
Last Stop

to start again with you, 


By eight in the morning, the school has turned into a bustling place lined with different shops selling food and other knick knacks, classrooms became haunted houses, restaurant, and cafés among other things.

Family, friends, and students from other schools can freely enter the school, at night a scheduled bonfire at six and the fireworks at eight are bound to end the festivities.

Myungsoo took a deep long breathe…

Back to the Past: Yesterday at the hospital when Sungjong went to restroom

“How’s the preparation for the festival hyung?” Myungsoo asked.

“It’s coming along fine; by the way I heard Sungjong’s class will open a café.” Hoya replied.

“Café?” the younger boy was getting interested.

“Yeah, they’ll have a mascot too. I think Sungjong will be wearing ‘em not sure though.” Hoya grinned at his best friend. “First come, first serve.”

“Oh, a café?” I wanna see, I wanna see Sungjong in a cute animal costume. Myungsoo thought to himself.

“Oi, wipe that weird smile on your face” Hoya almost laughed at his best friend.

“What kind of animal is it hyung?”

“I think it was a tiger” Hoya recalled. “Come to think of it, a tiger would probably suit him well, no?”

“Yeah, but it’ll be very cute too if he wear whiskers.”

“Agree, that’ll be very cute” Hoya nodded.

“Why were you talking about?” Sungjong asked emerging from the rest room.

“Nothing” Myungsoo and Hoya chorused.

Sungjong made the “ok” face and said nothing.


*The day of the festival

 Myungsoo glanced at his watch, its eight thirty and he’s standing in front of the school gate hours before the time he told Sungjong and Hoya he’ll be coming.

Well it wouldn’t hurt to silently take a peek right? saying before he disappeared into a crowd.




             The student council is finally settling down, Hoya stood by the window trying to reel in a breath of fresh air, glancing at his watch  reveal its eight thirty one. A lot of things had happened, but somehow he feels light. Part of him still hurts but more than anything else, he’s glad.

            “VP, we should be moving on” Luhan, the SC secretary called out.

            For a moment Hoya just stood there staring at his friend before he broke into a warm smile.

            “That’s rare for VP to smile like that. Something good happened?”  Lay, their president said.

            “More or less” Hoya still smiling left the room with others. “Well it’s less painful now” he mumbled to himself


The hallways are packed but it did not take long and Myungsoo was standing in front of Sungjong’s classroom.

“Welcome sir, would you like a … table” Sungjong greeted the next customer with a bow. He still feels awkward about his costume and he definitely wanted to change soon. He doesn’t want anyone to see him wearing this, not in a million times!

“Sun… One table please” the former could feel his face heating up, why on earth that the first customer he greets is the person he exactly wants to avoid right now. “Myung… it’s not what you think! It’s an emergency and I had no choice”

“Why are you shouting at your customer?” Myungsoo calmly said.

“Euh? You’re not making fun of me are you?” Sungjong was surprised.

“No, I came here as a customer” Myungsoo was able to maintain his external composure but the moment  the door opened and he saw Sungjong wearing a maid costume he felt like he needed to go back to the hospital. Shoot I can’t tell him he looks cute, he’ll definitely kill me. Dam* you hyung, you didn’t tell me it was going to be a maid café”

“Oh, uhmmm. Then I’ll take your order in a shot while” Sungjong handed him the menu while smiling.

“Cute. Oh shoot” Myungsoo’s hand was not fast enough to cover his mouth to prevent it from saying the words and it was too late. Myungsoo was well aware of Sungjong’s beauty complex. Since they were kids most of their fights involve Sungjong being teased looking like a girl.

“What did you say?” Sungjong’s voice was rigid.

“No I mean, shoot” Myungsoo couldn’t find any excuse, sighing, he resolve to accept the consequences of his actions, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it, my mouth just began saying what I have in mind. It’s my fault for thinking you look way more beautiful than anyone else in here. You can beat me up now”


 He tried closing his eyes waiting for that stinging punch, but after sometime nothing happened so he opened his eyes. Sungjong was standing there holding the menu near his chest looking at Myungsoo, beet red.

“Oi, Sungjong you alright?” Myungsoo could definitely tell Sungjong’s going to burst anytime soon but to his surprised the younger boy gave him a wide smile.

“Thank you for your compliment sir, I’ll be right back” A chill run down Myungsoo’s spine. Oh shoot, I made him really angry.

By the time Sungjong made it the kitchen his heart was thumping out of his chest he truly believes it’s going to burst. Myungsoo just suddenly blurted out those words and Sungjong was caught off guard he couldn’t find any strength to retaliate. He was even more embarrassed by his reply, “Oh god, please tell me that did not just happened”

“Sungjong, a customer was ready to order” Sehun, his classmate found Sungjong sprawled on the floor.

“I wanna hit him so bad” Sungjong said as he began to regain himself. “But business is business. I can’t do that right now” in reality Sungjong wanted to beat himself up from being unable to deny that surge of happiness swelling up inside of him.

After that, Myungsoo spend his entire time sitting at the corner watching Sungjong, while the latter totally ignored him.

“Why are you still here?” Sungjong whispered angrily, he can’t concentrate feeling the older boy’s gaze follow his every move.

Myungsoo crossed his legs and smiled at his bestfriend, “I’m just a customer enjoying the view”

“What view you idiot, get out. We’re going by lunch anyway” Sungjong said. Sure there are times when Myungsoo acted like a complete ..jerk but its most when they’re at home or when there’s just the two of them. He’s acting strange

“There’s only one view I never get tired of seeing over” Myungsoo smiled like a kid showing his dimples. “and over again”

Sungjong gazed move from Myungsoo to the phone on the table.

A minute later Myungsoo was rubbing his temples while standing outside the door. Yet he can’t seem to erase the grin off his face.

“Reflect on your actions, and delete them” was Sungjong’s words right after he was punched and literally got kicked out of the room.

“Yes sir” was Myungsoo’s goofy reply. He mumbled something after but his bestfriend had already shut the door. Myungsoo glanced at his watch, “fifteen minutes to lunch” and a small laugh escaped from his lips.

Sungjong was finally able to breathe now that the nuisance is out of the way, thirteen minutes till lunch huh” saying after glancing at his watch. “Hurry up”


            “There’s no way we can finish all of this” Hoya commented upon seeing the food on the table. “What’s the occasion?”

            “We wanted hyung’s last school festival to be memorable” Sungjong replied taking out the chopsticks. “Myungsoo don’t start eating on your own!”

            “Oh, okay. Just a bite then” Myungsoo said opening his mouth.

            “Call some of your friends over hyung so we can eat together” Sungjong saying while absentmindedly putting food on Myungsoo’s mouth. “Myungsoo chew properly”

            “Yes sir”

            “So hyung…” Sungjong stopped seeing Hoya in a verge of laughter. “What’s the matter?”

            “Oh nothing, it’s just that you look like a doting wife” Hoya commented with an amused looked on his face.

            “I’m… I’m sorry hyung I didn’t mean to” Sungjong said becoming of the situation but Hoya just smiled at the younger boy.

            “Don’t sweat it, everything’s cool. I’m happy for you two”

            “What are you two talking about?” Myungsoo commented while sneakily took a bite off the egg roll.

            “It’s sweet”

            “What’s wrong, you always wanted me to make them when you started high school” Sungjong said.

            “It’s because hyung likes them that’s why it’ll be a bother if you made separate ones”

            “You could’ve just told him to make salty ones, I don’t mind idiot.” Hoya playfully hit Myungsoo on the head.

            “But hyung really looks happy eating them” the former replied while looking away.

“Awww, this kid is just a big goof” Hoya can’t help the grinning. I’m glad everything’s going fine.

Meanwhile Hoya’s friends started arriving and Sungjong’s classmate Sehun who just happened to pass by was invited as well.

After lunch, Myungsoo had to go back to the hospital but they agreed to meet again tonight to enjoy the activities. Sungjong left with Sehun to go back to their room and Hoya walked Myungsoo to the school gate.

            “How are things on your side?”

            “My dad’s preparing everything. I just going back to sign some documents”

            “Is it really that bad?” Hoya’s face is grim.

            “The doctor said that if I don’t go things might get worse and if it happens I might have to have to get a heart transplant.”

“When are you going to tell him?” hoya asked.

“Well before I leave” the younger boy smiled.

“Tonight, you tell him. Then come back home safe and alive or I won’t keep my promise”

Myungsoo smiled as they walk on, “What will happen if I don’t”

“I’m going kill you myself”

“Thanks hyung, I don’t want that to happen.”

This time the two of them laughed at each other. When Myungsoo left hoya stood there by the gate watching the road. “Come back safe, even if it’s not for me. I want you to be safe; I want you to be happy. So until then, I’ll keep our promise.”

“Where do you think they went off to?” Sungjong asked Myungsoo while they were standing in the middle of the crowd. Just a moment ago they were with their friends but a sudden surge of people got them separated. At least that’s how it looks…

“It can be helped then” Myungsoo mumbled to himself, well, it’s not like I’m happy about it. Maybe just a little…

“Oh. Hyung sent a message. They can’t find us because of the crowd so we’ll just meet by the bonfire to watch the fireworks together”

“Sounds good to me, come on let’s eat” Myungsoo offered.

“Okay” Sungjong smiled and Myungsoo was feeling like he wanted to lose control and just kissed the boy then and there. “Jeez, there are so many people and I wanted to buy bopki”

“Wait, give me your hand” Myungsoo said taking off his necktie trying the end on Sungjong’s wrist and the other on his own. “So I won’t lose you”

The latter’s face were red but nonetheless nodded his head.

            “It’s just like when we were kids”

            “Ye... yeah” Sungjong can’t take his eyes off the fabric wrapped around his wrist. He can’t say that Myungsoo looked cool taking off the necktie a while ago but it surely did a number on his heartbeat.

            Walking together, Myungsoo took the lead as Sungjong followed the small tug on his wrist. He looked at the broad shoulders and wide back in front of him. The crowd seems to have no plans on dwindling. Sungjong suddenly felt a gripping fear in his heart and found himself reaching out to grab Myungsoo by the hand.

            “What’s wrong?” Myungsoo turned to Sungjong.

            “I thought the tie’s going to lose, so I… I thought you’re going to disappear” Sungjong was embarrassed but he kept his hold on his best friend’s arm as if a child not wanting to let go of his mom.

            Myungsoo felt a pang of pain in his chest as he stared at Sungjong. I don’t care anymore, I can’t… no more. Thinking as he took the younger boy by the hand and suddenly hugged him tight.

            “Yah Kim Myungsoo! What are you doing?!”

            “Sorry, it’s just you’re too cute back there. Don’t worry, you’ll always have me” Myungsoo said letting go.

            “You owe me a bopki*, bungeoppang*, and hodugwaja*.” Sungjong demanded.

            “Ok, ok. I’ll buy whatever you want” Myungsoo threw his hands up in surrender.

            “We start by that?” Sungjong tugged Myungsoo into the direction of a hot bar* stand.

            Myungsoo watched his best friend trotting happily towards the food stand.

            “Augh, I think I ate too much” Sungjong complained looking at the food they still haven’t eaten. After strolling unto different food stalls and playing games to kill time he and Myungsoo decided to rest by the hillside on the school field where the bonfire’s just started awhile ago.

            “Yeah, you actually won ten bopki back there, you ate a whole bungeoppang and two hot bars” Myungsoo recalled.

            “What can I say; food tastes good when it’s free”

            “Hey, don’t lie after you ate those food” Myungsoo moved beside the lying body of his best friend.

            “Argh let me be. I want to rest for a bit” Sungjong closed his eyes, feeling the cold breeze penetrating through his clothes his body coiled up to protect himself.       

            “Here take my jacket” Myungsoo was about to take off his jacket but Sungjong stopped him halfway. “You’re cold to right?”

            “I’m fine”

            “No you’re not.” This time Sungjong got up sitting, “Blanket hug”

            “Euh?” Myungsoo must’ve heard wrong.

            “Aish, don’t make me repeat something as embarrassing as that. Move your legs” Sungjong got and this time sat in front with his back to Myungsoo.      The latter’s body instinctively moved closer to wrap his arms around Sungjong’s tiny frame.

            “You… you always do things that surprise me.” Myungsoo was glad, there’s no doubt about it. Resting his head on Sungjong’s shoulder, he can feel all his fears slowly fading away, the darkness he was trying to keep away was in front of him but somehow it too, was starting to disappear.

            Sungjong did not say anything, even if he knew that their feelings might be the same he still wanted to confirm it.

            “New York” Myungsoo finally mumbled the words that have been stuck in his throat these past few days. “I’m going to New York for my treatment”

            “So that’s why you have been acting like that” Sungjong said. “It’s okay; we’ll meet when the class starts again when summer is over, right?” this time he look up the sky as if he already knew that was a stupid question.

            Myungsoo was silent, his arms tightening around the younger boy. Sungjong sighed finally letting his shoulders fall. “How long?”

            “The doctor said at least three years. If an operation is possible then I might be back after two years.


            “A heart transplant, right now the medicines are working. If it goes well I might not need it though and I can go back here”

            “Myungsoo, the reason you wanted to go back here? Why? You and your dad can be living there after you leave here” Sungjong calmly asked. He’s not angry but somehow he can feel he’s in pain. He wanted to hear the words from Myungsoo, so he can…

            “What are you saying? It’s because you’re here” Myungsoo answered still oblivious to Sungjong’s true intention.

            “Yeah, so what if I’m here?”

            “It’s because I… “Before Myungsoo could finish a loud boom emanated from the sky. The fireworks’ starting, one after the other lighting up the night sky. Sungjong stood up to watch, Myungsoo stared at their wrists where the tie was before. Maybe he should’ve kept them tied up until now.

            “I love you. I thought of never telling you but I love you. Sungjong I love you” Myungsoo said tears falling down his cheeks as the loud canon like sound from the fireworks drowned his voice. Sungjong did not move, he didn’t look back and continued to look up as though he heard nothing. “I love you Sungjong”

             “Did you say something?” Sungjong turns around he look at tears and snot covered face of his best friend.

            “Dam* it, why does it have to have fireworks when I’m confessing” Myungsoo was still crying like a kid. “Dam* it I look so lame right now. Turn back around will ‘yah”

            “If I turn around, I can’t give a proper response. Do you want me too?” Sungjong starts to turn around but Myungsoo suddenly jerked the tie binding them closer to him dragging the former along. “No, this time you better listen well. I love you, I want you, I need you, Look at only me, please Be mine”

            “Pfft… you sound like a kid” Sungjong laughed but tears were streaming down his cheeks. “But I won’t” he reaches out to wipe Myungsoo’s face.

            The younger boy clearly saw Myungsoo pained reaction. Before the older boy could run away he grabbed Myungsoo and pulled him into a kiss. “ I won’t become yours, unless you’re mine first”

            “Does that mean you like me too?” Myungsoo not wanting to pull away from the kiss but had to, “I want to hear you say it”

            “No” Sungjong crossed his arms, “In three years I’ll tell you. If you still want to come back to me”

            “Is that a dare?” Myungsoo said wiping the remaining tears.

            “Jeez, get yourself a phone and actually learn to use it.” Sungjong said.

            “Oh yeah.” Myungsoo commented not realizing they’re in the 21st century. “I’ll call you”

            “But we have rules. Don’t go ‘round calling me everyday” honestly that way too much and frankly international calls are expensive and knowing this guy, he’s probably thinking about it already.

            “So I can’t call you every day?”

            “What are you a kid?!’ Sungjong shook his head but his lips can’t hide what he’s feeling right now. “No, you can’t. I’ll give my number to uncle and have him give it to you when he thinks its fine.

            “Oh, okay” Myungsoo was quick to agree, a playful smile forming on his lips.

            “I’ll tell hyung and the others not to give it to you, just in case you’re thinking of it” Sungjong quickly retaliated.

            “That’s not fair” Myungsoo was sulking
            “Then, this would make you feel better right?” Sungjong as he planted his lips on Myungsoo’s. “Better?”

            “No, one more” This time Myungsoo was serious as he grab Sungjong by the waist. “That was just a greeting, I want a kiss” he said moving closer bodies together.

            “Then close your eyes” Sungjong said feeling embarrassed.

            Without hesitation Myungsoo agreed and closes his eyes waiting for Sungjong to kiss him. He relaxed telling his heart not to give away. But instead, he heard a flash of the camera going off.

            “I think this is a good shot” Sungjong said looking at his phone. He was trying so hard not to laugh but he’s already giggling too much.

            “You’re so cute with your eyes close!!” Sungjong said finally cracking up and bursts into firsts of laughter.

            “You sly fox you…!” Myungsoo’s face was red, suddenly he clutched his chest and fall on his knees. Sungjong felt himself suddenly panicking, rushing to Myungsoo’s side.

            “Oi, are you alright? I’m calling an ambulance right now” Sungjong said taking out his phone.

            “It’s okay, just stay right here” Myungsoo said still showing pain on his face.

            “It’s not okay!” Sungjong frantically tries to make the call when Myungsoo suddenly went up and push on the ground, pinning his hands. “I said its okay. I was just acting”

            “You…You… You ert you!” Sungjong’s face was flushed, he tried to free his hands but Myungsoo had them tightly on his grasp. “You idiot, Myungsoo two-faced. You ert, you idiot. What if that was true? Did you know what I just felt back there?!”

            “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you panic, I’m sorry” Myungsoo gave up and fall beside Sungjong lying on the ground. He took Sungjong’s hand, “I’m sorry”

            “You, why do you always make my heart feel like I’m in a race?” Sungjong turn his face away from Myungsoo.

            “Don’t worry, you’ve been doing that to me ever since” Myungsoo took his best friend’s hand and placed it on his left chest. “This, had beating like this ever since we were kids”

            Sungjong could feel the steady beat, it was just as fast as his and it feels warm.

            “I thought that if you were a girl I would definitely not give you to anyone,” Myungsoo started.

            “So because I’m a guy you’re going to let me go?” it was Sungjong’s moment to sulk.

            “Now who’s the kid?” Myungsoo gently poked Sungjong on the nape, “turn around so I can tell you properly”

            “What I can’t understand is that even if you’re a boy I still don’t want to give you up. As your best friend I want you to be happy with the one you love, yet no matter how many times I told myself I have to, this and this just refuse to follow” Myungsoo pointing to his head and then to his heart.

“Every day I told myself not to cross the line, that we’re good what we have. If telling you how about I feel means losing you then I’m prepared to take it all until the end. When I found out that I’m sick I thought of using it to monopolize you. But I don’t want you to like me because I’m dying. I want you to like me not because you have to.”

            “Now I have to go, I’m scared. What if you found someone else, what if I won’t make it, what if I… I wanted to kiss you so bad but I don’t know how to.

            “Then come back, be it three years five or ten no matter how long it takes for you to heal. I’ll be here; if after all that time you still have the same feelings for me then come back.

             “I suddenly felt like kissing you” Myungsoo gently brushes off the grass on Sungjong’s cheeks.

            “No. you’re still hung up on that?” Sungjong giggled. “Three years, if you come back within three years I’ll let you kiss me. But for now, greeting is fine”....

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ooo i love this
32bella #2
Chapter 17: ahhhhhh!! so cute.I just found it and I could not stop until i finished, a beautifull story, love each chapter, thanks you for allowing them to be together. Beautifull story thanks for sharing it, great work
Chapter 18: This story is excellent!!! GReat!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! SERIOUSLYYY!!!!!! Always know how to make me cry.. And the ending is perfectly well done :) Sungjong's bday is coming i wish infinite will celebrate together with hoya :( i will miss hojong moment now that hoya departs in infinite but also in woolim :(
Joudaaa #4
Chapter 18: I loved this story as I loved all your other stories.
I have to say i was so surprised when I realized that Hoya actually had feelings for Myungsoo not Sungjong , it was such a great twist lol
And I love you for not ruining the surprise by putting a myungya tag
Really thank you for this great fic and specially thank you for the happy ending.
As for the other idols you mentioned umm.. Suzzy and Minho?
Drhr13 #5
Chapter 18: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
Drhr13 #6
Chapter 4: You write the chapter twice (>人<;)