Just That, I Love You


Hello, so this was my first ever fanfiction. Yeah i'm an EXO-L and i love KrisYeol sooo much then Chen appear later in my bias list. I write this base on true event and some parts i create by myself but the weird thing it happened in real life. I already write this fanfiction on my wattpad, but in bahasa 2 years ago. Then i decide to translate it to english then post it here, so i'm sorry if my english not really good. I'll try my best as i can. Hope u will enjoy this stories, Thanks :)


Is love a wrong thing? Will love ended if one of them goes? Carries wounds for himself. For him, if he returns to her, then there’s nothing wrong with love. Because after all, he is a galaxy. A place where she calls it home.

No, not a love fault. It’s just the way of love that bring us into the wrong thing and ends up hurting each other.

And for other man, love is the present. The time they have gone through with all sort of things that made them falter. Not a past that must be recalled.

And for herself, there will always be wounds when loving somebody too much, have him or her very much, also think too much of him or her. Because for her, love just ain’t enough. Love not as simple as word ‘Just that, I love you’.


But there's a danger in loving somebody too much,
And it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust.
There's a reason why people don't stay where they are.
Baby, sometimes, love just aint enough.

- Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough by Patti Smith


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