Evening (Dongwoo)


It was only November, and the temperature was already dropping. Minwoo hurriedly waved goodbye to the other Boyfriend members before slipping into the hotel room he was sharing with Donghyun. The leader had been called away by their manager after their performance had ended, and Minwoo decided to take advantage of Donghyun’s absence to take a shower.


When Minwoo came out of the bathroom, Donghyun was sitting at the foot of the bed, messing with his phone. A cart carrying their dinner had been wheeled into the room while Minwoo was showering, and a delicious smell had settled into the room.


“Oh, hyung. You’re back.” Minwoo finished drying his hair and draped the towel over his shoulders. He sat next to Donghyun and began poking through the food in front of them. “What did the manager want?”


Donghyun yawned. “He said we have the next two weeks off since we did so well with our promotions this time.” He watched Minwoo prod at the food. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”


The two of them picked up their chopsticks and began devouring their meal. Minwoo held a slice of beef to Donghyun’s mouth. “Hyung, try this. It’s really good.”


Donghyun chewed on the meat and made a sound of approval. “It really is good,” he agreed as he fed Minwoo some food as well.


When they finished eating, Donghyun slipped into the bathroom to wash up. Minwoo cleaned up the best he could and left the cart near the door. He then crawled into the bed with a book that he had started.


Donghyun came out of the bathroom and hopped into bed next to Minwoo. He put on his glasses and opened up his laptop, deciding to check on how well their promotions were doing. Minwoo glanced over at the bright screen, blinking in surprise at the results.


“Woah, hyung. That’s better than I expected.”


Donghyun smiled at the younger. “Everyone worked hard for this promotion.” He closed the laptop and leaned over to place it on a chair that was pushed against the wall. “I hope we can get such good results in the future.” He yawned, retreating back under the covers and laying down with his eyes closed.


“Hyung, if you’re going to sleep, you should at least take your glasses off.” Minwoo reached over and gently removed the accessory from Donghyun’s face, placing it on the bedside table.


“I’m not going to sleep,” Donghyun mumbled as he rolled over and wrapped his arms around Minwoo’s waist, burying his face into the younger’s side. Minwoo squeaked as Donghyun’s nose dug into his side and squirmed around until he got used to the ticklish feeling. The group’s leader muttered something unintelligible as he adjusted his position as well.


Minwoo rested an arm around Donghyun’s shoulders and turned back to his book. A comfortable silence settled in the room, broken by the sound of Donghyun breathing and Minwoo occasionally turning a page. Minwoo had begun to think that Donghyun had actually fallen asleep until the leader spoke.




“Yes, hyung?”


“For the next two weeks, let’s go to all the places we want to go and do all the things we want to do.” Donghyun shifted so that he was looking at Minwoo with bleary eyes. “If you want to.”

Minwoo smiled as he absentmindedly Donghyun’s hair. “Of course, hyung.”

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Unfortunately, there won't be an update for this story on April 2nd either. Sorry about missing two weeks, but midterms didn't allow me to write.


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Chapter 10: You're cute Kwangmin ah... both of you had your own charm ^3^
Chapter 1: Lol the er XD
Chapter 26: It was well done. Really. The last three chapters, too. And thanks for ending this with JeongSeong, my ultimate OTP of Boyfriend. :)
Will be looking forward to your next stories involving Boyfriend. Fighting! ^^
Chapter 23: Thanks for the double updates! ^^ I like both chapters. They were both fluffy and cute! :))
Chapter 21: So it's about to end soon, isn't it? It's only 5 more letters left, I suppose. I'm sorry if I don't comment on every single chapter you've updated, but I just want to say that I've read all of them. I read them all because I just found them... Beautiful. Regardless of the genre and being the short stories they are, I like and love them all, because I love Boyfriend. :) And I'm sure you write these stories because you love them, too. Thanks for writing this. :))
Chapter 12: did chapter 12 really happen? :o
if so, can i get a link? hehe
Chapter 10: Hey. This is so... Sweet xD
Chapter 6: Until this point, I think you have written good stories. At least they can fill my feeling for missing Boyfriend lately. :)