
Murder, Guns & High Heels






‘Captain Kim,’ a short, but powerful figure makes its way to the front office without as much as a curt knock. ‘I cannot work like this. A new partner at this time is out of the question.’

The said man looks up from his lap, where he has been petting his miniature terrier all along, and regards the newcomer in a slightly annoyed manner.

‘And what time would that be, detective Son?’ Her superior pinches the bridge of his nose in a vain attempt to hold his exasperation to himself.

‘The most crucial time of my career, captain Kim,’ the policewoman reaffirms strongly, walking there and back within the three available metre square of the room. She looks at the man impatiently. ‘If I am to take my sergeant examination in a few months, I need a perfect record and cannot afford to be distracted on duty.’ Before the man has a chance to respond, she hastily continues. ‘Speaking of, have you looked at my personal statement yet? I have arranged all my credentials according to page number and shade of the victim’s lifeless face when we found them,’ her chirpy voice narrates and the man in front of her purses his lips – this time in order to suppress the nausea threatening to spill from it.

‘Oh, right. Of course I have,’ he agrees easily. However, the brief silent exchange between the two seems to be painfully telling, for detective Son regards her commander with somewhat knowing disappointment,

‘You haven’t even opened it, sir, have you.’

‘No. I think Byul peed on it,’ he gestures at the bored-looking dog still dozing off on his lap. ‘So I told Joy to clean it up. She must have thrown away the entire folder,’ he adds, looking in the general direction of the door.

‘I burnt it, it was disgusting!’ Comes a loud shout from an equally bored-looking secretary, playing with her phone.

‘All right then, I’ll bring you another on-‘

‘No need,’ captain Kim quickly rejects the suggestion, stirring the conversation away from the sensitive topic that would surely give him even more work that he cannot properly handle. ‘And why is detective Bae so distracting, exactly? She’s a fine young woman with perfect arrest record. Our precinct is proud to have her onboard and working with us. As for you, you can learn a lot from her – she has experience in fields you haven’t even dreamt of.’

‘That’s the problem! She’s too good looking, too perfect at her job and also, wearing high heels is completely impractical in our line of work,’ she summarises, before quietly remarking as an afterthought, ‘even if they make her look incredibly hot.’

A moment of pause hangs between them, before captain Kim looks at his subordinate in confusion.

‘I’m afraid I don’t follow,’ he eventually says.

‘She’s so good at her job that she’ll make me look bad at the exam!’ Detective Son really doesn’t want to be that person, but she’s worked very hard to get where she is and she is not about to hand it all over so casually. ‘She’ll just take all the credit and it’s annoying!’

‘What do her good looks have to do with it, though?’

‘I need to be focused. I can’t be walking around worrying about her well-being, because she’s too attractive,’ the woman adds stubbornly, completely neglecting the fact that if anyone is going to have to protect them, it’s likely going to be her new partner.

‘You’ve clearly thought long and hard about detective Bae’s attractiveness,’ captain Kim observes, attention already diverted somewhere else – his dog is salivating all over his new trousers.

‘Yes, sir. The entire weekend,’ detective Son admits, before she can stop herself, too used to automatic replies. She hears a sarcastic snicker from around the corner and it makes her blush. Joy isn’t going to let her live this down.

The commander gives up on trying to salvage his apparel and sends his subordinate a long look.

‘I’m sorry, but for now, you and detective Bae are partners and will work as a team on the river murder case, and that’s final. We can really use her help and expertise, especially now that detective Kang is temporarily indisposed and will be doing desk duties. I expect you on your best behaviour, otherwise you can kiss your sergeant exam goodbye.’

‘Sir, you haven’t even read my files. You could not stop me even if you tried – you don’t know anything about the date or place of my exam.’

‘That is correct, but I’m sure Joy can find it out for me easily.’

‘No, I can’t,’ the annoyed secretary shouts from outside the door. ‘I’m busy on gmarket, trying to find a blue-ish vest that will look horrible on everyone else from my dance team, but make me look like a goddess. I clearly told my instructor that Joy Park does not wear what everyone else does, but he remained unimpressed. Now I’m stuck with a group outfit,’ she grumbles, more to herself than the two perplexed individuals in the room.

‘She says she can’t find it out,’ the policewoman eventually breaks the silence, and captain Kim nods gravely.

‘No, she can’t – but that’s not what’s important! What’s important is good cooperation between you and detective Bae. Nobody will allow you to become a sergeant without basic empathic skills. On the contrary to what you think, you are nowhere near good enough.’

‘Excuse me, sir, detective Kang and I work together just fine,’ she opposes but her superior only looks at her like she has lost her mind.

‘Son, you drag Kang around like a rag doll. That is not a healthy partnership and you need to change your authoritative habits. Now get out and make peace with detective Bae, because the two of you have a lot of work to do,’ captain Kim points to the door sternly, cutting off any possible comebacks. ‘Oh, and tell Joy to bring me napkins and another pair of trousers. I think Byul ruined this one.’

‘Which part of I’m busy did you not hear?’ Joy shouts again without being prompted. ‘Get them yourself and kick that dog out, he sheds his fur everywhere.’

‘All right,’ captain Kim concurs with a sigh, by now accustomed to following his assistant’s orders. He exits his own office, leaving baffled detective Son behind.






‘There’s something lying there,’ detective Bae Joohyun calmly gestures to the farthest point of the river bank within their sight. Son Seungwan immediately lifts her head from her tiny notebook and adjust her glasses to take a double look. When it doesn’t help, she resorts to squinting.

‘I don’t see anything,’ she rejects the idea dismissively and proceeds to completing her notes. She needs to have an upper hand in this and she will not admit that the other woman’s demeanour makes her nervous. It’s been this way for the past two weeks.

‘Perhaps because you didn’t even bother to look properly,’ detective Bae’s honest answer is interpreted as anything but; Seungwan immediately sends her a look full of disdain. Again - it’s been like that for the past two weeks since they were first paired up.

‘I have gathered all available evidence and concluded that the murder method coincides with the other three that has been discovered by this river in the last two months. It’s a work of a serial killer, detective Bae – something that might be a bit more obvious to you, too, had you worked this case with us from the beginning, instead of coming in an offering your uninformed opinions,’ Seungwan knows that she’s crossed a line when Bae Joohyun suddenly appears right in front of her, invading Seungwan’s personal space unceremoniously. Seungwan would take a step back, but there’s a wall behind her.

‘Let’s get one thing straight, detective Son. I have been transferred to your station, because despite captain Kim’s utmost efforts,’ the tone of her voice is a dead giveaway of what she really thinks of their direct superior and Seungwan cannot help but silently concur, ‘despite his efforts, the whole precinct is in chaos and this case is honestly the last drop – it happens to have occurred within your jurisdiction, yes, but you don’t seem nowhere near qualified to solve it.

‘Now, look there,’ she diverts Seungwan’s attention to the corpse splayed at the river bank before the younger policewoman has a chance to react to the blatant diss. There are people already taking care of it. ‘It does indeed resemble all the previous cases – a victim with a deep abdominal wound that looks like she has been stabbed before being drowned. The suicide note that is so obviously fabricated that it doesn’t even seem worth of investigating. But there is also a small piece of green fabric not far away from the crime scene.’

‘That small one right there?’ Seungwan inquires, trying to focus on the conversation instead of losing cool over the previous topic. ‘There is so much rubbish lying around, there is no reason to be suspicious of that particular one. I’m surprised it even drew your attention.’

‘It did, because it doesn’t look like all the other things gathered in there.’ Joohyun, who has been carefully walking down the rocky path, finally approaches the body and with it, the small mountain of rubbish on its side. Seungwan thinks sourly that detective Bae is almost too agile for a person wearing boots on 10 inch heels. ‘It’s not a typical thing you’d find at the place like this one – empty beer cans, food wraps, etc – and it’s also too far away from this stash. It looks only mildly drained by the water, unlike the rest, which means that the culprit might have dropped it here only last night.’

‘So what are you saying? Are you saying that our killer suddenly took a liking to flashy clothing?’

‘I’m saying that it is not our serial killer at all. In my opinion, this is work of a copy cat,’ Joohyun states confidently before she begins to energetically distributing tasks to their forensic team – and leaving Seungwan completely stunned.

‘Hey. Hey!’ You can’t just drop such a bomb on me without prior consultation. What kind of partnership is that?’ Seungwan stomps behind the older, spouting in indignation. She wants to stab both Joohyun and captain Kim in the eyes.

No, actually, she wants to stab only captain Kim. She wants to push Joohyun against the wall instead, and end her bossiness with a kiss that would take the other’s breath away. But that’s beside the point, and also too embarrassing.

However, the way she temporarily spaces out doesn’t escape Joohyun, who turns around to face Seungwan and regards her with a knowing smirk.

‘You’re easily distracted, detective Son, or so I’ve been told.’

‘Excuse me?’ Seungwan gapes again, not liking one bit where this is going.

‘Word goes around, you know. That I’m so attractive, it prevents you from tending to your professional duties,’ Joohyun remarks almost casually, but not without a final smirk and a once over of her partner, who looks absolutely frozen in place.

Such big mouth can surely belong to only one person in the entire precinct.






‘Why are you trying to ruin my life?’ Seungwan demands to know the moment Joohyun and her return to the station.

Joy shrugs.

‘I’m bored and captain Kim is such a horrible pushover, it’s not even funny anymore to bully him. In the morning I accidentally spilled my coffee on his jacket and he ended up apologising to me for it.’

‘I can totally believe that,’ Seungwan mutters, before realising that she’s digressed. ‘Seriously, though. Why on earth would you tell Joohyun that I find her attractive? Do you not realise how humiliating it is for me to be ually aroused by my arch enemy?’

‘Since when am I your arch enemy? Aren’t you exaggerating a little? And thank you, I guess.’ Seungwan nearly gets a whiplash from the speed with which she turns around to see her now partner standing behind her.

‘I’m not- I wasn’t-‘

‘I came to inform you that we have ID on the victim. Follow me to the meeting room whenever you’re ready,’ Joohyun sing-songs, completely disregarding the younger’s embarrassment. Seungwan sighs. It’s going to be a long day.






Detective Son Seungwan is as boring as they come. She doesn’t like taking risks, being out of control and basically do anything whose outcome she cannot immediately predict. It’s really a wonder why she’s joined the police force, when her whole life is a one big minute-to-minute plan, where she is the mistress of her own future and she knows exactly how lady luck is bound to pan out for her (with Seungwan’s helpful efforts, of course).

The same applies to her romantic partners. The policewoman met her last two ex-girlfriends through common friends in the neighbourhood crossword club – both were quite plain looking, yet of sweet and caring nature; both worked boring, safe desk jobs; for both, Seungwan felt a healthy mixture of mild bodily desire and intellectual interest. was all right, the was reached and Seungwan still had some strength left to do her laundry or calculate her taxes before falling asleep.

Bae Joohyun is nothing like those girlfriends – and a complete opposite of Seungwan herself. Rumours say that she’s a bit of a workaholic, but that’s when their remote common points would end. She always wears a leather jacket and at least ten inch heels to work, letting her (amazing, silky, y, did I mention amaz-) hair fall casually on her shoulders. Seungwan’s low ponytail and lose office shirt makes her look like a Founding Father, in Joy’s opinion anyway; Joohyun’s fitted low-neck upper gourmet and daring attitude make her seem more like a goddess.

In conclusion, these days Seungwan’s previously barely detectable libido is preventing her from leading her familiarly organised life, a justifiably so.

Today is no exception. Seungwan enters the meeting room just as her current partner sticks the last photograph to the board. Seungwan’s old partner and good friend Kang Seulgi is already there, which does not surprise the policewoman, seeing how until Seulgi’s unfortunate accident which will still immobilise her for a few good weeks, they have worked the case together.

‘How nice of you to finally join us, detective Son,’ Joohyun says, and it is not hard to detect an underlying tone of sarcasm. Seungwan huffs.

‘Seungwan, look,’ Seulgi immediately gets to the point, skimming through one of the files in front of her. ‘Detective Bae was right – this murder has been planned more sloppily than the killer intended for it to be. The knife wound is in a slightly different place – and at a different angle. At this point, it might be accurate to say that it is indeed an imposter who merely wants to tie their own crime to the serial killings happening in our area in order to avoid punishment.’

Seungwan deliberately does not look at Joohyun, because she’s certain that she cannot handle the smug look that she will find on the other’s face.

‘So who’s the victim?’ She impatiently asks instead, sitting down and grabbing the first file that is at hand just to have something to do.

‘His name is Hong Seungwoo. 31, single. Lives near Sincheon station with a roommate and recently opened a small bakery that has been doing quite well. The word on the street is, they sell the best blueberry muffins.’

‘When on earth did you have the time to listen to what people say about his pastry?’ Seungwan cannot help but look up, frowning at her partner. Joohyun smiles, albeit a bit cheekily.

‘It just happens that I live very close and stop by the bakery regularly,’ she responds enigmatically. When Seulgi turns around to study the details displayed on the board, Joohyun murmurs in passing, ‘Maybe I can invite you to my flat some time.’ Seungwan’s eyes widened, as they follow Joohyun around, but the older sits down on the other side of the table as if no words were exchanged at all.

‘I say that you two should go and talk to the roommate. I’ll make some calls and see if I can find out where the fabric you mentioned comes from,’ Seulgi offers and Joohyun nods, satisfied.

‘Thank you very much, detective Kang. And for your warm welcome, as well. Pleasure working with somebody this professional,’ the older remarks, eyeing Seungwan with a mixture of irony and amusement. Seungwan gapes, not sure how to react. She feels slightly offended, but also guilty as charged.

‘Yeah… let’s go,’ Seungwan grabs her jacket and they are out of the door.






‘So like… do you want to be me, or do you just want to do me? Because I can help you with at least one of those,’ Joohyun gets into the car and fires the engine. Seungwan’s jaw nearly drops to the ground.

‘I- Which one?’ She asks, before properly connects to her brain. Joohyun regards her with a smirk, before turning away and concentrating on the road.

‘I’ll give you the number of my hair salon, of course,’ she responds with hardly concealed laughter and her partner cannot help but blush at her own foolishness. Of course a person of Bae Joohyun’s calibre can only lead Son Seungwan for fun. She’s too easy to rile up – and it’s been proven on several occasions in the last fortnight.

‘Who’s the roommate?’ Seungwan clears , opening the film on her lap and desperately trying to move past the embarrassment. Joohyun sends her one more look, before saying,

‘Ha Jongdeok – he works in a small travel agency that specialises in city tours for foreigners. Before that, he and the victim used to work in a restaurant near Yeouido. That’s how they became friends and later, roommates.’

‘He seems to be in a bit of financial trouble, doesn’t he,’ Seungwan observes, digging deeper through the folder.

‘I haven’t had the time to go through all of this, but looks that way. After the restaurant closed, the victim set up his own store, but out friend here had problems finding another job for some time. If Seungwoo happened to be lending him money, it could be a motive.’

‘Maybe,’ the other reluctantly concurs. Bae Joohyun really is good at her job – whether Seungwan is ready to admit it or not. But she begins feeling really bad about the way she has been treating her new partner for the past two weeks. It’s all just been piling up – jealousy, bitterness, and a big portion of it is , too – and the younger finally cannot stand it anymore. She likes to think she’s actually a decent person. ‘Listen, I’m-‘

‘-sorry, I know,’ Joohyun laughs at the other’s bewildered expression. Gaping Seungwan is quickly becoming the default state of her partner. ‘Captain Kim mentioned something about your upcoming exam, and Joy added that you generally have a stick shoved up your arse at all times, so I was prepared,’ she chances a brief glances at the younger before looking back to the road. ‘To be honest, you wouldn’t even make top 10 of the worst co-workers that I had to deal with.’

‘Oh?’ Seungwan wants to think it’s a compliment, but the competitive side in her feels offended about not making somebody’s list. Even if the list is anything but positive.

‘Your comebacks are childish and weak, and you’re too easy to tease,’ Joohyun laughs. ‘You’re not a mean person, Son Seungwan, you’re just a person under a lot of pressure, half the amount of which you seem to inflict upon yourself.’

‘So what did others do? Since I’m so weak and all,’ Seungwan grumbles, mindlessly organising the files on her lap.

‘Oh, hon, it’s a compliment. Don’t take it the wrong way,’ Joohyun reassures and finally parks the car at a random parking lot close to Shinsegae apartment buildings. She looks at Seungwan again. ‘You’re exceptionally cute, you know,’ Seungwan blushes again, despite herself. ‘I’ve only worked with guys so far. Half of them are disgusting and continue to hit on you despite clear rejection; the other half baby you as if you haven’t beat their arses in every single combat training in the last two years. They need constant validation of their masculinity and proof that you are the one good enough to belong with them. that, I’m done. When the opportunity came to move to five-five, I did not hesitate for a second,’ Joohyun chuckles humourlessly and gets out of the car without another word. The loud shut of the door prompts Seungwan to hastily follow.

The victim’s flat is on the 23rd floor. The man who opens the door has blond hair, a light stubble and is wearing a wrinkled dress shirt.

‘Yes?’ He says when the two women show him their badges. He looks devastated when Joohyun tells him the news.

‘P-please, come in. God, I can’t believe it. Not Seungwoo,’ he repeats several times and the partners patiently wait until he gets a hold of himself.

‘Why haven’t you reported Mr. Hong missing?’ Seungwan takes out her notepad, ready to write down anything suspicious. Joohyun looks amused, but says nothing. Instead, she wanders around, seemingly aimlessly, and discreetly looks around.

‘I didn’t know he hadn’t come home. Seungwoo spent many a night in his bakery, always perfecting his recipes and such. Sometimes a week would pass when we didn’t see each other at all. I work as a guide in one of the travel agencies in town, so if there is a need, I will also accompany our guests on their trips to Jeju-do – it’s usually a two night, three day affair,’ the man admits.

‘Where were you last night between nine pm and midnight?’ Joohyun cuts his blubbering short. He shrugs.

‘Just here, watching TV. It was my day off,’ he responds evasively. Seungwan and Joohyun exchange a quick look, but don’t comment on the man’s answer. Seungwan eventually says,

‘Mr. Hong has deposited 3 million won to an unidentified account every month without fail for the past year, more or less. Do you happen to know anything about that?’ The man shakes his head, confused.

‘Do you know anything about his employees?’ Joohyun probes further, earning a frown from Seungwan, because everything about them seems to already be written in their files.

‘Well, there are only two other people. One is an elderly lady, Seungwoo’s mother’s friend, who usually mans the cash register. There is also a woman, Kim Minji, whom Seungwoo hired to help with kitchen work and sometimes deliveries.’

‘Any problems with them that you know of?’

‘No, really. Although…,’ Jongdeok hesitates.

‘Although?’ Joohyun presses the matter, and despite the circumstances, Seungwan cannot help but think it’s y. In a dangerous sort of way.

‘Minji obviously liked Seungwoo a lot. He told me he gently rejected her advances, but she’s never really got over him. I think it sometimes made their co-operation awkward,’ the man scratches his head, pursing his lips and giving the two a knowing look. ‘Sometimes when I stopped by, I saw them arguing quietly.’

The women say their goodbyes shortly after and leave the flat.

‘What do you think?’ Joohyun asks when they finally reach the bottom floor and exit the lift.

‘He looked very much taken aback by his friend’s death, but those can just be appearances. He doesn’t seem to have a motive to kill, at least for now, but I’m mostly wondering about the secret account and the money poured into it. It’s always either passion or money that drive people to murder.’

‘Wisely said,’ Joohyun concurs. ‘I think that man is struggling. There was a pile of yet unpaid bills on the desk next to the window, and his clothes looked really worn out. Perhaps that money was Seungwoo trying to help his friend out?’

‘But if it was just a simple loan, why didn’t he just give it to Jongdeok? What’s with the secrecy? More importantly, now that I think about it – why didn’t Seungwoo just give him the female employee’s job?’ Seungwan opposes, looking at her partner who shrugs unsurely.

‘It’s something to keep in mind for now. Let’s go to the bakery and see the girl. Plus, I’m hungry,’ Joohyun laughs and Seungwan cracks a smile herself.






Seungwan has a hard time concentrating, for two reasons. First of all, the blueberry muffins really are that good, especially coupled with café latte – juicy and full of fruit that spills from the dough at every opportunity. Secondly, and probably most importantly, detective Bae Joohyun is eating it with such fervour and pleasure on her face, her lips so vigorously and overall sounding so obscene that Seungwan would roll her eyes, if she weren’t too busy using them to drill a hole in her partner’s face.

She’s just about to comment on the view in a way that she’ll most likely later regret, when their next suspect enters the bakery in a fast step. She’s clearly not aware of the two policewomen sitting by the window, consuming the sweets that they had bought to pass the time until her arrival.

‘Kim Minji?’ Joohyun reacts first, cleaning her hands with a napkin as she stands up to approach the newcomer. The woman turns around, perplexed. ‘We’re from the fifty-fifth precinct, we have a few questions about your boss Hong Seungwoo,’ she elaborates, extending her badge for the other to see. Minji blinks a few times, before saying,

‘Yes, yes of course. If you’d just allow me to drop my stuff at the back, I’ll be right out.’ Joohyun nods, making a welcoming gesture. She sits back down, taking another sip of her coffee.

‘Er, detective Bae?’ Seungwan prompts unsurely, turning towards the window a minute later as she spots a running person from the corner of her eye. ‘Isn’t that… Kim Minji?’

‘Oh, hot darn,’ Joohyun spits out, recognising the escaping figure as well. She drops everything as she leaves the bakery in a hurry, breaking into a sprint. Seungwan stands as well, taking one look at the unfinished plates.

‘But the food…,’ she laments briefly, because grabbing their car keys from the table and following suit.






‘I swear to god, I did not kill Seungwoo. I had no idea he didn’t show up for work, you saw yourself that I was late this morning,’ Minji becomes progressively more agitated as she attempts to explain her situation. She has been brought to the police station when Joohyun managed to capture her. In her ten inch heels, Seungwan mentally adds.

‘You don’t come across as particularly believable after the stunt you pulled just now,’ detective Bae remarks, looking unimpressed.

‘Look, I’m sorry, ok? I don’t trust cops. If you had a record, you wouldn’t either,’ Minji looks at her, resigned.

‘All the more reason for you to come clean. If you’re innocent, you have nothing to be afraid of.’ Joohyun sighs and changes attitude as she asks gently, ‘So I’m guessing something has happened between the two of you recently.’

‘Seungwoo learnt that I had done time in juvie,’ Minji eventually replies.

‘He didn’t know before?’

‘I don’t exactly advertise my criminal past. I left it out of my CV when I first applied. He did have me bake this or that anyway – as a test, you know – and he obviously seemed to like it, since he hired me. Baking is a long running tradition in my family, after all, so I know a few things. And I have never given him a reason to doubt my honesty. I really just want to put it behind me, you know. But after he’s learnt about my past, he’s changed.’

‘What did he do?’

‘He would look at me like he was supervising me. Like he was scared that I would steal money or some other . I confronted him about it last night, but he dismissed me, saying that my past record didn’t bother him at all.’

‘You didn’t believe him,’ Joohyun says.

‘No,’ the girl affirms.

‘What did you do then?’

‘Nothing, what could I have done? I was angry, but mostly just anxious. I didn’t want to lose my job. I went home and decided to approach him again today, this time to resolve this unspoken conflict.’

‘Yet you were late? Doesn’t sound like you were in a rush to get to the bottom of this. Unless you already knew that he was dead.’

‘No!’ Even Seungwan, who is observing the interrogation from the other side of the two-way mirror, jolts in surprise. ‘I-I… It’s embarrassing. My landlord cornered me, I’m late with rent. I barely talked my way out of it, but I ended up being late for my shift.’

‘Didn’t Seungwoo pay you enough? Why don’t you have money for rent?’ Joohyun asks suspiciously.

‘The bakery seems to be in a lot of debt, from what I know anyway. Last money, Seungwoo gave me half of my salary and asked to wait for a bit for the rest. I really don’t know, I figured we are not doing great. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it because I knew it would be hard for me to find another job.’

‘Anything else you could tell us about the bakery? When did you guys start?’

‘Well, Seungwoo opened the shop about 15 months ago and I’ve been working there for almost eleven. Back then it was only him and Mrs. Hwang – she told me that he hadn’t been doing well and was about to give up, but then he came up with the blueberry muffin recipe and it was instant success. The business picked up and he was able to hire me.’

Joohyun contemplates the answer for a while, before asking,

‘Do you know Ha Jongdeok?’ Minji looks up at the change of topic.

‘Seungwoo’s roommate? Yeah, he stops by sometimes. He was there last night as well.’

‘Was he..?’ Joohyun adjust in her seat, now more interested. Minji nods.

‘He came just as Seungwoo sent me away. I didn’t stick around. When Jongdeok comes, the two will usually retreat to the small office at the back and talk. It was none of my business, and anyway, I was angry so I just left.’

Joohyun looks at the two-way mirror in passing, and even though she can’t see Seungwan, the younger recognises that look. We need to talk to Jongdeok again.







‘Are you sure Minji is not the culprit?’

Seungwan doesn’t know how, but the two of them end up in Joohyun’s flat with a six-pack of light beer and a takeaway from the restaurant downstairs. Seungwan was beyond surprised when after the interrogation, her new partner suggested that they go to my apartment to eat and think about our next move. When Seungwan mentioned Seulgi, who is also helping with their investigation, Joohyun shrugs, innocently responding that it was up to Seungwan whether she wanted to spend time in her friends’ company or alone with Joohyun.

The implication hit Seungwan three long seconds later and she carelessly gathered all her belongings from the desk to follow Joohyun to her car, completely ignoring captain Kim’s inquiries and Joy’s sarcastic laughter. And now here they are, sitting on the floor and talking about everything and nothing. Seungwan is nursing her second can of Hite.

‘It’s hard to believe - but not impossible, of course. He was more worth to her alive than dead, though. She does need a job, after all. After his death, the fate of the bakery is uncertain.’

‘Maybe the secret money was for her and he threatened to stop sending it?’

‘Maybe… but the deposition started one month before the victim hired Minji. Unless there is a previous link between them that we aren’t aware of, but it’s somehow doubtful, in my opinion. Tomorrow, we have to go to Jongdeok and confront him about his nightly visit to the bakery.’

‘Yeah…’ Seungwan trails off, drinking the last of her beverage and setting down the can on the table. Her thoughts drift further and further away from the topic. ‘You have a nice flat,’ she notes absentmindedly, looking around. Joohyun moves closer.

‘Thank you. I don’t spend a lot of time here, though.’

‘Where do you go?’ Seungwan asks, trying not to get too nervous by the proximity.

‘I’m not very domestic. I sometimes stay over at the station, or at my girlfriend’s...’

‘Your girlfriend’s..?’ The younger stammers, not knowing what to say to that. Has she been wrong about the tension between them all along..?

‘When I happen to have one, that is,’ Joohyun clarifies, a mischievous smile on her face. Seungwan blinks, too stunned to utter another word. ‘You’re quite slow, aren’t you,’ Joohyun laughs again before promptly leaning in and kissing the younger on the mouth. It’s more like a peck, really, rather than a real kiss, but it feels exhilarating all the same. Joohyun pulls away to assess the situation.

‘Say, Seungwan… you’re not in a relationship, are you? Because I really can’t be ed with cheating and all that. It’s disgusting,’ when Seungwan turns around, Joohyun is very much in her personal space, looking all seductive and the younger gulps, momentarily taken aback. Neither is drunk, maybe a tad bit tipsy, but the atmosphere changes drastically. ‘Or am I too forward for you? I’ll back off, just say a word,’ the older adds, confidence never wavering.

‘No, to both. I just… I thought you were just messing with me. Plus, we work together-‘

‘Are you saying that you’ll pass because of some non-existent work regulations..?’

‘Nope, no. Who cares,’ Seungwan immediately rejects the idea, gathering Joohyun’s face in both hands and initiates another, deeper kiss. She feels Joohyun smile into the kiss, and when her arms bring the younger closer, Seungwan feels like she’s just won the lottery.






‘Rise and shine, sweetheart. I’ve brought coffee.’ A gentle nudge on the shoulder jolts Seungwan awake. She shakes her head, disorientated. She’s on the floor, drooling into a sofa cushion, still in her tank top and denims - and it’s beyond embarrassing.

‘Huh?’ She looks at Joohyun intelligently. The older takes a seat at the coffee table just in front of Seungwan, smiling amused and quite literally dangling a cup of strong black coffee under her partner’s nose. ‘What happened..? Did we…?’ She sits straighter, looking at the state of her own undress. Joohyun chuckles.

‘What kind of girl do you take me for? I’m not gonna sleep with you on the first date,’ she chuckles again, handing her the beverage and standing up. ‘We just made out and when I came back from my shower, you were fast sleep on the couch, so I just let you be. You have made it to the floor all on your own, I’m afraid.’

‘Oh, yeah. I tend to move around a lot,’ Seungwan confesses sheepishly, taking a gulp of her drink.

‘Well, I bet that makes for some good kink in bed,’ Joohyun laughs and the younger chokes on the coffee, reddening furiously. ‘Don’t die on me now, have a shower and some bagels first. We still need to get to our first witness. I have a feeling he might be more cooperative this time.’







‘You weren’t totally honest with us yesterday, were you,’ Joohyun starts the moment they have him sit down. Ha Jongdeok looks at them disorientated, clearly not having expected them to come to his office.

‘What are you-‘

‘Somebody saw you in Seungwoo’s office last night. Or are you going to deny that as well..?’ The man looks at the two perplexed, but eventually his shoulders slump.

‘No, I did go to see him.’

‘What did you talk about?’ Seungwan inquires, trying to gauge a reaction out of him. The man shrugs.

‘The usual.’

‘What’s the usual?’ Joohyun presses. He sighs.

‘This and that. Stuff about the apartment. These days, Seungwoo has been thinking of expanding the bakery to a restaurant menu, so he consulted me several times. I’ve always been a better cook out of the two of us,’ he adds quietly. The two women look at each other.

‘Now that you mention it…,’ Seungwan starts. ‘It seems that you have been struggling with finding another job in your profession since the restaurant you both worked at closed down. Did hiring you at the bakery never come up between you two..?’ Jongdeok looks at her, suddenly tense but not saying anything for a long moment.

‘What do you mean?’

‘She wants to know why your best friend didn’t think to help you out when he himself seemed to be this successful,’ Joohyun supplies, less patiently than her partner.

‘It’s not that it didn’t come up… I have no experience in baking. My grandmother was great at it,’ he chuckles shortly, in a clearly self depreciative manner. ‘But as I said, I’ve always trained to be a cook. I honestly would have been of no use to Seungwoo in there.’

‘What about the restaurant? Would he have hired you in there?’ Joohyun presses. Jongdeok evades her gaze as he says,

‘We never talked about that.’

The two partners regard each other with doubt – it’s clear that Jongdeok isn’t telling them something.

‘So what happened yesterday?’ Joohyun finally speaks up, steering back to the original topic.

‘Nothing special. We talked, he said he needed to stay behind a bit longer so I went back home.’

‘Why didn’t you just tell us when we first asked you?’ Seungwan frowns. All this explanation seems innocent enough.

‘I was scared that you’d think I killed him,’ he confesses, looking at the woman pointedly. She doesn’t back down.

‘Well, guess what. That is exactly what we’re thinking now, seeing how you’re the last one to see him alive.’

Seungwan’s phone rings and it’s Seulgi, so she excuses herself, leaving Joohyun to deal with the man, who seems stunned beyond words.

‘What’s up?’

‘I finally managed to encrypt the victim’s password. It took a while, but his mobile is now wide open to us,’ Seulgi announces proudly and Seungwan smiles at her friend’s efficiency.

‘So what did you find out?’




‘Say, do you know a club called Rookie? Or a man going by the name Ahn Jinwoo?’ Seungwan re-enters the room, saving Ha Jongdeok from further merciless interrogation. Both the man and Joohyun look up, equally confused.

‘I can’t say that I know that name, but the club is quite infamous,’ Jongdeok agrees.

‘Infamous for what?’

‘They say that if you ever need help, you’ll find it there.’

‘Help? What kind of help?’ Seungwan frowns. He sizes her up and down.

Any kind of help,’ is the only thing that he eventually says and both women immediately catch on. It’s a hub of gangsters and low-lives, waiting to prey on others’ misfortune and desperation.

‘Why would a person like your roommate go there?’

‘I don’t know, maybe just to drink. He didn’t tell me everything, you know,’ Jongdeok grumbles but one look from Joohyun silences him again.

‘Well, then. We’ll have to go there and see what’s that all about,’ Seungwan says, looking at her partner. Her words make the man snicker.

‘You can’t just go there. And especially not looking like that,’ the snide remark has two women look at each other again - this time in confusion.






‘I’m not sure if I’m comfortable wearing this outfit,’ Seungwan admits, her lips apprehensively. The full body mirror is unforgiving, the way that it reveals everything that the younger policewoman is not willing to look at.







‘You’re gorgeous,’ Joohyun states as she takes her place behind her partner, shamelessly admiring the view. Seungwan nearly jumps when a single hand makes a grab for her . Joohyun laughs good-naturedly. ‘You’re never been undercover, have you?’

‘No like… this,’ the other admits. In her own opinion, she looks like a typical Russian call girl, and she tells Joohyun as much. The older is quick to concur.

‘That’s the point. We need to find Ahn Jinwoo, but we also can’t draw attention to ourselves.’

‘How is this not going to draw attention? The skirt is too short and the top is too revealing, and-‘

‘Nobody’ll think you’re a cop, darling,’ Joohyun hugs her from behind and places her chin on the other’s shoulder, still looking in the mirror. ‘You’ll distract whom I’ll tell you to distract and then I’ll karate chop him from behind.’ That draws a short laughter from Seungwan, who turns in Joohyun’s arms to properly look at her.

‘You’re prettier than me,’ she responds – only half coyness, because the other half is her speaking her mind. Joohyun huffs.

‘What are you talking about? You have this whole doll-like vibe going on for you, I’m afraid somebody is going to steal you away from me,’ the older says cheekily. ‘I kind of want to ravish you right now,’ she murmurs and they share a hot kiss, which leaves Seungwan quite dazed. They part before Seungwan’s red lipstick is all messed up.

‘You just told me yesterday morning that you don’t have on the first date,’ she observes breathlessly, to which Joohyun smiles, frowning in an exaggerated manner.

‘Well, today could be our second,’ she says casually, which in turn makes her younger partner laugh.

‘Do you have on the second date, then?’ Seungwan probes playfully, extremely red on the face. Her flirting has always been awkward, but she wants to seem cool in front of Joohyun. Not that the older brunette hasn’t seen through her already.

‘Depends on who’s asking,’ are Joohyun’s last words before she exits the room in search of her own leather jacket. Seungwan can’t help a stupid grin that emerges on her face, even if she’s in equal part mortified by the implication.







Seungwan feels horribly embarrassed in her tight red dress, ponytails and too much make up. All those creeps will eat it up all right, Joohyun assures her just before the part ways at the corner of the street. They can’t be seen enter together, but her partner will be watching over her, ready to react when they’ve finally found Ahn.

It’s Itaewon, too, and all the leering doesn’t help steady Seungwan’s nerves. On the plus side, the dress code that she’s assumed grants her automatic access to Rookie from the rather large bouncer standing at the door. And boy, is it a horrible place to be.

It smells of cheap alcohol and men who’s spent too many nights in their stuffy offices and avoiding shower. The woman can barely contain her grimace, remembering that she’s supposed to be used to places like these. The light is too dim and it’s honestly hard to see where one is going, let alone who one is dealing with. Finding Ahn Jinwoo in this establishment, assuming he’s even inside, cannot be an easy feat. Seungwan’s first instinct is to approach the bar and order a beer. She can only hope that Joohyun stays true to her word and will actually find her when needed.

For the first half an hour, nothing significant happens. Seungwan takes her drinks and sips it slowly, making her rounds around the room, being d a few times, to which she recoils. Then she goes back to the counter and orders another bottle of Cass. She looks around as she waits for her drink and as luck would have it, a man appears by her side.

‘Can I get you a drink?’ He leers and every instinct tells Seungwan to shudder in disgust, but instead she manages to assemble a shade of a genuine smile and thanks him for the offer.

‘I don’t know if Mr. Ahn would be pleased to see me accept drinks from other men,’ she looks at him from under her long, fake lashes, at the last moment deciding to begin twirling a strand of her hair around her index finger for better effect.

‘Ahn Jinwoo? You’re here with him?’ The man’s expression immediately loses the greasiness, now all business.

‘Somebody paid for my company tonight. I was told to come here and spend some time with Mr. Ahn the way he sees fit. I guess I’m just going to wait. I don’t even know what he looks like, but I don’t want to be in trouble with my boss,’ she continues coquettishly, and the older man is back to his pleasant self, gesturing to the left.

‘Such a shame, but cannot be helped. Jinwoo is just at the back, dealing with some customers. How about we go see him, I’m sure he’ll be pleasantly surprised to see such a gift,’ Seungwan’s insincere smile widens and she nods, putting her arm on top of his when he offers her an . I’m never leaving my shower again, she thinks when she’s forced to touch his skin and the cheap cologne starts invading her senses.

She takes a seat in the corner and the man promises to fetch Ahn Jinwoo shortly. From the corner of her eye, Seungwan spots Joohyun sitting by the bar – seemingly relaxed to everyone around her, but actually sharp and vigilant. Seungwan exhales with relief. Her cases never once took her to such dangerous places and her palms are positively sweating now.

‘Here you are, sweetheart. To whom do I owe your visit?’ The man who appears to her right is short, quite obese and the expression that he dons brings no good news. As it is, Seungwan has had enough of entertaining old fellows with revolting hygienic habits, so she stands up and boldly taking out her badge from her push-up bra, says,

‘Fifty-fifth precinct. Detective Son, I would like to ask you a few questions.’ The man hisses in anger, but before he has a chance to move by even an inch, Joohyun is behind him.

‘We’re police but we won’t hesitate to use force if necessary. So how about the three of us walk out of here calmly and talk. This way nobody has to get hurt.’ The man nods once in understanding and leads the way through the back door, Joohyun closely behind. It’s only when they pass by, does Seungwan realise that Joohyun is pointing her gun at his lower back and her eyes widen at the gravity of the situation.

‘Now, Mr. Ahn Jinwoo.’ Joohyun harshly pushes him forward to put distance between them, but her gun is still by her side on standby. Seungwan nearly gulps nervously at the sight, but forces herself to stay still. She’ll leave this to Joohyun, who seems much more in her element.

‘Whatever it is that you’re accusing me of, I’m sure you have no proof,’ now off the hook, the man’s smirk is back. ‘I’m an honest businessman trying to make a living here.’

‘I’m sure you are.’ Joohyun doesn’t even bother to conceal disgust on her face.

‘I didn’t know that among the police force are such pretty ladies. I would be tempted to visit more often,’ he adds, raking his eyes over Joohyun, before moving on to Seungwan’s more exposed form. Before he has a chance to make another remark, the older woman makes a move to obstruct his view and partially hide Seungwan behind herself.

‘I must warn you, we come with pistols,’ she shakes her occupied hand lightly to make his refocus. ‘Now, I couldn’t care less about what’s going on within those walls. What I’m here for is information.’

‘Of what kind?’ Now annoyed, Ahn Jinwoo looks at her in disdain.

‘Hong Seungwoo. He’s been calling you an awful lot lately. Mind telling me what that was about?’

‘Hong Seungwoo… Hong Seungwoo… I don’t think I recall,’ he responds stubbornly, to which Joohyun swiftly kicks him in the shin. Not expecting that turn of events, he nearly doubles in pain.

‘Did that refresh your memory? Stop wasting my time and I’ll stop wasting yours. Unless you killed Mr. Hong, in which case you’ll be put away for a very long time.’

‘Killed? Wait, what? Wait a moment. I ain’t killed nobody,’ the man becomes instantly agitated.

‘Hong Seungwoo. Why did he keep calling you and when was the last time you saw him?’ When she raises her gun, Ahn instantly lifts his hands.

‘All right, all right. He came about two months ago, said that his business was in a slump. Since I may or may not lend some money to some people sometimes.’

‘Did you or did you not lend him money?’

‘I did. That time and twice more. To be honest, I checked his books - it’s a standard procedure in our line of work, you understand - and it didn’t seem like he had such big financial problems, quite on the contrary. But for some reason he needed all that money and I didn’t ask. I certainly won’t discourage potential clients from doing business with me.’

‘Did he pay any of it back?’

‘We drew a contract. I think he was supposed to pay the first part in six months or something like that. It didn’t bother me – my boys always keep an eye on things for me, and the longer he delayed, the bigger profit for me so..’

Joohyun sighs, clearly disgusted.

‘Where were you two nights ago?’

‘Probably here, as usual.’ The man shrugs.

‘Can anyone… reliable confirm your alibi?’ He shrugs again, this time smiling. Seungwan nearly shudders.

‘Take your pick,’ he taunts.







‘Looks legitimate,’ Seungwan peers into the copy of the contract both of them had to force Ahn to hand over. Joohyun takes off her jacket and wraps it tightly over the other’s shoulders. ‘As legitimate as it can be, of course.’

‘God, these people disgust me,’ Joohyun murmurs, draping a protective arm over her partner, still looking around for possible threat. The only thing that she encounters, though, are creepy stares of drunk strangers standing on the street. ‘The car is this way.’

They make their way to the black vehicle parked at the corner.

‘Do you want to talk about it?’ Joohyun starts the engine. Seungwan looks her confused.

‘Criminal underworld, me pulling out a gun… you know, this sort of thing.’

‘Oh. Oh,’ Seungwan makes a sound of understanding. ‘Well, I guess a warming would have been nice, but then again, it should have been expected, I mean… We’re police and we have to do stuff… dangerous stuff sometimes.’

‘You’re never shot anyone, have you?’

‘God, no,’ Seungwan hastily admits, blushing at her involuntary confession. Joohyun cannot help but smirk.

‘In my last unit, my partner and I had to deal with a lot of drug cases. I don’t want to use violence when it’s not necessary, but some people don’t understand anything else. I’m sorry if I scared you,’ she adds.

‘It’s not that, it’s…’ When the younger hesitates, Joohyun sends her a curious look.

‘It’s what?’

‘I thought it was kind of hot,’ she admits in whisper and Joohyun’s eye darken. ‘Not you waving your gun around, mind you, just… being this in control.’ Seungwan immediately hides her face in both her palms and Joohyun chuckles. ‘Ah, we only got together two nights ago and here I am, blubbering about embarrassing bed kinks.’ Joohyun laughs again.

‘By all means, I am beyond interested,’ Seungwan whines in embarrassment again. ‘I’ll admit it’s very fresh between us, but honesty is the best policy. Plus, it’s a good way to get to know each other. We only met two weeks ago, so we have a lot of catching up to do in that respect. As for the physical stuff...’ Seungwan squeaks out of reflex when a hand lands on her exposed thigh and Joohyun laughs. ‘Whether we start early or later, it’s up to us.’







Seungwan definitely doesn’t mind the way that Joohyun pleasures her in the shower, though admittedly, this is the fastest she’s ever allowed any of her love prospects touch her this intimately. But there is no stopping Joohyun’s heated gaze as she enters behind Seungwan into the shower cabin and unceremoniously starts washing her girlfriend’s most intimate areas with a skilled, determined hand.

Seungwan is already panting heavily by the time they land in bed together, but she positively loses her mind when she lets Joohyun spread her legs and eat her out like she’s never tasted anything more delicious.







‘Something is not adding up here,’ Seungwan admits, looking at their board while munching on her cereal bar. ‘Hong Seungwoo didn’t need money for the bakery – according to his accounting books, it was doing quite well on its own. Yet he sacrificed part of the profit he could have used for employees’ salaries and placed it god knows where, most probably in that mysterious account, along with the money Ahn loaned him.

‘So who needed that money? Or alternatively, what did Hong plan to do with it?’

‘I might have an idea,’ Seulgi says as she wheels herself into their meeting room. The cast on her left leg won’t be removed for another two or three weeks, so she has opted for a wheel chair to still be able to move around the office. ‘Our team has looked through all the papers in Hong’s office. He’s collected quite an amount of locations and designs for his new restaurant. My guess would be, he was trying to expand his business against better judgement.’

‘His roommate mentioned something about that. Was he just greedy? Or was there a reason why he felt like he absolutely had to do it now?’ Joohyun muses out loud as she rearranges the pictures on the board. Seulgi shrugs unsurely.

‘I think you’d better ask at the bakery. Also, Hong’s mother just called, she’s just returned from an overseas trip. She’s on her way here, so chances are, we might get some answers.’






‘M’am-‘ Joohyun is immediately interrupted. Her and Seungwan have decided to split and investigate both leads separately – which left the older detective trying to contain the hurricane that was the victim’s grieving mother.

‘It’s that woman! I just know it! She killed my Seungwoo, she did!’ The older woman wails, not letting the policewoman utter another word.

‘Which woman?’ Joohyun prays for patience.

‘The one who works at the bakery, of course. She’s always had an unhealthy obsession with my Seungwoo, Jongdeok told me how she would always corner my son and try to confess to him.’

‘Did she?’

‘I told him! I told Seungwoo that she was a criminal, but he still wouldn’t fire her. And look where it got him, my poor son…’







‘I’m about to enter,’ Seungwan replies to Joohyun’s inquiry of her whereabouts.

‘Hong’s mother and Ha Jongdeok both maintain that Kim Minji was head over heels for Seungwoo and would stop at nothing to gain his favour. I’m not really feeling this, but perhaps it is a lead, after all. Would you like me to tag along?’

‘No, I’m good, I can handle it myself. Hong’s mother knows Jongdeok?’ Seungwan stops in front of the door, wishing to finish her conversation first.

‘Apparently? I mean, he obviously told her something that her own son wasn’t willing to disclose, so I don’t know what to think about that. The victim could have been simply embarrassed by the fact and chose not so share this information with his family,’ Joohyun answers, but there is hesitation in her voice. ‘Just ask about the restaurant plans first. If we find the money trail, we’ll know what to do next.’

‘Roger that,’ Seungwan says humorously and Joohyun laughs.

‘Aren’t you adorable,’ she only comments and hangs up before the younger has a chance to respond. Probably for the best, seeing how her cheeks immediately heat up.

She enters and spots Mrs. Hwang, the elderly lady hired to man the register, reading a newspaper. Not the serial murder case again, Seungwan thinks to herself sourly, look at the front page.

They had talked to Mrs. Hwang before, but she didn’t really give any substantial information. It’s the same this time – when asked about Seungwoo’s plans, she cannot really say that she knows anything about them.

‘The restaurant?’ Seungwan turns around when Minji appears from the kitchen. She wipes her hands in a towel. ‘I know about it. Seungwoo and Jongdeok talked about it a lot.’

‘Why did he want to open it so soon? From the accounting, it looks like the bakery was doing well, but not well enough to be investing in a big venture like that.’

‘To be honest, I have no answer to that. But I have a suspicion that Jongdeok was pushing him,’ Minji leads the policewoman to a more private corner, away from the customers occupying tables closer to the window.

‘Why would Jongdeok want Seungwoo to open a restaurant?’

‘They used to work together. Perhaps he needed a stable job. It’s no news that he’s been struggling. Seungwoo often mentioned it to me whenever his roommate visited, and he was an easily susceptible person. A genuinely nice guy. I think he just didn’t know how to say no.’

‘So Seungwoo was just being an overly nice friend and went out of his way to create something he had no resources for, just to accommodate Jongdeok…’ Seungwan muses and the other woman nods.

‘That’s what it looked like to me.’







‘I think we should consider- No, listen-‘ Seungwan is interrupted once again when Joohyun closes her in a passionate embrace, trying to reclaim the kiss that she has been denied.

‘I appreciate your professional dedication, Seungwan, but my fingers are three seconds from being in your , so perhaps you could be so kind to hold that thought for just twenty minutes more.. well, maybe more like forty minutes…’ Joohyun can’t help but smirk and the younger girl lying under her blushes. She clears .

‘Just a moment…’ Seungwan replies weakly, already turning putty as the older’s palm slowly moves closer towards her underwear. Joohyun doesn’t waste time - once it’s lowered down to the younger’s thighs, one finger goes in immediately and Seungwan shudders, involuntarily closing her eyes at the feeling, intensified with the lack of proper teasing.

‘Tell me if it really cannot wait,’ Joohyun taunts and her partner releases a strangled sound of disbelief. Now? She can barely look at her older girlfriend, but what she sees makes her feel that Joohyun is enjoying the torture way too much. ‘Well?’

‘I think we should interrogate-‘ a short moan escapes her as Joohyun’s apt fingers caress her in the most intimate way possible. Seungwan takes a deep breath, trying to concentrate again. ‘I mean… Ha Jongdeok is really suspicious. Ever- Everything comes back to him,’ she manages to voice out before she lets her head fall onto the pillow and she moans in abandon, as another finger joins.

It’s not an understatement for Seungwan to say that despite having had ual relations before on many occasions, she’s not very experienced. Her sweet ex-girlfriends would always lie down and wait for her to do something – preferably something safe and delicate – and then they would take turns ‘returning the favour’. They restricted themselves to play or massaging the outer parts of her vulva, and that was usually enough to reach the satisfaction that she needed. But with Joohyun, everything screams madness and Seungwan really shouldn’t be surprised that five days into their relationship, she’s on her back experiencing all kinds of intensive emotions. Penetration and inner stimulation of her oris is, from what she can tell, only the beginning of what her girlfriend has in store for her and she’s right – Joohyun gently, but decisively pushes up Seungwan’s tank top with her free hand and quickly closes around one of the . Seungwan’s arms embrace her out of reflex as she herself continues to spin into the nirvana.

Joohyun breaks the sensual act with a of her lips. She raises one eyebrow in an annoyingly hot display of amusement.

‘Well?’ She urges again, not really wanting to hear Seungwan’s thoughts at the moment. She just wants to watch her squirm. Seungwan’s mind is blank and it shows because Joohyun chuckles shortly. ‘I understand and I think the same. We need a proof that the mysterious account belongs to Jongdeok, which is why we have Seulgi looking into that. As for now, there is nothing much that we can do, so I suggest we make use of the free time we have together.’

‘What- what do you want to do?’ The younger responds, stupefied. Joohyun chuckles again, this time somewhat darkly.

‘Oh, I don’t know about you, but I’m positively starving.’ Joohyun sends her girlfriend one last lustful look before spreading Seungwan’s legs and going in for the kill. Seungwan nearly sobs in delight.








‘It’s a Swiss account, Seungwan.’ There is urgency in Seulgi’s voice that has her friend actually sit straight, despite the early hour and fatigue experienced.

‘What… what are you talking about?’ Seungwan wipes her entire face, trying to get rid of remaining traces of sleep. Next to her, Joohyun stirs. ‘You mean, our mysterious account?’

‘Last night I identified the bank, but we have no jurisdiction there and since Switzerland is pretty much a no man land, it was easy to guess that the bank wouldn’t give us the registered owner. But they called just now, saying that the person had just withdrawn all the assets left and closed the account. Their obligations towards them are no longer in effect, so they decided to disclose the name. Vaccinium Boreale.’

Vaccinium Boreale?’ Seungwan repeats, now putting the call on speaker since Joohyun has awoken and is looking at her girlfriend curiously. ‘What’s that?’

‘It’s Latin for Northern Blueberry,’ Seulgi supplies. Joohyun and Seungwan look at each other, each one with a frown on her face.

‘Anything else?’ Joohyun asks. If Seulgi is surprised at the older being in her best friend’s flat this early in the morning, she says nothing. Her response is negative.

‘The person didn’t have a lot left in there, that’s for sure. They probably just wanted to wrap it all up to get rid of any traces they might have left. I don’t really know what we can do with that information, to be honest.’

‘Blueberry… Why would anyone call themselves that?’

‘Because it’s important to them,’ Joohyun states, getting out of bed and reaching for Seungwan’s laptop situated on the nightstand. She quickly types the name. ‘It looks normal enough. According to Naver, it’s a common type among berries.’

‘Hong Seungwoo’s bakery specialises in blueberry muffins, isn’t that right?’ Seungwan looks at Joohyun. Her girlfriend nods. ‘It’s his star product. So… isn’t it possible that it was his own account all along?’

‘But somebody else would have to know about it and have access to it, too,’ Seulgi reasons. ‘After all, the rest of the money was taken out after his death.’

‘Girls,’ Joohyun looks up from the blueberry photos. ‘Let’s look at the facts again. Seungwoo’s business is in a slump, but he is then saved by an ingeniously delicious recipe for muffins. Almost at the same time, he starts depositing 3 million won into a mysterious account, which is owned by a Mr. or Miss Blueberry. After his death, there is no more money so the person closes the account quickly. What does that tell you?’

‘…that perhaps Seungwoo’s sudden success was not exclusively his own,’ Seungwan finally says, voice barely above whisper. ‘Perhaps he paid somebody for his brilliant recipe. He’s been paying that person off for the past twelve months.’

‘All right, so he paid 3 million every month to use the recipe. Do you think that the person got tired of Seungwoo being successful and decided to take the recipe from him, but when he refused to give it back, they killed him?’ Seulgi asks from the other side of the line. Joohyun is quick to cut in.

‘The bakery was already quite famous, the recipe re-done somewhere else would have been of no use elsewhere anyway.’

‘The bakery generates steady profit, on the contrary to what Minji thought. Seungwoo gave her only half the payment last month, so she assumed that they were in financial trouble. They weren’t. He could have easily afford the salaries and monthly payment of 3 million won to the owner of the recipe. But instead, he took most of the profit from the bakery and even borrowed a lot of money from Ahn Jinwoo,’ Seulgi further elaborates.

‘All circles back to the restaurant. Why did Seungwoo need that restaurant so badly?’ Joohyun wonder out loud, frowning. Suddenly, Seungwan nearly jumps out, getting to her feet.

‘Because he had a friend who had no idea how to bake, but was presumably a good cook in need of a job.’

‘He’d go as far as to sink in debt to do it for Jongdeok?’

‘Maybe not. But he would have a good incentive if the recipe that he was using was indeed Jongdeok’s.’

‘Jongdeok’s? Didn’t he say he had no idea about baking? I’m confused,’ Seulgi admits.

‘He doesn’t need to, in order to own the recipe,’ Joohyun stands up as well, approaching Seungwan with a you’re a genius kind of glint on her eyes. ‘Didn’t he once mention that his grandmother was a brilliant baker? It could have been hers.’

‘So Jongdeok has no job, but he has a golden recipe. Meanwhile, his best friend is struggling in his own business, having no luck with pastries he makes. Jongdeok tells Seungwoo that he can have it – perhaps for free, perhaps they agree on some monthly payment for the time being, since the former is not employed,’ Seungwan takes one step closer, until her and Joohyun are almost face to face. Both look elated.

‘But it’s just temporary. Seungwoo says that once he’s stable, he’ll invest in a restaurant that Jongdeok can work at – or even co-own. A year passes and either Seungwoo decides that he doesn’t want to do it anymore, cuts the payments and Jongdeok gets tired of waiting.’

‘They fight that night and he kills Seungwoo in anger. Jongdeok, who has read about the serial killer, decides to make it look like another such homicide,’ Seungwan whispers, big grin on her face. Joohyun gathers her face in her palms.

‘You’re brilliant, Seungwan,’ he announces, giving her a short but passionate kiss that has the younger’s knees go weak. ‘Give me three minutes for a quick shower. We finally have a reason to detain him.’

Joohyun picks up parts of her attire from the floor on the way to the bathroom and her younger girlfriend’s eyes follow her until door closes. A loud noise of a throat cleared jolts Seungwan awake from her dreamland – while she has dropped the phone on the mattress, Seulgi is still there, listening to their exchange.

‘So… you and Joohyun, huh?’ She finally asks. Seungwan knows that she should be more mature about it but she can’t help herself – she just giggles.







‘He’s not here,’ Seungwan checks her watch again. It’s six thirty seven am. There is no way Jongdeok is not home, unless he’s away for work, which according to his employer, he shouldn’t be for another two weeks.

‘There is one more thing that he’d want to take if it’s really him. The recipe,’ Joohyun looks at her, tense. Seungwan nods.

‘It has to be in the bakery,’ they leave, running.






When the partners arrive at the baker, the door is closed, but not locked. Joohyun nods at Seungwan and takes out a gun, before quietly leading the way inside. Shaking a little, the younger reaches for her own. They walk along the counter, having heard commotion in the small office space at the back. Joohyun walks in first, but stilling at the sight of Ha Jongdeok sitting in the corner, gagged and tied to the chair. She frowns in surprise and that moment of distraction is enough. She is hit in one swift move and falls to the ground. Seungwan gasps, immediately giving herself away.

‘I didn’t expect guests this early in the morning,’ a female voice announces and there is a short pistol appearing, aimed right at the policewoman’s head. When the door opens fully, it’s Kim Minji, looking at Seungwan in a condescending manner, though her hand is unwavering. ‘You better put that gun down immediately before I blow your partner’s brains out.’ Seungwan drops the gun at once without care, her hand shaking. She kicks it away, further into the room. ‘Now please come in, pick her up and take a seat in the corner. I might actually spare you if I’m in the mood.’

Seungwan does as ordered, still dazed from the developments. They came here, ready to arrest Ha Jongdeok. But Jongdeok is there, gagged, looking as frantic as she herself feels. And Kim Minji, whom they ultimately rejected as a suspect, is waving her gun around.

‘H-how… Is it you?’ Seungwan stutters quietly. She’s not sure if talking to Minji is the best tactic but she cannot exactly let her get away – and possibly kill them all.

Minji actually stops looking around and turns to her.

‘Oh, honey, we are not having this villain cliché conversation now. I need my recipe and I’m leaving. I’ve no time to spare.’

Her recipe, Seungwan turns in her mind, trying to adjust the information of a new scenario. Joohyun is still unconscious in her arms as they both sit on the floor.

If the blueberry muffin recipe is Minji’s possession, it means that she was the one who gave it to Seungwoo. That would mean, the money was for her too, to pay her off. Them being strangers and all, such arrangement wasn’t improbable – and far more logical than between two best friends.

‘Why did you kill Seungwoo?’ Seungwan dares ask, but she gets no reply. She’s being ignored but also watched carefully.

Why would she kill Seungwoo?

Why wouldn’t she, another voice inside her nearly laughed at her own denseness. For whatever reason, the payments stopped two months ago. Minji works here, but Seungwoo cut her salary for his restaurant, which had nothing to do with her. So essentially, he was using her ideas but not living her back what he promised.

‘I’m sorry that Seungwoo tricked you, but this is not the way to go about it. You certainly didn’t have to kill him,’ Seungwan adds, trying to gauge a reaction. Minji stops again.

‘All I wanted,’ she nearly spits out, ‘was to start again. I wanted to leave that life behind. I thought Seungwoo and I could create something together, but all he cared about was helping his friend, even at the expense of the bakery that was successful only because of my family recipe. I was entitled to the profits – but instead, he goes and drowns all our money in some uncertain culinary venture? I don’t think so.’

When she turns around again, Seungwan feels Joohyun steer in her lap. A very light head movement from the older prevents her partner from full acknowledging it. She plays mum, while Joohyun points out to Minji and makes a very light movement with her index finger. Make her approach. Seungwan half nods to let Joohyun know that she understood.

‘Can I move, please? I’m afraid my friend is not alright,’ Seungwan feigns begging, looking for something that would make Minji approach them. Minji only snickers.

‘Not my problem.’

‘Please, I’ll give you what you want. I have your recipe. Just let me move my partner,’ the younger policewoman says again, blindly trying to taunt the criminal.

‘You don’t have it and we both know it.’

‘Mrs. Hwang gave it to me yesterday as evidence.’ Now that draws Minji’s attention. She takes a few steps towards Seungwan, still clearly not persuaded but also not rejecting the possibility. Seungwan tightens the sides of Joohyun’s jacket as she embraces her, seemingly involuntarily, and Minji’s eyes follows. Bingo.

‘No, she didn’t,’ the other woman insists, but now there’s less certainty in her eyes.

‘Do you promise not to hurt us..?’ Seungwan is aware of how dumb it sounds – she is a police officer and Kim Minji has a gun – and she is only playing a role but surprisingly, Minji catches the bait.

‘ing give it to me already!’ She shouts, making an abrupt movement to grab Joohyun’s jacket and that’s when Joohyun’s eyes open and she puts her lower body to work, kicking Minji hard in the head with her heavy boot. The criminal cowers, nearly losing her balance, but detective Bae isn’t the best at direct combat for nothing – she jumps on her feet, taking the opportunity to grab the gun now lying on the floor. She points it at Minji before the other has a chance to react and slumps on the floor in defeat. Joohyun loads the gun just in case.

‘And this is why, Seungwan, one should always wear high heels to work,’ Joohyun explains, almost as an afterthought with a glint of amusement in her eyes. Seungwan huffs an airy resemblance of a laugh, actually shaking to the bone inside.

She really needs to re-evaluate her life choices.






‘It’s like you suspected, Seungwan,’ Seulgi says when her and Joohyun finally emerge from the interrogation room. Seungwan really needed to opt out of that one. ‘She approached Seungwoo hoping to build something bigger on the foundation of her recipe, but she didn’t take under consideration his attachment to Jongdeok. He couldn’t just leave him when he’s already made a promise.’

‘Everyone that we’ve interrogated did say he was an exceptionally nice and kind-hearted guy…’ Joohyun trails away, sighing. It’s been a long day.

‘So it was intentional, then?’ Seungwan breaks the silence.

‘She testified that she just got angry, so we have to take her word for it. They did quarrel a lot, but what Jongdeok took for lover’s spats were actually fights about the business. Seungwoo wouldn’t let her in on the restaurant plans, no matter how many times she confronted him, so that night she pretended to leave but actually stayed behind and overheard the two talking about the restaurant.’

‘I’m guessing she didn’t like what she heard?’ Seungwan prompts and Seulgi shrugs.

‘I was worried,’ the three women turn around and see Ha Jongdeok approach them slowly.


‘That night, Seungwoo told me that he borrowed money to open the restaurant sooner. When you asked about Rookie, I realised right then that he didn’t borrow it from the bank… He’s always been a good friend, he wanted the best for me. I was- I am struggling to find a new job and he knew that. I didn’t want him to put himself in trouble for me, but that was just Seungwoo’s nature. If he ever gave his word, he would do anything to keep it,’ he sighs, his voice shaking. Seungwan looks at him sympathetically.

‘Well, Kim Minji heard you friend’s plan to help you and she got mad. After you left, she cornered him once again, hurtful words came out, followed by actual wounds. She stabbed him when she thought that he wanted to attack her, but she probably misinterpreted, based on your description of his character. The rest was easy enough – the serial killer case is being discussed in every magazine, she just needed to get the body to the river bank.’

‘Seungwoo wouldn’t hurt a fly. And I’m sure that he was planning on giving her every penny back,’ Jongdeok affirms decisively.

‘He did stop paying her for the recipe and he did cut her salary, so I guess we’ll never know what he would have done after he opened that restaurant. But perhaps you’re right,’ Joohyun agrees. ‘If you’re done giving your statement, I think it’s best for you to go home and rest, sir.’ He nods in goodbye and one of the police officers takes him to the car.

‘Poor guy,’ Seulgi observes. Joohyun snickers.

‘Naïve too. I mean, Minji called him at five in the morning to come to the bakery. Would you be at least a little suspicious?’

‘To his defence, it wasn’t his job to suspect her of anything malicious… He really thought that she needed help,’ Seungwan opposes and Joohyun wraps an arm around her shoulders in a fond manner.

‘Aren’t you cute,’ her girlfriend replies and Seungwan blushes despite herself.

‘I’ll take this as a cue to leave,’ Seulgi announces and wheels away. ‘Good job, you two,’ she gives them thumbs up before disappearing around the corner.

‘You up for some noodles? It’s been a long day,’ Joohyun asks and Seungwan nods.

‘Did they find that recipe?’ The younger inquires as they leave the station hand in hand.

‘I don’t think so, and I honestly don’t think they will. Not like it matters that much, to be honest…’

‘Well, it did matter to Miss Blueberry.’

‘Miss Blueberry is not going to need it for the next twenty years, at the very least. Add two more for financial fraud – she opened that account illegally, which is probably why it was so secretive.’

They walk in silence and enter the nearest noodle shop. It’s after 11am and the streets are slowly coming alive with people searching for lunch menu options. The two women take a seat outside to enjoy the sun.

‘Listen, Seungwan… I actually have a confession to make,’ Joohyun says coyly, intertwining their fingers together and looking at her partner. Seungwan doesn’t know what to say, so she just gapes. She’s not going to… is she… ‘Since we got together, I really wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you that… the green fabric that we found at the murder site was a false lead. You were indeed right. It wasn’t worth our time.’

‘…Wait, what?’

‘You were right and I was wrong,’ Joohyun affirms, but not without a glint of amusement in her eyes.

‘Oh,’ is the only thing that leaves Seungwan’s mouth. She doesn’t look happy and Joohyun chuckles.

‘You look disappointed,’ she observes, smirking. The younger actually blushes, thinking herself ridiculous. Of course Joohyun wouldn’t make any big confession, that’s just preposterous. They’ve known each other for the whole of three weeks. Impossible to- ‘I like you a lot, Seungwan.’

Seungwan’s heart nearly stops and it shows because Joohyun laughs.

‘After this case I’m going to be assigned another partner, but I hope it doesn’t mean that what’s going on between us has to end. I’d be very disappointed.’

‘No, no! I-I like you too, a lot,’ Seungwan confesses hastily, a deep blush on her cheeks now a permanent state. Joohyun smirks.

‘Good. Because I think there are a lot of things that I can still teach you.’

‘You mean, on the job or..?’ Seungwan asks without thinking and is rewarded with a devilish smile.

Or,’ Joohyun affirms with a wink and Seungwan’s face would probably go up in flames altogether if not for a hand on her chin guiding her for a kiss, to which she surrenders immediately.

If this is what danger tastes like, Son Seungwan will gladly throw herself head first.




A/N: I'm still planning to update TPC regularly, but in the meantime, here's a one-shot, because I've been binge watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Bones. Please upvote if you liked and have a nice day :)


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Seungwanniepuppy #1
Chapter 1: Why do i feel like the mother has the recipe. Anyway, such a good story. Aaaaaaah detective ssw and bjh is something new for me. By the way, i love the bedroom talks. Thank you for including it.
mklarisse_ #2
Chapter 1: wow i love this story 😭😭😭 rlly liked their dynamics and the plot it felt like i was playing a detective game it was really well written thank you so much for this!!!
Chapter 1: omg fav one-shot for sure :0
Chapter 1: the story is very good i hope there is an epilogue for this story
maybe this is an interesting story
Chapter 1: loved it<3
Chapter 1: loved it<3
killuagotic #8
Chapter 1: love it 💙💗
Chapter 1: ❤💛💙💚💜
Chapter 1: b99 x bones x wenrene. a combination i never thought i’d get to read but i’m glad i did. a great story author-nim and as always, very well written!!!