Part 4

My Everything

Now I’ve realized it
To me who is always lacking
You are special
You who always leaned against, longing
Come be in my embrace


Eric runs through the white corridors as if there was no tomorrow, he could feel his sweat dripping down his neck, and his heart palpitating like mad.

Surely nothing bad has happened?

Nothing serious, just a bump or or…

He turns into the next corridor and stops at the sight of Shi Yeon sitting on the hospital bench outside the door of room 1622. He stops running and approaches her. She had this expression of tiredness in her face, and when she heard his footsteps, she looks up smiling. Eric nods towards her and sits beside her.

“What happened?” Eric said his voice thoroughly worried.

Shi Yeon sighs, “She had her moments again. I don’t know what happened exactly, just when I was visiting her today, I found her at the living room fighting so hard to breathe and I rushed her to the hospital immediately.” Shi Yeon leans her head on Eric’s shoulders.

Eric looks at her and breathes in heavily, “Thank you, for rushing her here. I owe you one.” Eric said standing up slowly, Shi Yeon’s head slides from his shoulders as she looks up at him disappointed.

“You don’t owe me anything Eric, she’s going to be my mom soon too.” Shi Yeon said standing up from the bench smiling up at him.

Eric sighs, “I’ll go see her now, is she awake?”

Shi Yeon looks at him disappointed again, but she lets go of it and smiles again, “Yes she’s awake now, just talking to the doctor. You can go in I think.” She said looking at the transparent part of the door.

Sure enough the doctors comes out and bows at both of them, Eric bows back while Shi Yeon beams at the doctor and mouths, “Thank You”. Eric ignores her and goes inside the room. Mrs. Mun looks at him and smiles, she spreads her arms wide and Eric embraces her.

“How are you feeling?” Eric said sitting at the chair near the bed. Shi Yeon enters and sits beside him after kissing his mom.

Mrs. Mun looks at Shi Yeon proudly, “I’m a whole lot better thanks to my daughter in law. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think I’d be alive right now.” She said as she reaches out for Shi Yeon’s hand and squeezes it.

Eric nods and smiles at Shi Yeon sincerely, “Yes, I thanked her already for it. Again, Shi Yeon, thank you for bringing my mom to the hospital.”

Shi Yeon looks at him and still holding Mrs. Mun’s hand, “It’s alright Eric. We should help each other from now on right? And you don’t owe me anything really.” She said looking back at Eric’s mom and smiling widely.

Mrs. Mun smiles wide, “See, she’s the right girl for you Eric. And don’t be so formal towards her, you’ve been together for months now, haven’t you gotten used to being less formal to her now?” She said looking at Eric with a disproving look on her face.

Eric sighs, “Shi Yeon can you go out for a while? I want to talk to mom alone.” Eric said looking at Shi Yeon seriously.

Shi Yeon’s face registers disappointment yet again but she nods and let go of Mrs. Mun’s hand. She stands up, bows and leaves the room. A few minutes of silence envelops the room while Eric debates with himself if he should say anything about Meg; Mrs. Mun looks at her son curiously, trying hard to decipher his thoughts. Her son has always been difficult for her to understand, even now that he’s become older and more mature.

Eric breathes in and tries to look at his mom straight, “Mom I can’t do it.”

Mrs. Mun looks at him seriously, “Can’t do what?”

“Marry Shi Yeon.” Eric said biting his lower lip.

Mrs. Mun looks at him silently and then sighs, “Eric we’ve been through this for so many times. The answer is still no.”

Eric tries hard to hold his resolution, “Mom you know I don’t love her. You know it. From the very start I’ve told you that I can only try, and and…” Eric’s voice trails off as he looks down and sighs again, “I can’t love her mom. Sure she’s a great woman and I admire her for that but we’re just…too…different Mom.” Eric looks up at his mother, he looks as if he was fighting a very hard battle inside, “I can’t do it mom, please just-”

Mrs. Mun cuts him off, “The answer is no.”

Eric closes his eyes and stands up, “It seems to me that through all this years you still fail to understand me mom. This can’t go on, I am suffering and yet you seem to fail to notice it. Please just set me free.” He said looking at his mother straight, his face sad.

Mrs. Mun looks at his son a bit shock from what he said, she opens but nothing comes out of them.

“I’m going out, I hope you’ll think this over mom, I’m tired, I’m really tired of all this. I want to love freely, I want…I just want to be free mom.” Eric said raising his hands and then dropping them. He looks out at the window; the weather was brilliant, and the sun was shining merrily as if mocking him. He turns around and walks towards the door.

“She’s here isn’t she?” Mrs. Mun’s voice sounded from behind Eric.

Eric turns around, “Who is?”

Mrs. Mun’s face registers realization, “Your sunshine girl.”

Eric bites his lower lip and sighs, “Does it matter?” He turns around again and doesn’t wait for his mother’s answer. He goes out and sees Shi Yeon looking up at him smiling, he ignores her and walks out of the corridor and then out of the hospital.

Mrs. Mun is left with her thoughts, her son’s voice echoing in her ears, “Does it matter?”, his voice was full of remorse like it was 7 years ago.

She didn’t like hearing it before, her heart was crushed at the sight of his son crying himself to sleep for a month, and then moving on, but sometimes she sees him crying by himself at the rooftop, looking up at the moon as if it gave him answers…

Hearing it again now, she felt her heart constrict not because of her sickness, but more so, because she felt that Eric’s feelings have deepened instead of faded. And she can’t bear to see her son like that. But what is good for him? Isn’t Shi Yeon better for him? Isn’t she?

Mrs. Mun asks herself this over and over as Shi Yeon enters and sits by one corner lost in her thoughts as well.

“Please just set me free.”

Mrs. Mun sighs and looks out of the window, her eyes bleary from the light and the emotions filling her up. She remembers the way his son tried to move on years ago. It wasn’t a pretty sight, he fought so hard.

“Eric honey, are you alright?” Mrs. Mun said looking at Eric by the window of their house. He’s been sitting there for hours now, looking up at the cloudless sky, rain was pouring badly, and lightning lashing through the heavens.

Eric looks at her his face blank. Then tears fall down his face.

“Eric?” Mrs. Mun said worriedly.

“There’s no sun.” Eric said looking at the windows again.

Mrs. Mun looked at his son as if he’s gone nuts. Surely he’s not crying only because of that?!

“I can’t let go of her mom…” Eric said suddenly, still looking out of the windows.

Mrs. Mun looks at him startled. Her? Surely not Meg?

“Who?” Mrs. Mun said seriously.

“My sunshine girl.” Eric said looking at her seriously.

“Meg?” Mrs. Mun said sternly.

Eric nodded, “I try hard every day…it’s been months…but I can’t.”

Mrs. Mun sighs, “Just let go of her Eric. You’re not meant to be.”

Eric bites his lower lip and nods, “I will try…” He looks back at the windows, his tears falling down his cheeks.

Mrs. Mun had never seen his son so weak, and she wanted to fight the feeling of just setting him free. It’s been months since they left the islands of Boracay, but his son hasn’t stopped saying her name over and over again. He has gone mad. She even wanted to get Eric a psychiatrist, but she stopped herself. He will forget her, eventually he would.

But he never did.


The crowed somewhere in the distance. Eric opened his eyes and looked at the skies, the sun’s almost up. He moved a bit and saw that Meg’s sleeping on his arms. His eyes turn as huge as saucers at the realization.

Both of them slept together on the hammock by the seashore.

Oh no.

He pats Meg’s shoulders; Meg slowly opened her eyes and blinked. Then she looked around wildly and stared at Eric. She sat down and fell off the hammock.

Eric got down and helped her up.

“Eric we’re dead!” Meg said trying hard to stand still; her legs were still weak because of the sleep.

Eric nodded in agreement, “I didn’t know we slept on the damn hammock last night! I’m so sorry Meg.” Eric said holding Meg up.

Meg shakes her head, “I know! I didn’t realize too, I was too sleepy and tired!” She said as she held on to Eric’s arms, “I think we ought to go!” She said as she drags Eric away from the place.

There weren’t much people out yet, as the sun hasn’t shone and most of the people up were the ones building sandcastles. Eric and Meg made their way towards their hotels, only to find out that their parents were walking towards them already.

Meg and Eric stops on their tracks not knowing what to do.

Meg’s father and mother ran to Meg’s side immediately, throwing Eric a look of deep disgust, “Where have you been?!” Meg’s dad said his voice a bit loud and scary.

Meg looked at her dad a bit scared, “I…I didn’t notice that I slept on the hammock Pa.” Meg said seriously.

“You slept with him?!” Meg’s mom said looking at Eric angrily.

Meg shook her head but she couldn’t say anything. Eric looked at both Meg’s parents and his own who was walking towards them, his mom on the lead, his dad looking at him seriously.

“What are you doing with her again?” Eric’s mom said when she reached his side. She looked at Meg as if disgusted and dragged Eric to one corner, “I told you not to go out with her ever again! What were you thinking Eric?!” Mrs. Mun ranted at Eric while holding his shirt up, his Dad just looked at him, his face indescribable.

“You are not allowed to go out without us starting today do you understand that, Meg?” Meg’s dad said looking at Meg seriously, Meg looked at her dad as if he had gone nuts, “You are most of all not allowed to go near him ever again, understand?” Meg’s dad said a bit loudly this time. Meg blinked.

“But Pa…we’re not doing anything wrong…” Meg said looking at his dad and then Eric helplessly.

“Not doing anything wrong? What do you call sleeping together, right? You’re so young to be doing this Meg! You said you were just going out to buy something and then here I am to find out that you were with him all along! Meg it is WRONG to lie!” Meg’s dad said his voice louder now, Meg’s mom just nodded at one corner; she couldn’t find the voice to speak.

“But Pa…” Meg started, she was about to cry now.

“No buts Meg. You will NEVER see him again okay? We will not talk about this anymore!” Meg’s mom said dragging Meg out of the place.

Meg’s dad stays and looks at Eric seriously, “You will not approach my daughter ever again do you understand? She’s still too young to be going out! I trust that you did not do anything to her young man. This is the last time I will see you around her again.” He then turns to leave. Meg looks back at Eric helplessly; Eric looks as helplessly back.

“You see? What have I told you? You are not meant to be okay? You stop seeing her from now on. I am not going to discuss this ever again Eric, I have told you so many times, you never listen.” Mrs. Mun said trying to keep her voice low, as people pass them by.

“Mom I love her!” Eric said shouting, several people looked at them.

Meg’s mom and dad stopped in their tracks, Meg looks at Eric, tears falling from her eyes.

“You do not know love Eric, you’re still too young.” Mrs. Mun said seriously, Eric looked at him his tears falling down his cheeks.

“No mom, YOU don’t.” Eric said shaking his head.

Mrs. Mun slapped his son, “You answer to me just because of that girl?!” Her eyes piercing, her voice quivering.

Eric stared at her, he didn’t want to respond to this, they will never understand. Mrs. Mun shook her head and dragged his son away from the place, not wanting to hear his reply.

“You will never see her again Eric. You never will.” Mrs. Mun muttered as they walk back to their hotel, Eric looked at her shaking his head.

Mr. Mun looked at his son weakly, he sympathized with him, but he can’t do anything.

“You will not go out of your room unless I tell you to, do you understand?!” Mrs. Mun said shaking in anger as she pushes Eric to their hotel room. Eric looks at her biting his lower lip, tears still drenching his face.

“Do you understand?!” Mrs. Mun said again, her voice loud, echoing in the whole room.

Eric looked down and nodded, “I understand…mom.”

Mrs. Mun looked at his son her face pleased with what she heard; she then looked at his husband who was looking at her with disappointment on his face.

She couldn’t care less.

Eric was still too young to know about love.


Mrs. Mun closed her eyes and shook her head, memories flooding her mind.

Did she make the right decision then?

Mrs. Mun opens her eyes and looks back at Shi Yeon; she’s still lost in her own thoughts, Mrs. Mun looks at the window again and glances at the sun’s rays seeping through the windows.

And then she remembers her.

His sunshine girl.


Meg sits on her bed and looks at her luggage smiling. She finally fixed all her stuff and fitted everything in her luggage. It was a hard task, but seeing as all is in order, she felt relieved. She looks at Angel toweling her hair dry and then sitting on her bed checking her phone for messages. Angel looks at her and smiles; Meg smiles back and stands up, preparing to go out to get some fresh air.

“Where are you off to today?” Angel said placing her phone back on the bed and continuously dries her hair.

Meg thinks for a while, “I’m not quite sure,” She looks out the window it looks rather inviting seeing the sun shine like that, “I think I’ll just walk towards the park near the hotel. I’ll get some fresh air and then take pictures.” Meg said taking her backpack from her bedside table.

Angel nods smiling, “I’ll be out too, Andy’s sister found out about me being here, she SMSed me to come and join them shopping.” Angel said plopping her feet on the bed and then placing her towel on the chair near her.

Meg nods smiling, “Take pictures, I want to see what she looks like.” She said as she takes her seashell necklace from the bedside table. She pauses for a while staring at it and then sighs.

“Meg…about Eric…” Angel started looking at Meg seriously.

Meg looks up, “I don’t plan to do anything Angel…it’s just…complicated. I don’t want to ruin the life he already built while I wasn’t with him; I just…want him to be happy that’s all.” Meg said biting her lower lip as she did so.

After Eric left, Angel found her crying by the door and she couldn’t escape her questions anymore. Meg thinks that it’s unfair for her friend not to know about the whole situation, when it was her friend who brought her here in the first place. Angel worked hard to make sure they meet again, and Meg can’t be thankful enough for that. She told Angel everything, from the first time they met, to the separation and then what she wants to do now.

Angel wants her to talk to Eric about it. But what good would it do? She’ll just mess Eric’s life. She knows how he feels, and though happy because it feels as if nothing has changed, she feels that she shouldn’t be with him anymore. She doesn’t want to ruin his plans just because she showed up. Didn’t she just want to see him in the first place? Then that’s all she’s going to do. She’s lucky to have spent some time with Eric, and that’s what she’s going to carry in her memories forever. But now…she must end it while she can.

This is for Eric’s happiness. Meg told herself a few times while she was talking to Angel. That’s what’s important, Eric’s happiness. And that’s what she’s going to make sure he’d have.

Angel nods and smiles sadly, “I’ve always said this Meg. You’re such a martyr. Now that I know everything… I find you more and more like martyr.” Angel sighs, “But you know, I respect your decisions. I would love to help you get him back…but yes,” Angel smiles at Meg weakly, “I respect your decision.”

Meg walks towards Angel and smiles, “I know you would. I’m so sorry it took so long for me to confide this to you. I just thought…I don’t know what I was thinking really,” Meg laughs despite herself, Angel shakes her head and smiles, “I’ll get through this.” Meg said patting Angel’s shoulders and then turning towards the door.

“I’m here if you need me.” Angel said sincerely.

Meg nods, “I know.”

Angel smiles and breathes, “Love’s too complicated.”

Meg laughs, “Not for you and Andy.”

Angel shakes her head, “Oh you have no idea.”

Meg nods, “But thank you really.”

Angel chuckles, “What are friends for!”

Meg laughs at this, “Alright. I’ll go ahead now, SMS me when you’re already with Andy okay? And tell me if we’re eating dinner together.”

Angel nods and waves, “I will. I’m sure we’re eating together, if not, I’ll just SMS you then. You take care!”

Meg nods and leaves the room. She rides the elevator and gets off the lobby. There were a lot of people walking here and there, kids running around and several teenagers laughing at one corner. Meg smiles and proceeds to going out of the hotel. The sun looked so beautiful; the gentle wind blew by her face, the trees swayed as if dancing in their own sweet music. Meg walks and crosses the street. She sees the park looming by and smiles at the prospect of taking a lot of pictures.

A little bit closer, she sees somebody familiar sitting by the benches near the swing.


She looks around and notices that he was alone and his car wasn’t parked near the park area. She smiles and shakes her head. What an insane destiny they share. Maybe this is what Angel calls fate. It was just a few hours since he left the hotel, and now this.

Maybe destiny’s telling you something Meg. Maybe now’s the time to talk to him.

Finally talk to him.

Meg breathes and makes up her mind.

She walks towards Eric.


Eric looks at the cemented ground and sighs. His mom just proves to be getting more and more difficult all these years. He can’t seem to climb this wall she’s built around her, every time he tries to break it, she puts more to block him. It’s rather depressing how they haven’t developed a stable mother and son relationship. His dad on the other hand, has always been meek towards the Mrs. Mun. She’s like the queen of the palace. It makes Eric rather sad to look at his dad like that sometimes.

A whiff of perfume catches Eric’s attention, he looks up.

It seems as if the sun shone a bit brighter for him today.

Meg smiles as she approaches him, “Hello Eric.”

Eric smiles back, “Hello Meg.” It was as if the trip at the mall didn’t happen, nor the one at the hotel. Meg looked like she did the first time he approached her by the coconut tree 7 years ago.


“Can I sit with you?” Meg said gesturing towards the spare seat next to him. Eric looks at it and nods at Meg smiling.

“What are you doing outside?” Eric said when Meg finally sat next to him, his heart constricts at the thought that she’s just half an arm away from him.

Several people looked at them, although none really lingered a bit to look.

“I wanted a bit of fresh air, Angel’s going to be joining Andy and his sister in a while, so I’ll be alone at the hotel room.” Meg said looking straight at the view in front of them. She notices the tall building in front of them, a towering hospital.

Eric nods and looks straight as well, “Oh yeah.”

Meg smiles and glances at Eric, “What are you doing out?”

Eric looks at her and smiles back, “Oh, my mom’s at the hospital.” He said his smile vanishing from his face.

Meg’s mouth opens and forms an ‘O’, she nods and bites her lower lip, “I’m sorry. I hope she gets well soon.” Meg said looking at the cemented road.

Eric smiles as he looks at her, “Really?”

Meg looks up and smiles, “Eric even though I hate what they did to us, meaning our parents, I still love them just the same.”

Eric sighs, “Me too.”

They sit there in silence, as the look at the hospital building and then the skies. An echo of voices in their ears, and then as if on cue, the sound of waves splash by, like it was near them. Eric shakes his head, as Meg sighs.

“I never knew you kept it.” Meg said glancing at Eric’s neck and then smiling up at him.

Eric looks at her neck and smiles, “I never knew you’d keep it as well.”

Both of them laughs and then looks back at the building. Both were fighting the urge to hug each other…it had been so long…

“Its funny how our lives turned out this way, doesn’t it?” Eric said looking at Meg seriously.

Meg looks at him her heart palpitating madly, this is it Meg, “Yeah.” Meg said breathing heavily.

Eric smiles, “Who would’ve thought we’d meet again like this?” He chuckles for a while, and then breathes heavily, “I wanted to find you for so many years Meg. I was willing to wait for you forever…” Eric said looking up, the clouds where darkening, the sun is going to set soon.

Meg looks at him, her eyes feels like they were burning, “I wasn’t.”

Eric looks at her sadly, “You weren’t?"

Meg nods, “I wouldn’t be here would I?” She said smiling.

Eric looks at her unable to decipher what she just said.

Meg laughs weakly, “I didn’t want to wait for forever to come Eric. I wanted to find you as fast as I could. I wanted to see you sooner, I wanted to-” Meg stops and bites her lower lip. She couldn’t wait for forever, she wanted to see Eric sooner than that.

Eric smiles as realization hit him, “You’re here now.” Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

Meg smiles, she looks up fighting the urge to cry, “I am.”

It was at that precise moment that Shi Yeon decided to go towards the park to find Eric. She sees in him sitting with Meg, both of them looking at each other as if they were going to cry; the smile playing on both of their lips so beautiful. Shi Yeon didn’t know what happened but she felt fresh hot tears slide down her cheeks, she had never seen Eric smile like that…not to her. She takes a step back and hides behind a post as she continuously looks at both of them.

Is this the answer to all the questions that’s bugging her?

Eric held out his hands, Meg looks at them for a moment, she then smiles and takes them.

Eric turns towards her and squeezes her hands, “I wanted to find you till the ends of the world Meg. I wanted to find you so hard. I just couldn’t…couldn’t let go…”

Meg looks at him her heart aching to hold him close, “Eric…you didn’t have to find me, because I will find you.”

Eric’s tears falls, as he held her hands close to his face and kisses them, “Why must we suffer this way?” He said sniffing.

Meg’s tears fall, it felt so hard looking at him this way, “I don’t know Eric…”

“Meg…” Eric started his voice quivering madly, he wanted to tell her now, everything about his relationship with Shi Yeon, this is it.

Meg raises her hands stops him, “Eric…I will continue loving you like I do now. There is no way I will stop, I won’t forget every single moment I spent with you…” Meg pauses sobbing, Eric looks at her and tries to speak but Meg stops him again, “Let me speak first. I want to stop making you feel this way Eric. I just want you to be happy. I don’t care what the world will bring me in the next few years, just as long as I know for sure that you’re happy…So be.” Meg said releasing Eric’s hands, her face drenched with tears as she continuously sobs and contains herself.

“Meg you don’t understand…Shi Yeon and I…we’re not-” Eric said holding her hand again, Meg’s looks at his hands and squeezes them, Eric takes this as his cue to continue, “Meg, I don’t love her. I’m…my mom…she’s wants me to marry Shi Yeon…and I…I can’t…” Eric bites his lower lip, “I’m still the same weak man you met 7 years ago…I can’t seem to fight her Meg…I wanted to jump off the boat 7 years ago but I’m still…god, I’m still trapped in her hands…” Eric said sobbing, it felt like his heart is going to explode right at that very moment.

Meg felt like all her reasons were defied because of this. How can she decide? How can she let go now? Finding out all of these…she felt like her heart is going to explode…she wasn’t ready for this, she thought…oh she thought he was happy with her…

“Eric…” Meg started her eyes confused, she tries to speak but she couldn’t.

Shi Yeon looks at both of them, her face drenched with tears, she couldn’t believe it…

Eric looks up at Meg and hugs her tight. Meg hugs him back; there were no words for this, just no more words…

It felt like days passed by while they hugged like that. They didn’t notice a figure of a girl running towards the hospital, crying and sobbing so hard. They didn’t notice that the sun has already set and dusk was already enveloping them.

“I love you Meg, I love you more ever since the first time I met you…and even more now.” Eric whispers in her ears, his arms tight around her.

Meg closes her eyes and inhales his scent, it never changed, “And I would be a fool to not continue loving you Eric Mun.” Meg said hugging him tight; it felt as if they couldn’t breathe anymore because of this.

Both of them let go and looked at each other. Eric lowers his face preparing to kiss her but Meg holds back. Eric looks at her questioningly, disappointment on his face.

“Meg?” Eric said his voice confused.

Meg closes her eyes again, “We can’t…” She opens her eyes and looks at Eric straight in the eyes, her hand holding onto his, “Eric, you must do what your mom tells you…it’s for your own good…you’ll never…” Meg gulps, trying so hard to fight the lump forming in , she breathes, “be happy with me…”

Eric looks at her as if she was mad, “Meg…you can’t possibly think that way.”

Meg shakes her head, “As long as she doesn’t agree with both of us, we’d never be happy. Eric just do what she says…” Meg said her voice quivering. She doesn’t know why she’s saying all this…but she felt that if they continue on, they’d never be happy, Mrs. Mun will just…keep doing it again and again…separate them until they both stop.

“Meg…are you crazy?” Eric said looking at her still as if she lost her marbles. He couldn’t believe she’s saying this…thought…she’s going to be with him now…he thought…and then he realized the dawning truth…

As long as he’s trapped in his mother’s decisions, as long as he can’t fight her, as long as he’s this weak, they would never be happy...

It felt as if Eric’s heart would burst because of this.

You are weak Eric Mun.

“You understand now Eric don’t you?” Meg said looking at him seriously, “We will never be happy…and I don’t blame you for this, remember that. We just…we just have to let it go. She will never accept me. Just do what she says and be happy okay?” Meg said squeezing his hands tight; she could barely breathe for what she’s saying.

Eric looks at Meg helplessly, how can he make her feel this way? How can he make her sacrifice like this? “Meg, I…” Eric said squeezing her hands tight as well, Meg cuts him off and stands up while letting go of his hands.

“Meg?” Eric said looking at her confuse yet again.

Meg smiles, “You’ll always be my moonlight.” She said turning her back at him.

Meg, what the hell are you saying?! Look back! Meg thought to herself, but she had made up her mind.

Eric understands despite wanting to hug her again, “As you will me my sunlight.”

Meg laughs while her back is turn away from him, tears started to fall again, “I’ll always remember you Eric, always will.”

Eric stands up and smiles, his tears still falling, “I will be crazy to forget you, my sunshine girl.”

Meg closes her eyes and fights hard with the battle raging in her chest.

But she couldn’t fight it.

She turns and runs back to him.

He grabs her and kisses her.

It felt as if the world stopped for a moment, as for the first time in their life, they share their first kiss.

They waited for this moment to happen for so long, since the very first time they felt their hearts beat for each other, since the first time both held hands, both hugged…since the day they promised that they would remember and love each other forever…

The kiss sealed their promise.

The world righted itself again and Meg lets go and runs away from Eric. Her heart bursts as she turns her back away from him and runs to the path she knows would forever lead away from him. There was no turning back now Meg, this is your decision.

Eric looks at her back getting smaller and smaller as she ran, his heart stopping right there. He felt like he died the moment she let go, and now, he’s nothing but a living corpse.

There was no life without Meg.

Eric closes his eyes and slumps on the bench again. Tears fall like river, but there was no way he can get out of this.

“This is your payment for being weak Eric…” Eric muttered to himself as he stayed on his spot, and cried and cried…there weren’t many people in the park, and none of them took notice of both of them from the moment she sat with him. It felt to Eric that it never happened, for how he could feel as empty as this?

He knew he will have to fight his ghosts to have her back.

But how?


Shi Yeon slumps on the hospital’s comfort room’s wall and cried.

No wonder he could never love her back.

She tried and tried to win his heart all these years.

But she couldn’t…

There was Meg…

And she’s still there…

She felt hot tears fall and fall on her cheeks, she couldn’t accept that no matter what she does, she will never replace, that one and one only person Eric loves.


The airport felt so packed in the evenings, or maybe it is everyday, but Andy never knew this of course. He’s so busy these days and when he does drop by the airport, it’s only to go out of the country, who ever stays at the airport to observe anyway?

Andy shakes his thoughts away and looks at Angel and Meg at one corner. His girlfriend dragged Meg away from him a few minutes before and they’ve been talking to one corner for a while now. Andy shakes his head; his girlfriend could sometimes be so secretive.

After moments, Meg and Angel stands up and approaches him, “I’m so glad to have met you Andy.” Meg said patting Andy’s shoulders, “I never thought I’d get to meet you in real life. I feel so blessed.” Meg said smiling and then bowing towards him.

Andy chuckles, “I am more blessed to have met you Meg. Thank you for being such a great friend to Angel. I will see you soon, I’ll visit you girls.”

Meg laughs, “You’re already thinking of visiting when Angel’s staying over for a few more days with you?”

Angel and Andy laughs at this as well.

“Meg…do you really have to go?” Angel said a bit sadly after a few moments.

Meg smiles weakly and nods, “Yeah, no point in staying really. I’m so glad I met the boys. I’ll see you soon, but not too soon I hope. Well except you Andy.” Meg said looking at Andy’s disappointed face, “I’m sure I would see you sooner than I expected.” Meg said chuckling, Andy nods smiling.

Angel nods, “I’ll see you in Manila then.”

Meg nods, “Yes. But definitely a week after you come, I’m planning to go to Boracay again.”

Angel sighs, “I know you would.”

Meg smiles, “I’ll get through this.”

Angel nods smiling, “I know you would.”

Meg laughs, “Goodbye then?”

Andy smiles and nods, “Goodbye.” He spreads his arms and hugs Meg tightly, “I don’t know exactly what you’re going through right now, but I think I know a bit. You’ll get through this. If not, I’ll strangle him for you.” Andy whispered in her ears. Meg lets go and looks at him weirdly, Andy winks.

“I think Angel, your boyfriend is wiser than I think he is.” Meg said hugging Angel next.

Angel laughs, “Oh you have no idea.” She said hugging Meg tightly, “I’ll see you. Take care.”

The speakers called Meg’s flight a few minutes later, she looked at Angel and Andy and smiled, “Guy you really look great together.” She said waving at them. Angel laughs as she places her arms around Andy; Andy places his arms around Angel’s shoulders. Both wave at Meg as she drags her trolley away.

She stops for a while and looks at the airport’s windows.

She’s going to miss Korea.

The moon is shining so brightly on the dark cloudy sky. Meg smiles and walks towards her gate.

Goodbye Eric.


Angel turns toward the exit with Andy; slowly she walks feeling as if she was dragging her feet. Her heart felt so heavy. She can’t believe that Meg made her decision already.

“She’ll be alright hun.” Andy said patting Angel’s shoulders.

Angel looks up and nods, “I know.” She said looking at the exit and then stopping.

Andy looks at where she’s looking and stops in his tracks.

Quite suddenly both of them grins.


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Chapter 3: omggggggg unnnieeee hahahahaah i laughed so hard at the part wherein he wants to flyy!! xD XD XD XD XD XD
will read later =) i'll comment again later unnnieee bwahaahaha <3 <3