Letters for Mrs Jung

Eotteokhae?! I fell in love with an idol!

Charlene's POV:

It's been more than a MONTH since I've seen those SHINee boys! Where the heck are they?! What are they doing? Are they planning to shoo me away or what?! I then felt someone tapping my back. I turned my head and saw Rochelle smiling at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing..." I told her and sighed.

"Cheer up Charlene! Tomorrow is your 19th birthday! Don't mess it up yourself up because of depressions~" she told me and pouted. I smiled and pinched her cheeks.

"You know I hate this!" she exclaimed. I laughed and she started to haunt me. I ran into Yoogeun's parents' room and locked it. I sat down on the bed and found a folded piece of paper. I then took it and started to read it.

Dear Mrs Jung,

or better say noona :)
I've sent you the tickets for our concert because I want you to take Charlene and Rochelle along. I hope you can do it. Anyways, how's Yoogeun? Does he miss me already??

Yours sincerely,
Kibum :D

Seriously, why did I even started with it?? It's just a letter from Key. I laid down on the bed and sighed. I pressed the letter on my chest and closed my eyes.


Rochelle's POV:

Mrs Jung came into the apartment with Yoogeun.

"Mrs Jung!" I yelled and ran towards her like a little kid, who lost something.

"What is it?" she asked me and smiled.

"Charlene pinched my cheek and I want to take revenge!" I told her with a fist. Mrs Jung chuckled.

"Where is she now?" she asked me and I pointed at their bedroom. She took a key from her pocket out and unlocked the room. I thanked her and began to yell.

"HOW DARE YOU P-" I saw Charlene sleeping on the bed while holding something. I went towards her and took that something. It was a letter. I read it. Okay, Key?

I then saw another piece of paper in the frame of a picture. I couldn't hold my curiosity, so I took the frame. To my surprise was it a picture of Taemin and Charlene. He was hugging her and they both laughed. I wonder from where Mrs Jung got this. I then took the piece of paper and read it.

Dear Mrs Jung,

please take good care of Charlene. I hope she's doing fine. I never really cared for someone like this before, except for Yoogeun, but...that's another story...
Anyways, as thank you, take the picture. It's usually the only picture I have from us, but since you're taking care, keep it.

Yours, Taemin

My eyes widened. Taemin wrote to her?! When was this?! I looked at the top and found the date. October 11, 2015...But why is he writing a few weeks after they disappeared from Charlene's sight prepared for the concert? Mrs Jung came into the room and sat down beside me.

"You found it~," she said and looked at the picture with a smile.

"Taemin sent this to you?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah, I don't even know why he's giving me one of his most precious things..." Mrs Jung told me and I responded with "Oh~". She then told me to go sleeping beside Charlene. I obeyed and took our blankets and pillows from the other room.

"Sleep tight sweetie~," she said and I held my thumb up while lying. I then fell asleep after a few minutes.

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