Your cooking


 A Jin fluff requested by my Seokjinlicious friend. 


Enjoy! :D


Jin (Requested) 

The water faucet in the kitchen was still running, and the stove was still on with a pot of broth on it. The air in the kitchen smells like spices and delicious food and a little bit... burnt. Well, that smell came from her first attempt and she is determined to make it right.

Staring at the spices placed on top of the cabinet, she cursed under her breath while trying to reach for the spice she needed.

She tried to tip- toe but that did not work, obviously. With a huff in defeat, she dragged a chair from the living room and placed it in front of the cabinet. After taking a deep breath, she climbed onto the chair while mumbling, "I'm afraid of height and I'm short. Fair enough." She pouted and took whatever she needed on the cabinet. It wasn't that she had to do this, but she wanted to.

And she did. She was stubborn, she knew that very well. After a small talk with her boyfriend over the phone, she was determined to cook for him.

"Jagi, I'll be home by dinner tomorrow. The tour is finally over." Seokjin talked at the end of the line. Saying that ______ was excited is an understatement. Her days of skyping and phone calling with her long-term boyfriend was finally over. She decided that three months without Seokjin's presence was torturous enough.

"I miised you." She told him with a long drawn of 'u' at the end. Seokjin chuckled and playfully replied her. "I missed your cooking. But I hope you're not eating takeouts every day when I'm not around."

He caught her. But the Chinese takeouts from the new restaurant was good-

With that, she faked an angry tone and sassed out her reply. "Oh, is that because you can't cook?" Both of them knew that weren't true. Seokjin is one of the best cook she ever met and she however, learns from him. Seokjin just laughed at her statement and whispered a faint 'I missed you too.' on the other line before both of them hung up.

Everything leaded to where she was, in the kitchen, trying to make dinner. Her sisters would probably whine at how love-strucked she was. Because ______ and kitchen were not meant to be.

She slightly scolded her tall boyfriend for placing stuff so high up on the cabinet. (Not that it was completely Seokjin's fault because he was the one who cooks all the time and she ate takeouts or hung out with her sisters when he was not around but it was not like Seokjin will know---)

"Babe, what are you doing?" ______ whipped her head to the source of the voice. Seokjin was back! She quickly stopped everything she was doing and attempted to get down from the chair. "Wait, wait!" Seokjin carried her down and placed her safely on the floor. ______ blushed at the intimate act. That always happened when Seokjin came home. He would pour his affection to replace the days when he was not around.

He just wanted her to know that he loves her.

"You know.. You might hurt yourself." Seokjin said gently while circling his arms around ______ and pulled her into a hug. She was struggling to find a proper word to say. Her mid was blank and she was pretty sure her face was burning red like cherry tomatoes.

Seokjin took a peek at her face and realised that she was speechless and face burning.That made him smirk and leaned in to peck her cheek before letting her go.
______ snapped out of her daze and fanned her face with her hands. She was sure her face radiated heat.

Seokjin just chuckled at her demeanor before asking her, "What are you doing?" And that hit her hard.

The food!

She quickly scrambled to the stove and turned the fire off. She huffed in relief she found out her food had not 'destroyed' and looked safe for consumption.

"Are you seriously cooking?" Seokjin asked, amused. ______ stared at anything but him, and replied, "Yeah, you saidナ" Even though she knew Seokjin was joking when they called, she just wanted to do it.

Without saying anything , Seokjin went over and took a spoon before scooping out a spoonful of broth she made. He tasted it and groaned in satisfaction. "Gosh, this is the best." He said while taking another sip.

______'s eyes widened in surprise and squeaked out an 'Are you serious, before taking a taste herself.

She had to admit that the broth tasted better than before.

"I'm surprise because you can't cook. And, I found takeouts on the table." ______ cursed I her head, she should have kept them in the fridge!

Seokjin laughed and pulled her into his embrace, soothingly patting her head. "Thay will be placed in one of so many reasons to marry you." ______ looked at him in the eye and realized he was being genuine and sincere. "Are you proposing right now" She asked with a wide smile.

"Ah, I let it slip."Seokjin facepalmed and fished out something from his pocket. He slipped it on her finger.

"Guess you're stuck with me forever."


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