

More than a year after evil had been vanquished, the guardians of the “Tree of Life” slowly get back into the rhythm of their normal lives. Or as close to “normal” as possible being legendary musical idols with magical secrets.


Hey guys! 

Sorry I haven't been updating my Super Junior fanfictions....I will get to them soon; I just haven't been in the mood to write them lately.

I decided to freshen my writing by starting anew, at least for a little while. So, I present this fanfiction! I have mentioned it previously in my blogs, and my poll said that you guys want this one before the coffee shop fic! <3

First things first, I am NOT very knowledgeable about EXO's present dorming situation, so that will be portrayed incorrectly. Please bear with me on those mistakes.

Secondly, I know there are a lot of MAMAverse fanfiction out there. I just wanted to show my take on it, where EXO still have their powers but they are just normal idols now. So you get to see how their powers are used presently, what it feels like to use such powers, and their side effects.

Now, please go enjoy! I wrote the first chapter as a New Year's gift to all of my fans! Happy New Year 2017! <3


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