

Writing practice, just because.

Basically an idea dump; may have a chance of making them into a proper and longer fic... maybe.

Genres may be different for every story, and their worlds will not be thoroughly explained.

Not a one shot collection, just really like drabbles or snippets from stories and worlds in my head.

Some of them can be one shots though, some of them could even be considered chaptered fics, although I think they'd be too short to be called 'chapters'.

I don't know, to be honest.

I'll just write and if you want to, you can read, and comment.. maybe? ^^ or not, that's okay too. 




The Misfits: (1) (2)

Characters: BTS, Miyu-OC

Tags: Supernatural, Vampires, Werewolves, Shapeshifters, Angst, Action, Fantasy, and more(?)

Prompt: BTS is a group of supernatural creatures who found a family within each other, and Miyu is a half-vampire-half-human agent of the Coucil who, due to circustances, found herself hunted by the same organization. Now wounded and without the protection of the Council, she meets BTS.


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