Meetings and Greetings.

Chanyeol , I Hate You.

You were waiting for Baekhyun in the Park where you are supposed to meet him and his friend.You were fiddling with your phone until you felt someone back hug you.


Baek: woops did I scare you that much?

You: Yes?! 

Baek: I'm sooooooo sorry oh and this is the guy I wanted you to meet.

You stood up about to greet the man but you ended up having to look up and greeting him that way.

You: Hello I'm Y\N Its nice to meet you.

?????: Hello I'm Park Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: Its nice to meet you too!!

He said and gave you a big smile.

Baek: I have a feeling that you two are going to get along nicely with each other.

Baekhyun said back hugging you again.

You: Boy if you don't let go of me I will slap you across the face with no regrets!!


A\N: sorry for not updating




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Chapter 1: Hello, I saw your request for a co author, aswell as I am a beginner writer. This is my opinions so please do not be offended in any way. I see your style is to talk like this:
Chanyeol: Y/N, I didn’t expect to see you here.
I would like to show you a style I prefer, though nothing against your style.
Just then, the familiar-faced man opened his mouth to speak.
“Well hello Y/N,” he tilted his head and smirked, sending shivers up your spine, “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Suddenly, a spark flew in yoru brian as memory was pulled up and out from long ago. Blood rushed to your face as you remember that horrible, painful day.
“You... Chanyeol,” you managed to sputter out, “Why are you here.”

This text is just an example, but see how I can portray more emotion easily through the speaking? Though your style may be different, you may want to try to add some descriptive emotions between speech. Also I apologize for any mistakes.