Big trouble

Double Trouble (Hyun Family)

Daehyun grabbed Baekhyun's arm and looked at him carefully. Still not believing what Baekhyun just told him.

'Why would my father attack EXO Planet?'

Baekhyun shook his head. 'How am I supposed to know? Your father is crazy'.

'How do people know it's my father?'

'They don't know that you're related. They just know the attacker is from Planet Mato'.

'That could be anyone'. Daehyun said.

'Dae, your father is the only one on Planet Mato with the money, resources and hatred of us to do this'.

Daehyun sighed. 'Why would he do this now?'

'You're asking the wrong person'. Baekhyun said. 'I don't know what goes through that sick head of his'.

Baekhyun left Daehyun and went to Taehyung's room and started packing his things.

'Baek, what are you doing?' Daehyun asked.

'Dae, we can't stay here with your father attacking us. We have to protect our kids'.

'We can't keep letting my father control us'. Daehyun said. 'I'm not going to keep running from him'.

'So you want to stay and risk us and the boys getting killed?'

Daehyun put his hand on Baekhyun's arms. 'Baek, calm down. We'll think of something'.

Baekhyun pushed Daehyun's hand off of him. 'I'm not going to calm down when your maniac of a father is trying to blow up my home and my family'.

Baekhyun went back to packing Taehyung's things and focused on getting him and the boys to a safe place.


Taehyung woke up and saw Baekhyun in his room going through his things.

'Eomma?' He asked half awake.

Baekhyun turned to him and went over to his bed. 'Tae baby, get up we have to leave'.

'Where are we going?'

Baekhyun looked at him and kneeled down next to him. 'We're going to go on a trip'.


Baekhyun bit his lip. 'It's a surprise, but I need you to go get changed. Okay?'

Taehyung nodded and grabbed some clothes from Baekhyun.

Baekhyun finished packing Taehyung's bag, then he went to Bambam's room and packed his bag.


Daehyun sat on the couch in the living room confused about what was going on. He kept trying to figure out why his father was doing this to EXO Planet.

Daehyun put his head in his hands. He thought he was done with his father. He stood up to him, he did what he could to get his father to leave him and Baekhyun alone. He realized it wasn't enough.

'Dae'. Daehyun looked up and saw Baekhyun with the boys. Bags sitting behind them. 'We're leaving. Are you coming or not?'

Daehyun stood up and went over to Baekhyun. 'You go with the boys and keep them safe'.

Baekhyun looked at Daehyun surprised. 'What? You're not coming?'

Daehyun put his hand on Baekhyun's cheek. 'If this really is my father doing this, then I have to go confront him. It's me he's after'.

Baekhyun pulled away from Daehyun. 'Don't do this, Dae. Come with us'.

Daehyun shook his head. 'I told you, I'm done running from my father'.

'What if something happens to you?' Baekhyun looked at him holding back tears. 'I lost you once, I can't lose you again'.

Daehyun pulled Baekhyun to him and kissed the top of his head. 'I'll be fine. I'll let you know when this is over'.

Baekhyun shook his head. 'Please don't do this. I know how your father is'. Baekhyun looked at him with pleading eyes. 'I can't lose you. The boys can't lose you'.

Daehyun felt something pull on his shirt. He looked down and saw Taehyung holding his shirt.

'Let's go, appa'. Taehyung looked at him. 'I want to go on the trip'.

Daehyun kneeled down next to Taehyung. 'You go with your eomma. I need to stay here'.

Baekhyun shook his head and sighed. He couldn't believe Daehyun was being like this.

'Why aren't you going?' Taehyung pouted.

'I have something I need to take care of here'.

Taehyung grabbed Daehyun's hand. 'Come with us, appa'.

'Yeah'. Baekhyun said. 'Come with us'.

'Baek, I need to see why my father is doing this'.

Baekhyun sighed. 'I can't believe you're doing this'.

'If I don't do this, more people could get hurt'. Daehyun looked at Baekhyun hoping he would understand. Be he could see hate and betrayal in Baekhyun's eyes. 

'Let's go boys'. Baekhyun said as he turned away from Daehyun.

'But I want appa to come'. Taehyung said.

'Leave him, Tae. He's made his decision'. Baekhyun said as he grabbed Taehyung and took him away from Daehyun.

'Baek...Don't be like this'. But Baekhyun kept walking away from him.

Daehyun sighed and looked at the ground. He wasn't doing this because he wanted to. He had to stop his father from doing any more damage to EXO Planet.


Daehyun left the house and went downtown to see if he could get a ride to Planet Mato. But because of the attack, no one was allowed to leave our enter EXO Planet till everything was taken care of.

Daehyun didn't know what to do to confront his father now. He pulled out his phone and tried to call his father to see if he answered.

Daehyun was surprised when he heard someone pick up on the third ring.

'What do you want?' Came his father's voice.

'What do you think?' Daehyun said using Mato language.

'Did you see the show?' His father asked. 'There's more of that to come'.

'Why are you doing this?' Daehyun asked.

'I think you know why'.

'You're attacking innocent people'.

'You're sticking up for those super power freaks?' His father asked.

'They're not freaks. They didn't do anything to you'.

'You know that's not true. You married one of them and had a kid with him. Now they think they can come to my planet any time they want and scare my people with their powers'.

'So you thought attacking them would stop them from going to Planet Mato?'

'Maybe they'll get the hint that they're not wanted here'.

Daehyun sighed. 'What it's it you really want?'

'I told you'.

'There's something else you must want. You don't attack random planets for no reason'.

'Well now that you mention it...' Daehyun's father started, but Daehyun didn't hear him. Before his father could finish his sentence, Daehyun felt someone grab him from behind.

'What the...?' Daehyun fell on the ground and felt someone handcuff him.

Daehyun looked up confused. 'What are you doing?'

'I caught him'. The guy said as he pulled Daehyun to another guy. Both of them were cops.

Daehyun didn't know what was going on. He tried to get away from them. 

'You're not going anywhere'. One of the cops said as he got in Daehyun's face.

'There must be some mistake'. Daehyun said. 'I didn't do anything wrong'.

'Then why were you speaking that weird language?'

'It's my native language'.

'So you're not from EXO Planet?'

'I wasn't born here, but I live here with my husband and kids'.

The cop got in Daehyun's face again. 'Do you know anything about the attack that happened here today?'

'No, I just found out about it from my husband'.

'Who were you talking to in that language?'

'My father'.

'Who is your father?'

Daehyun sighed. This wasn't going end well for him. 'He runs Planet Mato'.

The cop gave Daehyun a sly smile. 'Well seems like that is who attacked our planet earlier. Now we have his son. You were in on this attack weren't you?'

'No, I knew nothing about it'.

But they weren't buying it. Daehyun didn't know what to do now.


Baekhyun took the boys to his mom's house. He wanted her to go with them so he knew she'd be safe too.

His mom was happy to see the boys went they entered the house.

'Where's Daehyun?' His mom asked.

Baekhyun shook his head. 'He didn't come with us'.

She saw how upset Baekhyun was and hugged him. 'I'm sorry'.

'I just don't understand why he didn't want to be with his family right now'.

'He's a good man. He'll probably join you later'.

'I'm worried something will happen to him and I won't see him again'.

'Don't think like that. Just worry about your kids. They need you right now'.

Baekhyun nodded. 'I wouldn't leave them for anything'.

'You're a good mother'.

Baekhyun smiled slightly. 


Baekhyun and the boys stayed at his mom's house for awhile. Taehyung was starting to get tired from walking. So Baekhyun let him sleep for a little bit.

Baekhyun was feeding Bambam when his mom came in the room.

'Baekhyun, you need to see this'.

Baekhyun got up and went to the other room with his mom. She had the tv on the news. It showed downtown where the attack took place. The headline said they captured one of the attackers. Baekhyun kept watching wondering why his mom wanted him to see this, then he saw the camera cut away to a shot of Daehyun being carried away by the cops.

Baekhyun couldn't believe what he was seeing. He quickly ran out of the house and headed downtown to help Daehyun.



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MilkTea96 #1
Chapter 7: that police officer
MilkTea96 #2
Chapter 3: I too much in to your stories... I LOVE YOUR STORIES SO MUCH , 😭
Chapter 19: I was expecting that Chanyeol will try to annoy them. Anyway, glad that the hyun family had got out of Earth.
Chapter 18: You have no idea how much i love this fic such that i adore all of the characters even though i'm not so much of a boy group person xD Please do continue writing!! You have one of the best plot and i always return to re-read :)) ♡♡ Don't be dejected!! I absolutely love reading your story and i am sure many people feel the same! ♡♡
Aww. So sorry for not commenting earlier, author-nim. I just read your updates last night. Thank you for still continuing your stories ❤ Fighting!
Chapter 14: Chanyeol, you're a creep. Grrr don't ruin Baekhyun's life!
Chapter 12: Their family is perfect, but somehow, things will just ruin them. I hope Baekhyun will never get tired of waiting his lover to come back.
Chapter 9: I hope baby BamBam is okay. Don't let anything happen to him.
K_poptrash7 #9
Chapter 9: omg cant wait for more love the story
realmdreamer #10
Chapter 9: oh boy, they are living on Earth now? Those troublesome boys are going to create a ton of mischief. What did the boys inherent from Daehyun anyway?

Taehyung alien-ness explained when he has two different types as his parents :D