Dowoon [Puppy Eyes 1/2]

Day6 Drabbles

He sat crouched in front of the metal cage as he waited for the staff member to come with the key. His eyes turned soft as he pressed a palm against the metal bars, a paw coming up to press against it. He played with the border collie for a little while when he heard a whine from the next cubical; a white terrier pouted at him.

He sighed as he scooted slightly to the left in his squatted position, tilting his head to stare at the little guy. One of his eyes were missing, the eyelids sealed shut. Dowoon wasn't too sure what happened that led to that - an infection? An abusive past owner? A random accident? But it wasn't the first time he noticed this lil buddy.

He had been visiting the animal shelter for about two weeks, and finally decided to take home the collie that had a little limp due to a fracture in her left limb.

"She was found abandoned in an alleyway. The person who found her said that some kids used to throw rocks at her, hence the fracture," the shelter's staff had told him.

His heart ached when he heard the stories of all the strays and abandoned animals that now resided at the tiny adoption centre, but he couldn't possibly bring them all home - even if he wanted to. He reached a few fingers in and let the terrier sniff his scent. The corner of his lip lifted slightly as he scratched it's cheek.

"I can't take you home, stop looking at me like that," he frowned at the white furball who just whined in reply and nuzzled his face against Dowoon's fingers. The staff member finally arrived with the key to the border collie's cage just as Dowoon's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"I'm sorry, but could you get me another key too?"

A/N: request from samasbananas! i miiight make this a 2-part. I wanted this one to just be our puppy maknae and the lil doggies heh.

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I'm on a roll wow


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Chapter 18: This one with YDW though :(((
Chapter 6: Ah, I have been waiting for good fanfic for so long, I'm so glad I found yours! Thank you for such good fanficsssss!
Chapter 24: It's really been a while since I last read these drabbles. Glad to finally catch up with it and honestly, everything is just so cute and helps me get my mind off some workload. Thank you so much ^^
Chapter 19: It's been a while since I kept up with updates. So, I went back to read the earlier chapters.
I really enjoyed reading them~
tikaren #5
I really really enjoy this, thank you.
Hope you are healthy and happy!
krissoom19970 #6
Chapter 22: /dead/
Chapter 21: Dude...I.............died..................I'm suing for cardiac damage and physical overheating I MEAN WHAT IS THIS!!!
Chapter 20: Sighhhh... i wanna see my boi in a drama :)
Chapter 16: wonpil you can teach me how to write too
Chapter 14: is this PG13... I'm suing for all the feels you gave me!!! >< I had a big Jae mood once but after reading your fics my Jae feelings are ALL OVER THE PLACE. Someone send me to the ER cos my is DED