

Yamaa Tomohisa and his shy way and wary heart.

Ishihara Satomi and her bold way and opening heart.

Sometimes their paths cross. And it might be just time that they found each other already after

15 years long of working in this exhausting entertainment world.


Yamapi is someone who people have known for a really long time, he has been around for 20 years. We all watched him grew from a boy to a man, and so does Ishihara Satomi.


PS. To the followers of 'Time Traveller', my other work with Seungri as the narrator. I'm very sorry for not continuing for personal reasons. I still love Bigbang very much so don't worry! I have had a rough year soon after writing it and it was hard for me to pick it up again but I would love to if I had time and inspiration.


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YamapisweetieCH #1
No hay mas? ;_;
whowhowho #2
Chapter 3: great!A Yamapi story!
unexpectedaffreader #3
Chapter 3: A yamapi story, yehey