To Mohu World Part 2

Reaching through Heaven


If the palace was the most luxurious place on mortal world,,then Mohu Palace is 1000x of it.Feeling rather lethargic,Hwa Yi slowly opened her eyes to see golden ceiling above her.She looks around to find a fine young man.He has such a long smooth hair that is flowing like a dark river. His robe,dark blue is the color of deepest sea.A very handsome young man that caught her attention the moment she regained consciousness


“’ve woken up.” He said as he moves slowly towards her.His dark eyes looking at Hwayi carefully yet again,as if they are about to more of her souls out.He snapped his finger to reveal a small cup carrying a greenish liquid.


“Drink this.” HE ordered,his voice,filled with authority.Hwayi realised that this man is indeed the water god and that she is not delighted by his presence at all.She pushed him with all her strength,causing the cup to drop on the floor.


“Mortal...tsk..” Shin Yue sighed before he snapped him finger again to reveal same old cup.This time,he will not take the risk.He held her hand to immobilise her and forced the medicine down .Hwayi cried and screamed as she feels disgusted to be in this situation.

“I detest you.” Hwayi cried.


“Am I..not your husband?You should love me.” Water god asked sarcastically.


“Because of you,my life has been destroyed.My dreams are gone.You are horrible being that take girls and throw them back to moral world!!!”


“Sigh...The only horrible thing I made was saving you mortals some 200 days ago...Okay.200 plus years if you count using mortal were in another life?Ha.” His aloof expression makes Hwayi to boil with more anger.The bizarre and rather unclear explanation makes Hwayi’s head spinning more.She is yet again,losing her strength.Before she became unconscious,she saw the smirk that Shin Yue had and the murmur that ; “Look like you will be here for long…”




A young lady sat across the room,dressed all black,rather giving the opposite aura of the whole palace.It was Hwa Shan.Behind her is Mo Ying and Lan Ying,rather busy with talking themselves as they awaited for HwaYi to wake up.


“She’s awaked!” Lan Ying exclaimed excitedly as he always is.Mo Ying didn’t move. He continued to sit and looked down instead while the rest approached her.Hwa Shan put her hand on HwaYi’s forehead to check temperature,her stares are ice cold.She appeared to be doing purely due to order.


“You’ve suffered much.” Her intonation is flat,she showed no emotions on her pretty face.


“She is Hwa Shan, white fairy.Living nothing like her title.” Lan Ying introduced Mo Ying to HwaYi who is still trying to adapt the water world.


“I am Lan Ying,the king of merpeople.Although I am only 500 years old.” He continued.


“WHAT?!” Hwayi was shocked.


“Why?Why? It is quite young in heavenly age!The eldest here in Mohu World is that god there,The healer god Mo Ying. He is astonishingly 2000 years old,twice the age of our master...your...husband.Your godly husband.” Lan Ying tried to joke but the awkward silence continued.Mo Ying does not speak,as he continued to be in daze.He Neither looked at the HwaYi,who has piqued the interest on him due to his silence.


After the long silence,Mo Ying approached to HwaYi and sat beside her bed.He spoke in rather low voice.


“I..was given duty to protect you.Make sure you heal fast to return to mortal world.Healing,especially souls,need the patients to be happy and feel contented.I know you will not feel that at all.Still,I will do my best to help you.So if you need anything,tell me or the two of them.We will do our best.”He explained,Lan Ying nodded excitedly in aggreement but Hwa Shan still gives a unhappy face.


HwaYi slowly stood up from her bed,she wanted to test if her body is still feeling as lethargic as it was,surprisingly she feels better.Wanting to explore more as she feels more suffocated to stay in bed,she asked them to bring her out of the room.Then,she sees the beauty of MoHu world finally.


Filled with “blue sky” and “sun”,it is as if a spring on moral world.The palace stood well above the ground but not as high as she thought it is.Below the palace filled with cherry blossoms and other beautiful flowers,which is an astonishing view.


“Wah..” HwaYi smiled for first time.


“Do you want to stay here now?” Lan Ying asked playfully.


“No...I was shocked to see those flowers.I thought Mohu world is deep in the sea?”She asked curiously.


“It is.It is the creation of Water god.MoHu world lies upside down of mortal world.The ocean connecting the two.I swam across to take new MulYuan and send back old MulYuan every day.Tiring job.I know.” Merpeople King sighed.


“You all should have stopped the nonsense of your master.Wanting the mortal wife..” HwaYi complained,her eyes filled with anger.


“OH! WHAT DID YOU SAY? It is you mortals fault! Some 300 days ago,or 300 years in mortal timeline,you mortals had a great war. To the point where blood streaming into ocean floor.Even seeking into Mohu world. Out of pity,Our master went against heaven laws to appear in front of mortals to stop it.He threatened,of course just for them to listen to him. But for some reasons,your ancestors twisted the whole story,started sending women to sea.Our master hates killing the most,he neither wanted to see anyone die because of him,so he...BECAUSE OF U ALL HE HA”


“Shut up!” White fairy ordered.She seems to dislike Lan Ying’s talkativeness. And HwaYi for some reasons. “ Our conversation ends here.Everyone return to your rooms.” She ordered.


“One.One last question.” HwaYi stopped them.


“I want to leave as soon as possible.Can you”


“Due to our carelessness,some of your souls are lost.You will not survive crossing the ocean.” Mo Ying cut in to explain her.


“But..I want to go back.Is there ways?”

“Am I not curing you now?” Mo Ying said in mono tone.


“But if you want to be very fast there is a way.” Lan Ying spoke in annoying tone. “Make water god fall for you,so if he shares his souls with you,you will be fine and can go back soon.”


“Can I really go back soon if he share his souls with me?” HwaYi asked again.


“Try asking him.As if you can.” White fairy provokingly answered.Then the three of them disappeared from her side.


HwaYi is now alone yet again


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