Remember the Name


Post-the Last Great War, the Tournament of Talent’s has been brought back as a launching platform for young wizard musicians, who want to transition into a wider ‘fan base’. For years, the Ministry of Magic, has used the Tournament which allows one winner or group, a chance to transition into the Muggle Entertainment Industry as a cultural exchange, with the winners acting as representatives, for the Wizarding Realm, a position both highly coveted due to the privileges it brings, and deeply scorned by the ‘silent majority’ as pandering to the Muggles.


However, fifteen years after the fall of the Dark Lord, there is more than meets the eye, and a much darker, much more sinister reason for many of the entrants to be putting their best foot forward. What follows is a battle of wits, trust, and betrayal.


A/N: Hello, so it's been a while since I've written HP Fanfics, but as someone who's recently gotten into the realm of KPop, I have been trying super hard to find a way to combine my two fandoms - and this is it. Based partially off the Kim Namjoon - Sorting Prompt. Sound off below if you'd like to see more of this fic!


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