Chapter One

The Life of the Painfully Oblivious

The first time it happens, is on a sunny day. It's what they would find out to be the last day of summer warmth and Yongguk is peacefully napping at his desk. The sun shines directly on his eyes, but while it would irritate most, it just made him sleepier. Napping in the sun is one of his favorite pastimes. So when someone yelled loudly, jolting him awake, his face held a grumpy expression. He looks around for the source of the yelling and finds the hoodie-guy surrounded by some tough looking guys. They were almost all from his class, but Yongguk hadn't bothered learning their names. Hoodie-guy was a special case of having earned a nickname. But that was because Yongguk had never seen him without a hoodie, hood up and everything.

The guys surrounding hoodie-guy looked tensed up and one of them were muttering something that sounded like threats. In his just awaken state, Yongguk couldn't hear what though. Hoodie-guy looked relaxed, no tenseness in his shoulders. The guys crowded in on hoodie-guy slowly, still saying something, that he was slowly getting as he woke up properly.

It was all very cliché. 'Stay out of our way', 'be careful and we won't hurt you' and so on and so forth. They had hoodie-guy completely surrounded and no way to escape. Yet he just raised an eyebrow and said nothing. The bell rang, the boys backed off, the rest of the class came back and the teacher entered. Turning to the front again, Yongguk sighs. He missed part of his nap because of someone yelling.


The second time it happens, Yongguk is once again awoken from a nice nap across his desk. It's not in the warm summer sun, but the dim fall sun, which isn't as nice but nice nonetheless. It's almost a repeat from the first time, except Yongguk didn't sleep very well last night, so he doesn't catch the meaning of any of the words said. Might as well be the same, seeing as the guys surrounding hoodie-guy don't look very creative.

The bell rings, the boys back off, his classmates return and the teacher arrives. Yongguk turns back to the board and pays attention for a whole five minutes, before settling his head in his arms and falls asleep.


The third time it happens, it's early morning. Yongguk is sleepy as he is not a morning person. The reason for him not being a morning person is because he doesn't go to sleep before very late, so it's actually his own fault. He is pushed by the crowd into some guy who he recognizes from his class and promptly drops his wake up book and favorite notebook on the floor.

The guy looks angry, while Yongguk mutters an apology and bends down to collect his things before anyone steps on them. Looking up for a moment, he finds the boy seething and pulling back his hand as if he was going to punch him. Before his true intentions are revealed though, hoodie-guy bumps into him, sending him a few steps backwards. The guy looks thoroughly pissed now. Yongguk gets his fingers on his notebook and stands up. He doesn't know if he should do something or just leave.

In the end he ends up leaving, seeing as the boy he bumped into was busy with hoodie-guy, who just stood there looking bored.


Same day, after gym class, he finds his clothes bundled up in his locker and not how he left them. He also finds a small note saying 'sorry about the mess' on top of his clothes. It's all very weird, because who would bundle his clothes up in a ball and then say sorry about it? Looking around, he finds no one, because everyone has already left and he was the only one the teacher had assigned to help put the equipment back in its place.

He wonders about the incident for the rest of the day. Wondering about who would do something like that and then apologize? Was someone out to weird him out? Because it worked. He didn't sleep at all for the rest of the day. He also didn't pay attention in class, but that wasn't new, even though he tried.


Next day the guy he had bumped into was sporting a black eye and kept muttering 'I'll get him'. Yongguk concluded very quickly that the boy had been in a fight and probably lost. So he concentrated on the teacher's words and wrote down notes.

The fourth time it happens, Yongguk is awakened by someone walking into his desk. Though when he has opened his eyes and assessed the situation properly, he reevaluates what happened. The guys that are always surrounding hoodie-guy have surrounded him once again. But this time around Yongguk''s desk. The close proximity of hoodie-guy probably means that he was pushed and he wonders if hoodie-guy is being bullied.

Yet it doesn't seem like it, because hoodie-guy is calm and isn't tense at all. The boys surrounding him and Yongguk are tense however, their expressions angry. Yongguk can't help but tense a little up, despite their glares not directed at him. The string of insults and curses are also not directed at him.

“You can't protect him forever!” the biggest guy of the bunch sneered and Yongguk got confused. He had been pondering whether it really was bullying, but hoodie-guy was taking it like it was nothing.

When hoodie-guy said nothing in return, didn't even flinch, the boys went away. Hoodie-guy turned around and looked at Yongguk and he saw the others face properly for the first time. There wasn't a big revelation, just him seeing his classmates face properly for the first time. He noted everything about the boy's face that remained passive and seemed to study him in return. The guy had a handsome face. After the shortest and longest five seconds of his life, hoodie-guy turned away and went back to his seat.

Yongguk put his head in his arms and went back to sleep, wondering if hoodie-guy was being bullied and whether or not he should report it.


A couple of days later, Yongguk falls asleep in the last class. He had miraculously stayed awake all day, but now he was exhausted, so he turned to sleep. The only reason he woke up was because of someone poking his arms. Slowly he raised himself from his slumber to find hoodie-guy sitting in front of him. Yongguk blinked a couple of times, to see if it was real.

It was.

Hoodie-guy was staring at him with a weird look in his eyes. Before Yongguk could say anything though, hoodie-guy was out of the seat and out of the empty classroom with a bag slung over his shoulder. It was odd, really. He didn't expect anyone to wake him, seeing as he had no friends in school. Yet hoodie-guy did. Did this mean something?

Yongguk brushed off the thought. He was over analyzing. Maybe hoodie-guy was simply a nice person. The world wasn't void of them, just because Yongguk didn't have any friends in school. Though that was because it didn't interest him. He had enough in the friends he had online from different fansites. They liked to discuss different works of art, books and music. From his experience, the usual high schooler didn't interest themselves in such stuff. So he didn't bother with it.

When he came home and wanted to take out his homework, he found it not as he had left it. The order was totally different. Pulling out everything, he found a small post-it note. 'Sorry about the mess' it said, in the same handwriting as the one from the gym. Yongguk found himself wondering why someone would take all his stuff and rearrange it, before leaving a note saying sorry.

Was someone looking for something? Was that why someone had messed up his clothes as well? But if they were, why didn't they just ask him? Though no one talked to him, he didn't have one of those scary reputations at school. Did he? No. People didn't go around him in the hallways, like they were scared of him. They went right at him and bumped into him with no apologies on their tongues.

For a moment he wondered if hoodie-guy was the one. But he pushed it aside again. What would someone whom he had never spoken to, want with him? It might be someone else, it might be something else entirely. Who knew? It wasn't something to worry about.


Next week was a horrible week. To his great disappointment, his online friends were busy and barely had time to chat. Though as the great friends they were, they told him to just message them if it was something important. But this wasn't the first time this had happened, so besides being slightly gloomy, nothing was wrong.

What made it horrible was the things that happened in school. Someone had dumped the contents of his bag all over the floor while he was asleep. It was somehow embarrassing and angering at the same time. He could feel an uncomfortable feeling in his chest as he picked up his stuff, while his classmates snickered. At the same time, he wanted hunt whoever it was down and give them a piece of his mind. But seeing as he didn't know who it was, he didn't know where to start.

Then when they had gym, the teacher asked him to stay so they could talk about his lack of participation. After the uncomfortable conversation was over, Yongguk found his clothes soaking wet in the showers. Going back to the gym teacher, he explained his situation and was allowed to use the dryer the kitchens used to dry tablecloths. In the meanwhile, he took a nap, lulled to sleep by the rumble of the old dryer.

It wasn't a bad nap, but he kept being plagued by who would do something like that and why him suddenly. He wondered if seeing as hoodie-guy had been gone for the week, the guys from his class with their matching jackets had switched to him. It was an odd thought though. Why would they have something against him? He had never done anything to anyone.

On Friday there was a surge of relief though. Last day of school in this horrible week. As he passed the jackets, as he had now named them because of the matching jackets, they ripped his notebook out of his hands, making it the worst day of the week.

“What do we have here? Is it your diary?” the biggest of them all asked as the others chuckled. Yongguk frowned at them. The way they behaved was very out of line. He held out his hand, motioning for the guy to give it back. Instead of giving it back, they laughed and the guy opened it on a random page.

“Dear diary!” the guy yelled loudly and people started stopping and looking with interest. Yongguk frowned further, seeing as there was no such line in his notebook. “I am heartbroken! Himchan has left me! He realized what a pathetic human being I am!” the guy kept going. A part of Yongguk wondered who this Himchan was, while the other part was slowly becoming angry.

“Give it back,” he ordered the guy, inwardly shredding him to pieces.

“No,” the guy smirked. “What are ya gonna do about it?”

Yongguk frowned further while considering his next move. He could punch the guy, but the other jackets were there as well, outnumbering him. He could also go get a teacher, but who knew what they would do with his notebook while he wasn't looking. The third option would be to be threatening and take it back. It probably wouldn't work with how the jackets were thrilled about the situation.

Raising himself to his full height, he glared at the jacket. “Give. It. Back,” he told him with his deepest most threatening voice. There was a flicker of something in the jacket's eyes and Yongguk took that as his opportunity to snatch his notebook. With it safely back in his hands, he glared once more and stomped down the hallway.

“We'll get you, you little !” one of the jackets yelled at him, but Yongguk took no mind. He had his favorite notebook back. What they had against him, bothered him throughout the weekend though.


The next week hoodie-guy was back and things returned to normal. Yongguk was left alone, but those strange things still happened, where someone messed up his things and apologized after. Hoodie-guy seemed to get bullied more and more often by the jackets. Why he hadn't gone to the teachers yet, surprised Yongguk, along with the way hoodie-guy seemed to take it all. He never showed any sign of discomfort or anything other than boredom.

He still didn't know if it was bullying. He had never experienced someone getting bullied. According to his friends, that was because he slept through most of the day and didn't pay attention to his surroundings. So he decided he would take contact to hoodie-guy in order to ask. If the guy was being bullied, then he needed help. That was what his friends had told him.

Opportunity knocked on the door one Thursday afternoon where he had fallen asleep in his last class once more. When he woke up by someone poking him, he found hoodie-guy in front of him as he had before. Yongguk fought himself out of sleep, as he could remember that he had to ask the other something, though he couldn't remember what.

It wasn't until hoodie-guy had stood up and was on his way out that he remembered what it was.

“Hey wait,” he called for the guy, who stopped up and turned around, looking at him like he had grown extra head. “Uhm, can I ask you something?”

Hoodie-guy raised an eyebrow, but nodded after a few seconds.

“Are you being bullied?” Yongguk asked.

Hoodie-guy's eyebrow disappeared under his black fringe. Then he started laughing, like Yongguk had just told a funny joke. It was a kind of hoarse laugh. Like it was coming from the stomach and his throat hadn't been used in a while.

“What?” Yongguk asked confused, while hoodie-guy seemed to try to pull himself together.

“You're cute,” hoodie-guy told him in a deep voice that Yongguk recognized from class, but had never bothered checking out who it belonged to. With that hoodie-guy turned around and left Yongguk wondering why the hell he was cute now. He had literally only asked if the other was being bullied out of concern and then the other laughs and calls him cute. Was Yongguk even cute? He hadn't heard his mother call him cute since he was a kid. Now she just called him handsome.

He needed professional help with this. With that in mind, he decided he should call and talk to his closest friends this evening. They would help him figure this mess out.



So there's the first chapter ^^

I'll update the next at the latest in a week. And I've actually finished the next chapter, so it is possible.

I might update before then though, because I'm impatient... (:

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 17: OMFGBEJXVSKQ!!!! so I don't like to write a long comment but I'm so sad that the story is already over ..... I took a long time to read to be sure to understand and ing I loved as I love life! the guy has a hood and the guy who sleeps a lot is really really exciting !!!! I don't have words it's damn wonderful! BANGHIM POWAAAA and dsvfifhsl hyosung is cute and funny until the end XD love this story very much♡♡♡♡ thank u.
Chapter 12: agree chan is perfect!
Chapter 11: the parents of himchan are annoying ......... but oh my god! the way yg looks at hc and this feeling for his friend... it is the love assured! lol
Chapter 9: Hyosung is cute here haha love it
Chapter 7: poor yongguk ..... himchan too starts to say this mysterious thing about him! I think I have a little idea but I don't want to think more .... I will wait and read the next chapters calmly! very nice job!
Chapter 6: awwwwww this is loooveeee ~~~~
Chapter 5: hahahaha daejae in action ...... yongguk is so confused and this story remains unclear! I want to read more!
Chapter 4: loooollll daejae at the end I CAN'T XD
Chapter 1: to begin, thank you very much for this first chapter! he is long and very captivating! a fiction as I love them! I can't wait to read the rest of the chapters! ♡♡♡♡♡ BANGHIM LOVER