400 Meters


Yes, Minseok is a cat. No, swimming is not a sport popular among most cats. Minseok isn't most cats, though.


The other swimmers offer congratulations and praise, which Minseok returns with a smile. His English has improved since swimming on the world stage, but other languages still sound entirely foreign.

He's not too surprised when Lu Han greets him in Korean. "Hi."

"Hello." Minseok returns the bow. "Congratulations on placing."

"Thanks! You, too. I didn't think cats could swim as well as you."

It takes a lot of effort to keep his fur from bristling; Minseok even manages to find a smile. "We cats can do a lot of things, whether you think so or not."


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Baozinoona90 #1
Chapter 1: U go kitty!minseok!
Luhan u fked up LOL
Awww this fic is so cute,, thnx authornim