The Gateway between Reality and Fantasy



"The Gateway between Reality and Fantasy"



It's been a long time since Hongbin have returned to the facility.

Ever since he was exiled from the facility, he didn't go anywhere near it. Not because he was afraid of getting caught or punished but because he was worried about his temptation to steal Hakyeon's book back from Taekwoon. But here he is once again with both InGuk and Hyoshin in order to find this 'gateway' that enables one to access to the other side.

The three of them entered the facility without a problem, especially with Hyoshin at their side. Even the old counselors who saw them coming into the facility turned away instead of stopping them. But there was still a very tense atmosphere all around them. The quiet silence and occasional murmurs around was unsettling. Hongbin couldn't find himself to look up because he found the gazes of others rather uncomfortable. 

"Straighten your back," InGuk patted him on the back. "You've done nothing wrong here. If anyone who should be looking down, it should be those old geezers in the council."

"I know but I..." Hongbin couldn't find the confidence to do anything. Just being in the facility again made him feel like a small being. 

Going through the long corridors was suffocating for Hongbin as the gazes of others weighted him down.

"Why's he back?" someone whispered.

"I thought he got exiled?" another would say.

With both InGuk and Hyoshin walking by his side, it was impossible to not draw some sort of attention and it made him feel really uncomfortable. After a long dreadful walk, they were finally at the Library of Fates. Though it has been a long time since he's been here, Hongbin would never forget how intricate and detailed the library is. The tall ceiling, the billions of books, the endless flight of stairs that went all the way upwards and then, there were three golden statues of the Goddesses which were connected by a golden thread.

Hyoshin closed the door behind him and locked it shut so that no one would disturb them.

"Follow me," he said.

Though both InGuk and Hongbin are the Keepers of this library, neither of them have ever heard about any gateways or device that would allow those on Moirae's Edge to connect with those on Earth. It was the first time for both of them to hear about such things. 

Hyoshin led them to the center of the library where the three statues surrounded them. He revealed a necklace that held a golden key at the end.

"What's that?" InGuk asked.

"The key to the gate," he told him.


As soon as Hyoshin detached the key from the necklace, the entire library started to shake. 

"What the-"

The floor was starting to move and the three statues lit up. A blinding golden light shone from each of the statues and the golden thread detached itself. The circular floor below them descended as if it was an elevator. 

Hongbin held his breath, anxious and scared at the same time. 

"Where are we going?" Hongbin asked nervously.

"You'll see," Hyoshin answered calmly.

They were going further and further downwards and soon, the sight of the library began to disappear. Only a small spec of the library's glass ceiling could be seen as they finally landed at the very bottom of the endless flooring. As soon as they landed, something appeared from below the grounds. The eyes of the statues lightened up and directed their gaze at the center of the flooring. A column table rose from the ground, revealing a keyhole at the center.

"Is this for that?" InGuk pointed at the key that Hyoshin was holding.

Hyoshin nodded.

Ever since the beginning of humanity, the Goddesses wrote human fate on their own. They had no help and only monitored the small population of humans on Earth alone. They were given such a task by the Gods that created humanity and their tasks were simply to keep the universe in balance. The Library of Fates was created so that the order of the universe is balance and kept in order. It was never the Goddesses' intention to manipulate or control anyone's fate. However, in order to maintain the balance of the world, there must be both light and darkness, good and evil. That's why, nothing can ever be perfect.

But humans were getting more and more intelligent, the population grew and human intelligence evolved over time. There were even times when their fates were changed despite the course that the Goddesses wrote for them. The Heavens were in chaos when they felt the threats for the first time, they feared that humans would grow out of control and outsmart them. That's why the Goddesses eventually gave 'birth' to another group of beings and created a different dimension not too close yet not too far from Earth. 

Moirae's Edge. 

The purpose was to monitor humanity and maintain the balance of the universe, not power nor control.

"But that doesn't erase the fact that fate is being rewritten or written in a cruel way," InGuk argued. "It's not fair. Humans aren't puppets."

"I know. But it's all for the balance of the worlds," Hyoshin replied.

Just as some humans are good, some are also bad. They grew more intelligent and much more out of control. They created war and destruction, much more terrifying than those of the Gods. They destroyed the Earth without a care or remorse, they brought destruction as they thirst for power and wealth. They were terrifying on their own and Mother Nature was crying as she saw how much destruction was done to her home. Things were getting out of hand and different from the original fates that the Goddesses had originally intended humanity to be. The Gods had to do something, even if it was perceived as cruel and unfair. 

It was for everyone's sake whether it's the universe or humans. 

"If we didn't control and watch humanity, they would eventually destroy each other and Earth. It's only a matter of time before things get out of control," Hyoshin warns.

"But that's not what I was told. Those in the council are obviously doing all of this for power themselves. How is this any different?" InGuk wasn't convinced.

"Just as humanity had evolved, so did all of us here on Moirae's Edge."

Over the centuries of following humanity's doings and stories, those that facilitated these fates grew more and more curious. In fact, they realized how much more powerful they could be as long as they had the tools to change and rewrite fate.

Hyoshin inserted the key into the pillar and in an instant, a beam of light shot straight up through the ceiling. The ceiling of the library glowed intensely, enough for the entire dimension of Moirae's Edge to be seen. 

"Above humanity is the Heavens and above our facility is fate. That is the gateway that links us to those of humanity," Hyoshin said. 

"A gateway..." Hongbin swallowed hard at the spectacular sight. 

"That ceiling was supposed to have been locked and closed for the longest time. Many centuries ago, the council found this device to open up the skies and link ourselves to humanity. They found a way to physically observe human fate even though the Goddesses tried to hide the gateway for the longest time."

Just as Hongbin and InGuk questioned about the purpose of fate, so did those that first existed on this dimension. They discovered one method after another, allowing them to connect to the human world. But they had no idea how to use those tools - the pen, the notebooks, the blank templates, and so forth. All of it was mystery to them until they discovered the key to open the gates. They were all astonished and rejoiced at the fact that they were able to finally obtain the power and knowledge they have always seeked for. Intrigued and curious, they eventually started to find ways to enter into each story. But as interesting as entering the books were, there was always a consequence. 

That consequence was changing the course of fate, creating an imbalance between the worlds and defying all the laws of Heaven. 

That's when the Goddesses grew worried about the fact that those on Moirae's Edge would interfere with the lives of human fate. They banned the methods from being discovered and only a few could hear their voices or wishes. They were desperate to set things right but as much powers as they were believed to have, they also had no powers at all. All they could was watch as fate kept changing and going astray. 

The Goddesses of fate were an invisible entity that only a selected few would be able to hear their voices and calls of sorrow. They were desperate to set things right but it was the first for all of them to have encountered such unexpected situations and one problem led to another, eventually things were beyond their control. It wasn't as if they didn't want to set things right but it's because it was too complex and difficult to do so.  

"We were afraid," Hyoshin said as empathizing with the Goddesses, "whether it was about us or about any of the humans, if any of the books of fate were to be disturbed or appeared in a strange or unexplainable way, the universe might be in danger for the unknown. Beyond us who are unknown to humanity, there is even things that are more unknown to us. We fear what we can't see and power we can't control. That's why we had to take all precautions, even if it means creating sacrifices. I know very well that sending Taekwoon to Hakyeon wasn't a good idea but there was nothing we could do. We were afraid that the strange disturbance we felt from Hakyeon's fate would interrupt the balance of the worlds. We had to set things right as much as we can to the best of our abilities. It was cruel of us but we had no choice. We fear more of the future more so than we fear the present."

Out of everyone on Earth, it had to be Cha Hakyeon and out of everyone, it happened to be Taekwoon and Hongbin who met Hakyeon. Maybe fate exists even beyond the Goddesses's control?  

"What do you want me to do?" Hongbin asked. 

"Bring Taekwoon back.  He doesn't belong on the other side especially when Cha Hakyeon have already made his decision. Once you bring Taekwoon back, I will be closing the gateway forever. I have already talked with the council about this issue and what our recklessness and greed have caused. They will no longer interfere with us and once you bring back Taekwoon, along with the return of Jaehwan and Wonshik, the gate will be closed for an eternity."

"And Hongbin?" InGuk asked. 

"Your choice. You are free to choose from either returning with everyone else or as originally planned, you will begin a new life as a fate on Earth but you can only choose one path. Whatever your decision is, you will no longer be able to back and forth as you please," Hyoshin warned. 



Hakyeon still remembers clearly about the first time he met Hyuk. 

When Hakyeon was still in high school, he was already accelerating in his studies. Though he was busy with school and trying to get into collegue, he wanted to be able to make a little bit of money on the side to help out his parents prepare for his future college tuitions. That's when he got hired as Hyuk's tutor. Their houses were only a street away from each other and since he was only going to tutor a thirteen year old kid, Hakyeon thought that it would be rather easy. Except Hyuk turned out to be quite a handful.

"Come in," Hyuk's mother welcomed him.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am. My name is Cha Hakyeon but you can just call me Hakyeon," he smiled at the woman.

"My son should be upstairs, let's go," she smiled back at him.

Knock. Knock.

"Hyuk-ah? Your new tutor is here. Open the door," she said.

But no one answered her.

So, she decided to invite herself and Hakyeon instead. However, as soon as she opened the door, a piece of cake flew straight at her.

"Ya! Han Sanghyuk!" She screamed furiously at the top of her tongue. But her son was no where to be found. "He's at it again. He escaped!"

Hakyeon was really taken back by the sudden abush that a thirteen year old child was able to pull. He inspected the small contraption that looked like a catapult with rubber bands attached on the sides to launch the object forward. Hakyeon had to hide his laughter while he saw how mad Hyuk's mother was at her son, who was nowhere to be found.

Unfortunately, he was unable to meet the boy on the first day of his tutor so he was dismissed without even tutoring anything. However, on his way home, he noticed a boy playing by himself on the playground. What caught his eyes wasn't the fact that the child was alone but more so of the fact that the child seems to be making something with the branches around him and some rubber bands.

It can't be... Hakyeon thought as he observed the boy a little longer.

The boy was very smart, he used the sandbox to draw out a plan on what he was making from scratch. It seems like he was building a smaller version of a catapult, the same one at Hyuk's place. 

He must be it, he thought and decided to approach with caution.

"Han Sanghyuk?" Hakyeon called out.

The boy turned around in response to his name and was about to flee from the stranger but Hakyeon grabbed him just in time before he could run away. 

"W-wait, I'm not anyone suspicious. I'm your new tutor, Cha Hakyeon," he smiled at the boy.

Hyuk inspected him from top to bottom with caution. 

"Why are you not ... " he uttered.

"... could it be that the cake was for me?" Hakyeon hit the mark. "Your mom ended up getting hit with the cake because of your contraption earlier. She was really mad."

"Oh no!" Hyuk started to shake in fear.

Just as Hakyeon thought, the surprise attack was meant for him. The boy obviously didn't think that his mom would get hit instead of the new tutor. Now he was afraid of returning home more than ever because who knows what punishment awaits him.

Hakyeon giggled a bit at the child shivering in fear. He couldn't help it. It was kind of adorable. 

"Let's go home, I'll talk to your mom about it. Don't worry," Hakyeon offered his hands to the boy.

Hyuk hesitated for a second but eventually, he held Hakyeon's hands which made him feel a lot more calmer. 

The boy is about five years younger than Hakyeon but very mischievious because he didn't like all of the extracurricular activities or tutoring his parents have prepared for him. He wanted to have fun and go out with friends of his age instead of staying at home. It took Hakyeon a bit of time for Hyuk to listen to him or attend his lessons but eventually, Hyuk learned to follow Hakyeon around. He saw Hakyeon as a role model more than ever and maybe because they didn't have much of an age difference, Hyuk was more relaxed with Hakyeon than his own teachers from school. 

Hakyeon was Hyuk's tutor until the younger entered high school and Hakyeon eventually got too busy preparing for college. But at the same time, Hyuk knew about Hakyeon's relationship with Taekwoon and the fact that Hakyeon ran away from home since his parents couldn't accept their son's ual preferences. Hyuk saw how sad Hakyeon was after his fights with his parents and even Hyuk thought that Hakyeon's parents would be different or more accepting to their son's circumstances especially because they doted on their youngest son a lot. The younger really wanted to comfort Hakyeon just like how the older have always comforted him when he was younger, but he didn't know what to do. What could someone five years younger say to someone much older when he's never even experienced any of those situations in person? His words would have been meaningless.

Hakyeon knew that Hyuk cared a lot about him and saw him as a role model but Hakyeon was too lost, too depressed to care anymore after Taekwoon 'passed away'. He thought he lost everything in the world as his parents had already abandoned him and his love one was gone from the world. He didn't want to go back to Changwon or stay in contact with anyone who knew of him, even Hyuk. So, he tried to cut all ties with people he knew in the past. 

He just never thought that the younger would eventually follow him in his steps and become a teacher as well. 

The older almost felt apologetic because he knew that Hyuk had a bright future ahead of him than just being a teacher. The younger have always been very smart despite his rebellious childhood. However, at the same time, Hakyeon felt proud and happy that even after all this time, there was someone who cared about him. 

So, when he heard that Hyuk was sick and living alone, he felt like he had to do something. 

Ring. Ring. 

The door open and Hyuk came out to see who it was. But to his astonishment, it was Hakyeon.

"H-hyung?" Hyuk panicked. 

"Are you feeling okay? Get inside, you'll catch a cold," Hakyeon said.

"Uh, o-okay," the younger stuttered in worry. "Why are you here?"

"Hmm?" Hakyeon said as he placed some of the groceries on the kitchen counter, "did you eat? You live alone so I was worried that you're not eating properly because of your cold. You don't know how to cook right? You always bring convenient store food for lunch or buy it at the cafeteria. It's not healthy you know that?"

"I know... but I'll be alright. You shouldn't worry about me. I don't want to get you sick as well," Hyuk said.

"I'll be fine. I have a very strong immune system despite how I look. I'm more surprised at how such a big boy like you could get so sick. You still look really pale. Did you check your temperature?" Hakyeon asked as he felt the younger's temperature at the back of his hands. "You're still burning up."

"I'll be fine..." the younger tried to stay strong but even his voice have gotten really coarse.

As Hakyeon went ahead to prepare a meal for the younger, he noticed Hyuk kept looking around.

"What's wrong?" Hakyeon asked.

"H-huh? N-nothing."

"Well, don't stress yourself and sit down. Go back to sleep and I'll wake you up when food is ready okay?"

"I'll be fine. Let me help you," Hyuk offered.

"You sure? Don't overwork yourself."

"I'm fine. I feel bad for making you do all this," the younger said. 

"Aww, thanks Hyogi," the older said and ruffled the taller boy's hair.

"I should be the one saying thanks. I should be the one taking care of you when you needed someone to take care of the most."

"What do you mean?"

"I've always regretted it - not being able to be by your side when you were at your worst times. If only I knew, if only I was more sensitive about the things you've been through, I would have never let you leave my sight," Hyuk suddenly said as he took Hakyeon's hands in his. The younger's temperature was burning even at the palm of his hands. 

"Hyuk-ah..." Hakyeon felt moved by the younger's words. "I'm alright now. So don't worry about it anymore."


Hakyeon knew that Hyuk looked at him more than just an older brother or a role model, but he couldn't accept the younger's feelings. So, he tried to play it dumb and oblivious hoping that the younger would never get hurt. He didn't want to mention it and he was hoping that the younger would never confess either. Rejecting someone takes a lot more courage than accepting someone's love after all. Especially if the one who is confessing to you is someone who is precious and someone you care for. 




After dinner, Hakyeon put Hyuk back into bed. Even though the younger kept trying to put on a strong front and saying that he was fine, it was obvious to Hakyeon that the younger was still very sick. His temperature was very high and Hakyeon couldn't help but worried. 

He cleaned up the dishes and on top of that, he decided to clean around the house as well. The younger was a lot messier than he seems to be. But as he was cleaning up the bathroom, he noticed that there were two toothbrushes next to the sink.

Is he going out with someone? Hakyeon thought.

He should be happy about it for the younger but maybe a bit sad that the younger didn't say anything to him. He thought that Hyuk would tell him the good news if he finally found someone he loved more than Hakyeon.

But the older knew better than to pry into Hyuk's business especially since the younger have always respected his space instead.

After a long cleaning session, Hakyeon grabbed his coat and ready to leave. Just as he did put on his shoes and ready to head out, the front doors open.

He looked up to see who it was that would have access to the younger's apartment and to his surprise, it was a familiar face.

But rather than rejoice or happiness, Hakyeon felt fear as if he was looking at his past. As if, he was looking at someone who should've died already.

"T-taek..." Hakyeon couldn't find the words to come out.

"Why are you here?" Taekwoon said in surprise. 

The two have met once more. Except in the worst possible situations to meet. After all, Taekwoon should have died many years ago and Hakyeon should have moved on from his past. But now, they meet once more at the most unexpected place to meet.

Why is here? Why is he here in Hyogi's place? the hundreds of questions popped in his head as he tried to digest whether he was dreaming or if it was reality. 



A/N: Just as everyone had feared, this day had to come where Taekwoon and Hakyeon meets once more. 

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unWritten have finally come to an end, as always, there will be consistent revision of the story whenever I have time. So don't be too surprise if the next time you come back for a re-read, the story might seem a bit different. Just slightly though~


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AikaRikachu #1
after reading this I ship NBin more than others.
AikaRikachu #2
Chapter 50: Author nim......I love youuuu sooo much..
Your stories are amaizing !!!!
your story make me cry, laugh and it make me crazy
Thank you so much for writing an amazing story.....
merilynlin #3
Chapter 49: i wonder if the 6 of them will meet again...
Chapter 52: This story is just so well (un)written, i loved it from the start 'til the end, which is an adorable one.
Thank you for writing this.
Chapter 52: I've been waiting for you to finish the story for over a year and I'm happy I waited. Thank you very much for such stories that captivate from beginning to end. When I want to read a deep story, you are the best author for me! :)
Chapter 2: wow, this is amazing! First chapter and I'm already hooked up! Finally a good story!
Chapter 52: This was so good <3
Chapter 14: Can you believe this is a story that I'm currently hooked on? I don't wanna stop reading
Chapter 2: Yep, this is a great story <3
Chapter 52: Thank you for the wonderful journey with Unwritten)