Still Cute


Cute things happen with 2min after the party in Key's house. From a car ride to a cute bedtime fluffiness


It's 2min's turn!!!! YAYYY

I'm trying to make a cute fic!

I'm melting over 2min these days. THEY ARE TOO CUTEEEEEEE ㅠㅠ 

look forward for it!!

See you later! Bye bye


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Chapter 1: The fluff killed me girl ......Jincha
It's was sooooooooooooooo cute
Keep writing more of it
I love it
Specially the last line
Love love love~~~~
Chapter 1: I liked it, well done. Still some errors here and there, but that's bound to happen :)
Keep up the good work :D
Bless you. I've been wondering about this ever since Key told this story and how 2min ended up cleaning the house after the mess. Can't wait QwQ