
Only Look at Me
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The moment she steps a foot in Seoul High, Dahyun knows that it's gonna be another tough year for her. She has to endure the judging stares of some students, how they talk and laugh behind her back, and of course, the worst of all the worst, to face her ex-best friend's endless bullying.

Who would have thought that Dahyun and the most popular guy in Seoul High used to be best of friends.

Dahyun can't help but scowl whenever she thinks about him. Even his names irritates the hell out of her but she has no choice but to hear every single thing about him in this school.

Kunpimook Bhuwakul aka Bambam.

Yup, that's his name.

And she gave him that nickname. Because she thought he has a bubbly personality.

Well, bubbly my . Yes, he is indeed bubbly. An annoying bubbly, to be exact.

Back then, she sees Bambam as the cutest human being alive. But now, she wished he was dead so she could live in peace.

The reason why he changed? Dahyun don't have any idea. She used to care every single thing about him. But now, she doesn't care. Not at all.

That's why she confidently walks her way inside the school facility and heads straight to her locker.

As usual, the students are looking at her again like she's some sort of abnormal human being.

She ignores and walks past through them. What's the point of dealing with them? She's alone and there's a bunch of them. And besides, if Bambam and his group of bully friends knew that she fought back, they will surely make fun of her again, making her look weak and a loser.

Dahyun hurriedly places the things she doesn't need insider locker. She doesn't want Bambam and his crew to catch her here, knowing that his locker is just opposite of hers. How unlucky.

Too bad, luck is not on her side for the nth time. Her Math textbook is stuck inside her bag, making it hard for her to get it.

"Oh come on." She huffed and pulled the very thick and big text book out of her bag, but it's too hard for her.

A loud bang was heard. Making her jump on her spot. Her eyes widened in fear when she saw that familiar hand that loudly closed her locker.

"Oh ." She said to herself. She tightly grips her bag, as if it will give her support to face this new bullying experience.

"What a morning. It's your face that I saw first."

She can't help but cringe when she heard his voice. She used to love it, but now she despised every single thing about Bambam.

She nervously gulps. Should she turn her head and look at him? What if he throws a prank at her? What if there's a surprise humiliation that will happen to her again?


She flinched when she felt his hot breath on the side of her face. Why is he being close to her?

Dahyun tries to move away a little bit but Bambam trapped her with his arms.

"Look at me."

Dahyun tries so hard not to show any signs of nervousness when he's around. But when he's being this close to her, she can't help but become as soft as a jelly.

To make it more understandable, Bambam is Dahyun's first love.

Yes, "is." Because until now she's still madly in love with her ex-best friend even though people make fun of her because of him, even though he's humiliating her, even though he's verbally hurting her, even though he's bullying her. She still likes him.

And that's what makes her hate herself more.

Not getting any response, Bambam harshly made her turn to look at him. He looks at her eyes intently.

For the students looking at them, it looks like he's trying to kill her with his stare. But for Bambam, it has a different meaning.

Every single thing that he do to Dahyun, means something that nobody knows.

He cupped her face. "What took you so long to look at me? You really like being forced to do something, huh?" He smirked when he felt her body tensed.

Again, he won.

Dahyun clenched her fist. The desire to punch his face was so strong but she knows that she'll get in big trouble if she do that. And besides, he's Bambam. The school's most popular student. Everyone likes him. Everyone admires him. Everyone will side on him.

"Hey, Bambam! Let's go!" One of Bambam's friend, Yugyeom, called out.

Bambam leans back and grabs Dahyun's bag.

"Hey!" Dahyun tries to get her bag back but Bambam held it high. "Give that back!"

"Shut up, shorty."

What he did next makes Dahyun's blood boil.

Bambam ripped her bag. Then he smiles proudly when he gives her Math textbook to her. "So easy, right?"

"My bag..."

"It's a piece of trash." He then throws her bag on the floor. "Just buy another one."

Dahyun is now fuming in anger. She bit her lip to stop herself from yelling.

He leans down and whispers something on her ear that makes her shiver. "Only look at me, Kim Dahyun. Only me." Then he walks off with a smirk plastered on his face, followed by Yugyeom.

"You know, there's still another way to get that book out of her bag." Yugyeom said as they make their way to their classroom. "You don't have to break it just to make an excuse to buy her a new one."

"Nah. I think my idea is better. I should give extra credit to that Math book or else I won't be able to give my gift to her."

Loud screams can be heard as they walk through the hallways. Bamba

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Chapter 6: Uuuu cheesy bammie xD i just kennot !
TwiceO_O #2
Chapter 6: Im really enjoying your story
Chapter 5: Omg finally an update huwaaa T.T and damn bammie go get it ! fight for precious dubu
Jaybug92305 #4
Chapter 5: I love this story Keep it up
knockknockonmydoor #5
Chapter 5: cuteee
Jaybug92305 #6
Chapter 4: please update soon
rey3qq #7
Chapter 4: Cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 4: But why tho ? Why does Bammie want to please Jino ? Duhhhh '-,-
Chapter 3: Awww take that Bammieee ! It's bcoz u r a coward xD LMAO
Chapter 3: Bambam, you fool!