
one ;
The moment I first saw you
My breath was taken away
My heart pounded and I started to be sick

 “Hello. I am Kang Chanhee. Please take care of me.” The raven haired student bowed to his classmates in the front of the classroom. He stood in front of the bright whiteboard covered in crude doodles, random writing and today’s schedule on the board. The boy held a wide childish smile making the girls swoon. The boys all wished to be as attractive as him or even secretly fawned over him as well.

 Yoo Taeyang, however, did not feel any of that. He looked at the teen up and down from where he sat at the back. He narrowed his eyes once the teacher said,

 “You can sit next to Taeyang and I’ll assign you a partner to show you around-“

 “I’m fine ma’m, Eunha is already helping me around the school,” He pointed to a pretty girl in the front with short brown hair and bangs, she waved with a smile.

 Chanhee had moved to this co-ed boarding school on a scholarship. At his last school near his little apartment building he shared with his mother and two sisters, he was recognized by the prestigious school that noticed his straight A’s, his perfect exam scores and clean record, they invited him to join their campus (even attending this school looks good on your record to enter a good college). 

 Although it hurt to leave his family they all encouraged him to follow his dreams of becoming a doctor and help people. He doesn’t know who his father is, and he never wants to know. He left them to suffer on their own with little money, so Chanhee leaving to this school was a big opportunity for him and he was set on helping support his family, as far as also applying for a job at a cafe near the school to send extra money to his family. It was too much but he’d make it work.. somehow.

 The teacher nodded and Chanhee went to go sit next to Taeyang. Taeyang didn’t bother to look at him and neither did Chanhee. He’s already heard some things about Taeyang from Eunha. And seen some things. 


 >>>>> earlier this morning


 There was a loud guy running down the halls with some other kid’s clothes with loud laughter escaping his lips as he heard the said kid’s voice screaming,

 “Yoo Taeyang I swear to god this isn’t funny!”

 Following the guy was a tall blonde haired student running after him with a towel wrapped around his waist. There was laughter all around Chanhee as he watched the ‘Yoo Taeyang’ turn corners and the blonde on his tail, his voice echoing from afar,

 “ it Hwiyoung!

 “Oh man what did Hwiyoung do to get Taeyang to mess with him?”

 “Weren’t they like dating?”

 “Nah, we all know Taeyang doesn’t date.”

 Chanhee pursed his lips, overhearing all his classmates talk about the silver haired beauty that ran through the halls a minute ago.

 “Hey.” The girl who was guiding Chanhee around elbowed his side gently to get his attention. Chanhee looked up at her with a questioning look.

 The girl, Eunha, smiled unsurely,

 “Don’t mind that whole thing. Not everyone is like him. Come on follow along now I’m taking you to your locker.”

 Chanhee nodded and walked after Eunha, he noticed while she walked her skirt bounced up and down as did her shoulders ecstatically. He’s not a ert. Seriously. He just observes a lot of unnecessary things.

 Like that guy earlier.. Chanhee couldn’t help but ask about him,

 “So.. Who was that guy?”

 Eunha hummed, glancing back at Chanhee,

 “Who? Taeyang?” Chanhee nodded, “Don’t get to close to him, kid. You’re just a sophomore in this big school, don’t get caught up with guys like him.”

 “Why did he take that guy’s clothes?”

 Eunha soon found Chanhee’s locker and leaned against it with her arms crossed, ready to explain a whole life story, 

 “Taeyang’s not a bad person, trust me. But it’s best if you don’t get close. He could be nice at times but he could be a literal demon, he’s hard to get close to as well. 

 That guy that was chasing him with his towel on? His name’s Hwiyoung, he was one of Taeyang’s boytoys. But Hwiyoung apparently was using Taeyang for money so Taeyang didn’t take that so easily.. So now he’s going to get someone to spend the rest of Hwiyoung’s senior year tormenting him. Not exactly bullying but just making his life a bit harder. Example, stealing his clothes and embarrassing in front of the whole school to ruin his image.”

 Chanhee took in all this new information about the school’s popular sophomore student that he had to be careful of: Yoo Taeyang, he was the school’s top basketball player, incredibly handsome, constantly had both genders surrounding him with love, classclown-ish, loud, skipped class a lot but apparently still gains good grades. 

 Eunha warned Chanhee to not fall for Taeyang as well, he doesn’t date; he uses and throws away. Chanhee asked why and Eunha said ever since Taeyang had gotten his heart broken by someone who he had liked and they had moved away, Taeyang couldn’t love again. Or so the student’s legend says. 

 Chanhee found it sort of ridiculous.. But decided not to question it,

 “Well.. That was kind of long,” He tried to joke awkwardly, “So this is my locker right?” 

 Eunha grinned, “Yup. Just put your school lock on it and the first bell is going to ring in a few so I’ll lead you to our first class.” 

 Chanhee only shared two classes with Eunha, math and English. 

 He nodded as he spotted Taeyang walking down the hallway with a smug smile, he accidentally made eye contact with Chanhee and almost stopped, but quickly looked away and walked faster.



>>>>> present


 So that was how Chanhee learned he shouldn’t interact with the silver haired boy sitting next to him who was busy texting on his phone and smacking gum inside of his thin cheeks.

 He was handsome, Chanhee had to admit as he sneaked a glance at him. His cheekbones were high and his sharp, wide cat-like eyes could really catch someone’s attention. His skin was bronzed as well adding to his attractiveness. 

 But Chanhee could care less. He was only here to learn in hopes of getting into his desired college in the Ivy League, not admire some playboy everyone seemed to care about. 

 But he could feel the boy’s constant gaze on him as he wrote down equations across his notebook. 

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starting on the new chapter soon please be patient~ ^^


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MizuDrop #1
Chapter 3: Oh no this is cute~!
I just realized that the chapter titles are chinese XD
Lukber #2
Chapter 3: Thank you for the new chapter
xCloud #3
Chapter 2: Omg this looks very promising. Pls update often author nim!! Jinjjaaa i can't wait~~~ :D
lovekangchanhee #4
Chapter 2: Another story i'll be looking forward for!❤
dorina2 #5
Chapter 2: I love your story. I'm looking forward for the rest of the chapters.
Lukber #6
Chapter 1: Great chapter ... great story ... please update soon