter. To lie about her attitude and work ethic is one level but to make her out as a criminal on public television? They have really stepped over the line now. 

. . . 

Seung Ho opened his eyes to the sound of his phone ringing nonstop. Checking the time, he groaned. It's already 6 in the morning, it's probably Min Soo calling to make sure he is up to head towards the drama set. "Hello?"

"YOO SEUNG HO! What do we do?!"

Furrowing his eyebrows together, he pulled the phone away from his ear and sighed to see that it was actually CEO Lee calling him. "Why are you screaming already so early in the morning?"

"The director and writer called me! They said that So Hyun has informed them about her dropping out of the drama!"

Seung Ho quickly sat up on his bed, his eyes widened and alarmed. "What are you talking about?!"

"It seems like yesterday's news about her old manager calling her out to be a stealer really affected her! She's doing a live press conference in ten minutes to officially announce that she's dropping out!"

"You have to stop it!" Seung Ho got out of bed and the tv to see the morning news talking about her already. "CEO Lee, you can stop her!"

"She's not my artist! Why should I do something for her! If she had a company, they could've probably sued for her! Even handle the problem once and for all! But she doesn't have one so it doesn't matter with us! The bigger problem here is what are you going to do?! Does this mean you'll have to film everything over?!" 

Seung Ho couldn't believe this. What can he do to help out? He can't just let So Hyun drop out of the drama like this. "CEO, I'll do it."

"What in the world are you talking about? Seung Ho, listen to me and - " 

"The reality show!" Seung Ho interrupted. He clenched the remote in his hand, forcing himself to continue what he wa saying. "The one thing I hate the most! I'll do it!" 

CEO Lee's struggled to find the words to speak through the phone. "Are you serious?" Why would Yoo Seung Ho choose to do the one thing he absolutely hates the most in the world? 

"If you do me a favor, I'll do it." Seung Ho tried to make a deal.

. . . 

So Hyun doesn't want to cry. She has finally lost all the energy in her to dwell over something like this. If someone as high up like CEO Kim wants to mess with her, let him. If people want to stupidly follow gossip and believe in pictures that doesn't even show her face, let them. For days, she has forced herself to smile and try her best to forget everything that's been happening. Why is it on the two days where she finally felt a surge of happiness in front of her, things go horribly wrong. 

Leaning against the wall with her mother and brother by her side, she can already hear the reporter's constant whispering through the door gap. In two minutes, she's about to drop out of a drama that she just started to love. Although, she was forced into choosing the drama - the interactions between the Director Song, Writer Jung and the cast has been truly a happy experience for her.

"So Hyun, you don't have to do this." Her mom insisted for the 100th time. "We can fight with their claims. You did nothing wrong. Dropping out of the drama isn't something you should do."

"Mom," she quietly whispered. "I'm not just dropping out of the drama." Last night was really eye opening for her. To see a reporter to work so hard and go through huge lengths for a single photo despite her mom and brother not being related to the entertainment, it was scary. To wake up and see her only family member's faces all over the news, putting the blame on them for how she is as a person - it's too frustrating. "I'm leaving the entertainment industry altogether." 

Her brother's eyes widened. "Noona, what are you talking about? You did nothing! Why would you even stop doing what you love for those people out there!"

She laughed, she actually laughed. "I don't even know if I love it anymore." To be honest, the only thing she knows is acting. As a young kid, it's the only thing she did to provide for her family. It became almost like a mandatory thing. She never got the chance to venture out and see what else she is capable of. Filming Running Man for the past two days and experiencing a lot of things for the first time, it really made her miss her childhood. If she was to go back in time, she would quit acting after middle school. "I'm going to go." Without another word, she stepped out of the room and into the press conference room. As soon as she arrived, the cameras started flashing off. Questions being asked simultaneously nonstop as she took a seat. 

I'm really about to do this, she thought to herself. Standing back up, she gave a formal bow for the reporters and cameras. "Hello, my name is Kim So Hyun. Thank you for taking your time to be here with me today." Sitting back down, she clenched her hands together. "I want to make an office statement about the recent news that's been out about me." Staring right at the camera that is doing the live broadcast, she took a deep breath. "Whatever CEO Kim and Chul Soo believe they're doing, they are in the wrong. I have never stole anything in my life. I never told anyone to work with me to steal anything. To be framed like this, it's really hard to keep quiet like before."

"Are you officially denying the claims? What happens when CEO Kim sues you?!" 

"He can sue all he wants because I have a clear conscience. I have never done anything wrong to CEO Kim and he knows it. To let rumors and gossip spread about me endlessly, I let it go. I wanted to be the bigger person but to be slammed with the word criminal labeled on me, it's unacceptable." So Hyun could feel her sweat forming in her hands already. "Which is the reasoning behind the conference today. Never have I thought that this career would ruin me. Never have I even imagined to actually sit and defend myself like this. And never once did I imagine to come and hate this career like I do now." 

"What is the reasoning for this press conference?!" 

"We don't have all day! Just say what you want to say!"

"Is this press conference just for you to deny the claims? Is it because you don't have a company to deny it through?!"

So Hyun continued speaking despite the interruptions. "I am officially withdrawing myself from Consistent Love. I apologize for causing such disruptions to the cast and crew who has been working hard. I want to say sorry to the cast, who I have grown to like. Thank you for the friendship and continuous support you've given me." Pausing herself so she can finish want she wants to say. "And from this day forward, I will withdraw from all - " 

The doors suddenly burst open and a man stood at the doorway. "YOU ARE NOT WITHDRAWING FROM THE DRAMA!" 

So Hyun knit her eyebrows in confusion. As the man walks across the press conference room, that's when she realized the time it was CEO Lee. Her eyes adverted over to the doorway where another person stood, away from the spotlight. Seung Ho Oppa? Before she could take a better look, CEO Lee already stood on the platform next to her. "What...what are you - "

"Don't say anything further." CEO Lee turned and faced the reporters with a bright smile. "As the representative for my new office artist, I will end the press conference here. You will no longer ask questions nor bother my artist. My company will release an official statement about the claims and pictures. As for now, I can give you my 100% guarantee that Kim So Hyun will not withdraw from Consistent Love." 

"What is this?! When did Kim So Hyun sign off with your company?! You can't do this!"

CEO Lee chuckled. "I can do this and I will. As her official CEO, I just wanted to say this." He turned to look at the cameras. "This is war, CEO Kim. If you spread another false claim on my artist, I will take action. Don't think that what you've done doesn't have consequences because they do. Not only have you framed my artist as a criminal but you have caused disturbance to her career, family and even self confidence. I won't take it." Glaring at the camera as if he was really looking at CEO Kim. "If you want to test me, go ahead."

So Hyun is confused. She has never signed or even met with CEO Lee in her life. How did she just randomly end up as his official artist? Just as she was about to say something, he pulled her off the platform with the reporter continuously taking pictures. As they push through the crowd and out of the press conference, another pair of hand grabbed her by the wrist - pulling her away and over to the side of the building where no one is. Looking up to see Seung Ho in front of her. "Oppa.."

Seung Ho stared at her angrily. "Who said you can drop out of the drama? Did you even ask about my feelings?"

"Oppa.." She didn't know how exactly to explain to him, L or even So Hee about this. She figured it would be better for them to see it through the live broadcast. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings if you think that's my intentions."

"Feelings? Who said anything about feelings?"

She looked at him. "You just did." 

"No, I didn't." Seung Ho insisted. 

"I know I didn't - " she gasped when Seung Ho suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into an embrace. With her face on his chest, she couldn't even move. 

Seung Ho covered So Hyun's face as he turned towards the wall once the group of reporters started running out. With just one glance, anyone can tell that they were looking for her. Not wanting her to be caught, he gripped onto her even tighter. 

. . . 

Standing far away and unseen by the others, Min Soo shook his head as he witnessed the action that Seung Ho just did. "He's in too deep." Looking at the reality show contract in his hand, he sighed out loud as soon as he saw Seung Ho's signature. "He's in way too deep." Getting into the driver's seat, he threw the contract on the passenger seat next to the bags of candies that are still in the van. There's no denying it anymore when it's as clear as day. Why else would Yoo Seung Ho, someone who is known to never participate in variety or reality shows, suddenly sign a contract for the tv show? "The damn idiot is in love." Min Soo muttered to himself. "Why do I sense more trouble heading our way soon?"

. . .

author's note: wow! this is really a long chapter! I am so sorry for the delay! I'm just glad that you all loved the previous chapter! the comments for it were insane! please keep it coming! all the comments keeps me inspired! and don't worry! happy So Hyun is finally happening! I hope you all liked this chapter! please subscribe & comment!!! 

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D4r4g0n_luv #1
Chapter 7: Hope you will continue this story authornim. Thank you and fighting :)
Angel_Chunsas_2 #2
When are they going to confess to each otherr authornimmm pleaseeee update
sookhyunjae #3
Chapter 7: update pls author nim
debbiekhoo #4
Chapter 7: Writer-nim, please don't give up this amazing fanfic.
They are falling, we are falling.
Waiting for your next chapter..
raquel0718 #5
Chapter 7: We miss you.. Ms. Author..
Hope to read more from you soon..
God Bless...
LadyW1 #6
Chapter 7: Ohh.. This is a lovely fanfic of my favourite couple. I love your writing style. Will there be more? Can't wait.
Validated_1038 #7
Chapter 7: Uhm Ms. Author, this isn't meant to be the last chapter right? I'm pondering on the thought since the last scene in here looked like a closure and it's been a while since you last updated as well. I hope not cause certainly love to read more of this story...
debbiekhoo #8
Chapter 7: Writer-Jim, time to get out from Halmoni tent??
Next amazing long chapter please 。
Tvbxghurlie #9
Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
_perghhh #10
Hi!! I love this story so much. So please update soon ?