Brothers (Youngkwang)


Kwangmin chewed his bottom lip nervously as he held his phone to his ear, waiting for the other person to pick up the call. His free hand was buried in his jacket pocket in an attempt to protect it from the cold wind that occasionally ruffled his hair. An especially harsh breeze sent shivers up Kwangmin’s spine, and he prayed for his brother to answer.




Kwangmin breathed out a sigh of relief. “Youngminnie…”


“Kwangmin? What’s wrong?”


“Where are you right now?” Kwangmin was jumping up and down, hoping that the feeling would return to his toes. “I accidentally locked myself out of the dorm. Can you let me in?”


There was a pause on the other side, and Kwangmin heard Youngmin talking to someone else. The younger twin paused in his exercise, mentally scolding himself when he remembered that Youngmin had a photoshoot at this time. He was debating on who to call next when Youngmin started talking to him again.


“Kwangminnie? I’ll be there in ten minutes.”


“Oh, no. It’s, uh, it’s okay. I forgot you are busy right now. I can call…” Kwangmin blinked when he heard a click. He held the phone away and stared at it. Did Youngmin just hang up on him? Was he coming back anyway?


Sure enough, Youngmin arrived not even ten minutes later, key already out of his pocket and in his hand. Kwangmin immediately jumped up from his seat on the front steps and hurried to his brother’s side.


“Hey, you didn’t have to come back if you were busy. I could have called Jeongmin-hyung or Minwoo,” Kwangmin babbled as Youngmin unlocked the door.


“Ah, why are you so noisy.” Youngmin opened the door and pushed Kwangmin into the hall. He pointed at the key resting innocently on a table near the front door. “Remember to take your keys next time you leave the dorm. And don’t get sick!”


“Okay, okay.” Kwangmin grinned, waving at Youngmin as the latter hurried back down the steps.

Several days later…


Youngmin was tired as hell.


He and Kwangmin had to wake up early that day to go to an interview. Having gone to bed late last night, both twins spent the majority of the interview stifling their yawns and trying to stay awake.


When the interview was finally over and the twins were back in the dorm, Youngmin sleepily trailed into their room and collapsed on his bed, groggily telling Kwangmin to wake him up for the photoshoot later that afternoon. However, it felt as though he had barely closed his eyes before his little brother was shaking him awake.


“Youngminnie, we have thirty minutes before the photoshoot. You need to get up!”


Youngmin shot out of bed and dashed into the bathroom. “Thirty minutes?” he repeated as he washed his face. “I haven’t even eaten lunch yet! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier? Are we going to make it on time?”


“We will.” Kwangmin sounded oddly calm as he leaned against the doorway of the bathroom. “As for lunch, I heated up the leftover tteokbokki from yesterday. You can eat it in the car.”


“Oh, really?” Youngmin ran a hand through his hair, trying to smooth out the parts that were sticking up.


“Hey, why are you even trying to fix your hair? The stylists at the photoshoot will do it.” Kwangmin grabbed Youngmin by the sleeve and began pulling him towards the front door. Youngmin snagged a jacket that was thrown over the back of the couch as he stumbled behind his brother.


“Stop pulling so hard! I still need to get my wallet and keys,” the older complained.


“I already got those.” Kwangmin picked up the tupperware that was sitting on the table near the door. “And here’s your tteukbokki.”


“Ah, my shoes!”


After Youngmin hurriedly put his shoes on, the twins got into the company car and sped off to their photoshoot. A silence settled between them, broken by the sound of Youngmin chewing on his tteukbokki. The driver glanced in the rearview mirror a few times to see the twins awkwardly sitting on opposite ends of the seat.

Youngmin waited until the driver looked away before stabbing his fork through a tteukbokki and holding it out to Kwangmin. The younger twin took it gladly, chewing and swallowing as the two returned to their original positions before the driver noticed them.

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Unfortunately, there won't be an update for this story on April 2nd either. Sorry about missing two weeks, but midterms didn't allow me to write.


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Chapter 10: You're cute Kwangmin ah... both of you had your own charm ^3^
Chapter 1: Lol the er XD
Chapter 26: It was well done. Really. The last three chapters, too. And thanks for ending this with JeongSeong, my ultimate OTP of Boyfriend. :)
Will be looking forward to your next stories involving Boyfriend. Fighting! ^^
Chapter 23: Thanks for the double updates! ^^ I like both chapters. They were both fluffy and cute! :))
Chapter 21: So it's about to end soon, isn't it? It's only 5 more letters left, I suppose. I'm sorry if I don't comment on every single chapter you've updated, but I just want to say that I've read all of them. I read them all because I just found them... Beautiful. Regardless of the genre and being the short stories they are, I like and love them all, because I love Boyfriend. :) And I'm sure you write these stories because you love them, too. Thanks for writing this. :))
Chapter 12: did chapter 12 really happen? :o
if so, can i get a link? hehe
Chapter 10: Hey. This is so... Sweet xD
Chapter 6: Until this point, I think you have written good stories. At least they can fill my feeling for missing Boyfriend lately. :)