I. Down the Rabbit Hole

Enigma ﴾¿﴿ Story Arc: Revelation ﴾?﴿

i. down the rabbit hole

CARDS headquarters
—  turkey; 23.7.2017

  Alexander wasn't sure if dressing up was the correct decision, but at any rate, he was glad that he shed his laboratory coat for a dress coat. It allowed room for him to look crisp and formal, which was what he wanted to achieve. 

  There were six people in the room. Four males, including him, and two females, to be exact, three situated each on either side of a long table resembling that used in banquets. A cup of tea sat in front of him, and identical ones were placed in front of the others as well. Alexander discreetly adjusted the spoon when he felt someone's gaze weighing on him, making sure he effectively ducked it.

  Yoo Minjung. That was the name of the woman, he believed, who was staring daggers at him at the moment. Alexander wasn't sure why, but nonetheless, to politely avoid a confrontation, he picked up the teacup and took a cautious sip.

  "Your teaspoon," There was a voice, and he looked up in surprise to see Minjung speaking.

  "I beg your pardon?" 

  "It's off three inches." 

  "Oh - my apologies." And with that promptly adjusting the offending piece of cutlery. Apparently, she was still not satisfied, because she then reached across the table in order to adjust it herself, tweaking it for a whole three minutes until she seemed satisfied, and sat back in triumph.

  In the midst of it, Alexander found himself seeking the gaze of the person seated opposite of him - also known as Shin Hyunwook, one of the few acquaintances he could be sure of admitting. The boy gave a raise of his eyebrows, with which Alexander returned a shrug of his own. After Minjung was done, he could see the tip of Hyunwook's finger next to his own saucer, giving a slight twirl of his own. The teaspoon then rearranged itself, quirking a smile to tug at both their lips. 

  Just before Minjung could fly into another rage, however, the doors at the end of the room promptly flew open, causing all four pairs of eyes to turn to the arriving guests, with Alexander catching a last glimpse of Hyunwook tampering with Minjung's own spoon before he, too, turned to attention.

  "The Head of CARDS, Carroll." Someone somewhere announced, and Alexander felt himself tense up, the hand resting beside his teacup clenching up. While the room was dimly lit, he was sure that there was some magic at work, because instead of seeing the great man himself - or so it was rumoured - he could only hear the heels echoing through the hall, and the slight pressure on the high chair next to him to know Carroll's presence next to him. 

  Alexander felt a shiver run down his spine, and steeled himself.

  "Welcome, gentlemen. And ladies. Shall we begin?"

  The moment Carroll entered the room with someone announcing his arrival, Hyunwook knew trouble was coming. Even more so when he was specifically seated at the right hand of the great man himself, instead of being bumped along the other ones, further down the row. 

  He suddenly felt the intense urge to bolt from the room.

  But of course, that would be terrible for his image. And so, Hyunwook endured.

  "I'm sure all of you are rather confused at this moment." The Unseelie held back a snort, leaning an arm on his chair and covering a half grin with his hand. "But I made sure that you were somewhat appropriately briefed before entering this room, so..." There was a pause. "Well, at any rate, I suppose it wouldn't harm to recap. Lewis, if you would please?"

  A woman standing very close beside Hyunwook cleared , and he felt another urge to run again. "You are all gathered today, to serve as the elite squad specifically hand-picked by my boss and superior, Carroll, also named 'Wonderland'." Hyunwook tried to hold back a snort, and unsuccessfully disguised it as a cough, feeling the weigh of a judging gaze on him before the secreatry continued. "Carroll specifically gathered fighters, players, of different backgrounds, so as to add diversity to the group, and so that it can operate in more unconventional ways so as to maximize efficiency." There was another pause, in the window of time which took Hyunwook to think what a load of bullcrap and Lewis continued. 

  "Further details will be sent to you. But for now, just know that Wonderland would be required to be in constant standby for Carroll's personal commands issued to you. Any Wonderland official duties will take priority over any other; your loyalty towards the organization comes first and foremost."

  "It is as Lewis says," Carroll then took over the conversation, effectively dominating the entire room once more. "Now then, any questions?" Silence. "Good. We shall proceed to our first mission." 

  A holo-screen illuminated in the middle of table, showing profiles. "Before we dive into the heart of the matter, let me first introduce you to the organization, also known as Gemini. They have been CARDS' arch-enemies for over centuries; in fact, CARDS was formed to counter their plans. After the Great War however, we signed a treaty with the representatives of the Underworlders, which was Gemini, and there has been peace, co-existence, and inaction ever since." There was a pause, letting the information sink in, and Lewis continued. 

  "Lately, however, there was intellignece indicating that Gemini was on the move after more than a century of inaction. Apparently, they were after six precious objects, scattered across the globe, each of which possess great Underworlder powers." The holo-screen then changed, showing a map, and six dots appearing. "The possession of all these objects would consequently, or apparently, make the wielder a person of great power, transcending that of the current Underworlder monarchs. It is said that the King of Gemini himself wishes to wield that power."

  Another pause while Hyunwook leaned forward, slightly more interested. "And that is why, we, as protectors of humans and the beholder of peace and co-existence between Underworlders and humans, must stop them. The combination of all six objects in the King's possession would threaten the safety of the world on the whole. We need to stop them." 

  There was then silence, as apparently the speech was finished. Hyunwook could feel the occupants of the room shift in uncomfortable silence as the message sank in, so he waited for a while before leaning slightly more forward, and spoke. "Ah. So we are your elite squad of, excuse me, finders."

  "With all due respect, Mr Shin, you would be upholding the peace of Underworlders and humans for generations to come." 

  "Oh, my apologies. Let me correct my wording. We are to become your elite squad of minesweepers." 

  There was a small snigger from whom Hyunwook suspected strongly was Adrian, the kid who arrived from Canada just yesterday in a frenzy, excited and nearly beside himself. He wanted to warn him about the onslaught of things to come, but thought better than shock the poor boy before they even started, and shut up. 

  "Mr Shin, let me do remind you of - "

  "Miss Lewis." Silence fell immediately. "Now, everyone, let me introduce you to the leader of this operation." A gloved hand extended to point at the far end of the table, where everyone directed their eyes towards. Hyunwook found himself swallowing his annoyance, and looked at the person seated at the other end, a rather tall man with intimidating eyes who seemed to stare straight at him. "Mr Bang Yongguk. He will be relaying my orders to Wonderland." 

  Lewis then promptly cleared and Carroll chuckled.

  "And of course, to keep an eye on the squad for me as well. We wouldn't, ah, want anyone to step out of line, would we?"


Hey everyone! It's me again :) and before y'all ask yes it's still the same story I just changed the layout because I thought this way might be better for me to write the story this way www

Also yes I'm really really sorry if the distribution seems extremely unfair but it's because there's a lot of briefing stuff to be done > < I hope you don't mind and I promise the next chapter will be better! :))) 

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[24/05] enigma -- double update!!


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i was not actually expecting minhwan to cameo LOL it's so funny and hOLY the siblings meet ;))))))

i gotta wonder whose side mother is on :eyes: because i don't remember if i ever said that in the app LOL

but yeah 's heating UP
Chapter 80: not me not remembering Alex’s past- oof. I gotta read back his history >< it was a nice gateway to reveal more of CARDS and Gemini’s past, I think it flowed perfectly. I think it’s interesting how they use to be allies and now are enemies.

also, I don’t know if I missed this completely from previous chapters but Helena towards Daehyun? I didn’t know she had such feelings, oof. I kinda like the drama LMAO

ALSO ALSO CARDS LET MY BBY REST ;-; he needs rest- look at his eyes! D;
Chapter 79: i understand where you're coming from and I hope that you'll do what you want and go for it! in the end, this is your story - you get to decide what you should do with it :D

ps: pls add me to the list of future buyers of this book once it's published o.o the whole plot is too cool to NOT be an actual book

i too hope that in the future I'll be more active with feedbacks since I get how discouraging it is when you're writing but you get nothing back in return ;-; hope everything works out for you <3 sending headpats and hugs
Chapter 79: hello, author-nim!

it’s been awhile >< also, I do understand your feelings towards the ocs and your plot. it is up to you, as you’re the author. I’m sorry that you felt that way, and I hope that you’re able to write the future chapters with more positive feelings.

I would also like a copy of the book as well, so I can buy it and support you!

I hope all is well for you, and I will try to be more active. ♡
Chapter 79: that sounds good

i think the problem with applyfics (and why most ppl never finish writing them) is because it's annoying to make sure every character gets equal screentime while still keeping track of the plot

and then you get the ppl who don't keep up, which adds a whole nother layer of bothersome lol

but yeah mini revelation over, you do you!!!! it'll be fine either way (and i demand a copy once you publish ;))
Chapter 79: yeet ig
i've just been: deceased
Chapter 78: ahhhhhhhhh that's a hard choice :(( i'd say go to school 2 since it sounds like a big hotshot (also because if you decide that you don't like your major, you can change and it seems like all the programs will be good!) but school 1 sounds really nice if you're DEAD set on your major. i'd say don't let the living situation influence you too much but actually ik those things can make or break a decision so i will simply not comment on it anymore.

also, 2hyun 4 lyfe ;)
Chapter 77: heeeheheheheheheheeeeee wucasi uwuu

no i'm not okay thank you for asking


if you are open to constructive criticism i'd say split up some of the bigger paragraphs; with this small of a font (yes i know i can turn off some sort of view but i'm old and dumb)it makes me eyes hurt to read so much compact text in one big long paragraph ;;;
Chapter 75: aww daehyun and hyunnie ♡ they’re so cute

I think spreading every now and then is good but you should also limit it >< I hope you rest even more )): I get what you mean by Asian parents comparing you to others ugh I’ve learned to ignore it tbh sigh I hope you feel better! ♡