Amnesic {hiatus}

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Jeon Won Woo had lost his memory...

Kim Min Gyu needed a fiancé...


What more could be said?


Kim Min Gyu, who just so happened to be nearby was heading to the very same cafe Wonwoo had just been sitting in waiting on her arrival to the establishment. He stared in shock at the scene before him, watching as the boy slowly bled out upon the cold concrete ground.

The boy's so called bestfriend already leaving the scene before inspecting the damage she'd done to the other. He didn't know what to do. He was freaking out on the inside.

The boy needed help, but so did he. Shaking off the trauma of what had just occurred before his very eyes, Mingyu walked up to the now unconsicous boy painstakingly lifting his petite form up in his own shaking arms.

He took him to the emergency room waiting in the required section as he was looked after by the doctors and nurses there. It was hours before he was even allowed to see him, only because he'd lied that he was of blood relation to the boy.

He was awake when Mingyu entered the room. The nurses leaving to give them some privacy. The boy glanced up from his hands, brown eyes peering up at him like he was crazy before he ever decided to utter a word to him,

"Can you tell me who I am?"

Without hesitation Mingyu said,

"My fiancé."

(Copyright 2017)

This story is a work of fan fiction and is purely the product of the author's imagination.
Any references or resemblance to real events, people, places, names, or incidents are used fictitiously by the author.
Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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Chapter 3: Wonwoo is so freaking adorable!
Chapter 3: wonwoo is so cute here ;-; cant wait for the next chap!
Chapter 2: Please update
Hermin #4
He he funny how nice
Chapter 3: Why is Wonwoo so... so... CUTE >< I want to hocus pocus him into a cat and adopt him ulululuuu

By the way, nice story! Nice idea, nice plot, a little too fast-paced with a little swaying characterisation but overall it's an enjoyable read! :D Thank you and keep up the good work! :D
Chapter 3: Wonwoo's so cute here ^^
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 3: Interesting plot. Waiting for the next chap^^
Chapter 2: Im so excited i dont know what to say!!!
meanieeeee #9
Chapter 2: i cant wait for the next chapter awwww