Writing Fate



“ Writing Fate “



No matter how many times Hongbin have read Hakyeon’s story, he was at a lost as to what made the other’s story so unique. Hongbin, who used to have zero interest in anyone’s life, became fascinated by the book’s outer appearance. The cover seems to be alive somehow. The black ink that was smeared all over the cover, felt as if it was going to overflow day by day. Even the texts from each page seems to be morphing on its own as if Hakyeon’s past was all mixed together. Sometimes, the story flowed smoothly in its chronological order but at times, it was like a piece of the puzzle that was out of place.

Hongbin spent nights and nights in the library in order to read upon other people’s lives as well. Especially those who were also connected to Hakyeon’s story.

The fates of encounter.

But he was left with no clue at all as to why only Hakyeon’s book appeared that way.

“How is it that only you don’t have an ending?” Hongbin wondered as he stared at the pages on Hakyeon’s story. He flipped back and forth between the blank pages as if he was hoping that words would suddenly form on their own.

Hongbin has never been so focused on finding an answer to anything and this was the first time he’s felt the need to even go into the academy’s reference rooms to study upon human fate.

“Fancy seeing you here,” Jaehwan was passing by the reference room to get something and saw Hongbin diligently looking into a pile of old case studies. “Are you actually studying?”

Hongbin glared at Jaehwan, knowing exactly where the older’s sarcastic tone was coming from.

“Just a bit,” Hongbin said.

“You’re kidding right?” Jaehwan was in disbelief.

“I’m not you, hyung,” Hongbin threw a bold remark at the older.

“Well, what are you studying about? Maybe I can help you? After all, look at my shiny gold stars.” Jaehwan exaggerated with all five fingers held in front of Hongbin’s face.

“Hmm,” Hongbin thought for a second, “maybe you can help me.”


Jaehwan may have an aloof appearance and playful personality, but he was still one of the top students of the facility. There were even rumors that Jaehwan might become nominated as the next supervisor in the Coordinator’s unit. That was how much he’s achieved in the short span of time while being in the facility.

“Hyung.” Hongbin initiated carefully. “I know that each fate we store in this facility is from those of real people down on Earth. That means they’re alive and real right?”

“Yeah?” Jaehwan asked back in confusion at such an oblivious question.

“And our job here at the facility is just to monitor their fate and make sure that it goes according to the Goddesses’ wishes right? But what if, just what if, there was a fate that even the Goddesses cannot control or predict? What happens to that fate, or to that person?”

Jaehwan’s expression suddenly turned more serious. He was quietly debating on Hongbin’s question and looked at the younger a few times to make sure it was really Lee Hongbin who was asking such a deep question.

“Though it’s rare and almost unheard of, it’s definitely possible,” Jaehwan finally said.

“Really?!” Hongbin got excited by accident and covered his mouth immediately after realizing he was too loud in the public reference room.

Jaehwan was taken back by Hongbin’s sudden excitement.



“Those cases are top secret. No one knows whom those fates belong to and what happens to those that had such an unpredictable fate. It’s just too dangerous.” Jaehwan said.

“Dangerous? How so?”

“It’s not only dangerous to them but also to us. If the Goddesses, or us, can’t see into those human’s future and the paths they take, we cannot tell whether or not their future will bring fortune or chaos. One unpredictable fate can affect the balance of the universe, which is why the Goddesses are here to make sure that each person has a predetermined fate.”

“But isn’t that too strange and wouldn’t that irritate you if you knew that someone was controlling how you live your life or what paths you should take? If it was me, I’d definitely hate that.”

“I know. I understand what you mean. But that’s why our existence is unknown to those on Earth. We can’t let them know who we are and the fact that we exist. If mankind were to find out of our existence and our duties, they would do anything to change fate and defy the laws of this universe. We simply cannot afford that.”

“I see…”

But still, if it’s so dangerous for a fate to be undetermined, does that mean the book of Cha Hakyeon will lead to chaos in this universe? Hongbin wondered to himself.

“Kong-ah, could it be that y-“

“It’s nothing, hyung. I was just curious that’s all,” Hongbin interrupted Jaehwan before the older could finish. He could sense the older was becoming suspicious of his behavior so he had to leave before he was caught. “Don’t worry about it. I was just bored and wanted to know random facts since I’m here in Moirae’s Edge now.”

“Okay…” Jaehwan looked at the younger skeptically.


*  *  *  *  *  *


“You’re back,” Wonshik greeted the older. “Where’d you go to take this long to get something from the reference room?”

“Huh? Oh, I bumped into Kong there.” Jaehwan snapped out of it.

“Hongbin? In the reference room?” Wonshik couldn’t believe his ears. Was he hearing right?


Wonshik then noticed a rather concerned expression on the older’s face.

“Is something wrong?” He asked.

“It’s just… Hongbin asked me about something really strange just now. I’m not sure whether he was really asking out of boredom and curiosity or if it’s something more…”

“What did he ask you?”

“He asked me about fates that aren’t determined or predicted by the Goddesses.”

“Why would he ask you something like that? Did you tell him?”

“I only told him that it’s possible but too rare for such a case.”

“You didn’t tell him anything else?” Wonshik had to make sure.

“I didn’t.”

“You know you can’t. Even if he’s our friend, there are somethings that must remain a secret within the facility.”

“I know. But it’s just…”

“Is something else the matter?”

“I’ve never seen Hongbin become so interested in a topic or even to the point of excitement. You should have seen his face when I told him that such a case study was possible. It didn’t feel like him at all for a second. I’ve just... never seen him like that before.”

Wonshik grew silent. Even though he has known Hongbin since he was a child, he has never seen the other with anything but boredom on his face. So to hear that his friend was truly excited for something made him grow worried instead. 


*  *  *  *  *  *


With the knowledge of undetermined fate as a possibility, Hongbin grew more intrigued into finding out the answers to Hakyeon’s story. It just didn’t make sense for anyone to exist yet their lives were not within the Goddesses’ hands to decide. But Hongbin also knew well that just sitting in the library to reread Hakyeon’s book over and over did not help in finding the answer one bit.

If only he could enter the story somehow…

“Ah!” Hongbin thought suddenly. “Is it possible…?”

Hongbin thought long and hard. Is it possible to enter the human world through Hakyeon’s story and meet the protagonist himself? After all, Earth was only a light year away from him. At the edge of the universe was a simple barrier that divided those on Moirae’s Edge and those living on Earth. Meaning, if the barrier wasn’t there, Hongbin could actually walk amongst the world.

He knew that if anything was possible, it would definitely be top secret amongst the higher officials at the facility so even the references in the study hall would be useless. He bit his fingers unconsciously while trying to figure out a way to possibly access those secret documents.

“Just how… how can I figure you out?” Hongbin held up Hakyeon’s book and stared at it intensely. He was at his wit’s end.

“What is that?” Someone entered the room suddenly and caught Hongbin by surprise.

“Wonshik?!” Hongbin jolted and immediately hid the book behind him.

“What are you hiding from us?” Wonshik interrogated.


“Stop lying.”

“I’m not!”

“We know you’re hiding something Kong-ah.”

Jaehwan followed Wonshik behind and both entered the room as they carefully approached Hongbin.

“You’ve been acting really strange lately. Almost unlike yourself. You’re hiding something from us aren’t you? Please, tell us. We’re your friends.” Jaehwan said.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Hongbin backed away slowly while making sure the book was out of sight.

Wonshik grew impatient and approached Hongbin in anger.

“Stop!” Hongbin said.

“Give me that!” Wonshik struggled to see what Hongbin was hiding behind him.

The two of them fought and Hongbin was desperately trying to hide the book.

“You two, stop it. Calm down Wonshik-ah.” Jaehwan pleaded.

“Dammit, Kim Wonshik! Leave me alone!” Hongbin was angered.

“Leave you alone?! I leave you for even a split second and who knows what crazy things you’re thinking of!”

“What I do is none of your business!”

“How can it not be my business?!” Wonshik was furious. “I’m worried about you because I think of you as my friend!”

Hongbin froze at Wonshik’s words.

Though Wonshik was obviously mad at whatever Hongbin was hiding from them, Hongbin could see that the other was truly concerned. Though the two of them have lived next door to one another since they were children, neither really conversed with one another. Hongbin didn’t want to do anything with Wonshik and he thought Wonshik was the same as well. But all these years, even though they didn’t talk with one another deeply like friends normally would, Hongbin could tell that Wonshik really was the only one he could call as a true friend, the only one who would still care for the lazy and unambitious, Lee Hongbin.

Wonshik saw an opening as Hongbin stopped. Immediately he reached behind the other and took the book in his hands.

“What the- what is this?” Wonshik was surprised at the book’s outer appearance.

Jaehwan gulped as he saw the book as well.

A book that he’s never seen before. An outer appearance that was almost too terrifying to even wish to approach.

“Give me that back!” Hongbin snapped out of it and took the book back.

“What is that? Where did you find it?” Wonshik asked.

Hongbin didn’t want to speak a word. He didn’t want to reveal the story.

“Kong-ah. Is that book… is that story undetermined?” Jaehwan was sharp.

“Undetermined?” Wonshik looked at Jaehwan.

“I’ve heard you’ve been looking through the references a lot lately, mainly on titles of the impossibles and undetermined fate. Is the book you’re holding about someone who doesn’t have a future?” Jaehwan asked Hongbin again.

“He has a future. Just… not yet.” Hongbin averted his gaze from the two.

“Your curiosity lately, and why you’ve been staying late even after training was over, is because of that book?” Wonshik looked at Hongbin for an answer. “Does Seo In Guk supervisor know about this?”

“No! You can’t tell him!” Hongbin rushed to Wonshik and grabbed his friend by the collar with a threatening gaze. “Don’t you dare tell In Guk about Hakyeon.”


“The name of the book.”

“We won’t say anything to anyone. So please, tell us what’s going on Kong-ah.” Jaehwan looked sincerely towards Hongbin and broke up the two’s fight finally.

Hongbin sat down calmly with both Wonshik and Jaehwan. There was an intense atmosphere between the three of them and Hongbin was still debating whether it was safe to tell the two the truth. He looked back and forth between the book and towards his two friends. He was torn between truth and lies.

But he knew that he would never be able to solve the mystery behind the strange book alone. Especially not within his powers. The two who sat in front of him weren’t only his friends but also the top students within the facility.

Hongbin took a deep breath.

“Here,” he handed Hakyeon’s book to Jaehwan and Wonshik. “Read it.”

Wonshik received the book and opened it for both of them to read. One page after another, more and more questions appeared in their minds. Just like Hongbin did when he first read through the story.

Cha Hakyeon.

One with a strange fate. A fate in which even the Goddesses could not determine.

“Why…” Wonshik asked as he closed the book and inspected it a few times.

“That’s what I want to know. No matter how many times I’ve read through his story, I just can’t find the answer to it. Why is it that only his book appears that way? I’ve even gone through the stories of those he’s encountered in the past in order to find a clue but nothing tells me otherwise. His story isn’t that unique for it to be that way, for it to be... blank.” Hongbin was in distress.

Even with the three of them together, they had no answers to the puzzle that was placed in front of them.

“A fate undetermined by the Goddesses…” Jaehwan said as he looked at the three statues within the Library of Fates.

“What did you think you would achieve even if you find the answer?” Wonshik questioned this friend.

“I don’t know.” Hongbin said truthfully. “But all I know is that I need an answer or something close to it. If only I could enter the story somehow and find the answer myself…”

Wonshik and Jaehwan looked at one another.

We can’t. Wonshik shook his head towards Jaehwan.

But… Jaehwan wanted to help. He saw how desperate Hongbin looked towards the book and genuinely wanted to assist however he could.

“You can,” Jaehwan said.

“Huh?” Hongbin looked up.

“Wait, hyung,” Wonshik held Jaehwan back.

“I can what?” Hongbin asked Jaehwan.

“There’s a way to enter inside of Cha Hakyeon’s story and I know how,” Jaehwan said.

Wonshik let out a sigh. They can’t hide it anymore as Jaehwan insisted on letting Hongbin know.

“How?!” Hongbin got up from his spot. “Please, tell me.”


*  *  *  *  *  *


Jaehwan led Hongbin into a room locked far away from the rest of the facility. It was a small chamber that even Hongbin never knew existed.

Wonshik followed closely behind in silence, as he knew he could not hold Jaehwan back from revealing the secrets of Moirae’s Edge.

“Come in,” Jaehwan said as he led Hongbin inside.

“Where are we?” Hongbin asked.

The chamber was dimly lit with nothing but brick walls around. The flooring was unfinished and only covered with paved rubbles. At the very center of the chamber was a wooden desk and chair but nothing else except a box placed carefully on top of the desk.

Hongbin felt uneasy as he walked further inside.

Jaehwan went ahead and grabbed the delicate box on top. He took out a key from his pocket and unlocked the box to show Hongbin what was inside.

“A pen?” Hongbin asked curiously.

“Not just your ordinary pen,” Wonshik commented.

“That’s right. This pen allows you to write anything inside any of the books within the Library of Fates.” Jaehwan said.

“What?” Hongbin was surprised and approached closer at the pen to inspect it.

A glass fountain pen where even the nib was made of glass itself. Along the side of the pen was a thin golden line, one that resembled the golden thread of the Library of Fates.

“This pen is supposed to be guarded from everyone within Moirae’s Edge and my duty is to keep it safe,” Jaehwan said.

Jaehwan’s position and duty as one of the top students within the Coordinator’s unit surprised Hongbin more and more. Jaehwan wasn’t there just to make sure that fate flowed according to the Goddesses’ wishes but also to make sure that no one misused this pen to change someone’s fate. He knew secrets about Moirae's Edge more than most other people.

Yes, fate could be changed.

Wonshik on the other hand, as a Guardian also happened to know about this pen’s existence. But its existence was supposed to be a secret from everyone even his same-aged friend, Hongbin.

Hongbin held the pen carefully within his palms to inspect it while thinking how could such a small delicate object hold so much power to the point of changing fate itself?

“Use it,” Jaehwan said.


“Use it on Cha Hakyeon’s book and find out why only his story is so different from the rest,” Jaehwan proposed.

“What?! Are you crazy hyung? Do you know what you’re suggesting?” Wonshik was surprised by the older’s bold proposal.

“I know exactly what I’m saying.” Jaehwan pushed Wonshik aside and faced Hongbin seriously. “You’re curious aren’t you? About why Hakyeon’s story appears the way it is right now. Then, go inside and find out for yourself.”

“But… I…” Hongbin was lost at words.

Finding out that it was possible to change someone’s fate and rewrite it was one thing but to also enter inside of the story as well?

“Do you know the consequences and what would happen to you if you were caught?” Wonshik was furious at such a decision made by Jaehwan. “I shouldn’t have let you bring him down here.”

“I know clearly what the consequences are. But I also know that if Kong doesn’t find out why for himself, he might end up going crazy from curiosity. Am I right?” Jaehwan asked.


Jaehwan was right.

Hongbin has never felt this way about anything before. He’s never wanted to know something so desperatedly that he was going to die trying to figure it out.

“So go, go and find the answer. Find out why Cha Hakyeon’s story appears the way it is right now. Maybe you can help the facility solve some of the biggest mysteries of human fate that we haven’t be able to solve in the past millennium.” Jaehwan said.

“Hyung… but what about you? And Wonshik too?” Hongbin was worried.

They were breaking the rules of the facility and meddling with the laws of fate. Hence, only severe punishment would await them if they were caught.

“Don’t worry about it. Winter break is starting soon and the facility will also be taking a short break as well. During that time, use the pen and enter Hakyeon’s story. As long as you come back from time to time between the two worlds, we should be fine. After all, I’m the only keeper of this chamber along with Wonshik. So, unless Wonshik here rats us out, we should be fine,” Jaehwan glanced at Wonshik.

Wonshik sighed.

“Do as you please. I give up, it’s not like you guys are going to listen to me even if I tell you not to do it,” he said.

Hongbin nodded.

“But how will I go back and forth between the two worlds?”

“Wonshik here will open up the gates for you. He’s a guardian for a reason. He, himself, has the ability to go back and forth between our facility and the human world almost like a gate keeper. However, he can only bring you back to Moirae’s Edge and not send you there.  So, you must use the pen in order to write your name inside of Hakyeon’s book and enter it that way. One you enter Hakyeon’s book, the story will unfold itself and his fate should continue to write as time goes by. The both of us will also assist you from time to time to make sure everything is going accordingly. Just make sure you don’t reveal the secrets of Moirae’s Edge or the laws of fate to anyone on Earth. Understand?”

“I got it.” Hongbin agreed.

Soon, the three of them waited for the right timing for when the facility was closed for the break. Hongbin told his parents that he would be spending time at a friend’s place and neither of them cared to question. It was more a relief that Hongbin wasn’t trapping himself at home like he did the past twenty or so years.

Wonshik on the other hand was still worried about such a dangerous plan but he agreed to watch and guard them closely. Deep down inside, he was also surprised to see how intrigued Hongbin have become with Hakyeon’s fate. Both him and Jaehwan also wanted to know as well, what makes Cha Hakyeon’s book so special. Could Hongbin be the one the find out and help the universe solve one of the many wonders of the world?

“Jaehwan-hyung couldn’t be here to see you off, but just be careful would you?” Wonshik said as he assisted Hongbin one more time to the chamber.

“I will and um, thanks Wonshik-ah. For letting me go through with this and well, for everything,” Hongbin said earnestly.

“It’s nothing. It’s not like I can change you or Jaehwan-hyung’s mind after all. You’re both too stubborn for you own good you know that?”

“As if you aren’t the same.”

“Heh, I guess you’re right.” Wonshik was defeated.

“I promise I won’t take long. I know how much of a risk we’re taking by entering a fate that we shouldn’t so I don’t want the two of you to be in trouble because of my own curiosity either. Whether or not I find the answer in the end, I’ll come back. I promise,” Hongbin said.

“You know how to contact me if anything happens on the other side right?”

“Mhmm. I just have to write a message somewhere on this page that you gave me right?”

Wonshik gave Hongbin a piece of blank paper before they decided to take off. It was a page ripped from an old book of fate in which one from the human world can make a request to those residing on Moirae’s Edge. The facility used to send their own students down to Earth in order to study fate personally and record any findings on those pieces of paper. It was a tool for communication between the two different worlds.

“Both Jaehwan-hyung and I will be looking over Cha Hakyeon’s book closely so don’t you dare do anything stupid got it?” Wonshik warned.

“I know, I know. You really nag more than my mom you know that?” Hongbin said.

“Just… come back safely okay?” Wonshik said while feeling slightly embarrassed.

“I will.”

Hongbin went to the desk and took out Hakyeon’s book. He opened the box and carefully took out the pen.

He took a deep breath as he held the pen closely onto the first blank page of Hakyeon’s story.

As the pen met the page, Hongbin wrote down the words carefully onto Hakyeon’s book.

Hakyeon got off the bus after having a drink with Minhyuk and Eunji. He decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood in order to walk off the alcohol and sober up a bit as he gazed upon the starry night sky. As he walked, he came accidently came across the old corner building that was left vacant for the past several years. Hakyeon approached the building closer and saw a sign placed at the front of the entrance – SOLD.

The old corner building, a secluded route in which was forgotten by the neighborhood was finally sold to someone. It was going to be a new bookstore, one that was filled with beautiful vintage interiors and hundreds of books gathered around the world. At the very center of the bookstore was a counter and a younger bookstore clerk named Lee Hongbin.

Thus, Hongbin finally encountered Hakyeon in person. He was never supposed to exist in the story but with the help of Jaehwan and Wonshik, he was now a character of a book that did not belong to him.

He was the one to continue the story of the boy named 'Cha Hakyeon'.

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unWritten have finally come to an end, as always, there will be consistent revision of the story whenever I have time. So don't be too surprise if the next time you come back for a re-read, the story might seem a bit different. Just slightly though~


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AikaRikachu #1
after reading this I ship NBin more than others.
AikaRikachu #2
Chapter 50: Author nim......I love youuuu sooo much..
Your stories are amaizing !!!!
your story make me cry, laugh and it make me crazy
Thank you so much for writing an amazing story.....
merilynlin #3
Chapter 49: i wonder if the 6 of them will meet again...
Chapter 52: This story is just so well (un)written, i loved it from the start 'til the end, which is an adorable one.
Thank you for writing this.
Chapter 52: I've been waiting for you to finish the story for over a year and I'm happy I waited. Thank you very much for such stories that captivate from beginning to end. When I want to read a deep story, you are the best author for me! :)
Chapter 2: wow, this is amazing! First chapter and I'm already hooked up! Finally a good story!
Chapter 52: This was so good <3
Chapter 14: Can you believe this is a story that I'm currently hooked on? I don't wanna stop reading
Chapter 2: Yep, this is a great story <3
Chapter 52: Thank you for the wonderful journey with Unwritten)