They Never Know


Gaeul and Suho met when there was no space for each other in their lives. There reason why they wanted to give it a try was because both of them were experts in making everything always more complicated then it already was. When they decided to break up their relationship, things were going just fine until Gaeul drunk posted how much she missed Suho on her social media account. 




A few words before we start:

Hi, my name is Bárbara, or as my little niece and nephew call me, Bada :) Welcome <3 

I started writing this story to express how much I love Suho, his work, his voice and the amazing artist he is. I hope everyone and all Exo-L keep showing him and Exo support and love. 

Now, about the fanfiction itself: when the foreword was published, there was not much figured out. It was just there and that was it. But from now on, things will be a little bit more elaborate so you can enjoy a better reading. Please feel free to comment and tell me how you like it. 




cover by Hudson Justino 



Hello world, we need to talk. 

Yes, I do miss Suho oppa. A lot. There aren't possibly enough words in human known vocabulary that could describe how much I miss him. Yes, you read it right: I miss him.

Are you happy now? Because I'm not. 

Still, I mean it as I say it that it was all for the best. We are no longer together and someday we will look back and be happy about our choise. 

Until then, let's just stop with the innapropriate questions about him, ok? I just don't want to answer them. As one of my favourite book caracthers once said, the only person I want to talk about Suho is Suho. And since that's definetly not going to happen, PLEASE, let's stop. Just stop. 

I will no longer talk about him because it hurts. I will no longer talk about him, because, please, how do you expect me to get over this by asking me about him every single day? 

Please, I never asked you anything. 


Gaeul Min


She pressed the 'send button' and then leaned over so she could throw up all the cheap wine she'd been drinking. That has been going on since she got home from that horrible interview that was actually supposed to be about her new book, but just ended up being about her ex-boyfriend. Gaeul out for the rest of the night and only woke up the next day, confused, hungover and disgusted by the smell the vomit caused inside the aparment. Before she could remember her name, her phone rang and the ring tone felt so loud, she was sure her head would burst. 


"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?", a familiar voice screamed on the other side of the line and Gaeul held her phone far away from her ear. "What is going on, unnie?", she asked her sister. 

"If you tell me you had more then that bottle of wine I left at your place, I may be able to understand".

Gaeul looked around, still confused. "Yes, probably. Way more then just one bottle", she finally answered. 

"Well then, that explains why you posted a letter on your social media about how much you miss your k-idol ex-boyfriend" 

"I DID WHAT?", Gaeul yelled, but the scream echoed in her head and hurt so much that she felt to the ground again. 



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Chapter 1: An kidol ex boyfriend? Hmm. This is quite interesting!