Main Character, Female Lead


Irene sat in the library holding a book willing her-self to read however it was futile as her mind kept thinking back to last night, her chat with Seulgi was constantly playing in her mind as she blankly stared at the words in front of her.

“Maybe you should read something with less words.” Yeri said from the library doors as she watched Irene simply stare at the book for the past few minutes, Irene snapped her head up and saw a teasing smile on Yeri’s face.

“What would you recommend?” Irene asked putting the book down watching as Yeri decided to wander around the library, getting up from her seat Irene followed Yeri as the younger girl looked at all the books in the library. Her hand trailed across all the books, humming to her-self in refusal to all the books she had seen, including the short stories that lined the shelves.

“None of these are good enough.” Yeri mumbled as she walked away to the front of the library whilst Irene went and sat back down in her seat. “If these books aren’t good enough then we should create our own.” Yeri said dropping a stack of paper and quills in front of the surprised princess.

“And what is the story going to be?” Irene asked watching as Yeri picked up a piece of paper and quill ready to being her quest of creating a novel.

“One with a happy ending; how about the youngest princess is loved by all as she protects the kingdom from wolves? Or the youngest princess goes on a mission to save her clumsy older sister who gets scared of anything?” Yeri suggested causing Irene to laugh as she heard the excitement in Yeri’s tone of voice, it had been a while since she heard Yeri like this and she missed it. “Or we could have the youngest princess become a singer for the kingdom and everyone ventures from near or far to hear her voice.”

“This young princess is remarkable.” Irene commented chuckling as she watched Yeri write her ideas down on the paper.

“Of course, she’s me after all.” Yeri responded laughing at her own remark along with Irene.

“Once you’ve written your story let me know I look forward to reading it.” Irene said leaning back in her seat and picking up the book she was reading before.

“I shall make sure it’s 300 pages long and you only have a day to read it.” Yeri stated going back to her work as they both laughed, 300 pages may have been a bit harsh to read in a day, Irene thought as she looked at the 400 page book she was currently reading she had read half of the book already and she was hardly concentrating it wasn’t that harsh Irene thought with a dark chuckle going back to her book. A comfortable silence had enveloped the two sisters however Irene couldn’t help but lose her concentration reverting back to simply staring at the words on the page. Is Princess Bae Irene there? A familiar voice asked Irene surprising the other as she dropped the book she was holding on the table startling Irene in the process.

“Sorry, the main character surprised me.” Irene apologised lifting the book up causing Yeri and the voice in her head to laugh at the lame excuse. This is why you’re manner less Irene said to Seulgi in her head as she attempted to find the page she was on. Just thought you might be missing me princess, after all life is so much more entertaining when we’re together Seulgi commented causing Irene to huff out-loud.

“The main character must be annoying.” Yeri remarked as she watched Irene squint her eyes at the book in front of her.

“They are; it seems the main character is very big headed and misunderstands the female lead.” Irene replied she heard Seulgi laughing in her head and she couldn’t help but lightly laugh with the girl, but the main character hasn’t even done anything, they just recalled information the female lead had told them Seulgi said defending her words. “Oh look the main character is recalling false information.” Yeri simply stared at her older sister, wondering how she could become so invested in a book that she would start mumbling under her breath how much she disliked the main character. “The main character needs to learn manners before deciding to scare the poor female lead.” The female lead isn’t poor she’s rich she has an entire kingdom under her feet Seulgi said, Irene’s mouth opened wide as she heard Seulgi. “The main character also doesn’t understand what the female lead implies.”

“I think the books driving you crazy.” Yeri said taking the book from Irene’s hands startling the older princess.

“What are you doing?” Irene questioned.

“You’re pulling all these ridiculous faces and keep talking to yourself like you’re going mad I think the book maybe be doing it, oh that’s a great idea, the young princess saves her crazy sister from a magical book.” Yeri said jotting the idea down whilst Irene looked down in embarrassment as she didn’t realise what she had been doing. Well then crazy sister I’ll see you later Seulgi said, I’ll drive you crazy Irene threatened.

“Let’s go and see if dinner is ready.” Irene stated standing up Yeri agreed and walked beside Irene telling her of all the different types of stories she had been thinking of writing. Dinner was another quite ordeal however this time it seemed that the queen and Suho faced another dead end in their research as they barely touched their food.

“Mother, Suho, you should eat you need all of your strength to capture the bad people just like heroes do.” Yeri said, it was the first time anybody had said anything on the table apart from a greeting since the king had passed away. The queen and Suho looked at Yeri fondly and nodded their heads agreeing to the youngest princesses, dinner commenced in silence however this time it was a comfortable silence changing the dreary atmosphere that had engulfed the family for a long time. Once dinner had finished everybody went to their bedrooms and just like the past week Irene waited a while before venturing out to the tapestry that led to the rooftop. Once Irene reached the roof she walked to the edge and sat down looking at the stars, the breeze was warmer than last night so more people from the kingdom were seen roaming the streets.

“How is the crazy female lead doing?” Seulgi asked surprising the princess even when she had expected the younger girl to pop out of nowhere.

“Can you get here before me so you don’t just scare me by popping out of nowhere?” Irene asked watching as the other girl shook her head sitting next to her at the edge of the rooftop.

“There’s no enjoyment if I do.” Seulgi replied causing Irene to playfully hit the girl. “I might fall off if you hit me any harder.”

“Can’t you just pop up back here mid-flight?” Irene questioned.

“Yes.” Seulgi replied a devious smirk crossed Irene’s features as she looked over at the girl who started to shift away from Irene. “That doesn’t mean you can simply push me off the edge princess.”

“You shouldn’t tempt me too then.” Irene said causing Seulgi to nod her head obediently as she laughed at the half-hearted threat.

“So how’s the youngest princess doing?” Seulgi asked slight concern tinted in her voice as she recalled the conversation they had last night.

“Apart from thinking a book was driving me crazy ‘cause I was listening to you talk, she’s been happier lately.” Irene replied happy that Seulgi was concerned in her younger sister.

“That’s good, but you should see if your mother allows the two of you outside, she can’t be feeling too happy being cooped up in a castle.” Seulgi commented watching as Irene’s smile faded slightly.

“She won’t allow us I heard her talking to Suho when she saw that Yeri was seen strolling towards the gate, she had said we weren’t allowed near the gates or garden as anybody could harm us no matter the security.” Irene replied watching the freedom of those in the kingdom below her, they were running freely without a care in the world, following her line of sight Seulgi saw the longing painted in Irene’s eyes.

“This may seem strange after all we don’t know much of one another but can you trust me this once?” Seulgi questioned looking in to Irene’s eyes. Her chocolate orbs seemed to be battling emotions against one another after all, Irene had no clue about Seulgi, she wasn’t part of Vesalis then who was she? And why was she here?

“Yes.” Irene replied putting aside all of her questions that seemed to be bottling up; the more she met Seulgi the more questions she seemed to have for the younger girl, however they seemed to get side tracked and talk about other things or Seulgi would give brief answers and find out more about Irene. The latter didn’t mind sharing stories about her-self to Seulgi she felt happy having somebody to confine in. Seulgi put her hand in front of Irene meeting Seulgi’s gaze Irene placed her hand above Seulgi’s and in a poof of smoke the two disappeared from the rooftop. “Wha…wher…huh.” Irene was unable to form a coherent sentence as she dropped to both of her knees.

“Don’t worry first timers tend to lose their balance.” Seulgi comforted as she helped Irene to both of her feet, once Irene was balanced she looked around and saw she wasn’t at the castle rooftop, instead she looked over and saw the large castle oak gates that separated the castle from the kingdom.

“I’m on the other side of the castle?” Irene questioned in disbelief a chuckle escaping her lips as she looked around, a few shops were still open at this time delighting Irene however the delightfulness left Irene as she looked at Seulgi in panic. “What if people recognise me? What if they recognise you? They’re on the search for magic and red eyes they’ll kill you.” Strangely the worry in Irene’s voice comforted Seulgi as she looked at her with a plan in mind.

“Don’t worry we’re wearing a glamour spell, you look like a completely different person here look at the mirror.” Seulgi replied dragging the girl to the window of a ramen store, Irene looked at herself in awe, she had long brown hair replacing her black hair, small eyes replacing her doe like eyes and a structured jaw line. Looking over at Seulgi’s reflection she saw the girl had also replaced her black her hair with a light brown, big doe like eyes were staring back at her but what amazed her the most but also freaked her out was Seulgi poking something in to her eyes.

“Seulgi why are you poking you eyeballs?” Irene asked in concern causing Seulgi to laugh.

“These are called contact lenses I got them from another realm, they have some truly magnificent things I’ll show you one day. What these do is change the colour of your eyes.” Seulgi replied looking back at Irene with brown eyes, momentarily stunning the princess.

“I want to see the real you with brown eyes.” Irene whined causing Seulgi to laugh at the older girl who was tugging on her sleeve to take the glamour spell off of her. “Nobody knows you here.”

“If somebody I know sees me then that’s, trouble and let’s not forget if someone finds out about my magic and they see me with you then you’ll be in trouble.”  Seulgi replied as she started to walk away from Irene the other girl had to jog to catch up as she had been processing the information.

“How come you never wear dresses?” Irene questioned as she looked at Seulgi’s outfit, it was what the men around the kingdom would wear.

“I don’t like dresses they’re impractical.” Seulgi replied Irene nodded her head understanding the reasoning after all the first day I sneaked out all of my clothes I deemed impractical Irene thought to her-self. “I shall be your of the night your majesty, now is there somewhere you would like to go?” Seulgi asked bowing to Irene causing the older girl to blush and look at anywhere but at the bowing girl.

“I’ve never eaten from outside the kingdom walls, is there any place you would recommend?” Irene asked making Seulgi think deeply, the fact she hadn’t eaten from her own kingdom shocked Seulgi so she needed to think of the best place open at this time.

“There is indeed your majesty simply follow me.” Seugi replied, Irene lightly pushed Seulgi as they walked by each-others side.

“Stop calling me your majesty and princess.” Irene said.

“But you are royalty.” Seulgi commented.

“Well not for this moment in time, right now we’re just two friends going out.” Irene replied, Seulgi couldn’t help the smile break free from her face as she heard Irene call them friends.

“Well then friend I race you to the shop.” Seulgi started looking over at the shocked face of her friend.

“But I don’t..” Irene attempted to speak but was cut off by Seulgi.

“3.” Seulgi began her countdown.

“..Even know…” Irene watched Seulgi stop by her side.

“2.” Seulgi got in to her running position.

“..Where we’re…” Irene attempted to stand in front of Seulgi to stop the girl from running away.

“1!” With that Seulgi had run off.

“Going…” And Irene was left attempting to stop the girl to no avail as it seemed the younger girl was a talented runner as she left Irene far away in a split second, Irene simply stared at Seulgi’s back as she stood there in shock. “Yah wait up!” Irene shouted as she ran towards Seulgi’s direction.

“Slow poke.” Seulgi teased as she leaned on the wall of the restaurant watching Irene run towards her in huffed breaths.

“You..” However before Irene could finish her sentence Seulgi dragged her inside the restaurant to the furthest table so they wouldn’t be disturbed.

“What would you like?” Seulgi asked the disgruntled Irene who was glaring at the younger girl.

“To punch you.” Irene replied causing Seulgi to laugh at the threat in return earning her a punch from Irene, Seulgi mocked being in pain as she clutched her arm thoroughly exaggerating how hard Irene had hit her.

“Are you ready to order?” A waiter asked wandering over to their table.

“Ah yes could we get water and… hmmm all of your specialities.” Seulgi replied surprising the waiter as well as Irene.

“Great, that’ll be right up.” The waiter said taking the menus from the girls and skipping away happily as he thought of the money the restaurant was going to be making.

“How many specialities do they have?” Irene asked causing Seulgi to think hard.

“Well I’m not sure but they can feed more than ten people.” Seulgi replied.

“Why would you order so much for just the two of us?” Irene asked in shock at the grinning girl.

“Well I didn’t know what you liked and you haven’t eaten from outside before, so I’m giving you a taster.“ Seulgi replied pouring herself and Irene some water when it had arrived on the table. “So your majesty how are you finding the kingdom away from the walls?”

“I like it but the company is tiring.” Irene teased causing Seulgi to pout. “How are you finding the kingdom away from the castle rooftop?” Irene asked taking a sip from the cold water.

“I like it but the company is tiring.” Seulgi replied copying Irene’s words to which the older woman simply laughed and hit the younger girl.

“But honestly do you roam the streets in this kingdom?” Irene questioned wanting to know more about the girl who was giving her little bits of information and nothing solid.

“Sometimes I do but only during the night.” Seulgi replied looking towards the kitchen as the smell of food wafted towards them.

“How come just the night?” Irene asked however her question went unanswered as Irene’s eyes also went towards the kitchen causing her to gulp as she looked at the food, the action caused Seulgi to laugh as she saw Irene’s mouth-watering as their food exited the kitchen doors.

“Thank you.” Seugi said to the waiter who was bringing out the food he happily nodded placing the variety of food on the table, once the food had been placed Seulgi took Irene through the variety of dishes in front of her, as some of the dishes she had never heard of before as they were specialities from other kingdoms. They then piled the food on to their plates and ate, the majority of the noise coming from Seulgi complimenting the food. “You know, right now you’re not a princess that … means you can let loose and eat without all the etiquette.” Seulgi said between eating, chewing and swallowing causing Irene to shake her head as she watched her.

“That doesn’t mean you should eat like a bear.” Irene stated pointing to some food on the corner of Seulgi’s mouth.

“Do I look like a bear?” Seulgi questioned as she continued to stuff .

“If you revert back to your normal self then yes, yes you do look like a bear.” Irene replied Seulgi laughed as she thought of herself as a bear.

“You look like a bunny.” Seulgi informed going back to her food Irene chuckled as she continued eating with formal etiquette whilst Seulgi continued with her vacuum eating. Time went by fast for the girls as they made little talk between the meal and before they knew it they ate so much they could barely move a muscle.

“Did we just finish everything?” Irene questioned looking at the empty plates apart from the one bowl Seulgi was finishing the soup from.

“Yep.” Seulgi replied placing the bowl on the table and patting her stomach. “So dessert?” Seulgi questioned to which Irene shook her head.

“I’m too full.” Irene replied a fact that even Seulgi couldn’t argue with.

“Next time I’ll take you to the best dessert place this kingdom has it has a great view of the kingdom.” Seulgi said the excitement in her voice also making Irene excited.

“Now that you’ve said it you have to do it.” Irene stated.

“And who am I disregard the orders of the princess?” Seulgi asked with a wink and for that moment Irene couldn’t understand why but she wanted Seulgi to remove the glamour charm and wink at her looking like herself, whilst Irene drowned herself in these thoughts she hadn’t realised that Seulgi had paid the bill and was standing up waiting for her. “Earth to Irene.” Seulgi chanted waving a hand in front of Irene snapping the girl from her thoughts.

“Sorry, I’m just er tired.” Irene said standing up, Seulgi just shrugged off the odd attitude and walked by the older girls side.

“We ate quite a lot so how about a walk to digest the food before I drop you off?” Seulgi asked.

“Yeah that’s a good idea.” Irene replied causing Seulgi to smile. “Oh before I forget I was asking you something before the food came.”

“Oh you mean when you were physically drooling over the food?” Seulgi asked earning her-self a punch from Irene.

“No I was simply admiring the food.” Irene defended. “Anyways why did you say you only roam at night?”

“I can’t walk the streets with my red eyes I’d be killed on the spot so, I use a glamour spell, this kingdom is small everyone knows everyone so when using a face that I’ve made up people question me to be a traveller. So I sometimes use faces that I’ve seen on the street and when I feel that they should be asleep I become them.” Seulgi replied as they walked down the streets of the kingdom, hardly anybody was roaming around just a few guards that didn’t even do a double take when they saw them.

“Currently we’re….”

“We’re travellers at this moment in time, it seems only travellers roam the kingdom this late.” Seulgi replied pointing at a group of people who seemed to be admiring the kingdom at night.

 “How long have you been in this kingdom?” Irene asked as they passed the group of travellers.

“Since the kings’ funeral, I wanted to pay my respects to him.” Seulgi replied.

“Did you know him?” Irene questioned looking over at Seulgi who seemed to be in deep thought.

“I knew of his tales he was a great man.” Seulgi replied quickly changing the topic. “Here we are, this is a small garden where flowers have been planted these are Middlemist red flowers one of the rarest flowers in existence.” Seulgi informed showcasing a small garden in front of a flower shop Irene decided not to question her at this moment in time as she drew closer to the rare flowers; Irene inched closer and leaned over the fence looking at the flowers a pleasant smile coaxing her features.

“They’re beautiful I wish I could own one.” She said smelling the flowers at that moment a smoke engulfed the two girls but then it immediately disappeared Irene looked over at Seulgi in panic wondering what had happened. However it wasn’t the face of the fabricated Seulgi it was the actual Seulgi looking back at her, with an expression Irene was unaware of however she didn’t mind as Irene ontinued to stare at Seulgi’s eyes. They weren’t the blood thirsty red they were a pleasant brown, Seulgi’s aura had changed with the brown eyes as she looked less intimidating she liked Seulgi with brown eyes, however she couldn’t lie she did miss the red eyes, for some reason the brown eyes couldn’t convey Seulgi’s emotions as well as her red eyes after all the red eyes were a part of her.

“You do indeed look like a bunny.” Seulgi stated breaking the silence causing Irene to hit her. “A violent bunny.” Seulgi added laughing as Irene had hit her on her arm once again.

“And you’re a bear.” Irene said in retaliation, however before they could say anything further they heard the voices of guards complaining about their rota and with that alarm Seulgi transported the two of them to the safety of the rooftop to avoid getting caught.

“Guess it was home time.” Seulgi said as they reappeared at the rooftop.

“Thank you for tonight Seulgi it was great to finally be outside the castle.” Irene said the genuine emotion she had in her voice fluttered Seulgi’s heart more than the girl would like to admit.

“It was my pleasure princess now I shall allow you to go to bed, who knows what adventures you’ll be up to tomorrow.” Seulgi said and with that Irene walked down to her bed room with light footsteps, she landed on her bed unceremoniously she could smell the scent of the middlemist red flowers. A scent she came to love as a bear introduced one of the rarest flowers to her, a fact that even the princess was unaware of and she lived in this kingdom whilst Seulgi had just arrived. With a stomach too full to be good for her health Irene closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Hey guys thanks for the support I hope you're enjoying the story so far I'm not 100% sure where it's going but I hope you can bear with me, I do have a rough idea though guess it's better than no idea. I just wanted to leave a note saying thank you to those reading and those who have gone out of their way by commenting, subscribing and upvoting.

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Chapter 12: loving yerene's relationship here ♡
Itsme27 #2
Chapter 12: O my god! I Love THIS!
Seulgistongue #3
Chapter 12: Oh god ohgodhogod yEs
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update author-nim :) I love your story as much as I love Seulrene, and you put Yulsic in this story too :) I love you so much really ?
Chapter 12: Whoooo is gonna get down ,im anticipating for the next chap !!! Thanks for the update ,i loved it as always
Seulgistongue #6
Chapter 11: Bruhhh they gon take down vesalis im getting super hyped !!!!
DaddyMcDaddy #7
Chapter 2: This story is super good.
Chapter 11: Seulrene and Yulsic? Yes! I live for this fanfic!
norevS #9
Chapter 10: who really is seulgi? woah! im so intrigue with her background. if joy is from high rank family it means with seulgi's power she even rank higher.
im so surprised you updated again. hihi. thank you so much!
rottenpanda #10
Chapter 10: Ohhhhh. I'm seriously intrigued with Seulgi and Joy's background at this point. They're related to the enemy but renounced their affliation with them. This is good, better than I expected actually since I'm a er for this trope. Thanks for the update!