

“I’m not actually the person you were set up on a blind date with but I was eating alone and you asked if I was someone else and wow you’re cute so of course I said yes and now you think my name is something it isn’t.” AU

- (@narcissisticfelix)

Jaehyungparkian deserves something this freaking cute. #ButIAlwaysCompletelyDisregardYoungk #YoungkWho #IOnlyKnowBrian #Shot #ImKidding #OrAmI #BrianMightBeShorterButDoesntHeTop #HaveYouSEENThatTongue #ICouldProbablyWearItLikeABelt #NumberOneReasonToStan #MmmILoveGettingOffTopic


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ohsosimple #1
OMG. Update soon! I think this would be really funny and cute. Fighting author-nim! :)
Omg I wanted to write this prompt with them too!!