

Irene roamed the room which they had discussed all their plans yesterday, bookcases lined the walls intriguing the inquisitive princess. Running a hand over the worn out leather of the books she skimmed through the titles, Wendy would love to read these Irene thought remembering the times her and Wendy would spend hours in the library only to be chastised by Yeri who wanted to play outside. Times had changed from then but the love Wendy had for books and knowledge certainly didn’t, the younger girl was relentless when it came to seeking new information and learning about the world, a fact Seulgi had come to face as she sat with Wendy teaching her of the different wars that had taken place within Vesalis over the centuries.


“Anything catch your eye?” A voice asked turning to the side Irene saw Yuri leaning against the bookshelf looking at her with a gentle smile. “I don’t get many people interested in my books.”


“Why not? The history of magic sounds amazing.” Irene asked pointing out the book in front of her.


“Nobody but Seulgi and Joy come here.” Yuri replied causing Irene to nod in understanding as she looked at the former princess.


“Your exile must have been harder than people realise.” Irene commented thinking back to how quickly people created rumors surrounding the princess. “How did you meet Joy and Seulgi?”


“The people there were conducting human experiments it seemed everybody was dying after the second operation however I survived. I ended up becoming their only experiment, the night before my third operation Joy and Seulgi helped me escape.” Yuri explained looking over at the duo that were now answering Wendy’s questions whilst Yeri sat eating ignoring what the three were talking about, her food being her number 1 priority.


“Why were they conducting human experiments? And how come they helped you?” Irene questioned causing Yuri to look at her with a cocked eyebrow. “No offense.” Irene added causing Yuri to laugh.


“Well they said it was to dampen the empires efforts of research, nobody but the researchers knew what the research was for so they decided to ruin the experiment by taking me away.” Yuri replied watching as Irene’s face crinkled in confusion what was the true aim of their experiment? Irene thought.


“That aside I’m glad you’re well and alive.” Irene said to Yuri who smiled broader at the younger girl.


“Hey Irene how long do the princesses sleep for? Or have they died in their sleep?” Joy asked not realizing Yeri grabbed a cushion from behind her and hit her over the head causing the girl to rub her head in pain. “What did I do?” Joy questioned in confusion still rubbing her head.


“That was rude the princesses are alive they just sleep for long periods of time.” Yeri replied thinking back to the last sleepover she had with the princesses when she was much younger.


“What’s the longest they’ve slept for?” Joy questioned looking between Irene and Yeri who were both thinking.


“I know they once slept for 42 hours.” Irene replied causing Joy to gasp whilst Seulgi laughed in amazement.


“They truly are amazing.” Seulgi commented to which Joy meekly nodded her head processing the information.


“How long have they been asleep for now?” Wendy questioned looking back to the hallway where the rooms were.


“It’s been… 14 hours.” Yuri replied looking at her pocket watch.


“You wouldn’t even think their kingdom had been taken over.” Joy said causing Seulgi to jab her in the gut, “okay that may have been too harsh.” Joy rectified soothing the side of her stomach Seulgi had jabbed.


“It’s noon now we should go meet mother.” Irene announced looking over to Seulgi, Wendy and Yeri.


“What if mother tells us to stay there?” Yeri questioned wary of what her mother and sister would plan to do when they would meet.


“You’re safer here.” Yuri commented to which everybody agreed.


“We won’t stay there our part of the battle is here mother will realise but for now we must meet her.” Seulgi stood up and held out her hands to the girls to take.


“How come you didn’t transport us here?” Wendy asked referring to the time it took them to walk from the mountain to the middle of the woods.


“The place is enchanted so I can only transport us out not in.” Seulgi replied grasping Wendy and Yeri’s hands “are you ready?” Seulgi asked looking at Irene who stood directly before her, with a nod from the princess Seulgi zapped them out.


“Do you think they’ll make it out with their kingdom agreeing?” Joy questioned picking up a fruit Yeri had been eating.


“Irene seems to have a lot of faith in her mother I guess we should to.” Yuri replied sitting down next to Joy.


The four landed softly on the ground looking around they were enveloped by the colour purple.


“My room.” Irene muttered looking around at the clean room; it was as if nothing happened in here, as if they nearly hadn’t died here.


“I don’t know where the queen would be so I brought us here.” Seulgi explained to which the others nodded.


“During times of battle the queen would be in the study room.” Wendy commented, being the only reasonable place they carefully made their way through the castle avoiding any guards. I’d rather mother see me with Seulgi than a guard who would immediately imprison her Irene thought as they rounded the last corner and saw the two guards turn away from the door giving them enough time to run to the door and open it.


Seulgi ushered the trio in to the room swiftly closing it quietly behind her, confusion overcame Seulgi as she saw the trio freeze in front of her. Looking up in front of her she realized why. There on the antique round marble table were the leaders of all five kingdoms who stared at them in a mixture of surprise, confusion and anger as their eyes took in Seulgi.


“Girls get here quickly the enemy is behind you.” The queen said standing to her feet as well as the other leaders who all drew their swords.


“Mother Seulgi is not the enemy she’s our friend.” Yeri said in an attempt to calm her mother who didn’t agree at all as she stepped towards them.


“You’re a killer step forward so your end can be without suffering.” The queen said to Seulgi who raised her hands.


“I’m not the enemy I’m here to help.” The queen pointed her sword at Seulgi and walked closer causing Irene to step in front of her mothers’ blade.


“Irene what are you doing? Has she placed magic on you?” The queen questioned keeping her eyes trained on Seulgi who looked on innocently at the exchange grateful of Irene’s protectiveness.


“No mother I’ m not under the influence of magic, Seulgi is a friend and we’re here to help the war.” Irene stated looking at her mothers face contort with a plethora of emotions before settling on confusion.


“Help?” Was all the queen could say baffled by Irene’s attitude, her eldest daughter who would obey her mothers every command was friends with the enemy, this was treachery and the penalty of treachery was one she would have to place on her own family at this rate a feeling of dread pitting her stomach looking at her defiant daughters and Wendy who stood close to Seulgi.


“Please mother listen to what we have to say and then you can make your judgment with the other leaders.” Irene said glancing over at the others who were also confused by the exchange and the enemy who still had her arms up.


“Five minutes.” Was all the queen said as she put her sword down and sat down at her seat carefully scrutinizing the group.


“You can put your arms down now.” Wendy whispered to Seulgi who sighed in relief slowly bringing them down to her sides.


“Thank goodness they were beginning to ache.” Seulgi commented causing the two to chuckle however nobody paid them any attention as Irene began her explanation recalling the events of what happened the time they were attacked all the way to saving Wendy and then finding the princesses of Ares.


“You saved the princesses where are they?” The king asked looking at them with hope.


“They’re in a safe house where nobody can harm, my friends are currently guarding them so no harm shall befall them.” Seulgi replied causing the king to sigh in relief.


“Thank you.” The king said immediately causing the king of Luxor to shoot out of his seat.


“How could you possibly believe her she is the enemy, she could be lying to us right now and be in contact with Vesalis.” The king of Luxor exclaimed eliciting murmurs of agreement from the other leaders.


“Your daughters are safe.” Seulgi said waving a hand causing a blue puff of smoke to rise from the table, inside the smoke the princesses could be seen talking with Joy enjoying their breakfast. “As you can see they are currently eating.”


“It could simply be a mind trick she’s playing.” The king of Bokkun said warily as the smoke dissipated.


“The truth is Seulgi saved us, Joy the girl in the smoke you saw now she saved us, there is no mind trick they are people who want to end the barbaric ways of their empire.” Wendy said causing the room to quiet down for a moment.


“Tell me why don’t you have a scar like the rest of the soldiers from Vesalis?” The queen questioned looking at Seulgi’s face in interest.


“The scar is a pledge of loyalty one I didn’t agree with, I ran away before I could be branded by them.” Seulgi replied as her three companions looked at her neither of them knew of the scar, each feeling like they knew less of the girls from Vesalis than they initially thought.


“You have already been branded by your eyes, those are the eyes that haunt the people in our kingdoms. Your people have sought destruction ruined lives, your eyes are the root of all nightmares within each of our kingdoms.” The king of Luxor stated slamming the palm of his hand on the table to intimidate the girls.


“Humans have brought destruction on each other, our battles have been waged against each other we are our own nightmares. We have the good from each race and Seulgi is the good from Vesalis she’s a hope that we should believe in.” Irene said causing the room to dissolve in to a deafening silence as the leaders reflected on the actions of their predecessors.


“What is your plan?” The king of Aether asked speaking up for the first time having heard enough debating from the two sides.


“Currently Commanders and chiefs are roaming the woods day and night, only those with magic can defeat them leave that part to me. When that has happened the leader of Vesalis shall be concerned and he’ll make his way out here. When that happens your armies will be required to fight to bring him down.” Seulgi replied looking around the room and watching the faces of the leaders.


“And you’ll fight by our side?” The king of Bokkun asked to which Seulgi nodded.


“What about the soldiers? You have a great deal many of them.” The queen asked.


“Majority of their lives are connected to the leader, when he dies so do they.” Seulgi replied looking on as the leaders conversed between one another.


“So you require no help of ours till the final battle?” The king of Aether asked surprised the war was to be so simple.


“Yes, if we use your soldiers before that there maybe more casualties than necessary.” Seulgi answered to which the queen stood up and made her way towards Irene who was still stood defensively in front of Seulgi, a fact that made Seulgi flustered but protected, it was a sentiment not many would do for the younger girl with red eyes.


“We shall agree on an alliance as long as you return the Princesses of Ares and my children.” The queen stated making eye contact with Wendy, Irene and Yeri.


“We can bring the princesses here but I can assure you they will be safer at the safe house.” Irene started looking at the king of Ares who nodded in understanding, he was relieved his children were safe though as he let himself slump in the chair. “However mother we’re here to greet you but our mission is outside of these walls we must leave.”


“No.” The queen stated shaking her head resolutely. “I can’t lose you girls I’ve already lost your father.” The queens’ strong façade was cracking bit-by-bit as she watched her daughters look at her solemnly but she knew what their decision would be. The prophecy was beginning to make sense to her as she looked at the girl with red eyes who looked on apologetically towards her.


“It’s for the best interest of the kingdom.” Irene stated wrapping her arms around her mother who clutched on to her older daughter as if it may be the last time they would see each other.


“Pleas be safe.” The queen said letting go of Irene and enveloping Yeri in to a hug, the young princess returned the hug in return biting her lip to stop any of her emotions from overpowering her. Her own strong mother seemed so fragile in this moment this was the time for her to be strong and help the kingdom, I promise mother I’ll help and save all five kingdoms Yeri promised letting go of her mother who turned and walked to Wendy.


“Please keep them in check and stop them from doing anything stupid as you always have.” The queen said hugging Wendy, the young girl nodded in to the crook of the queens shoulder, the queen who became her own mother when she had lost her own family, I promise to stand by them no matter what I must sacrifice Wendy promised letting go of her mother figure. The queen then turned to look at Seulgi but she couldn’t take a step towards the girl as Irene still stood in front of her causing the queen to smirk, protective much the queen thought chuckling to herself.


“If you betray the girls or the kingdom I will punish you to the slowest death imaginable, protect them at all costs.” The queen threatened causing Seulgi’s eyes to widen as she looked on at the intimidating queen who was glaring at her.


“I promise to protect them no matter what.” Seulgi promised slightly easing the tension in the air; it was enough for her three companions who smiled at the taller girl whom they whole-heartedly trusted. “I shall bring the princesses then, please give me a moment.” Seulgi said disappearing in to thin air.


“Amazing.” The king of Bokkun complimented to which the king of Luxor scoffed.


“I can’t believe there’s a time where we have to trust people like her.” The king of Luxor said eyeing the area where Seulgi was a moment ago, Yeri couldn’t help but glare at the man but before she could say anything to him Irene grabbed her hand and shook her head.


“It isn’t worth it.” Irene said to an agitated Yeri who sighed in frustration.


“Have you girls been well? Have you been eating properly?” The queen questioned ignoring the kings’ remarks.


“We’ve been well Seulgi and Joy have been taking great care of us.” Wendy replied deciding to avoid mentioning Yuri, the girl had said she would prefer to remain unknown to the world. The queen couldn’t help but feel a slight bitterness within her, I should have been there to protect them she thought to herself looking at the girls who were nearly killed within her own walls.


“How’s Suho?” Yeri questioned thinking of how her brother must be feeling now, his emotions are probably everywhere Yeri thought wanting to hug her brother and talk to him like they used to do.


“He’s coping, he’s currently in a meeting with the soldiers.” The queen replied before she could give any further information they heard a zap. All attention was on Seulgi who returned with the two princesses.


“Jessica, Krystal!” The king exclaimed standing up, the princess looked around to see their father making his way towards them. With quick steps the girls ran to their father and hugged him, questions were being passed on to the girls as they recounted their events of the escape all the way to meeting the group who helped them.


“We should make sure everybody is secure within the castle walls.” The king of Ather commented to which the other leaders agreed thinking of how they would improve the security.


“You should remain under our eyes at all times.,” the king of Ares said to his daughters who groaned at the notion.


“We’re safer with them than here then.” Krystal said pointing to the group who were stood at the doorway.


“Krystal our family’s here we should stay with them.” Jessica reprimanded looking to her father who seemed to be contemplating a few ideas.


“Oh come on Jess you’re only saying that because of…” Before Krystal could say anything further Jessica stomped on her foot causing the younger girl to scream in agony.


“Are you alright Krystal?” Jessica asked in mock concern as nobody realized she was the one who had inflicted the pain apart from Seulgi who looked on in amusement at the sisters.


“I agree with Krystal here they are probably the only ones who can keep you safe.” The king said looking at Seulgi to gain her approval.


“I agree, I shall give you all an hour to speak to your families after that we can set out.” Seulgi said quickly before Jessica could object, the meeting seemed to adjourn as the leaders stood up to leave whilst the newly reunited families stood talking to one another. Seulgi looked on between the two families and decided to give them space.


“Where are you going?” Irene asked Seulgi who opened the door; no eyes were on them as the others were too busy conversing with each other.


“Giving you all some time together meet me on the roof when you’re done.” Seulgi replied, as much as Irene wanted to stop her she couldn’t, Seulgi had just zapped herself away and Suho had entered the room. Enjoy your time princess you’re stuck with me after this. Seulgi said to Irene causing the princess to laugh as she hugged her brother. She missed the times Seulgi would randomly start talking to her in her head even though she would get startled.


An hour later Seulgi was sat on the edge of the roof of the castle looking up at the sky remembering the times she had snuck up here to meet the eldest princess. They were irreplaceable memories to the younger girl as she felt so free talking to Irene, the hours they spent talking to each other, the hours they spent breaking the rules by being on the ground amongst the civilians, the treachery they committed by befriending each other was a rule Seulgi didn’t care she broke.


“Are you alright?” A voice asked snapping Seulgi out of her reverie, looking over to the side she saw Irene looking up at the sky admiring the blue summer hues.


“Just remembering the times we would meet here.” Seulgi replied watching Irene smile as she turned to face her.


“They were great times.” Irene commented. “I still have to thank you for being there for me, you helped a complete stranger who lost her father learn to live life once again.” Irene said causing Seulgi to blush under the sincerity of Irene’s statement and honesty of her voice.


“I did nothing you were the one who didn’t kill the stranger who could have been the enemy.” Seulgi said pointing to her eyes.


“Destiny is strange but intriguing all in one, I wonder what else it holds in store for us.” Irene said turning to face the sky, are we destined to remain friends? Are we even destined to live in this war? Irene thought before looking back at the roof entrance where Yeri and Wendy popped out of with the princesses of Ares behind them.


“No matter what it holds I’ll be here for you till the end.” Seulgi stated looking up at the sky as Irene turned to stare at the younger girl, the image was so perfect to the older girl. It was a comforting, protective promise as Seulgi turned to stare at her, her red eyes glowing with honesty and a fierceness she hadn’t seen before. “That’s a promise.” With that Seulgi got up from where she was sat and walked towards the other girls who were looking at the kingdom in amazement from the vantage point. Irene stood rooted in her place her heart fluttering as she watched Seulgi, a promise so raw it felt true to Irene as she put a hand over heart a promise she felt that would never be broken.


“Irene come on we have to go.” Wendy called from the circle snapping the girl out of her thoughts, with a deep breath she joined the circle holding on to Seulgi’s hand and with a zap they were transported back to the forest.



“Do you think they killed Seulgi?” Joy asked from her seat on the sofa she was laying down on.


“You seem pretty relaxed saying our friend could possibly be dead.” Yuri commented concentrating on the potion she was working on in the desk in the middle of the room.


“Seulgi dead? Now that’s impossible.” Joy said watching Yuri create her potions.


“She’s powerful but not undefeatable, if you’re going to watch me you can help me.” Yuri stated reading the ingredients from her book to see if she was following the method correctly.


“I could do but that means I have to get up.” Joy said yawning in her seat. “She’s practically undefeatable you should have seen her fighting in Vesalis, everybody was scared of her.” Joy recalled remembering the times people would shiver when it was announced they would be fighting against Seulgi, big shots would be plummeted close to death by the young magic user whilst those who feared their lives were given a simple knock down.


“What about you?” Yuri asked putting her potion in to small bottles ready for use.


“Me? People feared me just as much possibly even more, I wasn’t as forgiving as Seulgi.” Joy replied smirking at the thought of all the bigots she had shown hell to. A creek in the door caused both eyes to turn to the direction of the door curious to see who would enter, one by one they saw everybody that had left return.


“How was it?” Yuri questioned focusing on the next potion she was creating.


“We have an alliance.” Irene replied causing Yuri and Joy to cheer.


“This means we need to party.” Joy stated jumping off of her seat but was promptly stopped by Seulgi’s arm, which was in the way.


“Actually the plan starts now, we need to keep a watch on the chiefs and commanders.” Seugli said causing Joy to groan whom slumped back on to the sofa.


“That means one for each of us.” Yuri said brewing the potion.


“Yes for now we simply watch the chiefs, we attack the commanders at night first then the chiefs in the morning. It’ll be the quickest method in getting the leader out of Vesalis.” Seulgi replied relaying the plan to the other two girls. “Be quite when you’re there, nobody should escape alive, stealth is the most vital.”


“So who do we each get?” Joy asked turning to Yuri who took out the ledger.


“Joy take group A they’re north west of the Luxor mountains camping.” Yuri instructed to Joy passing her a list of names that were part of the group her eyes widening considerably, Seulgi looked over her shoulder and also looked on in surprise.


“Maybe I should take group A.” Seulgi suggested to which Yuri shook her head sadly as she passed another list of names to Seulgi.


“You’ll need to take down group B, Joy isn’t powerful enough.” Yuri advised watching as Seulgi solemnly agreed reading her own list of names was bittersweet.


“Irony is wretched.” Seulgi said pocketing her list away as Joy agreed.


“We should leave now the groups are ready to have their debriefs which can help us for tomorrow.” Yuri said putting the ledger away in the bookshelf as the other two girls went to say goodbye to their friends.


“Good luck.” A familiar voice said causing Yuri to smile as turned to face Jessica who looked nervous as she avoided looking at Yuri.


“Thank you.” Yuri said deciding a conversation may not be what Jessica wanted in front the people she knew so Yuri turned around and walked towards her potion carefully emptying it out in to vials.


“Wait Yuri.” Jessica said to the girl who equipped herself with a belt full of her magic potions to help her. The said girl stopped what she was doing in surprise to look at Jessica who was stood twiddling her thumbs.


“Erm..Just er please.. come back safe, I want to talk.” Jessica mumbled causing Yuri to smile as she looked on at the nervous girl.


“I’ll come back as soon as possible then we can talk as long as you want.” Yuri said causing Jessica to blush as she turned to walk away.


“You’re coming back in one piece right?” Yeri asked Joy who looked at the girl in amusement.


“No I might decide to come in quarters to make a fashion statement.” Joy replied causing Yeri to laugh as she looked up at the older girl.


“I don’t know why you looked scared when you saw who you were going to take down but I want you to know no matter what I’m cheering for you.” Yeri said pleasing Joy who smiled broadly at the young princess.


“Hug, hug, hug.” The girls turned to face Wendy who stood whispering hug, laughing at the older girls antics Joy swept Yeri in to a hug which reciprocated immediately.


“You’ll be safe here nobody can enter, there’s food available for you and enough books for you guys to read for a few years.” Seulgi said to Irene who looked at the taller girl in worry.


“Years? You’ll only be gone for two days right?” Irene questioned worrying about the mission the girls were going to complete.


“Yeah but I just wanted to emphasize how many books there were.” Seulgi replied causing Irene to chuckle as she lightly shoved the taller girl’s shoulder.


“Please be safe and not reckless I won’t know what’s happening.” Irene whispered looking down causing her hair to cover her face as she solemnly wished she could do more, now she felt she’d be constantly worrying for the three girls.


“I’ll contact you from in here.” Seulgi said gently lifting Irene’s face with her index finger so she could see the older girl’s face and point at her forehead.


“I’m glad you have that ability.” Irene commented relieved she had some sort of contact with the other girl as she maintained eye contact with the girl as Seulgi’s hand now lightly caressed her face, please don’t hear the hammering of my heart Irene said to herself suddenly aware of her quickening heart rate.


“If I remember correctly you hated it at one point.” Seulgi recalled causing Irene to lightly push her as they remembered the incident at the library and the many times Irene had been scared by a random voice popping in her head. Suddenly Irene missed the contact of Seulgi’s hand, which was now by her side as she laughed.


“Make sure you keep in contact with Joy and Yuri they need to be safe too.” Irene said trying to control her thoughts.


“We should get going now, have fun we’ll be back soon.” Seulgi said to Irene as she walked towards Joy and Yuri who were holding hands. Irene watched in rapt attention as they zapped away feeling the anxiety of not knowing what was happening begin to eat away.

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Chapter 12: loving yerene's relationship here ♡
Itsme27 #2
Chapter 12: O my god! I Love THIS!
Seulgistongue #3
Chapter 12: Oh god ohgodhogod yEs
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update author-nim :) I love your story as much as I love Seulrene, and you put Yulsic in this story too :) I love you so much really ?
Chapter 12: Whoooo is gonna get down ,im anticipating for the next chap !!! Thanks for the update ,i loved it as always
Seulgistongue #6
Chapter 11: Bruhhh they gon take down vesalis im getting super hyped !!!!
DaddyMcDaddy #7
Chapter 2: This story is super good.
Chapter 11: Seulrene and Yulsic? Yes! I live for this fanfic!
norevS #9
Chapter 10: who really is seulgi? woah! im so intrigue with her background. if joy is from high rank family it means with seulgi's power she even rank higher.
im so surprised you updated again. hihi. thank you so much!
rottenpanda #10
Chapter 10: Ohhhhh. I'm seriously intrigued with Seulgi and Joy's background at this point. They're related to the enemy but renounced their affliation with them. This is good, better than I expected actually since I'm a er for this trope. Thanks for the update!