chapter 2 !!

"Who´s this Boy?"

Inhaeng woke up the next day at 6am. His first class started on 9am so he decided to stay in bed a little bit longer. Just like every morning he opened Instagram and checked the comments. Everything was pretty normal but some comments cought his attention.

"looks like a date uhhh" and "i think you two are dating!!". Inhaeng was confused. He was just eating ice cream with his best friend and people thought they were dating!? Inhaeng blushed at the thought of them dating... He liked yoondong a lot, more than a friend does, and he was sure that Yoondong didnt like him that way and that was OK for Inhaeng, he just wanted Yoondong to be happy. 

But he also saw a lot of comments saying that Yoondong looks cute. He was going to tell Yoondong that they thought he looks cute because Yoondong is really insecure. So he stood up, ate breakfast and decided what to wear: jeans shorts and baby blue nikes with a blue&white striped shirt. He drove to school and waited for Yoondong infront of their class room.

Someone tapped on his shoulder. "Oh, Hi Yoondong! I was waiting for you.", Inhaeng smiled at him. "You know i posted this picture of you yesterday, ritght?", he asked Yoondong and Yoondongs smile started to fade away. "HEY! Let me finish first! So a lot of the comments were about you and how cute you are!", Inhaeng cheerfully said. "What?", Yoondong asked confused "are you sure there were about me?". YES OF COURSE THEY WERE ABOUT YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER BOY LOOK AT YOU PRECIOUS FACE, that was what Inhaeng was thinking.

"I..Uhm.. T-Thank you much", Yoondong said with a head red as a tomato.  did i really just said that out loud!?, Inhaeng cursed at himself. "Uhm yeah, you´re very c-cute, i have to admit that..", he said awkwardly. The bell ringed and they walked into the class room. Yoondong sat down next to Younghoon and Inhaeng went to sit down next to Jaeyong. The day went on just like any other day, they had history class right now.

"Inhaeng, you´re freaking starring", Jaeyong whispered to him. "What? I´m not, shut up." Jaeyong just laughed at him. "You know, me, as your friend, notices when you have a freaking crush aaand it looks like you have a crush on our little yoondongieee", Jaeyong said teasing. Yoondong turned his head in their direction, mouthing "did you just mention my name?" at them. Inhaeng nearly screamed "NO". Inhaeng really hated Jaeyong sometimes.


It was lunch time and Jaeyong, Inhaeng and Yoondong shared a table together. Younghoon wasn´t with them because he had to go to the libary. They didn´t really talk, they were just eating their food.

"Hey Yoondong, do you have a girlfriend?", Jaeyong asked out of nowhere. "What no i d-dont?", Yoondong said with pink cheeks . "Well do you have a boyfriend then?", Jaeyong asked and wiggled with his eyebrows. Yoondong nearly choked on his sandwich. "N-no never... because no one loves me", he kept the last part to himself. "Oh god Yoondong that´s so boring! Are you in love with anyone then?", Jaeyong asked with an annoyed face. Yoondong kept quiet and blushed even more. "AHWW OUR YOONDONGIE IS IN LOVE", Jaeyong nearly screamed . "No I am n-not!", was what Yoondong replied. Cute, Inhaeng thought to himself.

"But who are you in love with tho?!"

"That´s something i will never tell you, Jaeyong!"

"Is it someone from our school OR EVEN OUR CLASS? oh my god"

"Shut up Jaeyong!"

"HEY GUYS, can we all calm down a bit?", Inhaeng really wanted this conversation to end. He knew that Yoondong was uncomfortable and he wanted to stop that. Yoondong just gave him a shy smile and Inhaeng just had to smile back.

"Why? Are you jealous?", Jaeyong asked.

"What? Why should i be?"

"Because Yoondong has a crush on someone and maybe that `someone` isn´t you!"

Inhaeng kept cool in this situation. "Yeah you´re right, i love my little Yoondongie too much", he said over dramaticly and hugged Yoondong really tight. "You guys... really get on my nerves", Jaeyong said and ate his apple.


Inhaeng was at home and he was super bored, he literally had nothing to do so he decided to text Yoondong.

 hi Yoondong :)  - Inhaeng

hello inhaengie !   - Yoondong

i´m so bored, what should i do???  - Inhaeng

idk, you could update your instagram account?   - Yoondong

yeah but i dont have pictures right now, i need to go to

the park to take somr, maybe   - Inhaeng

yeah, let´s do that together :)  - Yoondong

REALLY? omg yoondong thank you so much! should i

pick u up in 15 minutesß  - Inhaeng

yep great idea, see you xx  - Yoondong


Inhaeng was kinda confused about Yoondongs behavior because he wasn´t in a good mood after the lunch they had. But Inhaneg was really happy that he was going to the park with Yoondong it kinda feels like a date to him. 

He stood infront of his closet and was struggling really hard to get something that looked really good beacuse of course it had to look good for his Instagram but it also had to look good for Yoondong. His current theme is a pastel one so he was going to chose something baby pink that´s also Yoondongs favorite color but anyways. 

His outfit was a combination of light blue jeans shorts and a pink shirt that said "JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE" with pink sneakers and tennis socks. He drove to Yoondong with a really big smile. He doesn´t even know why but he´s super happy. So he got out of his car and knocked on the door. "JUST TWO MORE SECONDS!!", Yoondong screamed. "It´s alright, take your time", Inhaeng was relaxed, he just wondered why Yoondong needs more time than usually. After two more minutes Yoondong opened the door with his face hidden behind his hands.

"Yoondong is everything alright? Are you crying?"

"No i´m not", he sighed.

"What´s the matter then?", Inhaeng was curious.

"Don´t laugh ok?"

"I would never!"

"I wanted to try out wearing eyeliner.. b-but i think it makes me look weird but it´s w-waterproof so i couldn´t remove it!", Yoondong said as he showed his face to Inhaeng, he was pouting.


"I should just go and try to remove it again, sor-"

"NO!", Inhaeng grabbed Yoondongs hand and turned him around when he was about to walk away. Their faces are just a few inches away from each other.

"I think you look beautiful with eyeliner, it suits you very much..", Inhaeng whispered and Yoondongs cheeks became a pretty shade of pink. "You blush so easily how cute, that also suits you very much." Inhaend said while smirking at Yoondong. He turned around and walked to his car. Yoondong followed him with his heart beating as fast as never before.





















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Chapter 3: This is so cute^^
wormtail53662 #2
Chapter 1: oml this is amazing ahhhh
Chapter 1: I really love this! Please update soon x