Chapter 19

My Christmas Eve Love Story

“Wait, what is your name? Do you want to go on a date with me?”

“Is this where you want me to take you?” The old man asks

“Yes, this is where I want to go” Bomi nods and said

“Good, remember not only you want her soul” The old man said

“What do you mean?” Bomi frowns and asks

“The grim reaper also wants to collect her soul. Therefore you have to find her before them or else you know the consequence, right?” The old man said

Bomi frowns with what he heard

“So how can I protect Chorong from them when I found her?” He asks

The old man raises his hand in front of Bomi. On his hand appears a sword that is shining brightly.

“Use this to protect what’s important. Love will give you power to overcome everything” The man said and disappeared

“Also remembers this, you only have 7 hours left.”

7 hours

“Chorong” Bomi looks at the locket that Chorong designed for him

“Wait for me my love” He kisses the locket and said

Then he rushes to the Christmas tree to find Chorong’s first soul. Bomi stands under the Christmas tree and looks at the clock to see what time is it

“It is 7:15 p.m. I met Chorong here at 7:36 Great! I’m here on time” He thought

Then he rushes to the other side of the tree toward the place where he met Chorong that year. When he reaches the place, he sees him in the past is talking on the phone.

“I was talking to Eunji now” Bomi thought

Then he looks around to find Chorong. Then he sees a familiar face walking toward the Christmas tree.

“Chorong-ah” Bomi smiles happily seeing her

Then he notices a little white bird with red fur on top of its head. The bird is standing on Chorong in the past’s shoulder. Suddenly Bomi remembers the old man words

“Look for 3 little white bird with unique color. They are your wife soul”

“Chorong’s soul” Bomi thought happily

He rushes to the place quickly. Because he is now only a soul, no one can see him. When he is about reach the place, he sees a dark shadow also coming to her

“The Grim reaper” Bomi thought and speeds up

“Chorong-ah, come here with me” Bomi raises his hands and calls the bird

The bird flaps its wings and flies towards Bomi. Suddenly Bomi sees the dark shadow rushes to the little bird and blocks its way

The grim reaper uses his sickle to capture Chorong’s soul. When the sickle is about to harm the little bird, Bomi rushes in front of them while raising the sword that the old man gave him to block the sickle.

“I won't let you take away my love” Bomi said seriously

The grim reaper ignores Bomi. He steps back and rushes through Bomi to the little bird behind him

“I won’t let you” Bomi shouts and attacks his leg

The grim reaper jump up and uses his sickle to attack the little bird again.

“I said, I won’t let you hurt my Chorong” Bomi shouts angrily

He holds his sword by his two hands and blocks the sickle. Then he pushes the shadow away from the little bird. After that he turns and holds the little bird gently in his hand.

“Let’s go Chorong-ah” He said and runs away from the place

“Grandpa” Bomi calls the old man while running back to where the tunnel is

Then he sees the tunnel appears again.

“Run into that tunnel and think about the second place you want to come” Bomi hears the old man’s voice

He quickly rushes into the circle and shouts.

“Take me to Seoul City Square, Christmas one year after this year”

(When Bomi confessed to me, it’s the greatest thing in my life. I felt like I'm the happiest girl in the whole world. When he touched my face and kissed my lips, I finally know the taste of happiness. This Christmas is my second important memory that will always bring happiness to me whenever I think about it)

In a blink of eye, Bomi sees him standing in the same City Square

“Good job, young man! You saved your wife first soul” The old man appears and said

Then he raises his hand up. The bird on Bomi’s shoulder flies toward his hand

“Chorong-ah!” Bomi calls in surprise

“Don't worry; I will keep her safe for you. Remember you have to find two more left. You only have 5 hours. Treasure it” The man said and leaves again

5 hours

Bomi quickly rushes to the Christmas tree where he confessed his love to her. When he gets there, he sees him and Chorong standing under the tree.

“Chorong-ah, the truth is I love you for a very long time. Will you be my girlfriend?” He hears him in the past ask to Chorong

Suddenly he sees a white bird with a blue fur on the top of its head. Bomi smiles happily seeing Chorong’s second soul, however his smile quickly stops when seeing two dark shadows rush behind it.

“Chorong-ah come here” Bomi rushes between the bird and the shadows

The bird flies and lands on Bomi’s shoulder.

“Don't worry, Chorong. I will protect you” He pats the bird’s head and said

The two shadow rushes to him. When Bomi is about to fight back, the two shadow suddenly disappeared.

“Huh?” Bomi thought in confusion

However, he ignores his confusion because he doesn’t have time to think of anything. He still has two more places to go.

“Seoul City Square, 7 years ago” Bomi rushes into the tunnel and said

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Chapter 28: a second chance indeed ;A; what a rollercoaster! and it ties all the christmases together, from the christmas they met, confessed and reunited, and to the later christmases where Bomi goes on a whole christmas carol moment but by going back in time... wow. this was a lot and it became terrifying there but I thank you for the good end :3
Chapter 28: Awwww sweet! Thanks for this great story!!
SeulReneAlways #3

All Pink panda Support apink new song
Chapter 28: omg this is the best story ever:') IT GAVE ME SOO MICH FEELS I LOVE U AUTHORR!! THANK YOU FOR THIS!!
Finally the end.. thank you for the sweet story!! :)
Chapter 28: OMG this is soooo pretty......
I love the ending
Goodluck for your future!
Chapter 28: What a beautiful ending.
Thank you for your beautiful touching story ^^.
Wish you'll comeback with another touching story like this
Eririn #8
Chapter 28: Great and sweet ending for Chomi. I wonder how he can make the next Xmas, birthday and anniversary as good as this one though. Very high standards to maintain =D
Eririn #9
Chapter 27: I hope Bomi is planning a surprise for Chorong.
Eririn #10
Chapter 26: Oh yay!! I hope Chorong will not be in anymore danger. I like it when Chomi is being all lovey dovey xD