
Eryn is a 17 year old girl with dreams that go well beyond her small village community and her provincial lifestyle. She has hopes to one day escape the Triangle she has been born and raised within. Her hopeful mind and greater knowledge to the world beyond send her to sit by a portal she has known her whole life to have brought things in. She, day in and day out, sits awaiting the portal to open with goals to get through it to the outer world. But, when the portal opens, her dreams of exiting the Triangle extinguish, instead she greets the new arrival.
Hongseok, a 23 year old man from Earth has found himself stuck within an unbelievable world, a dimension only known to him as a scientific theory, the Devil’s Triangle.
Eryn who is filled with curiosity about the Earth’s surface befriends the arrival in hopes to grow her knowledge of the outer world. Hongseok wishes to return to where he came from and vows to help Eryn out. Together, along with a few others also seeking the same earthly outcome, adventure into the uncharted land of the Triangle to find an ‘exit portal’.
Friendships, lies, romances, betrayal and blood line their journey.
The group continues looking forward and into their vastly different but all too similar dreams.



The story takes place within The Bermuda Triangle.

basic character descriptions:

Eryn is a hopeful young girl with big dreams. She is somewhat naive but it’s only because of her outstanding curiosity and desire for knowledge.

Hongseok is a mysterious man who has layer which need pealing back. He doesn’t open up easily and puts a guard up. He is a smart gentleman, but primarily communicates with sarcasm.

Skye is Eryn’s older sister, she abides by the rules and doesn’t like arguing, but when she learns of a greater life she becomes eager to achieve her dreams. She is an independent and knowledgeable young woman.

Madisen is a go with the flow type of girl who keeps silent about her dreams. Although she may seem to be living a dream life a sit is she can’t help but have bigger dreams.

Wooseok is a playful and outgoing young man. He tries hard to impress others, especially Skye. He easily follows others but has a strong sense of independence.

Yuto is a quiet soul, he is very calm and collected but he knows when he should act. He is intuitive and observant.

Emily is a cheerful and bubbly young girl, who comes across happy but she’s the first person to express her distaste to something, somebody or a situation.

There will be other charcater through out the story.





** my appologies if updates take some time, I will do my best to update quick.


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midnightangelxo #1
Chapter 3: im enjoying this story so far ^^ its quite unique and different to others ive read. Cant wait to see how the rest of this story goes