
Look how pretty I am
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Jennie’s arms were crossed as she regards the couple with an unamused expression. After all those advices and warnings I’ve given them, I’m so glad to see that they’ve put so much thought into how they’re going forward with their relationship. Maybe they’ll talk about marriage tomorrow. “What the hell happened between the time we saw you at school in the afternoon, and when you two arrived?”

“We had dinner at Buonasera, as mentioned before, and then we visited Choego Café for patbingsu,” Jisoo explains nonchalantly, as if she was describing a normal outing with a friend.

Jennie frowns skeptically at the older girl. She was quite familiar with Jisoo’s tendency to leave out important details whenever it suited her needs. It’s so obvious that you’re the one who’s responsible for this. “That’s it?”

Jisoo smiles innocently at the brunette. “Mm-hm.”

“Oh, I see. So all it took was having dinner and patbingsu together for you girls to decide to become girlfriends. That happens all the time. Why’d I even bother to ask?” Jennie responds sarcastically.

“So what did you actually do during the date, other than eat together?” persists Eunji, helping herself to a slice of cheesecake from the dining room table.

Jisoo embraces her new girlfriend from the side. “My sweetheart and I got to know each other better. Isn’t that right, baby?” She nuzzles Rose’s cheek.

Rose feels her cheeks getting red. Though she was embarrassed by her girlfriend’s action, she couldn’t deny that she was enjoying it. “Jichu, stop that!” she scolds, giggling.

Jennie rolls her eyes.

Bomi stares at them, not knowing what to believe. Did they really become girlfriends already?! No, there’s got to be something they’re not telling us! “When you say you two ‘got to know each other better’, did you mean with or without your clothes on?”

CL had been quietly observing the couple as they responded to their friends’ questions. “All right, hold it! I want to know exactly what’s going on. Stop being vague and explain yourselves,” she demands. This isn’t right. It took me practically a few years to get Dara to agree to be in a serious relationship with me, and it only takes them a few hours?

“Don’t be so bossy,” Dara admonishes, adjusting the collar of CL’s shirt. “Some people develop their relationships faster than others, especially when they’re open about their feelings, and know how to be romantic.”

CL frowns at the explanation. “Girl, are you throwing shade at me? That’s so messed up.”

“I’m not throwing anything,” Dara claims innocently. “I have to make a phone call. See you later,” she says, giving CL a peck on her cheek before leaving.

Jennie and Bomi laughs.

“ you both,” says CL, turning her attention back to the couple and looking at them expectantly.

Jisoo smiles as she hugs her girlfriend tighter. “There really isn’t anything to explain. We just knew it was the right thing to do.”

Jennie stops laughing as she abruptly remembers the serious matter that they were discussing earlier. Getting impatient with their unclear answers, she gives the couple a stern look. “Ok, I know that you two are really close friends who know each other very well, but to go from that to being girlfriends in just a couple of hours? Are you out of your ing minds?!”

Rose was unfazed by her friend’s scolding, being used to the brunette’s attempts to keep them in line. It was Jennie’s way of showing that she cared about her friends.

Rose smiles as she places her hand on Jisoo’s arm. “Dating Jichu has made me change how I view some things in a relationship.”

Jennie runs her hand through her brown hair in exasperation. “I can’t believe this! You’re supposed to be the rational one of the couple! What happened?!”

“I don’t know.” Rose giggles. I think love has made me this way. Hold on, am I saying I’m falling in love?

Eunji raises a brow as she chews on her forkful of cheesecake. I’ve never seen Rose act like this before, blushing, giggling, and acting weird. The only thing I can think of that would make her be this way is…  “Uh oh, I think I recognize what’s going on here.”

Jennie nods in agreement. “It’s not a good sign.”

Lisa sets her empty plate down onto the dining room table. “What? What’s not a good sign?”

Jennie turns to the maknae. “Have you been watching Rose?”

“Yeah, what about her?”

“I’ll explain later.” Jennie frowns at the new couple. I guess I’m happy for them, but falling in love too quickly is never good.


The girls suddenly heard a loud voice shriek behind them. “Oh my god! Is that you, Jisoo?!”

They all turned to see Solar and her friends.

“It’s been soooo long!” Hyosung continued to shriek excitedly.

Kyungri eyes Jisoo approvingly. “Damn, girl, is it just me, or do you look even hotter than before?”

Jisoo smiles smugly as she flips her dark hair back. “I just seem to get hotter every day, don’t I?”

“Not only hotter, but ier too,” Solar says, subtly her lips.

Rose tenses up. She has seen Jisoo with these girls on numerous occasions; none of which were pleasant to remember. I don’t remember their names, but I do recall that I caught one of them making out with Jichu on her bed. They were both half-.

And there was the other time when Lisa and I were at another one of CL’s party, about a month ago, and we saw Jichu come out of a bedroom with two of these girls. All three of them looked like they hastily put their clothes on. “What do you girls want?” she asks tersely.

“We’re just here to say hi to our old friend. We haven’t seen her in awhile,” Kyungri replies, pretending to sound shocked at the tone of the question.

“That’s not being very friendly, Rose. Is something wrong?” Solar inquires, with a hint of a mocking smile on her lips.

Rose gives her a frosty look in response. I knew the would be coming back to Jichu. It sure didn’t take very long for them to flock around her. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to have Jichu face them so early in our relationship.

“Aww, I was hoping that you’d be a little happier to see me. I guess that was just wishful thinking,” Solar says disappointedly, with an exaggerated pout. Her friends laughed.

“Oh, you poor girl. I hope you can recover from your disappointment soon,” Hyosung says sympathetically, putting her arm around Solar’s shoulder. She gives one of Solar’s s an encouraging squeeze.

“Jichu, let’s get away from them!” Rose whispers fiercely. However, she notices that her girlfriend was staring at the actions of Hyosung, and Solar’s mostly exposed cleavage. “What are you looking at?!” she asks accusingly.

“Sorry, I was… a bit distracted.” Jisoo watches Hyosung as she cups Solar’s .

“Jichu, how do you like my shirt? I just bought it yesterday, and I thought it looked good on me at the time, but now I’m not so sure.” Kyungri spoke doubtfully as she looks down at her top.

Jisoo bites her lower lip as she notices that Kyungri was braless. She stares at the visible shapes of Kyungri’s s on her shirt. “They look just fine… I mean, it looks fine… on you.”

“Oh, really?! I’m so glad to hear that! You have such good taste, so if you approve of it, then it means I made the right choice!” Kyungri hops up and down happily.

Jisoo swallows, becoming mesmerized by the jiggling of Kyungri’s s. If I tear her clothes off, I can see them jiggle even more as I … No! I shouldn’t be thinking like this anymore!

After watching her girlfriend’s reactions for a few minutes, Rose has had enough. She angrily pulls away from Jisoo. “So you find those s more interesting than me?! Then enjoy your time with them! I won’t get in your way!”

Jisoo snaps out of her lustful daze. “Wait! Don’t leave!” There was slight desperation in her voice.

The younger girl storms away. “I want to be alone right now. Don’t follow me!”


Rose walked briskly out the back door, her steps much heavier than usual. She was furious at the girls for blatantly flirting with her girlfriend while Rose was right there in front of them. She was furious at Jisoo for being more interested in them than her. She was furious at herself for not doing anything about it, and for thinking that coming here was a good idea.


There were numerous people out in the well-lit backyard, chatting or making out. Many of them turned their heads when they heard the sounds of feet stomping on the wooden patio. 

The orange-haired girl ignored their curious gazes as she found a bench that no one was using.

Rose sat down and stared down at the grass; her vision soon blurring with angry tears. I should’ve expected this. Maybe Jendeuk was right. Maybe I was hoping for too much, thinking that Jichu could change so suddenly. I was a ing idiot. We weren’t ready for this.

Her breaths start shaking as she feels those tears starting to roll down her cheeks.


“I saw what happened.”

Rose turns to see a tall brunette taking a seat next to her. “What the are you talking about?” she inquires irritably, wiping her tears.

“Jisoo and those girls.”

“Why should I care? Hundreds of people probably saw them,” answers Rose, not bothering to hide the bitterness in her voice.

The girl sighs. “I’ve been in your position many times. Too many to count.”

Rose sniffles, not responding to the girl’s statement.

“I’m her ex-girlfriend.”

“So what do you want?” Rose knew that she sounded rude, but she didn’t care.

“I thought I could change her, so that she’d be happy being only with me. But it turned out that I wasn’t enough.” The girl stares across the yard, at a group of people laughing. “No one’s ever enough.”

“Is there a point to all this? I am not in the mood the listen to some stranger reminisce about her failed relationship.”

“Are you dense? I’m talking about Jisoo! She told me that she’d change for me, and that I was the only one she wanted. She made me her girlfriend, and it made me so happy that she would want that. But it wasn’t long before she fell back into her old habits. She’s a addict who lives for the thrills of having one night stands with whoever she wants. She’ll never settle down, and what we’ve seen tonight proves that.”

Rose narrows her eyes. There was something about the girl that she couldn’t quite figure out. It was as though she had seen the girl somewhere before. “Who the hell are you, anyway?”

“You don’t remember me? I’m Naeun.”

Rose frowns slightly. Why does that name sound so familiar? Jichu has dated so many girls that I couldn’t keep track of them all.

Then she suddenly remembers who the girl is. Naeun. She was one of Jichu’s two girlfriends that actually lasted a long time. I can’t remember the name of the other one, but Naeun was someone that Jichu was interested in enough to stop having flings.

I remember that Jichu really seemed to like her, and for awhile, couldn’t stop talking about her, and spending time with her. Jen, Lisa, and I thought that perhaps Jichu had finally found someone to be in a relationship with.

Obviously, we were wrong. Something happened, which caused Jichu to suddenly lose interest in Naeun. Jichu began meeting other girls more often, and was gradually becoming less responsive to Naeun’s affections. “Are you over the breakup?” Rose asks impassively.

Naeun sighs more heavily than before. “I wish I could say that I am, but it still hurts to see Jichu. And it hurts even more to see her with the same type of girls that she preferred over me.”

“So you really liked her.”


The two girls sat in silence for a few minutes.

Rose stares at the grass again. What happened to Naeun won’t happen to me too, right? What we have is different. Jichu and I have a much stronger foundation for our relationship, built by many years of being close friends.

But after hearing what happened to Jichu’s ex-girlfriend, and seeing how Jichu was reacting to those girls tonight, it’s a bit hard to shake the feeling that history might repeat itsel

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LillyMay1100 #1
Chapter 25: What happens next?
It finally happened! Should I break out the champagne 🍾 now for Jisoo? I feel like she’d throw a party just to celebrate having with Rosé! Hahaha
Chapter 23: Hahah my favorite part is Jenlisa being witnesses to everything 😂😂
Chapter 22: Hot🔥
Chapter 20: my chaesoo heart going bounceu
Chapter 13: Jennie being the ship captain from the shadows is so good
Chapter 9: There’s definitely something suspicious going on between R and K.
Chapter 8: It’s like trying to quit an addiction 😂
Chapter 6: Chaesoo first date 😊❤️
Chapter 4: Jisoo being unfazed is my favorite Jisoo ❤️