

Byul tightened her coat and ran amidst the strengthening drizzle, she forgot her umbrella for the first time in weeks and the universe decided to bless them with rain at that particular day. Great just great.

Today had been a series of unfortunate events for her. First, she overslept because the alarm went snooze which caused her to miss the bus to campus, which of course made her missed an important computer programming class and then during lunch time someone bumped into her and made her dropped her lunch box and coffee, and now... this.

The blonde student stopped suddenly and slowly turned around.

Her eyes fell on the shivering little puppy on the corner of the street that she just passed. There was a tug on her heartstrings at the sight before her and she subconsciously walked slowly toward the drenched pup.

Ignoring the now heavy downpour, she crouched down and reached out her hand toward the curled up fur ball, the pup shrunk away from her hand as if protecting itself, “Hey... it’s alright, I’m not going to hurt you.”

Her heart tugged again when she saw the dark eyes of the puppy, it’s probably just her mind playing tricks on her, but it almost felt like she could read the emotion there. Fear. Sadness. Confusion.

Okay Byul, you sounded like Dr. Doolittle but you’re not and it’s raining like crazy now, better hurry up. She reprimanded herself and put on her best smile, trying to put the puppy at ease.

“I’m going to take you home okay, trust me...” she gingerly picked up the puppy and covered it with her coat before literally running toward her apartment.


Going straight to the bathroom, she turned the knob for hot water and let it run to fill the tub. She put the puppy on her bathroom tiles and smiled at her, “You and I are going to take a hot bath together, okay? We need to clean you up and I need to warm my body so we both won’t get sick.”

Byul swore that the puppy nodded at her, but it couldn’t possibly be.

Turning the knob of cold water as well to make sure the water temperature wont boiled her alive, she started to undress herself, Byul laughed when the puppy suddenly looked down on the floor just as she stripped down to her underwear. The puppy couldn’t possibly understand right?

“Do you mind turning around while I strip?” she made circular motion with her forefinger and was amazed when the puppy turned around and slumped down on the floor. Weird.

Byul quickly stripped down and picked up the still shivering puppy, laughing when she found the pup clenched its eyes shut, “You’re a really peculiar puppy.” She whispered softly as she got into the tub, sighing when the hot water hit her cold body.

Holding the puppy against her chest, she carefully scooped hot water with her hand and poured it onto the pup’s body, making sure that the pup won’t be alarmed. She lowered her body even further into the tub, holding the puppy close until only it’s neck and face that wasn’t submerge in the water.

“Where is your owner, little one? Why are you in that corner all by yourself?”

The puppy gave her a forlorn lost look and Byul’s heart melted even further.

“Okay that’s it, I’m keeping you. You’re just too cute to be left alone. A little bit of warning though, I’m a poor university student, so with school and part time job, I won’t be home much, is that okay?”

The pup woofed softly and Byul laughed, “Even your voice is cute.” She nuzzled her nose into the puppy’s wet head and frowned slightly.

“You don’t smell like a puppy... huh... how could you smell like flower, little one?”

One small paw rose up and covered one of its eyes, Byul chuckled at the pup antique, “Did you just facepalm at me?”

The puppy let out another woof and Byul swore that the puppy was smiling at her. Okay, maybe all of the heat starting to get into my head.

“Let’s get out of this water and get something to eat shall we?”

Byul rose from the bath tub and laughed again when both of the puppy’s paw raised up to cover both of its eyes now.

“If I don’t know better, I’m going to think that you have something against seeing me , little one.”

She put down the puppy on the bathroom floor gently, quickly drying herself up and put on her and an oversized pullover, foregoing her bra, she’s not going to go anywhere with the heavy downpour still going strong anyway.

Kneeling down, she started tapping the excess of water from the pup’s body, “What should we get to dinner? I’m going to cook for both of us.” She kept talking mundane things to the puppy, somehow she got the feeling that the puppy understood on certain level.

Byul smiled when she finished drying the small creature, its pristine white coat of fur was nearly gleaming under the fluorescence light.  Byul finally noticed that the little pup was a she, due to lack of certain anatomy, “What should I call you?” she wondered and the puppy suddenly whirled around over and over.

“Whee? Should I just call you wheepup?”

The puppy jumped and barked her approval, chuckling at the puppy’s obvious enthusiasm, Byul stood up and padded down to the kitchen, “Okay then, wheepup, let’s get something to eat.”  


Days turned into a full week and Byul couldn’t be happier. She looked at the digital watch on her wrist and willed the time to move faster so she could go home sooner and play with her puppy. Wheepup had been the highlight of her day, always jumping around in greeting whenever she got home, showering her with kisses and accompanying her with warm snuggles when she was studying or simply watching TV.

Somehow the little puppy brought a light of happiness to her usually mundane and lonely life.

“Hey, what are you going to do after work?” Yongsun – her co-worker in the cafe where she worked part time as waitress – suddenly asked her.


Yongsun tsk-ed at her and shook her head, flinging her beautiful hair around, “Don’t be such a bore, dont you get sick and tired just studying and working? Come on! All work and no play make you a lame donkey! Let’s go to noraebang!!!”

“I can’t, I have to go home and feed my puppy.”

Yongsun’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and lights suddenly filled her eyes, “You have a puppy?”

Byul grinned proudly, “Found her neglected on the street, so I took her home.”

“Is she cute????” more lights shone from her eyes and Yongsun had this eager dreamy look on her face.

“The cutest! She’s this small.” Byul separated her hands around 25 cm, “all white coats and... I’m not sure what breed she is because she looks a bit more like a wolf than a dog. Here, let me show you.” Byul pulled out her phone and showed Yongsun the many pictures of wheepup that she had on her phone.

Yongsun clutched her chest, “Omo! I wanna see her!!! I’m coming home with you.”

Byul frowned, she liked Yongsun enough to consider her as friend rather than just a mere co-worker, but she just wanted an interrupted cuddle time with Wheepup, yet looking at the pleading eyes of Yongsun, she didn’t have the heart to say no. Damn her soft heart to hell.

“I’m not sure... she’s never been around stranger before.”

“Don’t worry! Animal loves me.” Yongsun grin grew bigger, knowing that by the end of their shift, she would be going home to Byul’s apartment.


Wheein froze when she felt it. There was a sudden change in the air, the current felt electric and Wheein knew that something celestial was near. Fear filled her little body, she was trapped in this form and had no idea how to defend herself, she scurried over to the side of the couch, hiding herself.

“There’s really no use hiding there, Wheein, I could still see you.”

Wheein sighed in relief when she heard the raspy voice of Hwasa filled the room, she tentatively walked out from her hiding place and saw her friend standing there in a short white tunic, displaying much of her tan skin.

Hwasa’s eyes softened as she scooped Wheein into her arm, “It’s been a week, why didn’t you call for Artemis?”

She’s the one that turned me into this form and banished me from her side.

Hwasa winced, “Our goddess is a jealous god, you have been her hunting companion for millennias, so when....”

When Apollo heard my singing and wants me to be his companion, she turned me into a puppy and banished me from Delos. She obviously didn’t want me anymore but she didn’t want Apollo to have me either, so she put me away here – in obscurity – and you still want me to call out to her? 

“You didn’t belong here...”

I don’t know where I belong anymore, but I like it here, the human that took me in, she was nice to me.

“You’re not a pet!”

The sadness in the puppy’s dark eyes was palpable when she tapped her paw on Hwasa’s chest.

Yes I ‘am. You and I, we are nothing more than the pet of the gods. Go home to Delos, Hwasa, I’m happy here.

Hwasa was about to retort when she heard the clicking sound of the key being turned, “Later. I will talk to Artemis, but I’m going to take you home to Delos, one way or another.” Silver lights surrounds her body and she dispersed into thin air just as Byul and Yongsun entered the apartment.

“Wheepup! I’m home!!!”

Wheein barked and ran toward her human. Her small paws skidded on the floor and came to a full stop when she senses another human. She crouched low and growled, watching the dark haired woman that stood behind Byul with distrust.

“Omo! She’s so cute!!!”

Wheein barked when she saw the woman grabbing Byul’s arm, her face scrunched up and she barked again, body crouched lower, ready to launch herself into the human.

Byul scooped Wheein into her arms and hugged her tightly, “It’s okay... It’s okay, Wheepup, she’s Yongsun, my co-worker that I told you about? She won’t hurt you.” Byul soothes Wheein with her voice and her soft hands that continuously her fur.

“Can I touch her?” Yongsun reached out and Wheein barked again at the approaching hand, forcing Yongsun to retract it back.

“I told you she’s still wary around stranger.” Byul was worried, she never saw Wheepup in this kind of state.

Yongsun shook her head and smiled, “It’s okay, probably side effect after being left on the street. I totally get it, don’t worry. I’ll visit again with bribes next time.” She smiled at the little puppy and waved her hand, “I’ll be back with food for you, would you like that?”

Wheein shook her head back and forth. No, I just want you to stay away. She barked again and Yongsun laughed.

“I don’t think she likes me.”

Byul scratched her head, confused at the abnormal reaction from her puppy, “I have no idea why, she never been like this anymore.”

“I probably stepped over her territory, I have a dog as well at home and she didn’t like it when a stranger was near me. She’s probably jealous of me right now.”

Byul looked at the puppy with wonder on her face, “Are you jealous of Yongsun, wheepup?”

Wheein’s paws tapped at Byul’s chin repeatedly. Yes.

“Awww... don’t worry, little one. We’re only friends. I’m still yours and yours only.”

Yongsun groaned, “Don’t tell me you practice your pick up line with your puppy, I mean, don’t you get enough practice with all those pretty customers at the cafe already?”

Wheein used both of her paws to push herself away from Byul’s nuzzling nose when she heard Yongsun’s words. Bad Byul. Bad. Stay Away. She struggled to free herself from Byul’s embrace and leaped down, running toward Byul’s room, much to the two human’s amazement.

“She’s cute.”

“And apparently, she’s mad at me.” Byul scratched her head again, Wheepup had been acting really strange.

Pushing Byul toward the general direction of her bedroom, Yongsun grinned, “Take care of your jealous puppy first, I’ll go, see you tomorrow, Byul-ah.”

Still scratching her head in confusion, Byul walked slowly toward her bedroom and found the puppy curled up on the floor. Crouching beside the silent puppy and Byul her soft fur gently, “What’s wrong, wheepup? Are you mad at me?”

Byul sighed when the puppy refused to look at her and scooped the struggling puppy into her arms. Lounging on her bed, Byul looked at the obviously upset puppy and kissed her muzzle gently, “I’m not going to abandon you, you know. No matter what, I would always care for you.”

Wheein looked up and stared deep into Byul’s eyes, it was weird, the warmth that spread out slowly from the pit of her stomach to every part of her being. This mere mortal, who only knew her for a week, could say something like that, while her goddess whom she served all of her immortal life abandons her easily without a second thought.

Curling up inside Byul’s arms, Wheein sighed. Hwasa was wrong. She did belong here. She tapped Byul’s chest with her paw and gave her an adoring look. I would never leave you as well.



Three weeks passed and Wheein slowly accepted Yongsun’s presence. How could she not, the dark haired woman has a determination of a bull. She slowly approached Wheein and bribed her with all kinds of food although she prefers the cakes and sweets, who knew that human had such amazing food.

Wheein also had to admit that Yongsun was a sweetheart. She loved to cuddle up with Wheein and kept her warm. She didn’t mind all of the attention and being spoilt rotten by the human. the human’s squishy cheek as way of showing her affection, she settled down on Yongsun’s chest while the now close friend watched TV together.

A month. She’s been in this form for a month. It was hard at first, but now, it was almost a nature to her. Aside from Hwasa’s sudden visitation that one time, she had no other connection with her previous life. Maybe it was meant to be.

Her ears perked up when she heard Yongsun’s worried voice, “Byul, you’re burning up.”

Coughing slightly, Byul smiled weakly, “It’s nothing, just a cold. I forgot my umbrella again yesterday and caught under the rain when I was walking home, nothing a day sleep won’t cure.”

“Are you sure? Do you want me to take you to the doctor?”

“It’s okay, I have cold medicine, don’t worry so much, unnie.” Byul grinned at her to show Yongsun that she was indeed fine.

“Alright, I better get going. Remember, if you want me to take you to the doctor, just call me okay.”

Satisfied when Byul gave her a nod, Yongsun scratched Wheein under her ear and smiled, “Take care of your human, kay, Wheepup.” She kissed Wheein’s muzzle and gave her one last scratch before letting herself out of the apartment.

“It’s just you and me again, Wheepup.” Byul Wheein’s fur affectionately and smiled when Wheein scrambled up her chest and nuzzled her under jaw.

“I think I’m going to bed early. I don’t feel so good.”

Byul stood up and instantly felt like the world suddenly disappeared under her feet. Losing control over her consciousness, she fell on the floor. Her head connected with the edge of the table with a hard thud before her body hit the floor, blood leaking out from the gash on her forehead.

Wheein barked. She leaped over Byul’s body in panic. No!!

She screamed out loud, but all she heard was herself barking at the fallen human. No. Byul. No.

Please.... Someone please, help her....  

Golden lights shone brightly inside of the apartment and Wheein shivered in fear when she saw the light transfigured into a solid form – a man with bright golden hair and a pair of sky-blue eyes.

“Ah... my Serafine... what had my twin sister done to you?” His voice was gentle, as gentle as the wind and somehow the mere presence of him made everything seemed brighter and warmer.

He lightly flicked his wrist and Wheein found herself standing in front of him, back to her mortal form. Her long straight fine black hair that reached her lower waist brushed against the short white tunic that covered her slim body, she gasped, the sudden transformation made her wobbly on her now two feet. Instead of singing praise toward the god that transformed her back, she knelt beside the human and cradled her bleeding head on her lap, trying desperately to stop her bleeding.

“Please... please help her...”

Apollo looked at the two women in front of him with a silent contemplation, “Why would I want to do that?”

“Because not only you’re the god of the sun, you’re the god of healing as well! Please... she would die if you don’t heal her...”

A musical laughter left his lips as he crouched low beside the young woman, “What’s in it for me?”

“Take my life.” Wheein blurted out without thinking, “A life for a life.”

Sensing an incoming interference, Apollo quickly snapped his fingers, golden lights enveloped Byul’s body and suddenly the bleeding stopped, her previously burning up body returned to its normal temperature and she was simply in a deep sleep.

Remember, my Serafine, your life is mine. 

His voice reverberating through the once again empty apartment and just as soon as his voice was gone, another angry shout of ‘NO’ replaced his.

Wheein’s eyes widened when the goddess of hunt appeared out of thin air, her voice was full of anguish and her eyes were filled with sorrow when she looked at Wheein, “What have you done....”

“Answer me, child. You made a bargain with my twin brother for your life, a life that belongs to me!”

Wheein wiped the bloodstain on the Byul’s forehead tenderly, “It’s been done.”

Eyes the color of the greenest emerald bore into hers, “I’ve marked you.”

A sad smile graced Wheein’s lips, the crescent moon tattoo representing Artemis on her right shoulder burned, but from the burning feeling on her left shoulder, she knew that another tattoo already formed. A marking of the sun.

“I will not let him have you.” 

“That’s enough!”

Wheein in her breath when the goddess of wisdom and justice appeared alongside a smiling Aphrodite and a sullen Apollo. Her cold gray gaze clashed with Artemis, “None of you can have her life, not even when she traded her life for the human.”

“That is not fair!” the twin shouted simultaneously and glared at each other.

“Do remember who you are talking to.” Athena warned them, “It was not just what you did to her, banishing her to the human world in a form an animal. And you, she prayed for help and instead of helping as what your title bound you to do, you asked for a trade. Shameful. Both of you.”

“You! You meddle with this! Why do you have to bring Athena in, this is between Artemis and I.”

Aphrodite rolled her eyes at her step-brother, “Please, she traded her life for the human. That’s enough reason for me to interfere. It was a selfless act of love, and that, my dear brother, is my territory.” 

Wheein was rooted to the spot as Aphrodite approached her – it was not because the goddess of love is the most beautiful woman she ever lay eyes on – but because the presence of one god was enough to freeze a human, she had four Olympians standing in Byul’s tiny living room. Byul would definitely freak out if she knew.

“I will give you a boon, my beautiful child. Your love for her saved her life and yours, but you do not belong here. You’re an immortal in a mortal world. Artemis blessed you with speed, endurance and power, the ability to talk in many languages even with animals, you won’t age and no mortal wound could kill you. You would be an anomaly in this magic less world. You would need to hide your true self.”

A cold hand touched her cheek and Aphrodite’s sea-colored eyes met hers with so much warmth, she could feel the joy of love pierced her heart and the sudden urge to kiss the goddess and pledge her love.

“Don’t be sad now... Here’s my boon to you, if within 3 moon cycles the human fell in love you, love you enough to trade her life for yours, then I would grant you your mortality. However, if she doesn’t love you by that time...”

“She would serve me!” / “She would return to me.”

Aphrodite gave the twin gods an annoyed glare, “Honestly, I’m going to tell Dad just how childish you two were acting!”

She returned her attention back to the silent young woman, “If she doesn’t love you by that time... you will serve us for millennia each, what say you?”

“Yes...” Wheein whispered, she gulped and held her head high, turning slightly to look at Athena, “With words of oath from all of you, no interference.”

Athena smiled, “So shall be done.”

“Let it be done.” Artemis nodded begrudgingly.

“A god never lie, my Serafine.” Wheein shook her head on Apollo’s words.

“No, you just twisted it to suit your purpose.”

Apollo laughed and nodded, “So be it.”

The three gods left, leaving Aphrodite and Wheein alone with the still unconscious Byul.

With a snap of her fingers, Aphrodite sent Byul to her bed, satisfied that the human already safe within the cocoon of her blanket, she turned her attention back to Wheein.

Caressing her face gently, Aphrodite looked deep into Wheein’s eyes, “You may not tell her about us or about our deal. To make sure that you won’t slip up, I would take away one thing from you.” She trailed her fingers down Wheein’s throat, “I would take away your speech in your human form.”

And just like that, the goddess of love disappeared.

Gripping gently, Wheein closed her eyes. It was worth it.

Wheein gasped when lights suddenly engulfed her body and turned her back into a puppy before Aphrodite’s voice filled the room. To make this even more interesting, you will turn back into human again if she wish that you are one . Good luck, little one.   



Wheein’s ears perked up, body rigid as she prepared for another appearance of the deity when Hwasa materialized, lounging at the couch and Wheein sighed, slumping back down on the floor.

“It’s been one cycle of the moon and your stupid human still hasn’t wish for you to be human. The clock is ticking.”

You don’t have to remind me. Why are you here anyway? To bother me?

“We used to hunt together, my love. I missed you.” Wheein looked at her best friend and padded slowly to the couch, leaping off until she was on Hwasa’s lap, nuzzling her muzzle to her friend’s hand.

“I can’t wait until you return back to Delos.”

Growling, Wheein leaped back toward the floor. How could you say that?

“Serving the gods is better for us.” Hwasa sighed, “Even without any interference from them, how are you going to make her love you in this form? Beside, I’ve been watching your human, she got awfully close to that co-worker of hers.”

They’re just friends.

“Human heart is a fickle thing, they might be just friend now, but in time? And you don’t have that much time, love.”

If a puppy could pout, that was exactly that Wheein was currently doing.

“Do you really want to lose your immortality for a mere mortal? Do you know how many human that would trade place with you? To be the hunting companion of Artemis? To be the priestess of Apollo or Athena or Aphrodite?”

The one that abandoned me and treated me as a plaything? I served her for a millennia and she banished me like I was nothing. We are nothing to them. Don’t you ever wish that you find someone that would cherish you?

“I do. Cherish you.”

As a friend.

“What if I cherish you more than that?”

Wheein looked at her best friend with alarmed. She saw sincerity there and something else. Wheein narrowed her eyes, something didn’t feel right.

I’m sure Artemis would be happy with our union, right? She would honor us above all of her other companions?

Hwasa beamed, the happiness that radiated from her face nearly broke Wheein’s heart. The short haired woman approached her and scooped her up, holding her close to her chest nuzzling Wheein’s head with her cheek.

“Yes... we would be together until you have to serve the other gods.”

Wheein’s paw tapped on Hwasa’s chest lightly.

She fooled you. You said it yourself, she is a jealous goddess, she wouldn’t let anyone – especially her companions – to be together and love someone else above her. You love her more than anything because the wilderness is in your blood. You are bound to her. You wish for nothing else but her happiness and the mere thought of being treasured above all clouded your mind.

Hwasa frowned, her eyes went glassy and Wheein knew that the goddess was contacting her.

Go. Byul would be home soon. Tell Artemis to play fair, it was not like her to back out on her own words. No interference.

The glassiness on Hwasa’s eyes disappeared and she looked at Wheein with regrets, “I really do love you.”

But you belong to your goddess. Go. Please.

Hwasa reluctantly put Wheein back down on the floor, slowly dematerializing while her eyes still fixed on the small pup.  


Byul lathered the soap on to her body, humming FX’s song under her breath, the hot shower felt amazing after the long day at the cafe. She never understood how anyone could just stay in a cafe for 5 straight hours, only ordering one cup of hot black coffee and didn’t even move until she had to inform the guy that they were closing.

Rinsing off the suds from her body, she turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Drying off, she wrapped a fluffy cotton towel around her damp body and walked back toward her bedroom. She flopped her body on to the bed, nose to muzzle with the small pup that already lying down there.

“Do you miss me today, Wheepup?”

Byul grinned and scratched the pup’s ears with affection when a small paw tapped her nose, as if saying yes.

“I miss you, you know. I can’t wait to be home but the customers were endless and there’s this one guy that just won’t budge from his seat, I had to shoo him away just so I could close shop.”

Kissing the pup’s muzzle, Byul sighed, closing her eyes, she laid her head on top of the puppy,  “Sometimes I wish you are human so you could give me a big big big hug in time like this.”

Not even a second after the words left Byul’s lips, she felt something shifted, her head moved up by the force of something expanding below her. She opened her eyes and looked down.

A crown of black hair followed by glinting dark eyes, a small nose, a full rosy lips upturn in a smile, all in all a really sweet and pretty face looked up at her and Byul blinked.

She blinked again before her brain finally catches up with what she was seeing and she leaped off the bed with a scream. Red peppered her face, all over her body even down to her toes when she realized that not only her wheepup turned into a beautiful woman, the said woman was very very .

Wheein looked down and grimaced at her state of undress. Great Aphrodite, just great.

“What... What... What just happened?” Byul stuttered and she never stuttered in her life. Never. She tightened her hold on her loosened towel and stared. She stared because she was still in a state of shock, not because it was a nice view indeed. Nope. She was still in shock and that’s why her eyes were glued to the magnificent human – definitely human – in front of her.

Wheein opened but then remembered that she lost her speech in human form, sighing she grabbed hold on the thick bed comforter and draped it over her shoulder. She gripped both end of the thick cloth in front of her to cover herself as much as possible.

She walked toward Byul who had this sort of be spelled amazement all over her face and cupped her face gently. She bit her lips, she didn’t want Byul to be scared of her, but she just transformed into a human in this world that no longer believe in the existence of gods. 

“Wheepup?” Byul tentatively touched Wheein’s cheek and was amazed when she found a solid and warm form underneath her fingertips. So this is not a dream.

Wheein nodded, smiling ever so gently to Byul, happy that she could finally touch Byul with her own hands.

“How could it possible?” Wheein shrugged, her lips still curved into a sweet smile.

“Was it because I wish that you are human? Like, is that even possible? You’re not a genie are you?”

Wheein laughed – she didn’t understand why this human would think that she was the demon from Middle East, because she honestly didn’t look like one – but no sound came out.

Byul noticed the sadness and the lack of sound as well, “You can’t speak.”

Wheein shook her head.  

“I... it’s okay... I would still care for you.... I....” Byul looked down trying to figure out what to say, only to blush again when her eyes met the soft swell of Wheein’s s, not fully covered by the comforter.

“Well....” she cleared and smiled when she saw the amusement playing in Wheein’s dark eyes, she scratched her head in slight awkwardness and laughed, “First thing first, I think we need to wear some clothes.”

Byul hurried over to her dresser and put on her old pullover and sweatpants before turning back and found Wheein with her back turned, as if giving her some privacy to change. Byul smiled and walked over to her, “Here, put this on.” She tapped Wheein’s shoulder and her heart beat faster when she saw that bright smile again. She’s seriously really pretty.

“I only have pullover and sweatpants for sleepwear. I don’t have new underwear, so uhm.... maybe we could do some shopping for you tomorrow, in the mean time... Uhm... just go commando, if... if that’s okay with you.”

Wheein took the article of clothing from Byul’s hand and looked at it with amazement. She’s not sure what the human meant by going commando, the translation went awry in her head, her eyebrow knitted in concentration but she still didn’t understand. Shrugging it off as a human thing, she turned the fabric around in her hands, she was so used to only wearing tunic, so it would be interesting to wear something from this universe.   

Finally able to breathe a little easier after Wheein was fully covered, Byul smiled pointed at the bed awkwardly, “Uhm... Feel free to use the bed, I will just sleep on the couch and uhm... I’ll take you shopping tomorrow, okay Wheepup?”

She was about to leave when Wheein grabbed hold of her hand and dragged her over to the bed. She pushed Byul into the bed and climbed on, taking Byul’s hand and wrapped it on her waist.

Byul felt like a drummer is currently playing a 128 beat rock music with her heart, she was always attracted to woman and dated with a couple of them throughout high school and her early university days and her wheepup is seriously pretty, but this is crazy!

She just saw her puppy turned into this beautiful woman in her arms, but how could it be?  Maybe she was going crazy. Well, she didn’t do drugs, so she could scratch self-induced hallucination off the list, maybe she had a mental breakdown or mental disease from too much studying?

An arm draped itself onto Byul’s body and she could feel the young woman snuggling against her. No way, it felt too real to be just a figment of my imagination. She’s warm. She’s definitely real. I touched her and she’s solid. But how?

Byul’s head keep coming up with possibilities – yet still – no matter how hard her brain tried to come up with explanation, it still didn’t make any sense. Tired of thinking and after such long hours at work, with warm body that smell oh so good beside her, Byul fell asleep. The last thing on her mind was the thought that maybe, just maybe, it’s a gift for her from heaven. 



Author's Note

So... I got this prompt from @babujjung and it was supposed to be fluffy and a cute one shot, but my hands decided otherwise and then poof, this story happened. So... sorry @babujjung that it didnt really turn out as expected T___T

Again, its supposed to be a one shot, but it got too long so I will just cut it into a 2 part-er and I havent finished writing this LOL. Anyway, I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR PEEPS!! Another year has passed with a lot of memories, lesson learned, milestones reached, friendship made, so here's to another awesome year ahead.

PS: So many Wheebyul stories lately, I'm blessed! Thank you for writing wheebyul, my reader heart is so happy *happy tears*  

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wheeinwonderland #1
Chapter 2: This will always be the best wheebyul fic i've ever read and i still keep coming back here to read this. Thank you so much for writing this author-nim!
Ember03 #2
Chapter 2: This is amazing. You are amazing.
cyner9 #3
Chapter 2: one of my fav wheebyul story. thanks!
elasan #4
Chapter 2: this was amazing
Chapter 2: This is one of my favorite wheebyul story i will come back and give you an upvote gonna save first.
Chapter 2: Greek mythology and mamamoo! Two of my worlds colliding. Damn, this is just amazing. And I'm grateful that it has a happy ending.
Chapter 2: Omg i love this
I would love to see epilogue with byul as zeus legatua tho :') but overall damn im so in love
Chapter 2: I love Greek Myths and I love Mamamoo!!
I want to know more about Byul as Zeus Legatus... I hope you will update more on this story, author-nim.. ^_^
Chapter 1: I always find Wheein with black hair the most attractive.. ^^