
Barriers [Oikawa x Reader]
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            Hyperventilation. Low carbon dioxide levels eventually lead to narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. This reduction in blood supply to the brain leads to symptoms like lightheadedness and tingling in the fingers. Severe hyperventilation can lead to loss of consciousness.




            8 months ago. Hospital


            “Is she gonna be okay?”, the black haired boy was troubled. It was the first time he encountered someone like this.

            You can hear the familiar voice close to you as you regained consciousness but remained your eyes closed to eavesdrop on the conversation.

            “She’s gonna be okay now. She hyperventilated a while ago.”, the doctor began. “She must have been depressed lately. Did she cry a lot just recently?”

            “Yes, actually, before she had the attack.”, Tobio gazed at you pretended to sleep. “She’s been crying so hard for so long.”

            “So that’s why. Her case would be worst if this continues. She might fall unconscious most of the time and that is not okay.”, the doctor warned. “Is she eating or drinking anything that could have triggered an attack? Like coffee or energy drinks?”

            “She’s drinking coffee everyday. Once a day but twice at some days only when she needs it for school purposes.”

            “Hm… I suggest that she should lessen the coffee then. She should try. Also avoid energy drinks even if she hasn’t tried it yet. It’s better to be safe now than sorry later.”

            You opened your eyes upon hearing the statement. How can you skip on coffee? That’s impossible for you who couldn’t live without a coffee a day.

            “I don’t think I could stop coffee though. It’s my morning routine.”, you didn’t hesitate to in on the two.

            Tobio quickly reacted slamming your shoulder. “Nee-san, bokeh! You just gained consciousness. You should listen to the doctor!”

            “Oi, I just woke up. Why are you hurting the patient?”, you whined rubbing on the part where the boy slammed you.

            “You don’t seem a patient to me.”


            “Now, now, let’s not be too harsh.”, the doctor chuckled at the two of you fighting like kids.
            “Well, now that you’re awake. Try to lessen coffee and avoid energy drinks, ‘kay?”, the doctor placed her hand on your shoulder.

            “Hmm, I’ll try.”

            “Not try, you should do it, nee-san!”, Tobio scolded.

            “Fine, fine.”, you rolled your eyes at the boy.

            “She should learn to self-heal too at times when she feel that her heart rate is going too fast.”, the doctor added.

            “How?”, the boy acted full of intent. He must be rash to you all the time with his words but he started caring for you ever since you showed your unparalleled support for him.

            “You could try belly-breathing. It fills your lungs fully, slows your breathing rate, and helps you relax.”, the doctor assured.

            “I’ll try that.”, you eagerly responded to put the boy worried about you at ease.

            With your positive response, the doctor continued.

            “You just have to place one hand on your belly just below the ribs. Place the other hand on your chest. Take a deep breath through your nose.”, the doctor demonstrated as she told. ”As you exhale through pursed lips, feel your hand go down. Repeat these steps 3 to 10 times.”

            You tried to copy her actions and felt its slight effectivity. “Okay, doc. Looks like it’s working. Thanks!”

            “Of course, it does. It will but you’re not having an attack now so you can’t say that. Let’s hope that you won’t have one anymore so that you won’t be able to use it.”

            “Yes, let’s think that.”, you put on a positive attitude.

            “Thank you for your help doctor.”, Tobio bowed down in thanks to the doctor.

            The doctor returned a polite nod.

            “Hai. But better yet, don’t sulk. Don’t get depressed. Think of positive things Ms. ___. You have your brother beside you, caring for you. You should be happy.”





            Present time. Infirmary




            Do you really have the right to feel regret when it's already been decided once you had that change in heart?

            All you had was a blurry vision of Tobio looming over you, running and yelling as he carried you. You can see he's agitated and in a panic. You wondered why.


            When everything is lost, what has to be done?


            You blinked. You were being taken somewhere. What happened earlier? You squinted your heavy eyes trying to remember.


            ‘Ah, I had an attack.’, you panted. You’re still having an attack until now.

            Maybe you were being taken to the infirmary. Maybe you're the reason why Tobio was in a panic.

            "Nee-san! Remember to breathe!", he said his eyes peering over you.

            You felt the pinch in your heart as you became light headed.


            "I'm better than him, I assure you, ___-chan."

            The memory made your eye brows twitch din frustration.

            Bull. How are you better when he's the one here right now? It was a selfish thought. There was another person who was hurt in this choice of yours filled with greed. With greed, you gained nothing instead you lost everything.

            A tear strolled on your cheeks as the pain in your chest excruciated. Your vision started to become clouded and all you can hear was your breathe hitching. Your heart beating fast, too fast as if it was going to pop. Maybe you were dying?       

            Right, it may be better to die.

            You have nothing now so what's there to live for?


            ‘It’s better to die.’


            "Nee-san! Bokeh! Calm down! You should hang in there!"



            But such desperate and sincere words. Do you even deserve to be spoken of such things?

            You felt your eyelids getting heavier and the black haired looming over you. The faded sight of him was the last thing in your vision until you lost your consciousness.




            3 choices right? Your choice is…





            5 months later.


            Love me right… Baby love me right. Ah-hah!

            I just wanna make you love me! Yeah…


            You sang out loud as you jammed to your favorite song sung by the Korean boy group ‘Echo’. You lied flatly on your bed looking at the ceiling with your body slightly twisting to the beat of the funky song.


            So what happened to you in the 5 months?

            A lot. And you stopped for a semester.

            You changed, definitely. He changed you so why not embrace the change fully? That’s what you’ve decided.


            One thing about that change is that you got into K-pop. It was a new found obsession for you. You were so all over it that you even dyed your hair to copy the idol that you liked. Since you’re so good at devoting yourself to others, why not be devout on those who really screams the need for it? Why the hell not? These Korean idols are so good looking and talented, there isn’t a reason for you to not support them.

            The only problem with this was that it costs an amount of money but who cares since they’re gonna make you happy and not gonna break you emotionally.


            Yeah… Got to love… Got to love me….

            My entire universe is you!


            The song stopped with your phone vibrating for a beep. Someone messaged you. It made you stand up the bed and reach for your phone. You were quite annoyed as your jam got bothered but that changed as soon as you saw the name on the screen. Your face lit up seeing it was a message from Tobio. It has been a long time since the last time you got a text from him. The last one was 4 months ago.


            Nee-san, I hope you’re not dead. – Tobio


            His message made you giggle as you immediately typed in a response.


            LOL. Tobio! I’m perfectly fine if that’s what you’re asking. – you


            You sure? - Tobio


            It made you wonder why Tobio was being so serious. You threw yourself back on the bed holding onto your phone, your back falling first.


            Yep. Hm... You don't text like that usually.

            Is there something you need? - you


            Uhm... I just got back from our Tokyo away games.

            I'd like to talk about something to you. - Tobio


            Hmm.. Okay. Whoa, from Tokyo? How's practice?...

            And what is it that you want to talk about? We could meet you know.

            Oh, I'll definitely go with you as long

            as you're gonna treat me something…  - you


            About practice... it's not actually going quite well.

            I'll tell everything after we meet. - Tobio


            Oh... Okay, but you'll treat me right? Hm...

            Omurice is good enough for me. - you


            Nee-san, I won't be shocked later if I see you that you're fat. - Tobio


            Your smirked at his assumption and turned to face the side of your bed.


            Ohhh... you'll be shocked then Tobio! - you


            Hmm... We'll see.

            Let's meet at this court tomorrow near Kitagawa Daichi? - Tobio


            Sure. I'll be there. Wait. Don't you have practice? - you


            They're currently inspecting our gym so

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Jenduekie #1
Chapter 11: Wahhhhhh thank u for updating T_T
Jenduekie #2
Jenduekie #3
Chapter 10: Another good story will this ever be continued?
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh. This is too good
Chapter 2: Loving this story! Cannot wait for the next chapter :)
Onnanoko09 #6
Chapter 8: This is one of the best Haikyuu fanfics I've read! And that's saying something since I've read a lot of Haikyuu fanfics. Please continue this. I really liked it!